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Kelly Starrett is a coach, physical therapist, author,

speaker, and creator of this MobilityWOD.com, which
has revolutionized how athletes think about human
movement and athletic performance.

MobilityWOD was voted #4 in Outside Magazines Top

10 Fitness Blogs of 2011, Breaking Muscles Top 10
Fitness Blogs of 2011, and Health Lines Top 100 Health
Blogs of 2011. Kelly and his work have been featured in
Tim Ferris Four Hour Body, Inside the Box, Brian
MacKenzie's Power Speed Endurance, Competitor
Magazine, Inside Triathlon, Outside Magazine, Details
Magazine, Power Magazine, and the Crossfit Journal.
He teaches the wildly popular Crossfit Movement &
Mobility Trainer course and has been a guest lecturer at
the American Physical Therapy Association annual
convention, Google, the Perform Better Summit, the
Special Operations Medial Association annual
conference, police departments, and elite military
groups nationwide.

Coach Kelly Starrett received his Doctor of Physical

Therapy in 2007 from Samuel Merritt College in
Oakland, California. Before starting his own physical
therapy practice at San Francisco CrosSFit, one of the
first 50 CrossFit affiliates, he practiced performance-
based physical therapy at the world-renowned Stone
With intelligence and swagger, Kelly Starrett is Clinic. In his current practice, Kelly continues to focus
carpet-bombing the tired notions of what for years on performance-based Orthopedic Sports Medicine
has stranded stretching and recovery thought in a with an emphasis on returning athletes to elite level
ditch. With fresh vision harnessed to an
sport and performance.Kellys clients have included
exceptional background as an elite athlete, coach
Olympic gold-medalists, Tour de France cyclists, world
and physical therapist, he is pioneering a new era
of sports performance as it relates to movement,
and national record holding Olympic Lifting and Power
mechanics and the actualization of athletic athletes, Crossfit Games medalists, ballet dancers,
potential. Athletes and coaches from the entire military personnel, and competitive age-division
spectrum of sport will benefit by following his lead. athletes.

T.J. Murphy, Editor-at-Large, Competitor Magazine Kellys background as an athlete and coach includes
paddling whitewater slalom canoe on the US Canoe
and Kayak Teams, and leading the Mens Whitewater
Rafting Team to two national titles and competition in
two World Championships. In his free time Kelly enjoys
spending time with his wife Juliet and two daughters,
Georgia and Caroline, surfing, paddling, Olympic lifting,
hot-tubbing, and so-you-think-you-can-dancing.

The 4-Hour Life: Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise.

Neil Strauss, is an American author and journalist. He is
a contributing editor at Rolling Stone for more than 15
years, and also wrote regularly for The New York Times.
He is a Seven-time New York Times bestselling author.
Neils most recent book Everyone loves you when youre
dead, collects the 228 best, craziest, and most soul-
baring moments from his adventures with musicians,
celebrities, and icons while writing cover stories for
Rolling Stone and the New York Times.

Strauss is the co-author of four previous bestsellers:

How to Make Love Like a Porn Star (with Jenna
Jameson), The Dirt (with Motley Crue), Dont Try This At
Home (with Dave Navarro), and The Long Hard Road
Out of Hell (with Marilyn Manson): He is also the co-
author, with Bernard Chang, of the satirical graphic
novel How to Make Money Like a Porn Star, which has
been banned in Singapore. Strauss lives in Los
Angeles, CA, where he is already at work on his next
book, underground in a new secret subculture.

After finishing a private Chicago high school, the Latin

School of Chicago, Strauss attended Columbia
University for two years, as well as Vassar College. He
began his career writing for Ear, an avant-garde
magazine, before moving on to the Village Voice, where
he did everything from copy-editing to fact-checking.
His fastidiousness paid off when he was invited by Jon
Pareles to become a music critic at The New York
Times, where he wrote the influential Pop Life column.
He was then invited by Jann Wenner to become a
contributing editor at Rolling Stone where he wrote
cover stories on Kurt Cobain, Madonna, Tom Cruise,
Orlando Bloom, the Wu-Tang Clan, Gwen Stefani and
Marilyn Manson. He won the ASCAP Deems Taylor
Award for his coverage of Kurt Cobain's suicide for
Rolling Stone and his profile of Eric Clapton in The New
York Times Arts & Leisure section.

After leaving The New York Times to ghostwrite the

memoir of Jameson, Strauss authored The Game:
Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists (Regan
Books, 2005), a book about a sub-culture of pick-up
artists known as the seduction community. Under the
alter ego Style, Strauss achieved the unexpected
distinction of being named the worlds greatest pickup
artist three years in a row. The book made a month-long
appearance in the New York Times bestsellers list in
September-October 2005, and reached the #1 position
on Amazon.com immediately after its release in the
United States.

The 4-Hour Life: Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise.

After beginning his career at Intel, Noah went on to be
employee #30 at Facebook, where he was a Product
Manager, and employee number #4 at Mint, where he
was the Director of Marketing.

From there, he helped start two $1,000,000+

businesses - Kickflip (later called Gambit) and
AppSumo, where he is currently Chief Sumo. Both were
started in just one weekend.

He also has a blog called OkDork, where he's been

sharing his thoughts on startups, marketing, self-
exploration and tacos for the last 7 years.

The 4-Hour Life: Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise.

Im the founder of Samasource, an award-winning social
business that connects people living in poverty to
microwork small, computer-based tasks that build
skills and generate life-changing income. I serve on the
boards of CARE, the global pover ty-fighting
organization (and inventor of the care package),
OneLeap and TechSoup Global and as an advisor to
BrightFunds and RevelTouch. I also recently launched
Samahope, a new site to crowdfund surgeries in poor

Earlier in my career, I was a a Visiting Scholar with the

Stanford Program on Global Justice and Australian
National Universitys Center for Applied Philosophy and
Public Ethics. I was a founding Director of Incentives for
Global Health, an initiative to increase R&D spending
on diseases of the poor, and a management consultant
at Katzenbach Partners (now Booz & Co.). Ive also
worked at the World Bank and as a travel writer for Lets
Go in Mozambique, Brazil, and Borneo.

Im a frequent speaker on social entrepreneurship and

technology. My work has been profiled by Forbes, CBS,
CNN, NPR, the BBC, The New York Times, and The
New Scientist, and I was on the cover of Fast
Companys July 2012 issue. Ive been fortunate to
receive several awards for my work, including a 2011
Entrepreneur of the Year Award from the Social
Enterprise Alliance, a 2010 World Technology Award,
and a 2012 TechFellow Award. Sorel partnered with me
this fall to launch the Get Your Boots Dirty campaign.

I received a BA from Harvard and live in San Francisco

with my fianc, Benjamin Leslie.

The 4-Hour Life: Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise.

John Jackson, of Waterloo, IN is an entrepreneur,
inventor, owner of several businesses, and creator of
ARCHERY TAG, a game that his team invented in
2011. Since its inception, it has gained worldwide
interest with people of all ages and backgrounds. It is a
game as exciting as paintball without the pain or mess,
active as dodge ball, intuitive, and competitively
challenging; making it a game like none other.

In addition to the tag game, Archery Tag has

opened up unlimited possibilities for target shooting as
well. Jackson, who has been shooting a bow for 40+
years, enjoys sharing his passion for archery with others
and has taught countless adults and kids how to hit the
mark with his simple approach to archery. He created a
whole new way of experiencing archery with his patent-
pending, foam-tipped arrows, because people find it
much less intimidating to try.

The 4-Hour Life: Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise.

Dave Camarillo is the founder of Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu and
Combatives program. He has had over a decade of
experience with Law Enforcement, Military, and is one of
the best in the world when it comes to teaching
Grappling and Striking. Dave teaches full-time in the bay
area to beginner level students to professional fighters
and to law enforcement and military personnel. In 2011,
Vincit Magazine named Dave Coach of the Year.

3rd Degree Black Belt in Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu, Sandan

Level Black Belt Judo

Guerrilla Combatives Master Instructor

Over 25 years experience in elite competition in Judo

and Jiu-Jitsu

Over 8 years training professional fighters

(MACP) Modern Army Combatives Program Level 4

Subject Matter Expert Certified

CEO and Master Instructor of Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu

program at Headquarters in Pleasanton and San Jose,

Author of Guerrilla Jiu-Jitsu, the book and Submit


The 4-Hour Life: Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise.

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