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Name:__________________________________________ Period:_________________

U.S. History 1st Semester Final

Directions: circle the best answer for each of the questions below.
True & False Questions (2 points each):

1. Climate is the usual weather pattern of an area over a long period of time.
True False
2. The British settled nine original colonies in what is now the United States.
True False
3. The five themes of geography are location, place, climate, region, and movement.
True False
4. Pocahontas married John Smith and moved back to England with him.
True False
5. The Declaration of Independence begins with the phrase: “We the People”.
True False
6. Benedict Arnold was the trusted American general caught spying for the British?
True False
7. Both Great Britain and France claimed the Ohio Valley before 1763.
True False
8. It is easier for technology to travel on a east-west axis than it is on a north-south axis.
True False
9. Political maps show places that people have created, such as cities or the boundaries of
states and nations.
True False
10. About 70 percent of the earth’s surface is covered with land.
True False

Multiple Choice Questions (2 points each):

11. Christopher Columbus claimed the lands in the Americas for

A. Italy. C. Great Britain.
B. Portugal. D. Spain.
12. Many Aztec were killed by
A. a hurricane. C. a famine.
B. disease. D. the Inca.
13. In what region of the United States can you find the nation’s “breadbasket” area?
A. Coastal Plains C. Interior Plains
B. Canadian Shield D. Intermountain Region
14. In trying to find a quicker rout to Asia, Prince Henry the Navigator explored the coast of
A. Portugal. C. India.
B. Africa. D. South America.
15. He was an Italian who brought information about Asia to Europe in the late 1200s.
A. Columbus C. Marco Polo
B. Eric the Red D. Cortez
16. The answer to Yali’s question: “Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo
and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own?”
A. Race (genetic) differences C. Europeans are more intelligent
B. Yali’s people were savages D. Differences in their environments
Name:__________________________________________ Period:_________________

Multiple Choice continued…

17.The French and Indian War was fought between Great Britain and
A. Native Americans. C. the colonies.
B. Spain. D. France.
18. Social mobility concerns the ability to
A. move from one city to another.
B. move from one social class to another.
C. control the behavior of another person.
D. control the behavior of a group of people.
19.What colonial meeting led the American colonies directly into war with
Great Britain?
A. a New England town meeting
B. the First Continental Congress
C. the Second Continental Congress
D. the Albany Plan of Union
20.Growing cotton, tobacco, rice, and indigo requires many
A. tools. C. workers.
B. climates. D. levels of land.
21.The first Thanksgiving (harvest celebration) was celebrated in
A. Plymouth C. Jamestown
B. Newfoundland D. Boston
22.. The House of Burgesses was a
A. plantation house. C. London court.
B. Boston court. D. colonial lawmaking body.
23.Washington’s army endured a harsh winter at
A. Trenton. C. Valley Forge.
B. Bunker Hill. D. Saratoga.
24.At Chesapeake Bay, Charles Cornwallis was blockaded by ships from
A. France. C. Germany.
B. Spain. D. China.
25.People who supported maintaining ties with Great Britain were called
A. Patriots. C. Loyalists.
B. Britons. D. Kingsmen.
26. True site of the Battle of Bunker Hill
A. Green Mountain C. Saratoga.
B. Breeds Hill. D. Lexington
27.The Constitutional Convention was held in
A. Boston. C. Philadelphia.
B. New York. D. Washington
28.These people were know for their concern of an all-powerful central
A. Sons of Liberty. C. Anti-Federalists.
B. Federalists . D. Constitutionalists.
29.“Father of the Constitution”?
A. Alexander Hamilton C. Thomas Jefferson
B. James Madison D. George Washington
30.The first 10 Amendments to the constitution?
A. Bill of Rights. C. Articles of Confederation.
B. Preamble . D. Great Compromise
Name:__________________________________________ Period:_________________

Complete the timeline table below by adding the correct events from
the above list to the correct chronological time (24 points).
Benedict Arnold betrays Columbus Bill of Rights
Prince Henry the Navigator Magellan names the Pacific Boston
Battle of Lexington Stamp Act Out of Africa
Georgia is established Great Awakening Boston Tea
First Americans cross Bering land bridge Declaration of Independence
French & Indian War begins Hinduism appears in India Shays
Roman Empire begins British surrender at Yorktown First Thanksgiving
Leif Eriksson lands in North America New York is established Marco

7 million years ago

2.5 million years ago Stone Age
20,000 – 12,000 years ago
3,000 years ago Invention of writing
1,500 B.C.
750 B.C. Homer writes Iliad and Odyssey
600 B.C. Judaism develops
533 B.C. Founding of Buddhism
420 B.C. Beginning of Greek Philosophy
27 B.C.
4 B.C.? – 29 A.D.? Jesus Christ
476 – 1000 A.D Middle Ages and the Crusades
1009 A.D.
1271 A.D.
Early 1400s A.D.
1492 A.D.
Early 1520 A.D.
1521 A.D. Cortez conquers the Aztec empire and builds Mexico City
1607 A.D.
1621 A.D.
1635 A.D. Puritans banish Roger Williams who founds Rhode Island
1664 A.D.
1681 A.D. Quaker William Penn establishes the colony Pennsylvania
1732 A.D.
1730s – 1740s A.D.
1753 A.D.
1763 A.D. Treaty of Paris
1765 A.D.
1770 A.D.
1773 A.D.
1774 A.D. First Continental Congress
1775 A.D.
1776 A.D.
1777 A.D. Battle of Saratoga
1780 A.D.
Name:__________________________________________ Period:_________________

1781 A.D.
1783 A.D. George Washington addresses troops in a final farewell
1786 A.D.
1788 A.D. Constitution is ratified
1789 A.D.
Draw a Memory map in the box below of the United States in 1789 and make sure to
add and label the following items (16 points):
 First draw and label from memory the borders of the United States after a rough sketch (5 pts.)…
Just do the best you can!
 Next your map should include these items (11 points.) :
o The Mississippi River
o The Apilation Mountains
o The Great Lakes
o At least 5 of the original 13 states (one point each)
o The citiy of Boston
o The city of Charlestown
o The Ohio Valley

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