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Term End Examination - November 2013

Course : SWE428 - E-Governance Slot: D1

Class NBR : 4882

Time : Three Hours Max.Marks:100

Answer any TEN Questions
(10 X 10 = 100 Marks)

1. Enumerate major constraints to developing and providing e-Gov services. Mention aim [5+3+2]
and objectives of the e-Gov project chosen by you for your case study. Suggest an
appropriate classification of e-Gov development levels.

2. Mention different types of e-Gov based on ICT-enabled relationships between [2+2+6]

government and other key stakeholders. Illustrate a generic model of e-Governance and
its preparatory steps. Enumerate the salient features of India's National e-Governance
Plan (NeGP).

3. Giving examples, discuss e-Gov applications in any two of the following sectors: [5+5]
(a) Healthcare (b) Local body administration (c) Education (d) Agriculture.

4. Illustrate e-Gov project life cycle and enumerate major activities under each of its [8+2]
phases. Why process reengineering is often necessary before undertaking e-Gov

5. Given the set of requirements for an e-Gov project, enumerate the major steps to arrive [2+3+5]
at an initial overall architecture. What are the challenges of e-Gov system design?
Illustrate a typical work system framework and enumerate various phases of work
system life cycle.

6. Briefly discuss salient features of any two of the following: [5+5]

(a) Data warehousing and data mining
(b) smart card and biometrics
(c) Geographical information systems

7. Mention two major reasons justifying need of cloud computing in e-Governance. Draw a [2+5+3]
diagram depicting cloud scenario for e-Governance application. Also, enumerate any
three benefits of cloud computing in the context of e-Governance.

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8. Draw an overall architectural diagram of a citizen centric district portal. In the above [5+5]
context, suggest a few application scenarios of the following:
(a) Data warehousing and data mining
(b) Smart card and biometrics
(c) Geographical information systems.

9. What are the constituents of e-Gov ecosystem? Which of these are relevant to your [3+2+5]
e-Gov project case study? What are the aim and objectives of state-wide area networks

10. Distinguish among standards, benchmarks and guidelines mentioning how these impact [5+3+2]
various quality attributes. What are the advantages of open standards based
e-Governance? Mention any two standards for technologies used in e-Governance.

11. What are elements of a state data centre and common quality attributes of these [5+5]
elements? What does constitute a typical framework for designing and managing SLAs
for e-Gov?

12. A typical framework for e-Gov project evaluation may broadly contain the following [10]
five factors: citizen-centricity, technology, sustainability, replicability and integration.
Comment on each of evaluation parameters under the above pertaining to your e-Gov
project case study.

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