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Teaching dialogue transcript from youtube video What is a

noun clause? - Noun Clauses and Politics

The video is of a Jay Lenon character interviewing the 2012

Republican Primary election. A primary is a run-off where candidates
compete to be the Republican representative in the general election.

-Mr. Ron Paul can you explain what a noun clause is?

-Well sure I can! A noun clause is a group of words with the subject
and verb. It acts like a noun.

-That's right Ron that means it can be in the subject place or the
object place in the sentence. Many times it starts with the words: that
who why where how where when.

-Here's an example Mitt: I believe that I can win the election. I know
how to run a country.

-Your noun clauses were that I can win the nomination and how to
run a country. Now Newt, I'm going to use two noun clauses right
now. Everyone knows that I can win too. Everyone knows that I'm
different from the rest of you. That everyone isn't voting for me is a
mystery. They believe that I will end unnecessary wars and then I will
bring liberty back to the USA. See! I just used three noun clauses.

-I don't know who you think you are. I don't know what you want to
do. I don't even know where you want to go. I do know that I've got a
great haircut. I just used four noun clauses.

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