LVL 8 Intro

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It has been nearly 2 years since you joined the Ravens.

You have all obtained the rank of lieutenant by

now and have commanded soldiers on the battlefield. Many adventures have been had and countless
obstacles overcome. With your help the Ravens have decimated the Ko forces and begun driving them
back East. The King of En has openly recognized the Band of the Raven to have single handedly stopped
Kos march on En and reversed the tides of war. The King has promised Rembold and his officers nobility
titles if he can kill the Queen of Ko and end the war once and for all. The Battle for Midland is nearing its
close; the Band of the Raven is en route to Kos final stronghold located on the border between Ko and
Midland. The Queen is there, commanding from the battlefield. She is expected to make her final stand
against the Ravens at this fortress.

Throughout your journey with the Band of the Raven you have all learned a great deal about yourselves,
each other and the leaders of the Ravens. Advance to level 8.

Rembold: leader of the Band of the Raven and a highly skilled knight. He is the most ambitious man you
have ever met: charming, handsome, elegant, charismatic, a great leader, brilliant strategist and he has
an unyielding resolve to succeed. He performs flawlessly on the battlefield as well as in the political
arena; his men believe he will make a great king someday, probably the best. He always wears a
grotesque amulet, shaped like a malformed face. He claims a fortune teller gave it to him with the
promise that it would one day lead him to his true destiny.

The En nobility are jealous of Rembold and threatened by his political prowess and accomplishments on
the battlefield. The Kings promise of the title lord (even though Rembold is of common birth) has just
further infuriated the ministers and high-born nobles of En.

Elaina, El for short, is the Commander of the Ravens main battle force and a world class sneak and
archer. Though very brash and seemingly stuck up at times, she does truly care for her soldiers and
fellow officers. Rembold saved her from being raped by a noble when she was sixteen and has been with
the Ravens ever since. During a battle with Ko forces early in the war, El entered into combat despite
coming down with a serious illness. She nearly died at the hands of a Ko Captain but was saved by Grave
at the last moment. He had fought his way through hordes of enemy soldiers and cleaved the Captain in
half before he could deal the final blow. El has had feelings for Grave ever since and is torn between him
and Rembold.

El is not cut out for the noble life and is anxious about the path on which Rembold is leading them.

Grave is the Commander of the Ravens Raiders, an elite platoon of soldiers who specialize in
ffffffffffffFUCK situations. He is a massive man who wields an enormous two handed, double-edged
sword (often times with just one hand). He earned the title Death on the Battlefield when he single-
handedly annihilating one hundred of Kos best warriors after being isolated from his platoon. In spite of
his fierce reputation and mastery of the art of slaughter, he is probably the kindest member of the Band
of the Raven; he would sacrifice himself without a moments hesitation to save a comrade. His men
worship him (even more so than they do Rembold) and he provides them with encouragement that
ranges from fatherly support to brutal drill-sergeant-like abuse when needed. He considers Rembold his
best friend but doesnt know if the feeling is mutual.
Pick one of the three leaders of the Ravens to receive training from.

METAGAMING: Dont pick a leader who isnt at least a little similar to your class, example: Grave is a
two-handed-weapon-wielding berserker. This doesnt go well with sneaky characters or archers.
Likewise, El would be a poor choice for a barbarian.

That being said, Robbie and Laura, dont pick Grave, Walro and Alex, dont pick El :3 Matt, do whatever,
youre guy cant suck anymore than he already does. (thats a joke, they are all good for you matt)

Let me give you a general break down on which to base your decision (you will receive different bonuses
that I reserve the right to nerf, buff or replace as needed):

Rembold strategist/all-around/safe-choice-for-anyone

El archer/sneaky/dexterity

Grave berserker/2-handed/strength

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