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Spells explode overhead, arrows splinter against steely flesh and the clashing of blades resonates

throughout the Abyss. Beastial roars can be heard all over the battlefield, some human, most demonic.
Body parts are being flung about, some demon, most human Mudak looks down at his feet. He is
standing in a shallow pool of blood and bones.

How the hell did I get here5 years ago I was a traveling merchant, doing business with all kinds of
people, perfectly content with making a few bucks and moving on. I was dragged into a war against my
better judgement. I became an officer in a mercenary band; I led men to victory, and I led men to death.

Betrayal; the Kingdom of En. And then more betryal; RemboldNow I stand surrounded by
monstrosities, a feast for them, a sacrifice... I will fight to the death, not for myself but for the comrades
at my back.

Just then, SHIT, a massive, clawed hand grabs me from above, trapping my arms against my body. It
begins flapping its wings and we shoot into the red sky. Its looks at me, fangs dripping with acid-like
saliva, an insatiable hunger in its void-like eyes. Then a golden fist pierces the back of its skull, punching
out through its forehead. Im showerred with bits of bone and flesh as it releases me. We begin to free
fall, 150 feet off the ground damn that monk can jump high. As we plummet, Arc gives me a knowing
nod, his face cloaked with a somber and focused expression; his resolve to survive is unbreakable. I
return the nod, emotionless. We must remain focused. There is no time for my reminiscing, I must think
of nothing but combatcombat and my own resolve.

We land gracefully; no time to rest, a large target is dead ahead, it sees me and charges. I drop a
portable hole under myself and direct my spell upwards. As I fall five feet into the hole the fiend passes
over, where I just stood moments ago. Now. I discharge the spell into its soft underbelly. An explosion
of body parts and entrails. How fun.

As I climb out I notice an eerie silence. I turn around. A gargantuan, flaming demon towers before us.
Gargantuan demon is taking in sunlight! Arc throws me behind him just as the demon detonates. He
takes the brunt of the plasma blast, golden fists shining. No good, the force of the blast throws us
through the air, the pressure wave scrambles our organs.

I can feel myself blacking out, guess we wont make it after allToo bad, Id like one more stroll through
the red lamp district

All of a sudden Im moving. How? Oh, I recognize those fists. Arc has me on his backand the sneak is
under his other armBut the others? The Raiders are all deadwhat about Ara? Salim? Hmfph, doesnt
matter anyway, we cant escape

I muster my remaining strength to get one last look aroundA horsebeside us?...and a rider? What
the? Ara and Salim, he has them on his horse! Who is he? He does not belong to the Ravens

The rider pushes his horse ahead of Arc and draws his sword.

He slashes at nothingFoolWait, whats that light?

A dimensional rift opens!

I go to alert Arc but he has already noticed. A sharp turn; heading for the portal! Faster Damn it!

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