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Name ______________________________

Initial English Test 6th grade (L1)

PARTEA I____________________________________________________ _____60 de puncte

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous or Present Simple: (2p x 10 = 20p)
1) Mother is in the kitchen. She . (make) a cup of coffee.
2) I never (drink) cola.
3) They (play) .... computer games now.
4) I (read) an interesting book at the moment.
5) Anna is in the living - room. She . (watch) the news.
6) My sister . (write) a letter right now.
7) They usually (get up) early.
8) He always (wear) .jeans.
9) You (eat) ..a sandwich now.
10) She sometimes (go) .to the beach.

2. Use the comparative or the superlative: (2p x 5 =10p)

a) Chris is (tall)...............................................boy in our class.
b) This car is (expensive)....................................than the other one.
c) The lizard is (big).....................................than the spider.
d) Susan is (thin) our family.
e) This dress is (beautiful) in the shop.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple: (2p x 5 = 10p)
1) We (be) the cinema last Friday.
2) I (have)................................a great time at the circus last Sunday.
3) The story (be)...............................really interesting. She really liked it.
4) John and his cousin (be) school fifteen minutes ago.
5) Laura (take).....................................some snapshots when she went to the seaside..

4. Answer the questions: (20p)

a) What time do you usually get up? _____________________________________________________
b) What did you do last weekend? _______________________________________________________
c) What are you doing at the moment? ____________________________________________________
d) What is your favourite animal? Why? ____________________________________________________
e) How do you like spending your free time? ______________________________________________________
PARTEA a II-a _______________________________________________________(30 de puncte)
Write a paragraph about your family. Mention about the relationships between the family members, age,
personality, appearance, etc.
+ 10 points BONUS

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