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Management of Spontaneous Abortion

ANTHONY A. DAY, M.D., University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria, Peoria, Illinois

Spontaneous abortion, which is the loss of a pregnancy without outside intervention before 20 weeks gestation, affects
up to 20 percent of recognized pregnancies. Spontaneous abortion can be subdivided into threatened abortion, inevi-
table abortion, incomplete abortion, missed abortion, septic abortion, complete abortion, and recurrent spontaneous
abortion. Ultrasonography is helpful in the diagnosis of spontaneous abortion, but other testing may be needed if an
ectopic pregnancy cannot be ruled out. Chromosomal abnormalities are causative in approximately 50 percent of spon-
taneous abortions; multiple other factors also may play a role. Traditional treatment consisting of surgical evacuation
of the uterus remains the treatment of choice in unstable patients. Recent studies suggest that expectant or medical
management is appropriate in selected patients. Patients with a completed spontaneous abortion rarely require medical
or surgical intervention. For women with incomplete spontaneous abortion, expectant management for up to two weeks
usually is successful, and medical therapy provides little additional benefit. When patients are allowed to choose between
treatment options, a large percentage will choose expectant management. Expectant management of missed spontane-
ous abortion has variable success rates, but medical therapy with intravaginal misoprostol has an 80 percent success
rate. Physicians should be aware of psychologic issues that patients and their partners face after completing a spontane-
ous abortion. Women are at increased risk for significant depression and anxiety for up to one year after spontaneous
abortion. Counseling to address feelings of guilt, the grief process, and how to cope with friends and family should be
provided. (Am Fam Physician 2005;72:1243-50. Copyright 2005 American Academy of Family Physicians.)

pontaneous abortion refers to preg- with elective termination. Spontaneous
nancy loss at less than 20 weeks gesta- pregnancy loss has been recommended to
tion in the absence of elective medical avoid the term abortion and acknowledge
or surgical measures to terminate the emotional aspects of losing a pregnancy.1
the pregnancy. The term miscarriage is Another emotionally neutral term is early
synonymous and often is used with patients pregnancy failure.2
because the word abortion is associated For clinical purposes, spontaneous abor-
tion often is subdivided into threatened
abortion, inevitable abortion, incomplete
abortion, missed abortion, septic abortion,
Spontaneous Abortion: Definitions of Subcategories recurrent spontaneous abortion, and com-
plete abortion (Table 1).
Complete abortion: all products of conception have been passed
without the need for surgical or medical intervention
Incomplete abortion: some, but not all, of the products of conception Approximately 20 percent of pregnant women
have been passed; retained products may be part of the fetus, placenta, will have some bleeding before 20 weeks ges-
or membranes tation, and roughly one half of these pregnan-
Inevitable abortion: the cervix has dilated, but the products of conception cies will end in spontaneous abortion.3 Up to
have not been expelled 20 percent of recognized pregnancies will
Missed abortion: a pregnancy in which there is a fetal demise (usually end in miscarriage. However, when women
for a number of weeks) but no uterine activity to expel the products
of conception
were followed with serial serum human cho-
Recurrent spontaneous abortion: three or more consecutive pregnancy
rionic gonadotropin (hCG) measurements,
losses the actual miscarriage rate was found to be
Septic abortion: a spontaneous abortion that is complicated by intrauterine 31 percent.4 Many pregnancies are lost spon-
infection taneously before a woman recognizes that
Threatened abortion: a pregnancy complicated by bleeding before she is pregnant, and the clinical signs of
20 weeks gestation miscarriage are mistaken for a heavy or late

October 1, 2005 Volume 72, Number 7 American Family Physician 1243
Spontaneous Abortion

Clinical recommendation rating References

The possibility of ectopic pregnancy should be considered when transvaginal ultrasonography C 5

reveals an empty uterus and the quantitative serum human chorionic gonadotropin level is
greater than 1,800 mIU per mL (1,800 IU per L).
Transvaginal ultrasound should be performed in the first trimester of pregnancy when incomplete C 7, 8
abortion is suspected and is extremely reliable in identifying intrauterine products of conception.
Expectant management should be considered for women with incomplete spontaneous abortions. A 17-22, 24
It has an 82 to 96 percent success rate without the need for surgical or medical intervention.
When misoprostol (Cytotec) is used to treat women with a missed spontaneous abortion, it should B 27
be given vaginally rather than orally.
Patients who have had a spontaneous abortion should be given the opportunity to choose a B 28
treatment option.
A 50-mcg dose of Rho (D) immune globulin (Rhogam) should be administered to Rh-negative C 5
patients who have a threatened abortion or have completed a spontaneous abortion.
Physicians should be alert to the development of psychologic symptoms that frequently occur C 31-34
following spontaneous abortion (e.g., depression, anxiety).

A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evidence; C = consensus, disease-
oriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series. For information about the SORT evidence rating system, see page 1154 or

Diagnosis serum hCG level is greater than 1,800 mIU

Threatened abortion is defined by vaginal per mL (1,800 IU per L), an ectopic pregnancy
bleeding in a woman with a confirmed preg- should be considered.5 When transabdominal
nancy. First-trimester bleeding in a pregnant ultrasonography is performed, an empty uterus
woman has an extensive differential diagnosis should raise suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy
(Table 2) and should be evaluated with a full if quantitative hCG levels are greater than
history and physical examination. Laboratory 3,500 mIU per mL (3,500 IU per L). A uterus
tests should include potassium hydroxide and found to be empty on ultrasound examination
wet prep microscopy of any vaginal dis- may signal a completed spontaneous abortion,
charge, complete blood count, blood typing but the diagnosis is not definitive until ectopic
and Rh testing, and quantitative serum hCG pregnancy is excluded. If an ultrasound exami-
testing. Gonorrhea and chlamydia testing also nation finds an intrauterine pregnancy, ectopic
should be considered. Ultrasonography is cru- pregnancy is unlikely, although heterotopic
cial in identifying the status of the pregnancy pregnancy has been reported (i.e., simultane-
and verifying that the pregnancy is intra- ous intrauterine and ectopic pregnancies).5
uterine. When transvaginal ultrasonography The risk for spontaneous abortion decreases
reveals an empty uterus and the quantitative from 50 to 3 percent when a fetal heartbeat is
identified on ultrasound examination.1
When the clinical examination reveals a
TABLE 2 dilated cervix, spontaneous abortion is inev-
Differential Diagnosis of itable. However, cervical evaluation is not
First-Trimester Vaginal Bleeding reliable for distinguishing between complete
and incomplete abortion.6,7 Transvaginal
Cervical abnormalities (e.g., excessive ultrasonography should be performed and
friability, malignancy, polyps, trauma) is extremely reliable for finding products of
Ectopic pregnancy conception, with a 90 to 100 percent sensi-
Idiopathic bleeding in a viable pregnancy tivity and 80 to 92 percent specificity.7,8
Infection of the vagina or cervix A missed spontaneous abortion usually
Molar pregnancy is diagnosed by routine ultrasonography or
Spontaneous abortion when an ultrasound scan is obtained because
Subchorionic hemorrhage the symptoms and physical signs of pregnancy
Vaginal trauma are regressing. Figure 1 presents an algorithm
for diagnosing spontaneous abortion.1

1244 American Family Physician Volume 72, Number 7 October 1, 2005
Diagnosis of Spontaneous Abortion

Patient < 20 weeks gestation; bleeding

Is patient hemodynamically stable?

No Yes

Does the patient have a fever?



Does patient have peritoneal signs?



Fluid resuscitation Is the bleeding intrauterine

Transport to ED or extrauterine?

Intrauterine Extrauterine

Is the pregnancy intrauterine or ectopic? Treat cause and

continue evaluation.


Ectopic Serial ultrasonography Uterine

Serial hCG levels
Progesterone levels

Is the pregnancy viable?

Progesterone > 25 ng per mL Progesterone < 5 ng per mL Progesterone 5 to 25 ng per mL

(79.5 nmol per L) (15.9 nmol per L) hCG equivocal
hCG increases > 66 percent hCG plateau or decrease Nondiagnostic ultrasonography
in 48 hours Definitive ultrasound criteria
Normal ultrasonography of nonviable pregnancy

Yes No Uncertain

Repeat transvaginal ultrasonography

See Figure 2.
in one week.
Test hCG levels every two to three
days until viability determined.

Figure 1. Algorithm for the diagnosis of spontaneous pregnancy loss. (ED = emergency department; hCG = human cho-
rionic gonadotropin.)
Adapted with permission from Scroggins KM, Smucker WD, Krishen AE. Spontaneous pregnancy loss: evaluation, management, and follow-up counseling.
Prim Care 2000;27:157.

October 1, 2005 Volume 72, Number 7 American Family Physician 1245
Spontaneous Abortion

Etiology and Risk Factors listed in Table 3.1,10-14 However, other factors
The risk for spontaneous
abortion decreases from
Chromosomal abnormalities are notable for their lack of association with
are a direct cause of spontane- miscarriage. One study15 that examined the
50 to 3 percent when a
ous abortion. One meta-analy- influence of stress on early pregnancy loss
fetal heartbeat is identified
sis9 found that a chromosomal failed to find a clear association. Mari-
on ultrasound examination.
abnormality occurs in 49 per- juana use, likewise, has not been proven to
cent of spontaneous abortions. increase the risk for spontaneous abortion.11
Autosomal trisomy was the most commonly Sexual activity also does not elevate risk in
identified anomaly (52 percent), followed by women with uncomplicated pregnancies.
polyploidy (21 percent) and monosomy X
(13 percent).9 Most chromosomal abnor- Treatment
malities that result in spontaneous abortion Dilatation and curettage is the traditional
are random events, such as maternal and treatment for spontaneous abortion; man-
paternal gametogenesis errors, dispermy, and ual vacuum aspiration is another surgical
nondisjunction. Structural abnormalities of option. Prompt surgical evacuation of the
individual chromosomes (e.g., translocations, uterus has been recommended in the past
inversions) were reported in 6 percent of because of the risk for infection and concerns
women who had spontaneous abortions, and about coagulation disorders that result from
approximately one half of these abnormalities retained products of conception.1,2 However,
were inherited.9 Chromosomal abnormalities the need for immediate surgical evacuation
are more likely to be associated with recur- in all patients with a spontaneous abortion
rent spontaneous abortion, but are uncom- has been questioned. Many recent studies16-24
mon even in that instance (4 to 6 percent).9 have examined the outcomes of expectant
Risk factors for spontaneous abortion are and medical management for women with
spontaneous abortions.
Prompt surgical evacuation of the uterus
TABLE 3 is the treatment of choice when the patient
Risk Factors for Spontaneous Abortion is unstable because of heavy bleeding or has
evidence of a septic abortion. Patient choice
Advanced maternal age is another reason to proceed with surgical
Alcohol use evacuation.
Anesthetic gas use (e.g., nitrous oxide) Some women may have already completed
Caffeine use (heavy) a spontaneous abortion by the time they pres-
Chronic maternal diseases: poorly controlled diabetes, celiac disease, ent for clinical evaluation. If the ultrasound
autoimmune diseases (particularly antiphospholipid antibody syndrome) examination shows an empty uterus and
Cigarette smoking evaluation of the expelled tissue confirms
Cocaine use the presence of products of conception, no
Conception within three to six months after delivery further action is needed; in these instances,
Intrauterine device use patients have a completed spontaneous abor-
Maternal infections: bacterial vaginosis; mycoplasmosis, herpes simplex tion and can be managed expectantly.16 If
virus, toxoplasmosis, listeriosis, chlamydia, human immunodeficiency virus, the products of conception are not physically
syphilis, parvovirus B19, malaria, gonorrhea, rubella, cytomegalovirus confirmed when the uterus is empty, an ecto-
Medications: misoprostol (Cytotec), retinoids, methotrexate, nonsteroidal pic pregnancy must be ruled out.
anti-inflammatory drugs
Many studies17-24 have compared expectant
Multiple previous elective abortions
management, medical therapy, and surgical
Previous spontaneous abortion
management for women with incomplete
Toxins: arsenic, lead, ethylene glycol, carbon disulfide, polyurethane,
heavy metals, organic solvents
spontaneous abortion. Expectant manage-
Uterine abnormalities: congenital anomalies, adhesions, leiomyoma
ment proved to be successful, with no need
for surgical intervention in 82 to 96 percent
Information from references 1 and 10 through 14. of women.17-22,24 Most patients who had sur-
gical intervention were followed expectantly

1246 American Family Physician Volume 72, Number 7 October 1, 2005
Spontaneous Abortion

Management of Spontaneous Abortion

Is the pregnancy viable?

Yes No

Threatened spontaneous abortion Does patient have a complication

Follow weekly until bleeding resolves. (e.g., hemorrhage, sepsis,
Rho(D) immunoglobulin (Rhogam) indicated intractable pain)?
Surveillance for preterm labor, oligohydramnios,
intrauterine growth restriction
Yes No

Uterine evacuation Counsel patient

about conservative

Accept Refuse

Frequent follow-up Uterine evacuation versus

Serial hCG levels medical treatment

Figure 2. Algorithm for the management of spontaneous pregnancy loss. (hCG = human chori-
onic gonadotropin.)
Adapted with permission from Scroggins KM, Smucker WD, Krishen AE. Spontaneous pregnancy loss: evaluation, manage-
ment, and follow-up counseling. Prim Care 2000;27:161.

for two weeks before intervention was recom- ous abortion. Physicians should discuss the
mended.17,19,21 Medical therapy with miso- available options and the evidence to sup-
prostol (Cytotec) or mifepristone (Mifeprex) port each option with the patient. There is
does not confer significant additional ben- evidence to suggest that women who are
efit.23 The average time to completion of the given the opportunity to choose a treat-
miscarriage was nine days.20 ment option have better subsequent mental
In women with missed spontaneous abor- health than women who are not allowed to
tions, expectant management has a vari- choose their therapy.28 However, patients
able but generally lower success rate than express less happiness with the mode of
medical therapy, ranging from 16 to 76 per- treatment they receive and are less willing
cent.17,20,25,26 In contrast, medical therapy for to have the same care again
missed spontaneous abortion results in high when they begin with nonin-
success rates for completion of a spontaneous vasive management and later Patients express less hap-
abortion without surgical intervention. One require surgical intervention. 29 piness with the mode of
study25 found that patients had an 80 percent When patients are allowed to treatment they receive
success rate after using 800 mcg of misopros- choose their therapy, 38 to and are less willing to
tol, administered intravaginally and repeated 75 percent choose expectant have the same care again
after four hours, if necessary. Intravaginal management.20,26,30 when they begin with
administration of misoprostol causes less An algorithm for managing noninvasive management
diarrhea than oral administration.27 women with spontaneous abor- and later require surgical
Patient preferences should be considered tion is presented in Figure 2.1 intervention.
when choosing a treatment for spontane- A 50-mcg dose of Rh o (D)

October 1, 2005 Volume 72, Number 7 American Family Physician 1247
Spontaneous Abortion

immune globulin (Rhogam) should be given with their patients and allay any concerns
to patients who are Rh-negative and have that they may have caused the spontane-
a threatened abortion or have completed a ous abortion.
spontaneous abortion.5 Physicians should encourage the patient
and her partner to allow themselves to
Psychologic Issues After grieve. The woman and her partner may
Spontaneous Abortion grieve differently; specifically, they may go
Physicians should recognize the psychologic through the stages of grief in different orders
issues that affect a patient who experiences a or at different rates. They also should be
spontaneous abortion. Although the literature aware that friends and family members may
lacks good evidence to support psychologic not recognize the magnitude of their loss.
counseling for women after a spontaneous Friends and family members may ignore
abortion, it is thought that patients will have the subject of miscarriage, or they may
better outcomes if these issues are addressed. make well-meaning comments that try to
The patient and her partner may be deal- minimize the event. Connecting the couple
ing with feelings of guilt, and they typically with a counselor who has experience in
will go through a grieving process and have helping couples cope with pregnancy loss
symptoms of anxiety and depression. may be beneficial. Many hospitals offer
Women who have a spontaneous abortion programs that provide follow-up care and
frequently struggle with guilt over what they literature to the woman and her partner.
may have done to cause or prevent the loss. Two national organizations, the Compas-
Physicians should address the issue of guilt sionate Friends (http://www.compassion-; telephone: 877-969-0010)
and SHARE Pregnancy and Infant Loss
The Authors Support, Inc. (http://www.nationalshare
CRAIG P. GRIEBEL, M.D., is clinical assistant professor and director of obstet-; telephone: 800-821-6819), pro-
rics and gynecology at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria vide support for women and their partners
family medicine residency program at Methodist Medical Center. Dr. Griebel as they progress through the grieving pro-
received his medical degree from the University of Missouri School of Medicine, cess after a miscarriage.
Columbia, and completed his residency at Quad Cities Genesis Family Practice Most studies31-34 have found that a signifi-
Residency Program in Davenport, Iowa.
cant percentage of women experience psy-
JOHN HALVORSEN, M.D., is the Thomas and Ellen Foster chair and professor chiatric symptoms in the weeks to months
of family medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria. He after spontaneous abortion. Women who
also is associate dean for community health. He received his medical degree were found to be especially prone to these
from Ohio State University School of Medicine and Public Health, Columbus, and
symptoms are childless and have lost a
completed a family medicine residency at the University of Minnesota Medical
School at Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis. wanted pregnancy.31 One study28 showed
that women who are managed expectantly
THOMAS B. GOLEMON, M.D., is executive director of the University of Illinois have better overall mental health 12 weeks
College of Medicine at Peoria family medicine residency program at Methodist after a spontaneous abortion.
Medical Center. He received his medical degree from the University of Texas
Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, and completed a family medicine resi-
Physicians should realize the impor-
dency at The Medical Center in Columbus, Ga. tance of providing care that is sensitive to
the medical and psychologic aspects of a
ANTHONY A. DAY, M.D., is assistant executive director of the University of couple who experiences spontaneous abor-
Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria family medicine residency program at
tion. Many patients report dissatisfaction
Methodist Medical Center. He received his medical degree from the University
of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, and with the medical care they receive. 35,36
completed a family medicine residency at the University of Illinois College of The Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics5
Medicine at Rockford. provider course offered by the American
Academy of Family Physicians summa-
Address correspondence to Craig P. Griebel, M.D., Department of Family and
Community Medicine, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria, 815
rizes issues to discuss with women and
Main St., Suite C, Peoria, IL 61602 (e-mail: Reprints are not their partners after a spontaneous abortion
available from the authors. (Table 4).5

1248 American Family Physician Volume 72, Number 7 October 1, 2005
Spontaneous Abortion

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1250 American Family Physician Volume 72, Number 7 October 1, 2005

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