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Question 1

Answer 1 :-

1. Fixed Automation It refer to use of special purpose of equipment to automate a fixed

sequence of processes assembly operations. Each of the operation in sequence is simple or
rotational motion or an uncomplicated combination of two. It is really difficult to
accommodate change to product design. Example Automatic assembly machine and
certain chemical process
2. Programmable Automation The production equipment is designed with the capability to
change the sequence of operations to accommodate different type of product
configurations. The operation sequence is controlled by a programme which is a set of
instructions coded. New program can be prepared and entered into the equipment to
produce new product. Example Industrial Robots, Programmable logic controller.
3. Flexible Automation It is an extension of programmable automation. The automation is
capable of producing a variety of parts which virtually no time lost for change over from one
part style to the next. There is no loss in production time while programming the system and
altering the setup.

Question - 2

Answer 2 :-

Manufacturing industries now a days are achieving rapid increase in productivity by taking
advantage of automation technique. When one thinks of automation in manufacturing, robots
usually come to mind. The automotive industry use robots or automotive machines for material
handling , process operation, assembly and inspection

In Material handling the material is transferred and machine loading and unloading takes place. For
material handling automotive programmed robots are used such as for gripping purpose pneumatic
type end factors are used

Inspection is another area of factor or industry operations in which the utilization of robots is
growing. In a typical inspection Job, the robots position a sensor with respect to work part and
determines whether the part is constant with the quality specifications.

Question 3.

Answer 3 :-

Automation is very helpful in increasing production rate in various ways

Although many companies hire hundreds of production workers for up to 3 shifts to run the plant for
the maximum number of hours, the plant still need to be closed for maintenance and holidays.
Industrial automation fulfils the aim of company by allowing the company to run a manufacturing

plant for 24 hours in a day and 7 days a week. This leads to significant improvement in the
productivity of the company.

On the other hand unlike human beings, robot do not get tired and fatigue, which results in
production with uniform quality all the time.

Automotive robots also produce less waste or scrap as compared to human beings. So th
automation is quite helpful in achieving huge profits.

Question 4.

Answer 4 :-

I prefer product or line layout because in this layout processing equipment and machines are
arranged according to the sequence of operations of the product. Also in this type of layout only one
type of product is manufactured or assembled in operation area.

This layout offer number of advantages like :-

1. Lower total material handling cost because material is on the same working are where
product is produced or operated.
2. Less floor area is occupied by material in transit and for temporary storage.
3. Total production time is also minimized.
4. Greater simplicity of production control.

Question 5

Answer 5 :-

1. Convers are used for transportation of material from one place to another on modern
production plant. Different type of conveyors can be used with the type of product being
2. Cranes are used to transport loads over variable path within a restricted are and when there
is long distance between initial position and final position then there is straight line path.
3. Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) are used for transportation of material from one place to
another without requiring a human effort.
4. Positioning Equipment They are used to handle material at a single location. It can be used
at a workplace to feed, orient, load/unload, or otherwise manipulate material so that it
reaches its correct position for subsequent handling machines.

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