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The Federal Government of the United States of America

The Criminal Body-Politic and Corporate in Washington, D.C.

A corporation is simply an artificial person that sets its rules and regulations for its members
(agents, employees, stockholders, advertisors, etc.), and for its own structural Modus Operandi.
The U.S. Government, which resides on a ten acre parcel of property in the District of
Columbia, outside the American Republic, is a corporation that was established to operate as a
governing body, but which has no authority ordained by our Creator to do so.
This Awareness indicates that any action whereby this criminal conglomerate known as the
'American' Federal Government attempts to make
and impose laws on the States or its residents
without their compliance or authorization
operates against their interests and is therefore
trespassing their unalienable rights to free-will,
self-determination, and self-governance. This
Awareness indicates that any of the States or the
people who pledge allegiance and concede their
rights to such body-politic and corporate are
traitors to themselves and fellow mankind. Anyone
who volunteers to let such group of people control
their lives is volunteering one's free-will unwisely.
This is when a shift of consciousness will soon
occur, and people will begin to recognize a breach
in the relationship between the American people
and the governmental, legal, judicial, and financial
systems operating within the United States of
America and its territories.
The Federal Government, which is foreign to the
United States of America, is located in the District
of Columbia, is in all actuality largely operated by
the money-powers headquartered the City of London Corporation, Switzerland, the Vatican
City-State, and the United Nations, has set itself up on American soil as a legislative quasi-
governmental body.
This Awareness indicates that (s)elected officials residing outside the U.S.A. in Washington,
D.C., are not actually public servants elected or appointed by the people for the intent purpose
of service and governing. Their (America's) wishes, rules, regulations, and codes of conduct do
not apply to this foreign corporation (see: 19 Corpus Juris Secundum (C.J.S.), Corporations,
883 (2003)) residing in the Nation's Capital, nor are they received by it.
This Awareness indicates, in other words, the Federal Government and the United States of
America are basically two seperate legal entities, and the United States Constitution does NOT
apply to the Body-Politic and Corporate called the United States. Therefore, this mere
corporate instrument cannot, while in the District of Columbia, be accused and tried for treason.
They are operating on behalf of the International Banking Class and their associates around the
world, and are above the rule of law.
Many Oblivious to Vanishing Freedoms and the Rise of Orwellianism

This Awareness indicates, essentially, these so-called freedoms that people have enjoyed or
believe they had, are disappearing without the public even realizing what's really happening. It
is as though an individual is ushered into a prison by a very powerful and persuasive hypnotist,
who talks the person along as it escorts him or her to the prison, and who even walks the blind
through the gates and into the cell before the prisoner awakenes and finds him or herself
This is what will be for many left-behind.
They will be deeply restrained, and unable to
escape before recognizing the problem. This
Awareness indicates that, of course, there are
many good forces (such as myself) who are
well-aware of what is unfolding, and are in
the process of informing and awakening
others who have eyes to see and ears to hear
before it's too late.
It becomes important for us to recognize the need to risk communicating with persons whose
interests are not in alignment with ours. If they are open-minded, then it is important that they
risk communicating with people whose minds and hearts are closed, for you can't escape the
issues by ignorance or cowardness. There are many who live in denial, right until they face the
inevitable nightmare. But if they recognize what is coming and are open to the
incomprehensible truth, then they stand a chance of adding their weight to the weight of others
who are still dedicated to regaining what was lost in the sands of time and memory freedom.

Some States Are Now Seeking Sovereignty

This Awareness indicates that there are many States who are seriously moving towards
secession from the Union and regaining their sovereignty surrendered to the Corporation in
1787 the year the Constitution of United States of America came into being. This
Awareness indicates that Colorado, Nevada, Texas, Utah, Idaho, Hawaii, California, etc. are in
pursuit of achieving for themselves the status of nation-states. Technically, the United States
of America refers to the States themselves, not the District of Columbia or the United States,
Inc. It is not part of the American Republic. It, in itself, is a body independent and not under the
authority of the States or any nation.

The United States of America, Incorporated

The Federal Government sees itself as a Representative Democracy, whereas the States of the
Union is a Republic. This Republic is no longer recognized by the United States, Inc. It should
be understood that a democracy essentially is majority rule, or what some call mob rule. A
republic is a system of government that is focused on the right and sovereignty of each
individual. The rules are such to supposedly protect the rights of individuals part of the Union,
not so much the mob or the majority, but that of individuals as a whole.
This Awareness indicates that these facts are not being disclosed to the Mainstream Public by
the institutions of higher learning, the News, the Authorities, etc. It should be realized that
this Body-Politic and Corporate is dominated and controlled by the 'Crown' Council of 13
(see:; the House of Rothschild being a dominant
influence. And the laws are passed, signed, and enforced to curb the freedoms of each
incorporated State, and that of American citizens.
All Federal Rules, Regulations, and Codes are essentially just rules, regulations, and codes of
the Corporation the United States of America. The General Government in Washington, D.C.
was not set up to represent the States. Rather, it was established to control the States, as though
they were subordinate corporations to this overarching corporation.
Originally, the laws passed were
legislated by the consent of the States
in Congress. Now, it has reached to the
point where the Federal Reserve Bank
has such power and loans to the States
or programs for the States can be
financed by the Establishment in
Washington, D.C. The States, by this
measure, conceded their sovereignty
and follow the program set in order to
receive benefits and money from the
This Awareness indicates that America has been under a slow and dubious process of complete
take-over and subversion of sovereignty, something it never had. There is extremely minute
independence. In fact, there is much talk of interdependence, meaning that the States are
dependent on the Federal Government, and the Federal Government has some reliance on the
States for the intent purpose of collecting tax-revenue from State citizens. They depend on each
other for services and their survival.

Corporations are also of all grades, and made for varied objects; all governments are
corporations, created by usage and common consent, or grants and charters which create a body
politic for prescribed purposes; but whether they are private, local or general, in their objects,
for the enjoyment of property, or the exercise of power, they are all governed by the same rules
of law, as to the construction and the obligation of the instrument by which the incorporation is
made. The federal government itself is but a corporation, created by the grant or charter of the
separate states.... Proprietors of Charles River Bridge vs. Proprietors of Warren Bridge, 36
U.S. 420 (1837)

The United States of America are a corporation endowed with the capacity to sue and be
sued, to convey and receive property. 1 Marsh. Dec. 177, 181.

The United States Federal Government is a corporate entity or society which makes it a
person. Webster's New Dictionary unabridged 2nd Ed. 1965

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