Colorado Parks and Wlidlife Administrative Directive: Black Bear Incidents

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State of Colorado Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife Administrative Directive W-2 February 1, 2007 SUBJECT: BLACK BEAR INCIDENTS. ML. mL. PURPOSE ‘The Division of Wildlife (DOW) is liable by statute for payment of certain damages to livestock or personal property used in the production of raw agriculture products (33-104-1A C.R.S.) caused by black bear. ‘The DOW is also concerned for public safety. This directive sets forth procedures to be followed in control and prevention of black bear damage and addressing public safety issues. Inaccordance with the Black Bear Management Plan and the Long Range Plan, all black bear conflict efforts will be directed at the individual bear causing the nuisance or depredation incident, Black bear conflict strategies emphasize conflict prevention and mitigation of damages. AUTHORITY Statutes: A. 33-1-106 gives the Wildlife Commission the authority to regulate the cizcumstances under whieh wildlife may be taken, and to determine the disposition of usable portions of wildlife; however, concerning the taking of black bears, the commission shall not adopt regulations which conflict with 33-4-101.3. B. 35-40-101 gives the Commissioner of the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) exclusive jurisdiction over the taking of depredating wildlife species as defined in 35- 40-1002. c 33-4-101.3 (4) provides an exemption for DOW employees and field agents of the US. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service/ Wildlife Services (Wildlife Services), when acting in their official capacity, from the regulation that resiricts killing of black bears during the period from March 1, through September 1, and also from the regulation that prohibits the use of baits or dogs. D. _33-3-106 (3) allows persons to trap, kill or otherwise dispose of bears to prevent death or injury to livestock or human life. RESPONSIBILIT’ Area Wildlife Managers (AWM’s), District Wildlife Managers (DWM’s), and Wildlife Technicians have the primary responsibility for handling black bear incidents. The number and amount of bear damage claims and the number of people-bear conflicts have increased statewide. People-bear conflicts can be politically and emotionally sensitive Administrative Directive W-2 cont, Page 2 and require good judgement and knowledge by involved DOW personnel IV. DEFINITIONS ‘There are three distinct categories of bears involved in people-bear conflicts as determined by DOW personnel. ‘They are as follows: A. Nuisance Bears - bears which pose an immediate threat to or damage property, but do not threaten public safety. Depredating Bears - bears which have killed cattle, sheep, horses, alternative livestock or other hoofed livestock. Dangerous Bears - bears which pose an immediate threat 1o human safety. PROCEDURES A. Conflict Identification - The DWM or otter DOW employee assigned by the AWM to handle a people-bear conflict, has the primary responsibility to assess. bear involvement, conduct necessary investigation and, when appropriate, provide claimants with information regarding game damage elaim filing procedures. Confliet Prevention - At all opportunities, the DOW will provide educational and informational material to individuals, municipalities and county governments coneemed with black bear management and people-bear conflict prevention. These materials will include options for garbage disposal, pet, livestock and erop protection, and avoidance of dangerous encounters with bears, Site specifie education and prevention efforts will be made in historic conflict areas and as needed, Conflict Control - DOW employees shall be given the discretion to choose which of the options listed below is applicable fo the particular incident, 1. Nuisance Bears a. No action combined with education effort and complete bear and mountain lion data form, b. Deterrent methods combined with education effort. c. Capture, mark, translocate and submit data form, d. Any bear involved in two nuisance incidents will be destroyed by the DOW, Wildlife Services personnel, or by hunter harvest during an established season. Submit data form, e. With AWM approval, a bear may be destroyed after or during one nuisance incident when DOW employee believes the bear's behavior will not be altered by translocation. Administrative Directive W-2 cont, Page 3 2, Depredating Bears a Every effort will be made to educate and assist livestock owners and other Iandowners to avoid situations and circumstances. which encourage predators. b, Any bear which kills cattle, sheep, horses, altemative livestock or other hoofed livestock can be destroyed or translocated. Previously translocated bears involved in these instances shall be destroyed. 3. Dangerous Bears a It'the bearis dangerous because of its location (j.e. neara school) and not its behavior: capture, ear tag, translocate and submit the bear and mountain lion data form. Any previously translocated bear that is currently judged to be dangerous because of its location shall be destroyed, | b. If the bear is dangerous because it poses an immediate threat to ) human safety, destroy and necropsy the bear, Test for rabies if possible. c. A detailed narrative report on each incident involving dangerous bears will be prepared by the DWM and a file will be maintained by the Senior Biologist in the region where the incident occurred. Bear incidents involving attacks or injuries to people will be immediately reported through the chain of command to the Regional Managerand in tum to the Director's office. All bears destroyed will be reported on the bear and mountain lion data form. A copy of the detailed report, including any necropsy, lab, coroner’s report or other supporting information shall be sent by the Senior Biologist to the Denver Terrestrial Wildlife Section and the Colorado Department of Health Appendix A- STANDARDIZED FIELD PROCEDURES FOR USE IN PEOPLE-BEAR CONFLICTS provides needed additional procedures for handling black bear confliets and must be used in conjunction with this directive. VI. CONTROL METHODS A. Private Hunters - Licensed hunters may be used to control animals during open scasons. The hunter must havea valid license for the season in effect when called or a Special Game Damage License issued in accordance with WCR 271-C. B. Wildlife Services May be contacted to perform control work at any time per agreements specified in the ‘Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the DOW and CDA, und the MOU. between the DOW and Wildlife Services. Administrative Directive W-2 cont. Page 4 C. Agents Refer to Appendix B - USE OF AGENTS FOR MANAGING PEOPLE ~ BEAR CONFLICTS for procedures on use of designated agents. VU. REPORTING A. ‘The bear and mountain lion data form will be used for any public contact involving nuisance bear incidents, for any bear that is translocated, and for any bear that is destroyed. B. In the event of a bear attack on a human, reporting will be accomplished in accordance with V.C.3.c. above. VII. ENFORCEMENT. This directive supersedes and replaces Administrative Directive A-39 (dated January 3, 2001) and shall be in effect until further notice. ke L. McCloskey, Di February 1, 2007 Administrative Directive W-2 APPENDIX A STANDARDIZED FIELD PROCEDURES FOR USE IN PEOPLE - BEAR CONFLICTS Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) ‘The passage of “Amendment 14” and the enactment by the Colorado Legislature of SB 97-052 to implement the provisions of amendment 14, which is codified as 33-6-201 through 209, CRS. (SB-52), require mutusl understandings and policies and procedures for cooperation between the CDA and DOW be developed and implemented. The MOU between the CDA end. DOW dated February 9, 1998 includes language that provides exclusive jurisdiction for depredating animals by the CDA. Please refer to this MOU for guidance in relation to CDA. Services (Wildlife Services). ‘The following procedures are to be used in response to bear/lion incidents in cooperation with Wildlife Services. A. Definitions: 1. Cooperating County: Any county having a contract with Wildlife Services for nuisance/depredating wildlife control. DOW personnel will work with Wildlife Services in these counties. 2. Non-cooperating County: Any county which does not have a contract with Wildlife Services, DOW personnel handle and/or work with CDA. B. Scope of Responsibility - DOW and Wildlife Services 1. Cooperating County: a. Nuisance beat/lion (non-livestock depredating animal): i Wildlife Services will not involve itself with nuisance bear/lions. Wildlife Services will assist DOW officers ifrequested, DOW has the lead on response and handling these calls. DOW officers have full discretion on setting traps for nuisance calls (see Administrative Directive W-2, V.C). b. Livestock depredating bear/lion calls i ii DOW will respond to determine validity of claim and meet statutory responsibility for damage settlement, Livestock operator will call Wildlife Services officer immediately and ask them to respond, If Wildlife Services does not respond within 48 hours, DOW will take the lead and resolve the conflict. If Wildlife Services officers reach damage site first, they will ask the Administrative Directive W-2 APPENDIX A cont. Page 2 landowner to call DOW to make proper not ion for damage claim settlement (DOW Game Damage Regulations state that the claimant bears the full responsibility for notifying the proper authority within 10 days of damage discovery, Wildlife Services cannot do this for the claimant), iv. rs have discretion to set culvert or box traps for depredating ldlife Services has responded or will respond shortly, DWM may elect not to set a trap. v. _ If Wildlife Services is not available or cannot be reached, DOW officers may set trap for livestock depredating bear. vi, fa bear is caught in a DOW trap and Wildlife Services is on-site, CDA Rules pertaining to depredating bears prevail (CDA has exclusive Jurisdiction over depredating bears and lions). Wildlife Services officer will contact DOW officer and make arrangements to assist, if needed, with lethal disposition of offending animal, vii, Inall cases, common courtesy and maximum discretion should be used by officers of both agencies when dealing with equipment belonging to each respective agency, If there is a human health and safety issue, and the desired control technique is a lethal or non-lethal snare, or any other body gripping device, then an exemption for such use is required from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment or Local Health Agencies. 2. Non-cooperating County: a, b. c ro e Wildlife Services does not have contractual responsibility to respond to problems, DOW will take the lead, respond and handle livestock damage per Administrative Directive W-2 Wildlife Services will assist DOW ifrequesied to handle a particular problem and, as personnel are available. Wildlife Services may elect not to charge the DOW if the problem is related to human health and safety. Wildlife Services referrals may be given to livestock producers. mall trapping efforts, DOW and Wildlife Services will make every effort to capture the offending animal. Non-targeted captures will be handled by DOW policies established in this appendix. IL. Properly Licensed Hunters, See Administrative Directive W-2, VLA. IV. Trapping by DOW Personnel. A. Baited culvert or box traps will be used forlive capture, Warning of danger signs will be placed on all traps. Administrative Directive W-2 APPENDIX A cont. Page 3 B. Immobilization by DOW personnel 1. Immobilization drugs may be used by trained employees for handling bears, 2. Approved immobilization drug is Telazol. a Recommended dosage is 1 ml/45 Ibs of body weight 3. Telazol will be used only by employees with proper training and written authorization from staff veterinarian or other licensed veterinarian, 4, Reversal drugs are not approved for use except under the authority of the staff veterinarian, 5. Bears will not be consumed for 15 days after immobilization. 6. Eye drops will be applied 10 immobilized bears to prevent damage to the eyes. Cover eyes during tagging procedures. 7. In temperature extremes, immobilized bears will be cooled by the following method: a Water the underside of the bear, particularly the arm pits, groin and stomach, b. Do not just water the inside of the trap, this can actually increase the temperature inside the trap. ©. Cheek to make sure there is not an excessive water build up inside the trap, which could actually cause the bear to drown, Marking 1 Ear tags a, Use only the colored, pre-numbered ear tags that are assigned and allocated to each region. For data collection and simplicity, 4 colors will be used as follows: Northwest Region = Red (#1) Northeast Region = Green (#2) Southwest Region = Blue (#3) Southeast Region = Yellow (#4) Every bear captured under Administrative Directive W-2, IV a,b and ¢ will be tagged in each ear with matching numbers and will include the date of capture clearly marked on the back of each tag. Large size ALLFLEX and/or RITCHIE style tags will be used separately or in combination, 4. Orphaned Cubs. i, Mark orphaned cubs with white ear tags with GMU of origin and date of immobilization marked on the back. fi, Release orphaned cubs into the wild if captured after August 15 (except Administrative Directive W-2 ENDIX A cont, as described in 3. below). iii, fan orphaned cub is captured before August 15, or is emaciated (less than 20 Ibs.), take bear to a licensed rehabilitator iv. Rehabilitated orphaned cubs will be released into artificial dens in December of the same year. e. Research Bears. i. Mark rescarch bears with Truflex tags with preprinted numbers. ii Mark on back “DOW” and the study area identifier. 2. Tattoos a. Lip tattoos are required in addition to ear tags. b, All bears captured under IV a, b and c will be tattooed on both sides on the inside of the upper lip with numbering sequence as follows: Number of Region + ear tag number. Region#'s: Northwest Region= #1 Northeast Region = #2 Southwest Region= #3 Southeast Region = #4 Example: Tattoo #1206~a bear from the Northwest Region with ear taz #206. D. Relocation 1, Release sites. The following information should be considered in selecting release sites: a, Adult bears of either sex may attempt to return to their home ranges no matter how far away they are moved, b, Sub-adult males were probably moving when caught and, after relocation, may continue to move. €. Sub-adult females have shown a propensity to stay where released. 2. Relocation Criteria If captured bear is to be released other than within the area of capture, the appropriate AWM will be contaeted for request of mutual agreement to the release location. Bears to be released within the same area of capture require notification to AWM. and to release site DWM. Sows with cubs should be moved only as a family group. (This is especially critical prior to August 15). Itis recommended that sows and cubs be transported separately if unconscious, together if conscious Administrative Directive W-2 APPENDIX A cont. Page 5 E. Lethal Control 1. Alll bears destroyed shall be dispatched using the most humane method available, ‘Any bear destroyed as a result of causing injury or death to a person will be necropsied bya Veterinary Pathologist, Transport eareass in tact to the Colorado State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory for analysis. Refer to Administrative Directive W-2, V.C (3.c.) for routing of mandatory check form and other reports. Euthanasia by chemical injection a. Theuse of barbiturates such as Pentobarbital Sodium will be used only by trained employees under the authorization of the staff veterinarian or other licensed veterinarian, b. Refer to “Disposal of Carcasses” (see F) below. Shooting concurrent with immobilization drugs a. Human safety should be of primary concern when a firearm is used. A gunshot to the brain or cervical spine with the appropriate ammunition (.22 caliber in most cases) on a chemically immobilized bear is most effective. Cervical spine shots at the base of the skull or brain shots at the base of the ear may be most effective considering the anatomy of the bear skull. b. Captured bears will be immobilized prior to euthanasia. Consider theneed for the skull/brain if necropsy or lab tests for rabies are warranted, c. Every effort will be made to immobilize five ranging bears thal are to be destroyed. Public safety concems may dictate the course of action, Immobilization and removal of the bear from a high profile arca prior to euthanasia is preferred. F. Disposal of Carcass Any bear destroyed, except those euthanized by barbiturates, will be disposed of as follows: a, Hide, skull, teeth and claws shall be collected for DOW or other official use if salvageable; gall bladders MUST be destroyed, unless authorized by the Chief of Law Enforcement. If meat is fit for human consumption, it should be donated for this use. ©. Any bear which has died after receiving immobilization or euthanesia drugs (barbiturates), is not fit for human consumption and must not be donated 4d. If Telazal is used, place the carcass in location where potential for human contact isminimal. Place the carcass with the injection site down to reduce the risk of drug ingestion by scavenging wildlife. ‘Ifeuthanizing barbiturates such as Pentobarbital Sodium are used, the entire carcass including the hide, skull, teeth and claws, must be disposed of as described in ‘Commission Regulation #1405 H. “Any person euthanizing wildlife using chemical agents which have the potential to cause secondary poisoning must provide for the appropriate burial, incineration or other lavful disposition of such wildlife”. Administrative Directive W-2 APPENDIX B mH. USE OF AGENTS FOR MANAGING PEOPLE-BEAR CONFLICTS The Division may use designated agents for the purpose of aiding in the management of people-hear conflicts. Agents of the Division are authorized to apply non-lethal and lethal bear control actions within the scope of Colorado Statutes, Regulations, Administrative Directives, and under the direction of Area Wildlife Managers. A ignation A. If in the opinion of the Area Wildlife Manager, usc of agents will increase the Division’s ability to professionally respond to conflicts and will increase overall Division effectiveness, then the Area Wildlife Manager shall establish and maintaina list of individuals and government agencies that may serve as agents to act as directed on the Division's behalf. B. Agent Types - Agents may serve as volunteers or paid under contractual agreements, with individuals or other government agencies. 1. Nor-lethal Bear Control Agents 2. Lethal Bear Control Agents 3. Non-lethal & Lethal Bear Control Agents C. Paid Agent Compensation - Contingent upon cost center budget allocations. 1. Government Agencies - Payment shall be made at the rate negotiated between DOW and the Agency and contained within the intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement. 2. Individuals— Payment shall be made for servives rendered at an hourly rate of no greater than that of job Class Title General Labor I, Grade D26. Actual compensation within the range depends upon experience and quality of service provided to the Division and public. a. Independent contractors may serve only pursuant to a fully executed contract approved by the Controller. They shall provide at least a $1 million liability policy which lists the State of Colorado as an additional insured party. D. Volunteer Agents 1, Volunteer Agents shall be enrolled es Volunteers of the Division of Wildlife and in addition to the Agent Agreement must sign the Volunteer Agreement. 2. As Volunteers, liability protection is provided by the Governmental Immunity Act. Agent Authority & Limits When requested by the Regional Manager, Area Wildlife Manager or District Wildlife Manager, Agents may take any actions described as follows, or as specifically directed by the Regional Manager, Area Wildlife Manager or District Wildlife Manager. Administrative Directive W-2 APPENDIX B cont. Page 2 A ‘Non-Lethal Bear Control Agents L. May conduct non-lethal control actions in a manner consistent with training. May shoot black bear with rubber buckshot or slugs, firearm propelled bean- bag rounds, pepper spray, or pyrotechnics in a manner consistent with training. May not apply any technique in a manner inconsistent with training, orin any manner that will cause serious injury or death to a black bear, or to any animal other than black bear. ‘May not apply lethal control on black bear, except in the course of non-lethal control actions a situation changes such that they must act to prevent death, the imminent threat of death or injury to themselves or others, Lethal Bear Control Agents 1 2 ‘May kill black bear when authorized by the Regional Manager, Area Wildlife ‘Manager or District Wildlife Manager. May use Division approved live traps, or may shoot black bear within arcas thatare otherwise closed to the discharge of firearms, or may shoot black bear al night with the aid of artificial light or aid of night vision cquipment—when any or all of the above is authorized by the Area Wildlife Manager. May not apply any control technique in a manner that would pose a threat to public safety, or in a manner inconsistent with training, or to any animal other than black bear. ‘Must care for the careass of any animal killed in aecordance with Colorado law and as provided in Section Ill. D. 3, below. Non-Lethal & Lethal Bear Control Agents. All of Section II. A, B, and D apply. Authority & Limits Applicable to All Agents 1 we During the course of control actions and in informal settings, may provide information and answer questions regarding Division bear management policies, bear ecology and behavior, bear conflict resolution techniques, and other topics relevant to people-bear conflicts in a manner consistent with training, May assist in any other duties related to people-bear conflicts including but ‘not limited to care and salvage of dead bears, transport of traps, transport and release of live captured bears 10 the wild or to authorized rehabilitators, Agents that provide care and salvage of any dead bear must discard entrails with due care and regard for concerns of nearby property owners, and shall provide for disposition of carcasses and parts thereof including skulls, teeth, claws, hides, and gall bladders as directed by the Regional Manager, Area Wildlife Manager or District Wildlife Manager. May not use wildlife tranquilizers or tranquilizing equipment. May not conduct any control actions while under the influence of alechol, Administrative Directive W-2 APPENDIX B cont. Page 3 controlled substance, or while under the influence of any prescribed medication that may impair judament. ‘Must use their own vehicles and normal equipment, except for specialized control equipment provided by the Division. May not trespass on private property or otherwise violate the rights of citizens. Must at all times conduct themselves in a courteous, respectful manner and in amanner supportive of the Division, its personnel and policies. Must document people-bear conflicts and results of any control action via conflict bear reports, or mandatory check forms, or any supplemental report requested by Division personnel, or public information meeting reports and shall submit such reports within 72 hours of control actions, request for reports, or meetings. Reports shall be submitted to personnel designated by the Area Wildlife Manager. IV. Agent Qualification Standards A. Non-lethal Bear Control Agents 1 2. ‘Must participate in a 2 ~3 hour orientation on DOW Statutes, Regulations, and Administrative Directives relevant to people-bear conflicts, including at Teast: a. Review of Administrative Directive W-2 and relevant Statutes and Regulations. b. Black bear slide show (distributed last year to each Area) ©. Review of people-bear conflict brochure. d. Review of mandatory check form related to people-bear conflict reporting. e. Review of non-lethal bear control techniques guide (distributed to each Area at AWM meeting in April, 2002). ‘Familiarization with pepper spray, rubber buckshot and slugs, firearm propelled bean-bag rounds, and pyrotechnics. Including risks of self- exposure to pepper spray, risk of wildfire from pyrotechnics, risk of Gamage to firearms or personal injury from pyrotechnics, target areas, for rubber projectiles and their effective range and injury range. Each agent must actually load and fire projectile and pyrotechnic sounds. Must sign an agreement with the Division that outlines their authority, limitations, and revocation standards. B. Lethal Bear Control Agents ‘Must participate in a 2 ~ 3 hour orientation on DOW Statutes, Regulations, and Adminisirative Directives relevant to people-bear conflicts, including at least: Administrative Directive W-2 APPENDIX B cont. Page 4 ae Review of Administrative Directive W-2 and relevant Statutes and Regulations. Black bear slide show (distributed lest year to each Arca). Review of people-bear conflict brochure. Review of mandatory check form related to people-bear conflict reporting and kill reporting requirements. Must demonstrate proficieney with the weapon(s) they will use to conduct lethal control by firing and achieving a passing score as follows (weapon and ammunition must be legal for take of bear and are provided by the agent): & Rifle: from 100 yards, 16” circular target with 10” center bullseye, 5 shots, at least 3 of which must be in the 10” center, and no shots outside of the 6” circle fi, Shotgun: from 40 yards, 16” circular target with 10” center bullseye, 5 shots, atleast 3 of which must be in the 10° center, and no shots outside of the 16” circle. iii, Handgun: from 20 yards, 16” circular target with 10” center bullseye, 5 shots, atleast 3 of which must be in the 10” center, and no shots outside of the 16” circle. iv. Handheld Bow: from 25 yards, 16” circular target with 10” center bullseye, 5 arrows, at least 3 of which must be in the 10” center, and no arrows outside of the 16” circle. vy. Crossbows: fiom 50 yards, 16” circular target with 10” center bullseye, 5 bolts, atleast 3 of which must be in the 10” center, and no bolts outside of the 16” circle, Agents that will be authorized to kill bear at night by aid of artificial light or night vision equipment must demonstrate their proficiency with the weapon and under night conditions using the siding equipment, Proficiency standards are all the same but firing from 44 of the foregoing distances. ‘Must have passed a hunter education course prior to agent designation. ‘Must sign an agreement with the Division that outlines their authority, limitations, and revocation standards. ‘Non-lethal & Lethal Bear Control Agents. All of Section IV. A and B. apply. The Area Wildlife Manager may, butis not required to, exemptany current or former APHIS Wildlife Services employee, any former DOW or DPOR employee, or any current or former POST certified peace officer from the foregoing qualification standards. Such exempted individuals should be provided a short (about 1 hour) briefing on Division people-bear conilict management policies, strategies, and reporting requirements. Area Wildlife Managers may exclude an individual, or agency, er agency employee fiom being a designated agent for any reason and are expected to sereen potential agents for interpersonal communication skills, criminal background check, Administrative Directive W-2 APPENDIX B cont. Page 5 knowledge and proficiency with weapons and shooting safety and ethics beyond shooting accuracy, and any other factors relevant to an agent acting as a representative of the Division. Duties of DOW Personnel Regional Managers, Area Wildlife Managers and District Wildlife Managers must determine, within the scope of this Administrative Directive, when, why, and how a bear must be killed. And, must especially weigh the potential risks and consequences of any lethal control action conducted by an agent within areas of human occupancy, including protection of public safety, health, and welfare, public perceptions of agency actions, potential for trespass in relation to use of hounds, actions taken at night, and any other relevant considerations. YI. Revocation of Agent Status At the sole discretion of the Area Wildlife Manager the Division may revoke Agent status for any criminal acts, operating outside of authorizations, taking actions outside of those consistent with training, failure to properly or timely report control actions, discourtesy or disrespectful treatment of citizens, or for any other reason that reflects poorly upon the Division, its personnel or policies. Administrative Directive W-2 APPENDIX B cont. Page 6 Bear Conflict Control Agent Colordo Division of Wiehe Buddy Bear Fh, ThisAvs eg boy ose orbea fh Cake Did ¢ Midienmnes Mea pear eotte Nev Ber Conca) Lal er Gra Model Identifies Card The reverse of this card would outline elements of the Agents’ authority and limitations of that authority. Administrative Directive W-2 APPENDIX B cont. Page 7 Bear Control Agent Agreement 1 . whose addressis o hereby agree to act as an Agent of the Colorado Division of Wildlife as authorized within this, Agreement and as further directed or limited by the Area Wildlife Manager or designee. Tzgree to carry out activities and to conduct myself ina manner that reflects well upon the Colorado Division of Wildlife. Iagree to respect the legal rights and personal concerns of the eitizens of Colorado and its visitors. agree that at the sole discretion of the Area Wildlife Manager this Agent designation may be revoked at any time. [ agree to not represent myself as an employee of the Colorado Division of Wildlife, nor represent to anyone that [have more authority than that listed herein os a: {_Non-lethal Bear Control Agent) (_Lethal Bear Control Agent) Agent Authority & Limits. When requested by an Area Wildlife Manager Agents may take any actions as described as follows, or as specifically directed by an Area Wildlife Manager. Non-Lethal Rear Control Agents 1. May conduct non-lethal control actions in a manner consistent with training, 2. May shoot black bear with rubber buckshot or slugs, firearm propelled bean-bag rounds, pepper spray, or pyrotechnics in a manner consistent with training. 3. May not apply any technique in a manner inconsistent with training, or in any manner that will cause serious injury or death to black bear, or to any animal other than black bear. 4, May notapply lethal control on black bear, exceptin the couse of non-lethal control actions as a juation changes such that they must act to prevent death, or the imminent threat of death or jury to themselves or others. Lethal Bear Control Agents 1. May kill black bear wien authorized by the Regional Manager, Area Wildlife Manager or District Wildlife Manager 2. May usc Division approved live traps, or may shoot black bear within arcas that are otherwise closed to the discharge of firearms, or may shoot black bear at night with the aid of artificial light or aid of night vision equipment ~ when any or all of the above is authorized by the Area Wildlife Manager. 3. May not apply any control technique in a manner that would pose a threat to public safety, orina manner inconsistent with training, or to any animal other than black bear. 4, Must care for the carcass of any animal killed in accordance with Colorado law and as provided in Provision 3, Authorization & Limits Applicable to All Agents, below. Non-Lethsl & Lethal Bear Control Agents - All of the above. Limits Applicable All Agents 1. During the course of control actions and in informal settings, may provide information and answer questions regarding Division bear management policies, beat ecology and behavior, bear conflict resolution techniques, and other topics relevant to people-bear conflicts in a manner consistent with training. 2. May assist in any other duties related to people-bear conflicts including but not limited to care Administrative Directive W-2 APPENDIX B cont. Page 8 and salvage of dead bears, transport of traps, transport and release of live captured bears to the wild or to authorized rehabilitators. 3. Agents that provide care and salvage of any dead bear must discard entrails with due care and regard for concerns of nearby property owners, and shall provide for disposition of carcasses and paris thereof including skulls, teeth, claws, hides, and gall bladders as directed by the Area Wildlife Manager. May not use wildlife tranquilizers or tranquilizing equipment. May not conduct any control actions while under the influence ofalcohol, controlled substance, or while under the influence of any prescribed medication that may impair judgment. 6. Must use their own vehicles and normal equipment, except for specialized control equipment provided by the Division. ‘May not trespass on private property or otherwise violate the rights of citizens. Must at all times conduct themselves in a courteous, respectful manner and in a manner supportive of the Division, its personnel and policies. 9. Must document people-bear conflicts and results of any control action via conflict bear reports, ‘ormandatory check forms, or any supplemental report requested by Division personnel, or public information meeting reports and shall submit such reports within 72 hours of control actions, request for reports, or meetings. Reports shall be submitted to personnel designated by the Area Wildlife Manager. ae ex Print Name of Agent DATE Street Address City, State Zip Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone Email Address DOWUse below this line 1 certify thot this Agent has met all minimum qualification standards to serve as an agent as designated, Area Wildlife Manager DATE,

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