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Oriental Monsters

A Supplement for B/X

Written by Ned Martell (May 2013)

Illustrations by:
Various (all artwork is in the public domain, copyrights expired due to age).

This document contains over 65 all-new monsters suitable for an Oriental campaign. Each of
the monsters is based on real world legendary sources, so in some cases the name of a
particular monster may be the same as that published in another game book, but in every
case the monster fully detailed herein is a novel interpretation written by myself.
Akashita... 1 Mujina.... 9
Amanojaku.. 1
Amanozako..... 1 Nature Folk... 9
Amikiri..... 1 Nekomata 10
Ayonyobo... 1 Nue.. 10
Nukekubi.... 10
Bakekujira... 2 Nureonna.... 11
Bakeneko.... 2 Nuribotoke.. 11
Baku.... 2
Bashe... 2 Okami.. 11
Oni... 11
Daidarabotchi..... 2 Oni (Onibaba).... 11
Dragon (Earth).... 2 Onibi.... 12
Dragon (Water)... 2 Onryo.. 12
Dragon King (Earth)... 3 Onyudo... 12
Dragon King (Water).. 3 Otoroshi... 12

Funayurei.... 4 Penghou.. 13
Furi...4 Pixiu..... 13
Futakuchionna.... 4
Qilin..... 13
Gashadokuro.. 4
Rokurokubi..... 13
Hainu... 5
Hakutaku.... 5 Satori... 13
Harionago... 5 Shachihoko..... 14
Hebi..... 5 Shen.... 14
Hengeyokai..... 5 Shojo... 14
Hitotsumekozo.... 5 Shuigui.... 14
Honeonna... 6
Taimatsumaru..... 14
Ikiryo....6 Tanuki.. 15
Ikuchi... 6 Tenaga-Ashinaga.... 15
Inugami... 7 Tengshe... 15
Isonade.... 7 Tengu (Greater).. 15
Itsumaden... 7 Tengu (Lesser).... 15
Ittanmomen.... 7 Tsuchigumo.... 15

Jiangshi.... 7 Umibozu.. 15
Jikininki... 8 Ushioni.... 16
Jorogumo.... 8
Jubokko...8 Wanyudo.... 16

Kama-itachi..... 8 Yako.... 16
Kappa.. 9 Yamaoroshi..... 16
Kijimuna.. 9 Yukionna..... 16
Kitsune.... 9
Koropokguru... 9 Zenko... 17

Langgui 9 APPENDIX I: Monster Listing by Hit Dice 17

Akashita strong that she can chew swords. She has a ferocious
temper. She attacks by snatching a victim up in her hands
Armour Class: 4 No. Appearing: 1 (1) on a successful "to hit" roll, and bringing the victim to her
Hit Dice: 7** Save As: Fighter: 7 mouth to bite with her powerful teeth. She may use each
Move: Fly: 120' (40') Morale: 9
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite Treasure Type: Nil the following spell-like abilities (cast as a 14th level wu
Damage: 1-8/1-8/2-12 Alignment: Chaotic ren) three times a day: ESP (she may also communicate
this way), invisibility, phantasmal force (with both
visual and auditory effects), dimension door,
polymorph others, polymorph self, and magic jar.


Armour Class: 7 No. Appearing: 1-3 (1-3)

Hit Dice: 1 Save As: Fighter: 1
Move: Fly: 90' (30') Morale: 6
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite Treasure Type: (L)
Damage: 1-2/1-2/1-2 Alignment: Chaotic

The Amikiri has a

tapering worm-like
body about 5 feet long,
a beaked bird-like
An akashita appears as a large thick black smokey cloud, head, and two crab-like
out of which emerges the head and arms of a hairy beast claws. Normally shy
with large claws and a gaping red maw containing sharp and mischievous, it
teeth and a large tongue. Anyone within melee range of especially enjoys cutting
the monster must save vs Poison at the end of each round nets when no one is
or be doubled over coughing due to the noxious smoke looking but it has also
and for the following round they will be unable to attack. been known to sneak
up on people and cut
Amanojaku off their hair at the roots! It will typically flee at the first sign
of danger. The treasure indicated will only be found the in
Armour Class: 6 No. Appearing: 1-2 (2-8) the creature's lair.
Hit Dice: 2+1* Save As: Fighter: 2
Move: 90' (30') Morale: 7 Aonyobo
Attacks: 1 bite or weapon Treasure Type: U (C)
Damage: 1-6 or by weapon Alignment: Chaotic
Armour Class: 5 No. Appearing: 0 (1-12)
Hit Dice: 3** Save As: Fighter: 3
Amanojaku are thought to be related to oni, resembling Move: 120' (40') Morale: 12
them somewhat but standing only 3 feet tall. They are Attacks: 1 bite Treasure Type: I
invariably wicked and perverse. Their favourite tactic is to Damage: 1-3 + paralysis Alignment: Chaotic
find a person's deepest desires (they may cast ESP at
will), and then use this information to instigate their victim Aonyobo are the
into doing evil acts before ultimately frustrating the victim's ghosts of old-
desire! Amanojaku have been known to flay their victims fashioned court
(or animals) after death and then wear the skin to ladies, appearing
impersonate them. They are also able to mimic their much as they did in
victim's voice and only have a 1-in-20 chance of being life (with blackened
detected. teeth and shaved
eyebrows) but with
Amanozako a distinct bluish-
green tint to their
Armour Class: 2 No. Appearing: 1 (1) skin. They will only
Hit Dice: 15*** Save As: Fighter: 15 be found in the
Move: 150' (50') Morale: 10 ruins of abandoned
Fly: 150' (50') palaces, and enjoy consuming human flesh. Upon being
Attacks: 1 bite Treasure Type: F
Damage: 6-36 Alignment: Chaotic bitten, their victim will be paralyzed for 2-8 turns unless a
successful save vs Paralysis is made. Aonyobo are
Amanozako is a monstrous giantess standing over 20 feet immune to disease, poison, and mind-affecting spells
tall, with a long nose, ears, and fangs. Her teeth are so (such as sleep, charm, and hold spells).

Bakekujira* Bashe

Armour Class: 6 No. Appearing: 0 (1) Armour Class: 6 No. Appearing: 1 (1-3)
Hit Dice: 16+16** Save As: Fighter: 15 Hit Dice: 15+15** Save As: Fighter: 8
Move: Swim: 180' (60') Morale: 12 Move: 60' (20') Morale: 8
Attacks: 1 bite Treasure Type: Nil Attacks: 1 bite/1 squeeze Treasure Type: Nil
Damage: 6-36 Alignment: Neutral Damage: 2-16/2-16 Alignment: Neutral

Bashe are huge pythons, up to 100 feet long, so large that

their favoured prey are elephants. Their primary attack is
their bite, on a "to hit" roll of 19 or 20 they will have
swallowed a man-sized (or smaller) victim whole, inflicting
an automatic 2-16 points of damage per round. Anyone
inside the Bashe attacks with a -4 penalty on "to hit" rolls
against AC 7 and may only use small piercing weapons
such as a daggar. On any other successful bite attack roll,
the bashe will then proceed to wrap its body about the
victim, constricting for 2-16 points of damage per round
automatically each round thereafter.


Bakekujira is a ghost, taking the form of a skeletal whale

Armour Class: 4 Morale: 11
60 feet long. It is accompanied by a flock of 'zombie' birds
Hit Dice: 36+36* Treasure Type: H
and a school of 'zombie' fish. It will ignore nearby boats or Move: 240' (80') Alignment: Neutral
even outright non-magical attacks, but if attacked Attacks: 2 fists or trample
magically it will become fearlessly aggressive. If it rams a Damage: 10-60/10-60
ship, it will do 6-36 hull points of damage. Bakekujira is No. Appearing: 0 (1)
Save As: Dwarf: 12
immune to disease, poison, and mind-affecting spells
(such as sleep, charm, and hold spells), and can only be Daidarabotchi is a huge
hit with magic weapons. legendary giant, hairless with
pitch-black skin and well over
Bakeneko (cat hengeyokai); see Hengeyokai. 100 feet tall. On a successful
trample attack (gaining +4 "to
Baku hit") he will inflict 10-100 hit
points of damage.
Armour Class: 6 No. Appearing: 1 (1-3)
Hit Dice: 5* Save As: Fighter: 5
Move: 150' (50') Morale: 9 Dragon
Attacks: 2 claws Treasure Type: Lx4
Damage: 1-4/1-4 Alignment: Lawful Earth Water
Armour Class: 0 0
Baku are chimerical Hit Dice: 10* 9***
creatures, with a spotted Move: 90' (30') 90' (30')
Burrow: 60' (20') -
tiger's body & legs, an Fly: - 270' (90')
elephant's trunk, a Swim: - 270' (90')
rhinoceros' eyes, and an Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite 4 claws/1 bite
ox's tail. They are very Damage: 1-8/1-8/2-20 1-8/1-8/1-8/1-8/2-16
No. Appearing: 1 (1) 1 (1)
shy, but are helpful to
Save As: Dwarf: 10 Dwarf: 9
humans: they prowl Morale: 10 9
dreams and eat Treasure Type: H+M H
nightmares. Baku are Alignment: Neutral Lawful
able to use the spell ESP
at will (and may also use Earth Dragon: Earth dragons are the guardians of
this ability to devour hidden treasures, especially gems and precious metals,
dreams if the target is and in appearance they are similar to water dragons
sleeping). Baku are immune although they are usually wreathed in harmless flames.
to all poison and disease, and are at all times affected as Earth dragons are immune to fire (including magical fire)
by the 4th level shugenja spell protection from evil and often live inside volcanoes. The earth dragon is
10' radius. It is said that a bed made from the skin of a unable to fly, and so when it needs to ascend to heaven it
baku retains these protective qualities. creates a volcanic eruption to carry itself up. The earth

dragon also has the ability to move earth (as the spell)
three times per day.

Water Dragon: Water dragons are benevolent beings,

associated with water and clouds. They live in lakes,
rivers, or the sea, and also among the clouds. They have
the ability to control rainfall and weather (may cast
control weather up to three times per day). They are
chimerical, having the following characteristics: head of a
crocodile; antlers of a deer; eyes of an oni; ears of a cow;
neck, body, and tail of a snake; scales of a carp; claws of
an eagle; soles of a tiger; and the innards of a clam. They
may change their colour to match whatever environment
they may be in (surprise on a roll of 1-4 on 1d6). Young
water dragons are smaller, having 5 or fewer hit dice, no
antlers, and may neither control weather nor fly (being
wholly aquatic).

Dragon King

Earth Water _
Armour Class: -1 -3
Hit Dice: 30+30**** 27+27********
Move: 60' (20') 180' (60')
Burrow: 60' (20') -
Fly: - 270' (90')
Swim: - 270' (90')
Attacks: 1 bite 4 claws/1 bite
Damage: 6-36 2-9/2-9/2-9/2-9/3-18
No. Appearing: 1 (1) 1 (1)
Save As: Dwarf: 12 Dwarf: 12
Morale: 12 12
Treasure Type: Hx2+Mx2 Hx2
Alignment: Neutral Lawful

Each dragon king carries a dragon orb. In the possession Water Dragon King: Water dragon kings have the
of the dragon king, the dragon orb functions as a ring of form of water dragons, and are not immediately
protection +3, 10' radius in addition to granting the distinguishable from them to the untrained eye; however,
dragon king up to three wishes per month, but in the they are larger and they have 5 claws per foot. There are
hands of others the dragon orb will only function as a ring four dragon kings in total, each ruling one ocean: North,
of protection +1 and will grant 0-3 wishes (depending South, East, and West. They each reside in a fabulous
how many are left) before losing the wishing power until crystal palace under their respective ocean, where they are
the dragon orb is returned to the possession of the dragon attended by all manner of marine animals which they may
king for a full month. command at will, being their rulers. Water dragon kings
may transform themselves at will into humanoid form,
Earth Dragon King: The earth dragon king is a huge, normally that of a man dressed in king's robes but with a
fat, worm-like version of an earth dragon with vestigial dragon's head, although they may also choose a purely
limbs and a body about 100 feet long and 10 feet in human form. They also have the following spell-like
diameter. He is rarely encountered as he spends most of powers, which they may cast at will (as a 14th level
his time far underground. He is immune to fire (including caster): purify water, create water, water
magical fire). He may swallow whole any creature 10 feet breathing, conjure elemental (water only), control
tall or shorter upon rolling a "to hit" number which is 4 or weather, lower water, flood (reverse of lower
more higher than required, causing an automatic 3-18 water), and part water. In addition, they have the spell
points of damage each subsequent round, in addition to casting abilities of both a 9th level wu ren and a 9th level
the normal bite damage on the round the swallowing shugenja.
occurred. He also has the following spell-like powers,
which he may cast at will (as a 14th level caster): conjure
elemental (earth only), pass-wall, transmute rock
to mud, transmute mud to rock, wall of stone,
and move earth.

Funayurei* Futakuchionna

Armour Class: 6 No. Appearing: 0 (20-60) Armour Class: 8 No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Hit Dice: 1+1** Save As: Fighter: 1 Hit Dice: 1-1* Save As: Fighter: 1
Move: 120' (40') Morale: 6 Move: 120' (40') Morale: 7
Swim: 120' (40') Attacks: 1 bite + 1 weapon Treasure Type: U
Attacks: 1 Treasure Type: (C) Damage: 1-4 + 1-6 or by Alignment: Chaotic
Damage: 1-6 Alignment: Chaotic weapon

Funayurei are the

ghosts of people
who have died in
shipwrecks. They
appear as they did
in life, except
being pale and
transparent. They
are also associated
with ghostly fires
(visible yet
unburning). They
may ride their
own ghost ships, A futakuchionna was once a normal woman, now cursed
they may swim in with a second mouth located on the back of her head
the water, or they (hidden by her hair under normal circumstances). Her hair
may suddenly appear on the decks of ships, but in all becomes like two serpents and is able to grab food and
cases their primary goal is to sink ships and swell their own carry it to her second mouth. Anyone struck by a hair
numbers. They will cause 1 hull point of damage per 'serpent' is grasped tightly, anyone struck by two is pulled
round to a ship for every 10 funayurei present and towards the mouth and chewed for 1-4 points of damage
working towards that goal. They will also attempt each round automatically until released. The second
deception to lure ships onto rocks, reefs, etc. Funayurei mouth tends to mumble spitefully, and eats twice as much
are immune to disease, poison, and mind-affecting as a normal person. It will become threatening or even
spells (such as sleep, charm, and hold spells), and can scream obscenities if not fed.
only be hit with magic weapons.
Armour Class: 4 No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Hit Dice: 15+15* Save As: Fighter: 15
Armour Class: 8 No. Appearing: 1-4 (2-12)
Move: 210' (70') Morale: 12
Hit Dice: (1-4hp) Save As: Normal Man
Attacks: 1 bite Treasure Type: Nil
Move: 60' (20') Morale: 6
Damage: 5-50 Alignment: Chaotic
Glide: 120' (40')
Attacks: 1 bite Treasure Type: Nil
Damage: 1 Alignment: Neutral

A furi is a small monkey-

like animal with red eyes,
blue fur with a black
leopard-like pattern, and
a short tail. They are
nocturnal and enjoy
eating spiders. Although
unable to fly, they are
excellent gliders, and are
able to travel from one
mountain to another!
They are unusual in that Gashadokuro are giant skeletons, standing 50 feet tall.
they are immune to all They are created from the bones of one thousand people
forms of attack (including who have died of starvation, and attack by snatching a
poison, fire, etc.) except victim and attempting to bite his head off. They are
those which cause immune to disease, poison, and mind-affecting spells
crushing damage (for example, a club or a mace). (such as sleep, charm, and hold spells).

Hainu Hengeyokai

Armour Class: 7 No. Appearing: 1-3 (2-8) Armour Class: 5 or by armour No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Hit Dice: 1+1* Save As: Fighter: 1 or by animal form
Move: 120' (40') Morale: 10 Hit Dice: See below Save As: Elf: 1-9
Fly: 150' (50') Move: 120' (40') Morale: 8
Attacks: 1 bite Treasure Type: Nil or by animal form
Damage: 1-4 Alignment: Neutral Attacks: 1 weapon or Treasure Type: L + U + V +
by animal form see below
Hainu are winged wild dogs. They are not at all timid, Damage: 1-8 or by weapon Alignment: Chaotic or
or by animal form see below
often attacking people and livestock.


Armour Class: 0 No. Appearing: 1 (1)

Hit Dice: 9**** Save As: Cleric: 9
Move: 240' (80') Morale: 11
Attacks: 1 butt Treasure Type: Ox4
Damage: 1-6 Alignment: Lawful

Hengeyokai cover a large range of shapechangers,

including bakeneko (cat), hebi (snake), inugami (dog),
kitsune (fox), mujina (badger), okami (wolf), tanuki
(raccoon dog), and tsuchigumo (spider), which are fully
detailed in the "Oriental Classes" supplement, and can
The hakutaku has the body of a white ox, the face of a also appear as NPCs. Bite attacks from NPC hebi and
man, nine eyes (three on its face and three on each flank), tsuchigumo will most often require a save vs Poison,
and six horns (two on its head and four along its back). It unlike their Player Character counterparts! Hengeyokai
is extremely intelligent and knowledgeable, and is able to encountered may be of any level from 1 through 9, and
speak and read all languages. It may never be surprised their particular animal form may be chosen by the DM or
and is immune to all poison and disease. In addition, it rolled randomly. Some of their favoured spells are as
has all the special abilities of a 9th level shugenja, follows (although they are by no means restricted to this
including spell casting. spell list): (1st) sleep, ventriloquism; (2nd) ESP,
invisibility, phantasmal force; (3rd) fireball, fly,
Harionago lightning bolt; (4th) confusion, hallucinatory
terrain; (5th) magic jar. Low-level hengeyokai may
Armour Class: 8 No. Appearing: 1 (1-4) only have half or less of the rolled treasure, and high-level
Hit Dice: 2+1* Save As: Fighter: 2 hengeyokai will have treasure type "I" in addition. Magic
Move: 120' (40') Morale: 9 items should be determined separately, by using the
Attacks: 1 special + Treasure Type: V normal rules for NPCs. Most hengeyokai are Chaotic, but
1 weapon
Damage: 2-8 + 1-6 or Alignment: Chaotic some 20% may be Neutral and 5% may be Lawful. One
by weapon specific type of hengeyokai, the zenko, is detailed
separately in its own listing.
A harionago is a man-eating monster taking the form of a
beautiful woman with long, lustrous hair. However, her Hitotsumekozo
hair is prehensile and each strand is tipped with a razor-
sharp barbed hook. In combat, her hair lashes about and Armour Class: 8 No. Appearing: 1-2 (2-8)
may make attack rolls against all creatures within melee Hit Dice: (1-4hp) Save As: Normal Man
Move: 60' (20') Morale: 6
range (one attack roll per opponent per round). With her Attacks: See below Treasure Type: P
hair down, she is not immediately recognisable as a Damage: 0 Alignment: Neutral
monster, and will often attack with surprise.
Hitotsumekozo appear as bald young children aged 8-10
Hebi (snake hengeyokai); see Hengeyokai. years old, usually wearing the robes of a monk-in-training,

but with only one large eye in the dishonour upon the target. Furthermore, the target will
centre of their face. They are not sicken (losing 1 hit point per day, which may not be
malicious, but enjoy surprising healed by magical or normal healing). Forcing the ikiryo
people. Anyone upon first seeing out of the victim will allow him to begin recovering hit
their single eye must save vs points normally.
Spells with a +2 bonus or faint in
fright (as if affected by the spell While the ikiryo is absent from the originator, he too will
sleep). sicken and lose hit points in a similar manner (losing 1 hit
point per day, which may not be healed by magical or
Honeonna normal healing). In the case of the originator, he may only
begin to be cured after the ikiryo re-enters his body.
Armour Class: 7 No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Hit Dice: 2** Save As: Fighter: 2 Although the ikiryo's preferred victim is the target of the
Move: 120' (40') Morale: 10
Attacks: 1 weapon Treasure Type: L+U grudge, the Ikiryo may attempt to possess other bodies
Damage: 1-6 or by weapon Alignment: Chaotic at will (although only one at a time), hopping from body
to body. It will sometimes use this ability to further
A honeonna in her natural form is a skeleton, but she torment its victim.
takes the aspect of a thin, beautiful girl to lure men into
her clutches. Whenever she sleeps with a man she will Ikiryo are immune to disease, poison, and mind-
permanently drain 1 hit point from him (may not be affecting spells (such as sleep, charm, and hold spells),
healed by magical or normal healing). This loss is and can only be hit with magic weapons. A protection
undetectable until he dies from this effect, at which time from evil spell will temporarily (for the duration of the
he becomes a skeleton himself under the direction of the spell) drive the ikiryo out of someone who is possessed,
honeonna. Honeonna are immune to disease, poison, and prevent the ikiryo from possessing anyone so
and mind-affecting spells (such as sleep, charm, and protected. A successful dispel evil spell will drive the
hold spells). ikiryo out of the victim and force it to return to its
originator for 1 day; furthermore this spell will cause the
Ikiryo* ikiryo will become visible (AC 4) until it re-enters the
originator, and identifiable to anyone who knows him in
Armour Class: 0 No. Appearing: 1 (1) life.
Hit Dice: 3**** Save As: Fighter: 3
Move: 120' (40') Morale: 12
Attacks: Possession Treasure Type: Nil Ikuchi
Damage: Special Alignment: Chaotic
Armour Class: 5 No. Appearing: 0 (1)
If a person holds Hit Dice: 6 Save As: Fighter: 3
Move: Swim: 150' (50') Morale: 8
a particularly Attacks: See below Treasure Type: Nil
strong grudge Damage: See below Alignment: Neutral
against someone
else, the grudge The ikuchi is
can itself take on an incredibly
an independent long ocean-
form (the ikiryo). dwelling eel
The originator of coated with a
the ikiryo will be slippery oil-like
unaware of this substance.
occurrence. The Although its
ikiryo is always body is only
invisible, but if it about 6 inches
is able to be seen in diameter it is
it will appear as a ghostly version of the originator. rumoured to
be at least 2-3
The ikiryo will track down the target of the grudge and miles long,
attempt to possess him (target must make a save vs taking several
Spells, if it fails the ikiryo will enter the victim's body and hours to pass! It
gain control over it; if the save is successful, the ikiryo is strangely attracted to boats, and enjoys circling over
must wait at least one full day before making another them as it swims by, spilling oil down as it passes which
attempt). While in possession of the target's body, the can rapidly fill the boat and sink it. This build-up of oil is
ikiryo will engage in acts which will bring shame and equivalent to 1 hull point of damage per round, but it can

easily be repaired: 10 men working exclusively at bailing are ignored and the dead remain unappeased, in which
can repair 1 hull point per round. If the eel is attacked, it case it will slowly and steadily escalate its attacks. It may
will constrict down upon the boat, causing 1-10 hull points breathe fire at will, each such attack inflicting 4-24 points
of damage per round in addition! This damage is not so of damage against any one victim (save vs Dragon Breath
easily repaired (use normal rules for repairing hull for half damage).
Inugami (dog hengeyokai); see Hengeyokai.
Armour Class: 7 + see below No. Appearing: 1 (1-3)
Isonade Hit Dice: 2** Save As: Fighter: 2
Move: Fly: 180' (60') Morale: 7 or see below
Attacks: Suffocate Treasure Type: Nil
Armour Class: 4 No. Appearing: 0 (1) Damage: See below Alignment: Chaotic
Hit Dice: 8* Save As: Fighter: 4
Move: 180' (60') Morale: 7
Attacks: 1 tail or 1 bite Treasure Type: V The ittanmomen appears as a bolt of cotton cloth (about 1
Damage: 1-10 + special Alignment: Neutral foot wide and 35 feet long) fluttering in the breeze. On a
or 2-20 successful attack roll, it has wrapped itself around the
victim's head and body, and the victim will suffocate to
Isonade is a giant shark- death in 10 rounds unless the ittanmomen is removed.
like sea creature, about 30 Removal may be accomplished by killing it (attacks
feet long. It especially automatically hit, but will do damage to the monster and
enjoys stormy weather, damage to the victim), or by pulling it free. Pulling it free
and is normally only will require successful Open Doors rolls for 3 rounds in a
encountered under these row, these Open Doors rolls may be made against the
conditions. Its favourite creature instead of a normal attack roll. A maximum of
tactic is to approach ships two people may attempt to pull it free simultaneously.
from underwater, waiting Note that the 3 rounds required must be in unbroken
until it is very close and sequence, if all Open Doors rolls are failed on any given
then lifting its tail (which is round, the creature retightens its grip and the pulling must
covered in hook-like begin anew. When wrapped around a victim, the
projections) out of the ittanmomen's Morale becomes 12.
water and sweeping it
across to pull sailors down Jiangshi*
into the sea where it can
eat them. The isonade has Armour Class: 6 No. Appearing: 1-6 (1-8)
also been known to use this tactic against people on the Hit Dice: 2+2* Save As: Fighter: 2
beach. Anyone struck by its tail must, in addition to taking Move: 60' (20') Morale: 12
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite Treasure Type: Lx2
the stated damage, make a save vs Death Ray or be
Damage: 1-3/1-3/1-3 Alignment: Chaotic
caught on the hooks of the tail and dragged into the water. + energy drain
When biting, on a "to hit" roll of 20 the isonade will
swallow any creature 3 feet tall or smaller, automatically Jiangshi are reanimated corpses with greenish-white skin
inflicting 1-6 points of damage per round and killing the and long white hair, created by the ghost's inability to
victim by drowning in 10 rounds. Any treasure it may leave the body. Jiangshi are animalistic in temperament
have will be located inside its belly. and intelligence. They are active at night, hiding in dark
places during daylight hours. The body itself is very stiff
Itsumaden with the arms perpetually stretched outwards; they may
only move by hopping and they automatically lose
Armour Class: 6 No. Appearing: 1 (1) initiative in combat. Their touch drains 1 level of
Hit Dice: 4** Save As: Fighter: 4
Move: 60' (20') Morale: 12 experience or hit die from the victim. Anyone slain by a
Fly: 480' (160') jiangshi in this manner will become a jiangshi himself.
Attacks: 2 claws + breath Treasure Type: Nil
Damage: 2-5/2-5 + special Alignment: Lawful Jiangshi are immune to disease, poison, and mind-
affecting spells (such as sleep, charm, and hold spells),
An itsumaden is a bird spirit, believed to be created when and can only be hit with magic weapons. However, they
many dead people are left unburied, such as from have many weaknesses. They are repelled by their own
starvation or plague. The cry of this beast ("How much reflection in a mirror, by the call of a rooster, by uncooked
longer? How much longer?") calls for the dead to be glutinous rice, and by dried red adzuki beans (jiangshi
buried. It has the legs, talons, and wings of a bird with a may not cross a barrier composed of either of the latter
15 foot wingspan, the body of a snake, and a human face. two). The touch of a holy symbol to its forehead will
In general these spirits are not aggressive, unless their calls

paralyse it (no save), but only while the holy symbol is in 20 feet per round. The thread takes 4 rounds (plus or
contact with the body, and the holy symbol must be minus Strength modifier) to cut with an edged weapon, or
administered in melee with a successful "to hit" roll. They it may also be burned through in one round but this latter
are not immune to items made from the wood of a peach method will also inflict 1-2 points of damage to the victim.
tree, nor are they immune to fire damage. She may hold and retract up to four threads
simultaneously, but may only throw one per round. She
Jikininki will often first attempt to distract or lull her prey (using her
human form), before binding and then devouring them.
Armour Class: 7 No. Appearing: 1 (1-6) Jorogumo are often associated with a deep pool of water,
Hit Dice: 2 Save As: Fighter: 2 dwelling down below and launching out threads at
Move: 120' (40') Morale: 9
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite Treasure Type: B travellers in an attempt to pull them underwater. Her bite
Damage: 1-3/1-3/1-3 Alignment: Neutral requires a save vs Paralysis, or her victim will be
paralysed for 2-8 turns. She may cast the spell charm
Jikininki are people who have person once per day, and may cast the spell web three
been cursed with the insatiable times per day.
urge to eat fresh human
corpses. They are fully aware Jubokko
of their condition, and find
their own desires repugnant. Armour Class: 2 No. Appearing: 0 (1)
During the day they live as Hit Dice: 6+6* Save As: Fighter: 6
Move: - Morale: -
normal human beings but at
Attacks: 1 Treasure Type: U+V
night, when they go out in Damage: 1-10 + special Alignment: Chaotic
search of fresh cadavers to eat,
their appearance transforms A jubokko is a tree which was growing in a battlefield and
into that of decomposing has been transformed by soaking up large amounts of
bodies with sharp teeth, claws, blood. it now stands in wait for passersby, snatching them
and glowing eyes. They will and sucking out their blood. A jubokko looks exactly like a
steal any valuables the corpses normal tree (except perhaps being more fresh and healthy
may have in order to use the looking) and they always surprise on roll of 1-3 on 1d6.
proceeds to bribe local officials during the day. Upon a successful hit, the victim is held immobile and will
be drained of 1-10 points of damage automatically each
Jorogumo round. If a jobokko is cut, it bleeds. Its treasure (remains
of previous victims) is scattered loosely around the base of
Armour Class: 6 No. Appearing: 1 (1) the tree. Fresh branches from a jubokko (less than 1 week
Hit Dice: 4** Save As: Fighter: 4 since removal from the tree) may be used to drain poison
Move: 60' (20') Morale: 8
Swim: 60' (20') from a wound (as the spell neutralize poison).
Attacks: 1 bite or 1 thread Treasure Type: C + V
Damage: 2-12 + paralysis Alignment: Chaotic Kama-itachi
or see below
Armour Class: 3 No. Appearing: 1-3 (2-8)
Jorogumo are monsters with features of both a woman Hit Dice: 2* Save As: Fighter: 2
and a spider. She may transform into a normal spider (AC Move: 360' (120') Morale: 6
9, MV 30'/10') and a beautiful woman (AC 8, MV 120'/ Attacks: 1 claws Treasure Type: Nil
Damage: 1-6 + see below Alignment: Chaotic
40'), but only once each
per day.
This monster has a
form similar to a weasel
Her primary form of
with long razor-sharp
attack is to throw a silk
sickle-shaped claws. It
spider-thread at her
moves so quickly that
victim. Her spider
in motion it creates a
threads have a range of
whirlwind-like ball of
60 feet, a successful
wind in a 5' radius,
attack roll will stick a
inside of which the
thread to the victim and
creature rides invisibly.
thereafter he may not
The force of the wind is
move farther away from
so powerful that any
the Jorogumo than she
creature caught within
allows. She will retract
its radius must make a
the thread at a rate of

save vs Death Ray or be knocked down to the ground. childish pranks and tricks, but are not malicious and are
The kama-itachi may make attack rolls against all creatures sometimes even helpful to humans.
within the ball of wind (one attack roll per victim). The
wounds created by this creature do not bleed, so it is Kitsune (fox hengeyokai); see Hengeyokai.
sometimes not until the creature has already passed that
its victim realises he has been cut! Koropokguru

Kappa Armour Class: 7 or by armour No. Appearing: 1-4 (4-16)

Hit Dice: 1-1 Save As: Halfling: 1
Move: 90' (30') Morale: 7 or see below
Armour Class: 2 No. Appearing:1-6 (2-20)
Attacks: 1 weapon Treasure Type: U (C) + see
Hit Dice: 1+1* Save As: Fighter: 1
Move: 60' (20') Morale: 6
Damage: 1-6 or by weapon Alignment: Neutral or
Swim: 120' (40')
see below
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite Treasure Type:B
Damage: 1/1/1-4 + Strength Alignment: Neutral
Koropokguru are fully detailed in the "Oriental
Kappa are a race of Classes" supplement, and can also appear as NPCs.
small freshwater- They live in small clan camps or villages of 20-80
dwelling humanoids, inhabitants. For each 20 inhabitants, there will be a leader
roughly the size of a of level 2-7, and each village will also have a single clan
human child. They head (level 9). The DM should roll ability scores and
have webbed hands determine magic items for these special individuals
and feet, and their skin separately. Koropokkuru morale is raised to 9 when a
is scaly, slippery, and leader is present, 10 in the presence of the clan head.
bluish- or yellowish- Most koropokguru are Neutral, but some 20% may be
green. They have a tortoise-like shell on their back, a Lawful and 5% may be Chaotic.
beak-like mouth, and a round cavity on top of their heads
surrounded by long hair. They may breathe air as well as Langgui
water, but they must always keep the cavity on top of their
head wet: if it empties they will become too weak to even Armour Class: 5 No. Appearing: 0 (1-4)
move and will eventually die; thus they will often cover the Hit Dice: 5* Save As: Fighter: 5
Move: 150' (50') Morale: 12
cavity with a metal cap while above water. While there is Attacks: 1 bite or special Treasure Type: D
water in the cavity on its head, kappa have a Strength Damage: 2-8 or 2-12 Alignment: Neutral
score of 18 (gaining +3 "to hit" and +3 damage). Kappa
have a strong fishy smell, and if threatened they will exude A langgui is a spirit guarding abandoned tomb mounds,
a noxious gas causing victims to save vs Poison or suffer a taking the form of a large demonic wolf. It will relentless
-2 penalty on "to hit" rolls while in melee combat with the attack any creature coming too close to the tomb mound,
kappa. but will not pursue very far if the intruder flees. The
langgui may also transform itself into a whirlwind (10'
Kappa are generally mischievous, often malicious (human diameter, MV 120'/40') which will toss aside any creatures
innards are a favourite food), and sometimes benevolent. in its path which fail a save vs Death Ray, inflicting 2-12
They are unfailingly polite and will never break their word points of damage. This transformation takes one full
once given. They are very boastful, and love wrestling and round, during which time the langgui may not move or
other tests of skill. It is said they also particular enjoy attack. Any treasure rolled is buried within the tomb
eating cucumbers. mound it is guarding, and will require a concerted effort to
Mujina (badger hengeyokai); see Hengeyokai.
Armour Class: 8 No. Appearing: 0 (4-16)
Hit Dice: 1-1 Save As: Fighter: 1 Nature Folk
Move: 90' (30') Morale: 6
Attacks: 1 weapon Treasure Type: J
Damage: 1-2 or by Alignment: Neutral Armour Class: 5 or by armour No. Appearing: 1 (1)
weapon -2 Hit Dice: See below Save As: Dwarf: 1-9
Move: 120' (40') Morale: 9
Attacks: 1 weapon Treasure Type: L + U + V
Kijimuna are a race of tree spirits, having the form of a 3-4 + see below
year old child with a lush mane of red hair. Although they Damage: 1-8 or by Alignment: Lawful or
sleep inside of banyan trees (each individual kijimuna to a weapon see below
particular tree), they spend most of their time outside and
are especially proficient at fishing, although of the entire Nature folk are fully detailed in the "Oriental Classes"
fish they only eat one of the eyes. They enjoy playing supplement, and can also appear as NPCs. They may be

of any level from 1 through 9. They do not have their own The chimerical nue is
societies, instead they live with their human family clans. roughly fox-sized and has
Low-level nature folk may only have half or less of the the head of a monkey, the
rolled treasure, and high-level nature folk will have body of a racoon dog, the
treasure type "D" in addition. Magic items should be legs of a tiger, and a snake
determined separately, by using the normal rules for for a tail. When it flies, it is
NPCs. Most nature folk are Lawful, but some 20% may be surrounded by a black
Neutral and 5% may be Chaotic. cloud, impenetrable to
sight but still vulnerable to
Nekomata weapons. It will often use
this ability at night to
Armour Class: 7 No. Appearing: 1 (1-3) remain largely undetected.
Hit Dice: 6** Save As: Fighter: 6 It may claw twice per
Move: 120' (40') Morale: 7
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite Treasure Type: C+L round with its tiger legs
Damage: 1-2/1-2/1-4 Alignment: Chaotic (1-4 points of damage
each), bite with its monkey mouth (1 point of damage,
It is rumoured that if a domestic cat gets to reach an old save vs Death Ray or become diseased: wounds may not
age and a large size (about 10 years and 8 lbs) its tail will be magically cured, natural healing is at half the normal
fork into two and the cat will transform into a nekomata. A rate, and death in 2-24 days), and it may bite with its
nekomata is intelligent, can talk, and in its natural form it snake tail (1-3 points of damage, save vs Poison or die in
walks on its hind legs, 1-10 turns). The disease inflicted may be cured
standing almost 5 feet magically, or by killing the nue which caused it.
tall. However, it may
transform itself at will Nukekubi
back into a normal-
sized cat, and it may Armour Class: 8 or see below No. Appearing: 1-3 (2-8)
also imitate any specific Hit Dice: 2+1** Save As: Fighter: 2
Move: 120' (40') or see
humanoid creature it
below Morale: 9
sees (up to 7 feet tall), Attacks: 1 bite or weapon Treasure Type: C
although in all forms it Damage: 1-3 + special or Alignment: Chaotic
will always have two by weapon
cat tails. Nekomata
normally use the latter
imitative ability just
before or after they kill
someone, in order to
take their place. They
are immune to all poison, and in fact enjoy consuming
poisons as food.

Nekomata may create small (1 inch diameter) floating

fireballs at will (maximum one at a time) and control them
within a range of 240 feet. Upon striking an object they Nukekubi are cursed human beings, by day they live as
are extinguished without causing damage, but will start a normal human families but at night their heads fully
normal fire which may then grow if conditions are suitable. detach from their necks and fly (AC 5, MV 180'/60'),
Nekomata may use each of the following spell-like abilities looking for prey. When they spot a human victim they let
once per day (cast as a 9th level wu ren): animate dead, out a scream, whereupon anyone hearing it must make a
ESP (may also use this ability to send dreams if the target save vs Spells or be affected as by the spell cause fear
(reverse of remove fear). Upon a successful "to hit" roll,
is sleeping), fly, and telekinesis.
the nukekubi will attach its mouth to a victim causing 1-3
points of damage each round automatically as it drinks the
victims blood. While the head flies about the body
Armour Class: 6 No. Appearing: 1-2 (1-4) remains inanimate and the head has no awareness of the
Hit Dice: 3+2*** Save As: Fighter: 3 body, so the body may be destroyed or hidden (for
Move: 120' (40') Morale: 7 example) without the head's knowledge. The head must
Fly: 180' (60') reattach to the body before sunrise or the nukekubi will
Attacks: 2 claws/2 bites Treasure Type: D die. During the daytime there is always a small red line
Damage: 1-4/1-4/ Alignment: Chaotic
1-2 + disease/ where the head attaches to the body, but this is easily
1-3 + poison concealed under clothes.

Nureonna protecting humans who travel in the wilderness. However,
some have been known to eat human flesh so they are still
Armour Class: 5 No. Appearing: 1 (1) not entirely trusted.
Hit Dice: 5** Save As: Fighter: 5
Move: 90' (30') Morale: 8
Swim: 120' (40') Oni
Attacks: 1 bite/1 squeeze Treasure Type: B
Damage: 1-4 + special/2-8 Alignment: Chaotic Oni Onibaba _
Armour Class: 5 5
The nureonna resembles a large snake about 20 feet long Hit Dice: 4+1** 5+2**
Move: 90' (30') 90' (30')
with a woman's head. She lives in the ocean, but comes Fly: 120' (40') -
ashore to feed. Once per day she may transform herself Attacks: 1 1
into the appearance of a normal human woman; her Damage: 1-10 or weapon 1-10 or weapon
favourite tactic is to carry a small child-sized bundle and + Strength + Strength
No. Appearing: 1-4 (2-8) 1 (1-4)
attempt to trick someone into holding it for her: once they
Save As: Fighter: 4 Fighter: 5
do so, the bundle becomes enormously heavy and the Morale: 10 10
victim is unable to drop it (victim's movement rate Treasure Type: V (E) F
becomes 30'/10' and victim automatically loses initiative), Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
at which time the nureonna transforms back to her natural
form and attacks! On a Oni are the male of the species, the females are onibaba;
successful attack roll, in addition the two sexes keep separate for the most part..
to normal bite damage her
tongue will pierce her victim and Oni: Oni vary in
automatically begin sucking appearance but all are
blood for 1-4 points of damage savage humanoids about 8
every round; additionally, on a feet tall with fangs, horns,
successful bite attack she will claws, and long unkempt
wrap her snake body around her hair; often with an unusual
victim and crush for 2-8 points of number of eyes, fingers, or
damage every round. Once the toes; occasionally even with
nureonna is killed there is no an animal head. Different
further damage from blood drain oni may have different skin
or constriction, and the small tones, but red or blue are
bundle disappears. most common. They most
often wear a simple loincloth
Nuribotoke made of tiger skin and carry
a large iron club (treat as a
Armour Class: 7 No. Appearing: 1-4 (4-16) pole arm, 1-10 points of damage but may be wielded one-
Hit Dice: 1-1* Save As: Fighter: 1 handed by oni). They are very strong (Strength score of
Move: 120' (40') Morale: 12 18), and may fly and become invisible at will.
Attacks: 1 weapon Treasure Type: U
Damage: 1-6 or by weapon Alignment: Chaotic
Onibaba: An onibaba
Nuribotoke are animated (also known as a yama-
corpses which did not receive uba) in her natural form
the proper care. Their skin is resembles a 10-foot tall
invariably blackened, their female oni with long
stomachs are bloated, and their white hair and a large
eyes dangle out of their sockets. mouth which splits her
However, they are able to face ear to ear. However,
converse and are rather spry she may transform herself
and enjoy dancing. They are at will into the form of a
immune to disease, poison, human-sized woman, most
and mind-affecting spells (such often that of an old crone. Onibaba usually live high up in
as sleep, charm, and hold the mountains, but they have insatiable appetites which
spells). often bring them down looking for food. Some have been
known to enjoy eating human flesh, some simply steal
Okami (wolf hengeyokai); see Hengeyokai. Japanese normal food, while others are more conscientious and will
wolves are the smallest of all wolf species, similar in height purchase food from towns or travellers instead. Onibaba
to a fox or a raccoon dog. Okami, unlike other are just as strong as their male counterparts (Strength
hengeyokai, are generally honest and benevolent, score of 18), and may cast spells as a 5th level wu ren.

Onibi* Onyudo

Armour Class: 8 No. Appearing: 1 (1-3) Armour Class: 4 No. Appearing: 1-2 (1-3)
Hit Dice: 3*** Save As: Fighter: 3 Hit Dice: 11* Save As: Fighter: 11
Move: Fly: 30' (10') Morale: 12 Move: 180' (60') Morale: 9
Attacks: 1 touch Treasure Type: B Attacks: 1 or trample Treasure Type: E + 5000gp
Damage: Energy drain Alignment: Chaotic Damage: 4-24 Alignment: Chaotic

Onibi are ghostly fires.

They glow with a
bluish light and are
not true fires, being
neither hot nor are
they extinguished by
water. They typically
appear in groups of
1-20, ranging from
1-12 inches in
diameter each, scattered over a large area. However, of
the group normally only one is deadly (stats as above), the
rest being harmless. The deadly onibi is formed from the
spirit of a particularly wicked person, whose face may be Onyudo are a race of shadowy giants with hairless bodies
seen in the midst of the fire. Its touch drains 1 level of and pitch-black skin, of whom Daidarabotchi (see
experience or hit die from the victim. Onibi are immune to above) is the likely progenitor. They are also likely related
disease, poison, and mind-affecting spells (such as to Umibozu (see below). Onyudo vary greatly in size, but
sleep, charm, and hold spells), and can only be hit with average 30 feet tall. They may throw rocks and boulders
magic weapons. to a range of 200' for 3-18 points of damage. They may
also trample (at +4 "to hit" man-sized or smaller targets)
Onryo* for 4-24 hit points of damage. They live high up in the
mountains, coming down to only to perpetrate foul deeds
Armour Class: 3 No. Appearing: 1 (1) upon human settlements below.
Hit Dice: 4**** Save As: Fighter: 4
Move: 120' (40') Morale: 12
Attacks: 1 touch Treasure Type: C+L Otoroshi
Damage: Energy drain Alignment: Chaotic
Armour Class: 7 No. Appearing: 1 (1-4)
Onryo are ghosts who are Hit Dice: 2+2* Save As: Fighter: 2
Move: 60' (20') Morale: 6
driven by a fierce passion for
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite Treasure Type: C
vengeance. However, quite Damage: 1-4/1-4/1-6 Alignment: Neutral
often the target of their
vengeance is not the person An otoroshi resembles a
who wronged them, but dog-sized disheveled
rather the village in which he mass of long hair, out of
resides, or his new wife, etc. which protrudes a large
The Onryo wear white burial head and two clawed
clothes (kimono for females), hands. It enjoys hiding
have long black disheveled up in high places (such as
hair, pale skin, and have no on top of gates, roofs, or
legs or feet. Their touch in trees) in order to drop
drains 1 level of experience down upon unsuspecting
or hit die from the victim. victims (surprises on a
Each onryo has a single roll of 1-3 on 1d6, and
additional power, depending gains +2 on its first "to
on the form of vengeance chosen. Examples of such hit" roll if it has surprise).
powers are to curse, cause disease, putrify food It is able to detect evil
and water, summon an insect plague, or control and impiety at will, and
weather to summon storms which will cause fires and/or such people are its
flooding. Onibi are immune to disease, poison, and favoured prey.
mind-affecting spells (such as sleep, charm, and hold
spells), and can only be hit with magic weapons.

Penghou However, it does
not hesitate to
Armour Class: 5 No. Appearing: 0 (1) punish evil-
Hit Dice: 2* Save As: Fighter: 4 doers. It is able
Move: 150' (50') Morale: 6
Attacks: See below Treasure Type: U to breath fire (up
Damage: See below Alignment: Neutral to 3 times each
day, in a cone
Penghou have the appearance of a tailless black dog with 90' long by 30'
the face of a man. When a tree grows to be 1000 years wide at the end,
old, it will generate a penghou tree spirit. A penghou can damage equal to
join or leave its tree at will, but it must not remain more the qilin's
than 240' away from its tree for more than a turn or the remaining hit
penghou will die. If its tree is cut while the penghou is points with a save vs Dragon Breath for half damage;
inside, the tree will ooze blood as the penghou also takes always breathes fire for its first attack, then on subsequent
damage, and the dead penghou body will emerge from rounds will breathe on a roll of 4-6 on 1d6). In addition it
the tree if the tree dies. Penghou are shy and passive, has all the special abilities of a 12th level shugenja,
preferring to avoid contact. Their only defense is a special including spell casting. It is immune to all poison and
form of the charm person spell, the victim must save vs disease.
Spells with a -2 penalty or be drawn towards the
penghou's tree and enter it, never to emerge again. Rokurokubi
Hidden among the roots around the base of the tree will
be found the equipment, clothes, and treasure of previous Armour Class: 8 No. Appearing: 1 (1)
victims (if any). Hit Dice: 1* Save As: Fighter: 1
Move: 120' (40') Morale: 7
Attacks: 1 bite or weapon Treasure Type: V
Pixiu Damage: 1-3 + special or Alignment: Chaotic
by weapon
Armour Class: 4 No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Hit Dice: 6** Save As: Fighter: 9 Rokurokubi are cursed human
Move: 150' (50') Morale: 10 beings, by day they live as
Fly: 180' (60') normal humans but at night
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite Treasure Type: C + U + V
Damage: 1-4/1-4/2-16 Alignment: Lawful their necks stretch out to any
desired length. Anyone upon
The pixiu resembles a plump greyish-white winged lion, first seeing them in this state
having the head of a large-mouthed dragon with only a must save vs Spells with a +2
single antler. A pixiu wards off evil (permanent bonus or be affected by the
protection from evil 10' radius spell in effect), and spell cause fear (reverse of
its bite has the effect of dispel evil on a successful attack remove fear). Rokurokubi
roll. Pixiu are immune to all poison and disease, and delight in trickery and spying.
may cast cure disease at will. They also at all times Some are merely mischievous,
radiate an aura of good fortune (as a ring of others are more malevolent.
protection +1, 5' radius). They eat only gold, silver, Upon a successful "to hit" roll,
and platinum. the rokurokubi will attach its
mouth to a victim causing 1-3
Qilin points of damage automatically
each round as it drinks the victim's blood. This bite causes
Armour Class: -1 No. Appearing: 1 (1) no pain, and will not wake sleeping victims. Some
Hit Dice: 12***** Save As: Cleric: 12 rokurokubi may not be aware of their curse, their necks
Move: 240' (80') Morale: 12 stretch out at night involuntarily and they wake up in the
Attacks: 2 hooves/1 bite Treasure Type: G
+ breath morning with only fragmentary memories attributed to
Damage: 1-6/1-6/2-12 Alignment: Lawful weird dreams.
+ special
The qilin is a chimerical creature, having the body and tail
of a horse, the hooves and antlers of a deer, and the head Armour Class: 8 or see below No. Appearing: 1-4 (5-20)
and scales of a dragon, all wreathed in gentle flames. Qilin Hit Dice: 1* Save As: Fighter: 1
are extremely peaceful, its hooves even float slightly above Move: 120' (40') Morale: 6
the ground so as to not harm the grass or insects Attacks: 1 Treasure Type: U
Damage: 1-4 Alignment: Neutral
underfoot (this ability also enables it to walk across water).

Satori are man-sized black-haired Shojo
apes who can read minds (similar to
the spell ESP but it is instantaneous Armour Class: 8 No. Appearing: 1-6 (6-60)
and may be used against all minds Hit Dice: 1-1 Save As: Normal Man
Move: 60' (20') Morale: 6
within range simultaneously; satori Swim: 120' (40')
always automatically win initiative, Attacks: 1 Treasure Type: R (C)
gain a +4 bonus to Armour Class, a Damage: 1-4 Alignment: Neutral
+4 bonus to all rolls, and are never
surprised by anything within range Shojo are a race of short red-skinned humanoids with
as long as this ability is applicable). long red hair, resembling orangutans more than anything
This mind reading ability also allows else. They primarily live in the ocean, but they can breathe
them to speak the language of both water and air and will often come up on land to
whomever they meet. They are acquire alcohol: drinking and dancing being their primary
generally quite shy and placid, and interests. When encountered, they are most often in a
will flee if they determine someone has violent intentions. state of jolly inebriation and are generally harmless.
They will also become fearful and flee if they are ever
surprised. They have been known to attack humans for Shuigui*
food in times of famine.
Armour Class: 5 No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Hit Dice: 3** Save As: Fighter: 3
Shachihoko Move: 120' (40') Morale: 12
Swim: 120' (40')
Armour Class: 6 No. Appearing: 0 (1) Attacks: 1 + possession Treasure Type: U + V
Hit Dice: 6 Save As: Fighter: 3 Damage: 0 + see below Alignment: Chaotic
Move: 150' (50') Morale: 9
Swim: 180 (60') Shuigui are the ghosts of people who have drowned. They
Attacks: 1 bite Treasure Type: U
Damage: 2-12 Alignment: Neutral remain where they died, waiting to pull another victim
beneath the water (on a successful attack roll the victim is
The shachihoko has the body of a giant carp and the head pulled into the water and must make a save vs Paralysis or
of a tiger. It may come up on land occasionally, taking the be held there, unless rescued the held victim will die by
form of a tiger to do so. drowning in 10 rounds). Once their victim is submerged,
the shuigui attempts to possess the victim's body and
Shen return to the land of the living, leaving the victim's ghost
behind which will become another shuigui in 1 turn (this
Armour Class: 0 No. Appearing: 0 (1) works in a manner similar to the magic jar spell, except
Hit Dice: 3+3* Save As: Fighter: 3 it is a direct swap with no intermediary 'jar'). Shuigui are
Move: Swim: 30 (10) Morale: 6 immune to disease, poison, and mind-affecting spells
Attacks: 1 Treasure Type: See below
Damage: 2-12 Alignment: Neutral (such as sleep, charm, and hold spells), and can only be
hit with magic weapons.


Armour Class: 6 No. Appearing: 0 (1-3)

Hit Dice: 3+3* Save As: Fighter: 3
Move: Fly: 450' (150') Morale: 8
Attacks: 1 bite Treasure Type: Nil
Damage: 2-8 + special Alignment: Chaotic

Taimatsumaru somewhat resemble large hawks the size of

a pony, except that
other than their head
and wings they seem
Shen are giant clams about 8 feet wide, which are able to to be composed
swim up to the surface of the sea and generate mirages primarily of bundles
(may cast mirror image, phantasmal force, of flaming pine wood!
confusion, hallucinatory terrain, and massmorph Anyone within melee
spells at will). They each contain a valuable pearl (worth range of this monster
1000gp), but anyone foolish enough to attempt reach into will automatically take
the clam while it is still alive will be subject to the clam's 1-4 points of damage
shell snapping quickly shut (causing 2-12 hit points each round due to
damage on a successful "to hit" roll). the flames and heat.

Tanuki (raccoon dog hengeyokai); see Hengeyokai. Both varieties of tengu may use the following spell-like
abilities (cast as a 9th level wu ren); three times each per
Tenaga-Ashinaga day for greater tengu, only once each per day for lesser
tengu: ESP (they may also communicate this way),
Armour Class: 7
Hit Dice: 2 invisibility, phantasmal force (with both visual and
Move: 240' (80') auditory effects), dimension door, polymorph
Attacks: 1 weapon others, polymorph self, and magic jar.
Damage: 1-8 or by weapon
No. Appearing: 1-6 (4-24)
Save As: Fighter: 2 Greater tengu: Greater tengu are also known as
Morale: 8 or see below daitengu or yamabushi-tengu. They have a red face with
Treasure Type: Q (D) an unusually long sausage-shaped nose, and wear the
Alignment: Neutral garb of an ascetic monk. They have been known to ride
boars as steeds. Greater tengu have the special abilities of
Tenaga-ashinaga are an odd race, a 5th level shugenja (including spell casting), and gain the
each entity is in fact two separate following bonuses of a 10th level kensei: +2 initiative
individuals: one with 10' long arms bonus; chosen weapon (normally the katana sword): +4
(tenaga) sitting atop the shoulders "to hit" and +4 damage; in addition, the -4 bonus to
of one with 10' long legs Armour Class has already factored into the stat block
(ashinaga). The stats above are for above. Although Lawful in alignment, they are fierce
the composite; if separated each protectors of the forests they inhabit and their lands are
individual will have half of the hit not to be trespassed lightly.
dice/hit points of the total. Each
village will have a leader-pair with Lesser tengu: Lesser
4 hit dice total, who gains a bonus tengu are also known
of +2 on damage rolls. As long as as kotengu or karasu-
their leader is present, tenaga- tengu. They are small
ashinaga have a morale of 10. avian humanoids (less
than 2 feet tall), having
Tengshe the wings, tail, claws,
head, and beak of bird
Armour Class: 6 No. Appearing: 1-2 (1-8)
Hit Dice: 2+1** Save As: Fighter: 1 (normally a raptor or a
Move: 90' (30') Morale: 7 crow). They delight in
Fly: 180' (60') causing mischief and
Attacks: 1 bite Treasure Type: Nil creating trouble in the
Damage: 1-4 + poison Alignment: Neutral world, and particularly enjoy tormenting priests and
The tengshe is a species of flying (yet wingless) snake
which grow to be about 5 feet long. Their bite is
Tsuchigumo (spider hengeyokai); see Hengeyokai.
moderately venomous, anyone struck must save vs Poison
with a +2 bonus or die in 3-12 turns.
Armour Class: 4 No. Appearing: 0 (1)
Hit Dice: 11 Save As: Fighter: 11
Greater Lesser Move: Swim: 180' (60') Morale: 9
Armour Class: 3 6 Attacks: 1 Treasure Type: Nil
Hit Dice: 5+5******* 1+1*** Damage: 4-24 Alignment: Chaotic
Move: 120' (40') 60' (20')
Fly: 150' (50') 240' (80') Umibozu are ocean-dwelling
Attacks: 1 weapon 1 bite or 1 weapon
Damage: 1-8 or by weapon 1-4 or by weapon -1 giants. They have a shadowy
No. Appearing: 0 (1-2) 1-6 (4-24) black body with a bald head,
Save As: Cleric: 5 Fighter: 1 malleable serpentine limbs, and
Morale: 10 8 a torso which disappears down
Treasure Type: F+O D into the darkness of the ocean.
Alignment: Lawful Chaotic
Based on the portion which
The exact relationship between greater and lesser tengu is emerges from the water they are
unclear, although lesser tengu will always obey greater estimated to be about 30 feet
tengu. tall. They delight in sinking ships,
by preference attacking vessels
(for 4-24 hull points of damage

per round) rather than the crew members thereon. invisible at will. Anyone
bitten by a yako must make a
Ushioni save vs Death Ray or
contract a disease, reducing
Armour Class: 5 No. Appearing: 0 (1-4) the victim to a semi-invalid in
Hit Dice: 3+3* Save As: Fighter: 3 1-4 days (suffering a +2
Move: 120' (40') Morale: 8
Swim: 120' (40') penalty to Armour Class, a -2
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite Treasure Type: B penalty on all rolls, and
Damage: 2-5/2-5/1-8 Alignment: Neutral halving movement rate). This
is permanent unless the
Ushioni resemble cattle, but are red in colour with sharp disease is magically healed.
horns, claws, and fangs. They typically dwell in deep pools
of water (or in the ocean), emerging to hunt for prey or to Yamaoroshi
frolic with cattle. They may also transform themselves into
the form of a human woman, although her reflection (in Armour Class: 3 No. Appearing: 2-8 (10-40)
water or a mirror) will reveal her true form. Ushioni are Hit Dice: * (1-4hp) Save As: Fighter: 1
fiercely protective of their pools but may be mollified by Move: 240' (80') Morale: 7
Attacks: 1 + spines Treasure Type: (S + L)
alcohol, which they love to drink. They may cast a curse
Damage: 1-4 + special Alignment: Neutral
spell at will against anyone who offends them (reverse of
the spell remove curse, exact effects to be determined Yamaoroshi are a race of a
by the DM), and in addition anyone involved in killing an tiny fleet-footed humanoid
ushioni will automatically fall under a curse (no save creatures, standing less than 1
throw allowed). foot tall. Their head resembles
a vegetable grater, and their
Wanyudo* skin has spine-like hairs. They
will often invade homes to
Armour Class: 7 No. Appearing: 1 (1) steal vegetables to eat. They
Hit Dice: 4*** Save As: Fighter: 4 attack by brushing past their
Move: 240' (80') Morale: 12
Attacks: 1 Treasure Type: Nil victim at high speed, scraping
Damage: 1-6 + energy Alignment: Chaotic off skin & flesh with their
drain sharp heads. Once per day a
yamaoroshi may release a
A wanyudo is the cloud-like burst of their sharp
ghost of monk, taking hairs: all creatures within a 10
the form of his face in foot radius (except other
the centre of a flaming yamaoroshi) will take 2-8 points of damage (save vs
oxcart wheel. The Breath Weapon for half damage).
wheel is constantly in
motion, spinning the Yukionna*
man's face around and
around as it turns. On Armour Class: 3 No. Appearing: 1 (1)
a successful attack the Hit Dice: 6***** Save As: Fighter: 6
wheel strikes its victim Move: 120' (40') Morale: 12
for 1-6 points of damage Attacks: 1 touch + breath Treasure Type: D
Damage: 1-8 + energy Alignment: Chaotic
and drains 1 level of experience or hit die. Wanyudo are drain + see below
immune to disease, poison, and mind-affecting spells
(such as sleep, charm, and hold spells), and can only be A yukionna is the ghost of a woman who has died in a
hit with magic weapons. snowstorm, reappearing on snowy nights to attack the
living. She has white (almost transparent) skin, long black
Yako hair, and blue lips; she is often nude, or wears a white
kimono, in either case she blends into the snowy
Armour Class: 6 No. Appearing: 1-4 (3-30) background so only her face and hair are at first visible
Hit Dice: ** (1-4hp) Save As: Normal Man (surprises on a roll of 1-4 on 1d6). She has no feet and
Move: 90' (30') Morale: 6
Attacks: 1 bite Treasure Type: L leaves no footprints. In addition to being immune to
Damage: 1 + disease Alignment: Chaotic disease, poison, and mind-affecting spells (such as
sleep, charm, and hold spells), she is also immune to all
A yako resembles a tiny fox about 1 foot long (including cold-based attacks and can only be hit with magic
the tail) but coloured black and white. They may become weapons. Anyone looking into the eyes of a yukionna

must save vs Spells or be APPENDIX I: Monster Listing by Hit Dice
affected as if by the spell hold
person. Her touch is chillingly Included here for a DMs convenience is a listing of all
cold, and drains 1 level of oriental monsters, sorted by hit dice (HD).
experience or hit die from the
victim in addition to the stated In addition to the new monsters from this supplement
damage. She may breathe out (names indicated in bold below) are suitable monsters
an icy breath up to 3 times per from Basic and Expert rulebooks (Animals, Elementals,
day, causing 6-36 points of cold Men, Skeletons, and Zombies). If a particular animal
damage to one victim (save vs species is not found in your campaign, you may still use
Dragon Breath for half damage). the creature as a monstrous variant. For example, a
Once per day she may transform mountain lion's stats could be used for a monstrously large
herself into a cloud of snow, in house cat.
this form she may not attack but
may move at 180' (60') and is UP TO HD
herself immune to all weapon Name HD Brief Description
attacks (including magic 1!Bat (Normal)! 1hp! see Basic rules
weapons). 2!Bee, Killer, Giant!
1/2! see Basic rules (Killer Bee)
3!Centipede, Giant!
1/2! see Basic rules
Zenko 4!Furi! 1/2! Gliding animal, immune to
most attacks
Armour Class: 4 No. Appearing: 1 (1) 5!Hawk (Normal)! 1/2! see Expert rules
Hit Dice: See below Save As: Cleric: 9 6!Hitotsumekozo! 1/2! Bald one-eyed boy
Move: 120' (40') or see Morale: 10 7!Rat (Giant)! 1/2! see Basic rules
8!Rat (Normal)! 1hp! see Basic rules
Attacks: See below Treasure Type: I + L
Damage: See below or Alignment: Lawful 9!Yako! 1/2! Tiny invisible fox
by weapon 10!Yamaoroshi! 1/2! Tiny sharp-spined humanoid

Zenko, also known as Inari's kitsune, are a special type of 1-1 TO 1HD
hengeyokai having the form of a white fox. They are Name HD Brief Description
treated in all respects as 9th level hengeyokai, except they 1 Amikiri 1 Flying worm with crab claws
have the saving throws and special abilities of a 9th level 2 Animals, Herd 1 see Expert rules (Antelope)
shugenja (including gaining and casting shugenja spells 3 Futakuchionna 1-1 Two-mouthed woman
instead of wu ren spells). 4 Hengeyokai 1 Animal shapechanger
5 Kijimuna 1-1 Tree sprite child
6 Koropokguru 1-1 Forest dwelling dwarf
7 Men 1 see Basic & Expert rules
(with Oriental Classes)
8 Nature Folk 1 Human/nature-spirit cross
9 Nuribotoke 1-1 Animated corpse
10 Rokurokubi 1 Stretchy-necked human
11 Satori 1 Mind-reading ape
12 Shojo 1-1 Hairy drunken sea sprite
13 Shrew, Giant 1 see Basic rules
14 Skeleton 1 see Basic rules
15 Snake
(Spitting Cobra) 1 see Basic rules

Name HD Brief Description
1!Beetle, Giant (Fire)!1+2! see Basic rules
2!Ferret, Giant ! 1+1! see Basic rules
3!Funayurei! 1+1! Ghosts of shipwrecked people
4!Hainu! 1+1! Winged dogs
5!Kappa! 1+1! Small aquatic humanoids
6!Tengu (Lesser)! 1+1! Tiny avian humanoids
7!Termite, Water,
! Giant (Swamp) 1+1! see Expert rules

Name HD Brief Description Name HD Brief Description
1!Animals, Herd! 2! see Expert rules (Antelope) 1!Animals, Herd! 3! see Expert rules (Antelope)
2!Baboon, Rock! 2! see Basic rules (Rock Baboon) 2!Ayonyobo! 3! Goulish ghosts
3!Bat (Giant)! 2! see Basic rules 3!Boar! 3! see Basic rules
4!Beetle, Giant (Oil)! 2! see Basic rules 4!Crab, Giant! 3! see Expert rules
5!Camel! 2! see Expert rules 5!Horse (Draft)! 3! see Expert rules
6!Crocodile (Normal)!2! see Expert rules 6!Horse (War)! 3! see Expert rules
7!Fly, Robber, Giant! 2! see Basic rules (Robber Fly) 7!Ikiryo! 3! Ghostly grudge
8!Hengeyokai! 2! Animal shapechanger 8!Insect Swarms! 3! see Basic rules
9!Honeonna! 2! Skeletal woman 9!Onibi! 3! Ghostly fire
10!Horse (Riding)! 2! see Expert rules 10!Shuigui! 3! Ghost of drowned person
11!Insect Swarms! 2! see Basic rules 11!Snake (Sea Snake)!3! see Basic rules
12!Ittanmomen! 2! Animated cotton cloth 12!Spider, Giant!
13!Jikininki! 2! Ghoul (Black Widow) 3! see Basic rules
14!Kama-itachi! 2! Wind weasel 13!Hengeyokai! 3! Animal shapechanger
15!Locust, Cave! 2! see Basic rules (Cave Locust) 14!Men! 3! see Basic & Expert rules
16!Men! 2! see Basic & Expert rules (with Oriental Classes)
(with Oriental Classes) 15!Nature Folk! 3! Human/nature-spirit cross
17!Nature Folk! 2! Human/nature-spirit cross
18!Mule! 2! see Basic rules 3+HD
19!Penghou! 2! Tree spirit dog Name HD Brief Description
20!Shark (Bull)! 2! see Expert rules 1!Beetle, Giant (Tiger)! 3+1! see Basic rules
21!Snake (Pit Viper)! 2! see Basic rules 2!Cat, Great!
22!Spider, Giant (Mountain Lion) 3+2! see Basic rules
(Crab Spider) 2! see Basic rules 3!Fish, Giant (Piranha)! 3+3! see Expert rules
23!Tenaga-Ashinaga!2! Long-armed man on long- 4!Hawk (Giant)! 3+3! see Expert rules
legged mans shoulders 5!Lizards, Giant (Gecko)!3+1! see Basic rules
24!Zombie! 2! see Basic rules 6!Nue! 3+2! Disease-carrying chimera
7!Shen! 3+3! Mirage-creating clam
2+HD 8!Taimatsumaru! 3+3! Giant burning hawk
Name HD Brief Description 9!Ushioni! 3+3! Water-dwelling red ox
1!Amanojaku! 2+1! 3' tall demons
2!Harionago! 2+1! Barb-haired woman 4HD
3!Jiangshi! 2+2! Hopping vampire Name HD Brief Description
4!Nukekubi! 2+1! Free-flying heads 1!Animals, Herd! 4! see Expert rules (Antelope)
5!Otoroshi! 2+2! Hairy ambushing animal 2!Ant, Driver, Giant! 4! see Basic rules (Driver Ant)
6!Tengshe! 2+1! Flying snake 3!Ape, White! 4! see Basic rules
7!Termite, Water, ! 4!Bear (Black)! 4! see Basic rules
Giant (Fresh Water)2+1! see Expert rules 5!Cat, Great (Panther)! 4! see Basic rules
8!Toad, Giant! 2+2! see Expert rules 6!Hengeyokai! 4! Animal shapechanger
9!Wolf (Normal Wolf)!2+2! see Basic rules3HD 7!Insect Swarms! 4! see Basic rules
8!Itsumaden! 4! Fire-breathing bird spirit
9!Jorogumo! 4! Spider woman
10!Men! 4! see Basic & Expert rules
(with Oriental Classes)
11 Nature Folk! 2! Human/nature-spirit cross
12!Onryo! 4! Vengeful ghost
13!Scorpion, Giant ! 4! see Expert rules
14!Shark (Mako)! 4! see Expert rules
15!Snake (Giant Rattler)!4! see Basic rules
16!Spider, Giant !
(Tarantella) 4! see Basic rules
17!Termite, Water,
Giant (Salt Water) 4! see Expert rules!
18!Wanyudo! 4! Life-draining cart wheel

4+ TO 5HD 7+ TO 9HD
Name HD Brief Description Name HD Brief Description
1!Baku! 5! Eats nightmares 1!Cat, Great
2!Bear (Grizzly)! 5! see Basic rules (Sabre-tooth Tiger)! 8! see Basic rules
3!Cat, Great (Lion)! 5! see Basic rules 2!Dragon (Water)! 9! Control rainfall
4!Hengeyokai! 5! Animal shapechanger 3!Elemental (Staff)! 8! see Expert rules
5!Langgui! 5 Wolf tomb-guardian 4!Elephant! 9! see Expert rules
6!Lizards, Giant (Draco)!4+2! see Basic rules 5!Fish, Giant (Catfish)! 8+3! see Expert rules
7!Lizards, Giant ! 6!Hakutaku! 9! All-knowing white ox
(Horned Chameleon) 5! see Basic rules 7!Hengeyokai! 8! Animal shapechanger
8!Men! 5! see Basic & Expert rules 8!Hengeyokai! 9! Animal shapechanger
(with Oriental Classes) 9!Isonade! 8! Giant shark-like monster
9!Nature Folk! 2! Human/nature-spirit cross 10!Men! 8! see Basic & Expert rules
10 Nureonna! 5! Snake woman (with Oriental Classes)
11!Oni! 4+1! Ogre 11!Men! 9! see Basic & Expert rules
12!Rhagodessa, Giant! 4+2! see Expert rules (with Oriental Classes)
13!Snake (Rock Python)! 5! see Basic rules 12!Nature Folk! 8! Human/nature-spirit cross
14!Weasel, Giant! 4+4! see Expert rules 13!Nature Folk! 9! Human/nature-spirit cross
15!Wolf (Dire Wolf)! 4+1! see Basic rules 14!Octopus, Giant! 8! see Expert rules
15!Shark (Great White)! 8! see Expert rules
5+ TO 6HD 16!Zenko! 9! White fox shapechanger
Name HD Brief Description
1!Bear (Polar)! 6! see Basic rules 9+ TO 13HD
2!Caecilia, Giant! 6! see Expert rules Name HD Brief Description
3!Cat, Great (Tiger)! 6! see Basic rules 1!Dragon (Earth)! 10! Subterranean guardians
4!Crocodile (Large)! 6! see Expert rules 2!Elemental (Device)! 12! see Expert rules
5!Fish, Giant (Rockfish)!5+5! see Expert rules 3!Fish, Giant (Sturgeon)!10+2!see Expert rules
6!Hengeyokai! 6! Animal shapechanger 4!Onyudo! 11! 30 shadowy giant
7!Ikuchi! 6! Incredibly long eel 5!Qilin! 12! Good chimera
8!Leech, Giant! 6! see Expert rules 6!Umibozu! 11! Ocean-dwelling giant
9!Lizards, Giant 7!Whale (Narwhal)! 12! see Expert rules
(Tuatara)! 6! see Basic rules
10!Men! 6! see Basic & Expert rules 13+ TO 17HD
(with Oriental Classes) Name HD Brief Description
11!Nature Folk! 2! Human/nature-spirit cross 1!Amanozako! 15! 20' giantess
12!Nekomata! 6! Anthropomorphic cat 2!Bakekujira! 16+16! Skeletal whale
13!Oni (Onibaba)! 5+2! Female ogre 3!Bashe! 15+15! 100 snake
14!Pixiu! 6! Good luck winged lion 4!Crocodile (Giant)! 15! see Expert rules
15!Rhinoceros (Normal)! 6! see Expert rules 5!Elemental (Conjured)!16! see Expert rules
16!Sea Serpent (Lesser)! 6! see Expert rules 6!Gashadokuro! 15+15! 50 skeleton
17!Shachihoko! 6! Tiger-headed fish
18!Squid, Giant ! 6! see Expert rules 17+HD OR MORE
19!Tengu (Greater)! 5+5! Long-nosed forest guardian Name HD Brief Description
20!Whale (Killer)! 6! see Expert rules 1!Daidarabotchi! 36+36! Legendary giant
21!Yukionna! 6! Snow ghost woman 2!Dragon King
(Earth)! 30+30! Huge subterranean worm
6+ TO 7HD 3 Dragon King
Name HD Brief Description (Water)! 27+27! Kings of the water dragons
1! Akashita! 7! Flying beast in smokey cloud 4!Whale (Sperm)! 36! see Expert rules
2! Bear (Cave)! 7! see Basic rules
3! Hengeyokai! 7! Animal shapechanger
4! Jubokko! 6+6! Vampire tree
5! Men! 7! see Basic & Expert rules
(with Oriental Classes)
6! Nature Folk! 7! Human/nature-spirit cross


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