Kick City - Guest - Registration Adult

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Adult Guest Registration Form

Student Name: _________________________________________ D.O.B.: ____________________ M/F: _______

Spouse: _____________________________________ Occupation: _______________________________

Home #: _______________________ Cell #: ________________________ Email: _____________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________

City: ___________________________________________ Postal Code: _____________________________________

1. How did you happen to hear about us:
 Phone Book  Radio/TV  Mailer Coupon
 Newspaper  Demo  Referred by: _____________
 Sign  Birthday Party  Other: ____________

2. Do you live in the area?  Yes  No

Do you work in the area?  Yes  No
Do you plan on to remain in the area?  Yes  No

3. Are you in good health with no physical problems?  Yes  No

If no, please list any medical conditions we should be aware of: ___________________________________________

4. Do you have a place in which you can practice what you learn in class?  Yes  No

5. Is your schedule such that you can arrange to take lessons twice a week?  Yes  No

6. Is there anyone you would like to take lessons with?  Yes  No

Name: ________________________

7. Do you have any previous martial arts experience?  Yes  No

Please continue on to the other side

8. How long have you been interested in taking martial arts?
 Not to long  Couple of Months  Over 1 year

9. Do you feel your significant other would support your decision in getting in shape and learning self-defense?
 Yes  No

10. What has prevented you from getting started in a program in the past?

11. Is this still a problem?


You will receive all benefits listed below, but please check the most important benefits you would like to receive from
your training here at Kick City Martial Arts Fitness.

Spirit Character Self Control Concentration
Focus Motivation Self Esteem Determination
Listening Obedience Goal Setting Goal Setting
Alertness Leadership Self Respect Manage Stress
Discipline Persistence Better Grades Self Confidence

Mobility Relaxation Conditioning Fitness
Exercise Endurance Reflexes Fun
Flexibility Muscle Tone Weight Control Self Defense
Agility Speed Coordination Strength
Power Balance Cardiovascular Control

In consideration for my attendance and participation in the martial arts training offered by Kick City Martial Arts Fitness,
I acknowledge the existence of certain inherent risks n this type of training and hereby agree to assume all risks. I
further relieve the school, its management, assigned staff, and fellow students from liability resulting from loss, whether
personal belongings or bodily injury. I also hereby state that I am physically fit to take the prescribed course of
instruction and do so of my own free will in exchange for an agreed upon fee. I understand there is no refund policy on
any monies I will pay to Kick City Martial Arts Fitness.

Signed: ______________________________________________ Date:_______________________________

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