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Tutor Crash Course

Part 7: Microcontrollers
C: commonly used KNX jargon

BAU: Bus Access Unit = the KNX communication relevant part of a KNX product, typically the
entire product except the application module
BCU: Bus Coupling Unit = BAU with PEI (= Physical External Interface, a standardized
interface to the application module)
BIM: Bus Interface Module
= BCU stripped of housing, programming button and programming LED
Chipset = the heart of the BIM (ASIC and microcontroller) sold separately
PIM: Powerline Interface Module = same as BIM but for Powerline
ASIC: Application Specific Integrated Circuit realization of Physical Layer as chip solution
UART: Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter realization of Physical and (part of) Link
Layer as chip with defined UART interface

BIM M13x TP-UART C Discrete TP PhL


KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control Page No. 2
August 12
C: Frequently used chipsets for TP and PL
Used in Physical Micro- Mask Size Memory in Remarks
Layer controller version bytes
TP BCU1 ASIC 1065 Motorola 0012 EEPROM 256 - Still available even though
TP BIM 111 (with 68HC05B6 (System1 ) dating back to 1992!
TP BCU 2 ASIC 1066 Motorola 0021 EEPROM 1024 - ASIC still available
TP BIM M113 (without 68HC05BE12 (System 2) - Microcontroller no longer
transformer) available
TP BIM M13x TP-UART NEC 78K0/KE2 0025 Flash up to 48 Kbyte - Replacement for
(System 2) BIM M 113
TP BIM M112 ASIC 1066 Motorola 0701 512 internal EEPROM - ASIC still available
(without 68HC11E9 (System 7) or up to 32 Kbytes - Microcontroller no longer
transformer) external available
More recent UART module AT Mega Typically 0025, Depends on used - Device emulates a certain
device TP or discrete 32/64/128 0705 or 070B microcontroller system profile
developments Physical Layer ST 7
MSP 430

PL BCU1 BJE specific 68HC05B16 1013 (System 1) EEPROM 256 - Only used in BJE/ABB
PIM products

BIM M13x TP-UART C Discrete TP PhL

KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control Page No. 3
August 12
C: principles & types of memory

Loops continuously through a program - series of instructions in a given order and restart
with first after last instruction
memory stores:
the program
data needed for program execution
data generated during program execution
memory divided into bytes - each byte has its address
microprocessor + peripherals = micro-controller
can be written a number of times (+/- 10000) (e.g. by ETS)
stores physical/group addresses - application program - parameters
stores mask, i.e. protocol software, auxiliary programs, constants, vectors for reset and
Version of protocol software identified by Mask Version (or Device Descriptor)
stores temporary values from system and application software
Flash ROM
Used in more recent bus devices
Combines properties of RAM and EEPROM
(in theory) would also allows to correct/update operating system (not the case for KNX)

KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control Page No. 4
August 12
C: peripherals

used by the system and application software for time calculations (delays)
Parallel ports
a set of 8 signal pins of microcontroller, of which
Some can be set by software to digital in- or outputs
Some are fixed digital inputs
some used for Physical External Interface (when available) in conjunction with the
software PEI type in EEPROM
A/D converter
used to convert a voltage value into a 8-digit binary value
can be used by application software to measure analogue quantities (e.g.
also used by system software to check the hardware PEI type and by ETS to
measure the bus voltage (not supported by all system profiles/devices)
Serial interface
used for data exchange between microcontroller and PC (e.g. with ETS) or other

KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control Page No. 5
August 12
C: special features of system profiles other than
System 1

Access control
access to memory (not group communication!) only possible with 4 byte key
16 keys can be attributed per bus device
4 access levels defined
serial number
unique identifier per bus device
can be used to program the physical address without using the programming button (not
supported by current ETS end user version)
KNX interface objects and properties
memory/platform independent structuring of data (e.g. parameters, addresses, .)
Can be read out by the ETS 4 Device Editor
PEI Program (only System 7 or System B)
Additional program next to normal application program
Determines the behaviour of the PEI
Not all System 7 or System B products have it

KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control Page No. 6
August 12
C: new trends - TP-UART discrete Physical Layer

Is transceiver with digital interface
Any microcontroller with a UART interface can be bus enabled when connected to
KNX system software must be re-implemented on own microcontroller next to
KNX application program
By means of TP-UART + C an existing system model as previously implemented
in BCU1/BCU2./BIM M 112 is emulated
Currently certified solutions available for OEM : Siemens, Elmos, ON Semi
Discrete Physical Layer
Physical Layer is not realized as one single chip but consist of various discrete
More assembly effort for manufacturer
Currently certified solutions available for OEM : GIRA

KNX Association International KNX: The worldwide STANDARD for Home & Building Control Page No. 7
August 12

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