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Test 1 PAPER 1 READING AND WRITING (1 hour 30 minutes) PART1 Questions 1-5 * Look atthe text in each question ‘© What does it say? ‘Mark the letter next othe correct explanation ~ A, B or © on your newer sheet Example: ° ‘A. Do not leave your bieyle touching tho ° window NO BICYCLES i AGAINST GLASS Do not ide your biel inthis area PLEASE Broken glass may damage your bieyle e ‘yes. Example answer: = 1 | ‘Whose textbook does Natalie want to. borrow? Franceecl Problem = Mar‘ borrowed my history | A Ken's tarsbook and oe’ ay. aie Could ou lend me yours? Leave & ith Ken nhen you © Francesco's se him. Thanks, Natale 6 @ ? PLAYERS WANTED THIS CAR PARK IS LOCKED AFTER , BUSINESS HOURS EACH DAY 2 for Friday's basketball match against Barton College ~ can ‘YOU heip the team? Come to the gym at 3 pum. today, whatever your level JAZZ ON A SUMMER EVENING NO TICKETS LEFT FOR SUNDAY'S PERFORMANCE ‘To:Cuade From: pif seater tn min 8 Test 1 Users must lock the car park after leaving, People can park here while they are at work, ‘This car parks for employees only. “The basketball team only wants to see experienced players. ‘There arent enough team members avaliable on Friday. ‘The Barton College team wil visit the {ym later today. ‘All Sunday evening tickets are already sold You must book tickets for Sunday in advance A ticket is not necessary for Sunday ‘evening. Giacomo will be able to see Chariot early tomorrow morning CCharlote needs to arrve in time for Giacomo's meeting tomorrow. Giacomo can collect Charitte from the airport tomorrow afternoon, Test 1 PART 2 Questions 6-10 ‘The poople below all want to goto the cinema ‘On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight tims. Decide which fim (letters A-H) would be the most suitable for each person or people (numbers 6-10). For each of these numbers mark the core letter on your answer sheet. 10 Jo is studying at at university. She usually goes to the cinema on Fiday evenings. She enjoys fims that are based on real fe and rom ‘which she can learn something ‘Shela has decided to take her mother tothe cinema for her brthday. ‘They both ke love stores that have happy endings. Brian isa hard-working medical student. He doesn't have very much ‘ee ime, bute likes going tothe cinema to relax, and enjoys @.9003 laugh. ‘Adam wants to take his 8-year-old son Mark to the cinema at the ‘weekend, They want to see a fm with plenty of excitement Harry and Joyes 0 10 the cinema about twice a month. They particularly lke detective stories and do not pay much attention to ‘hich actors are inthe fm The Delivery Jim Treace stars inthis well-known comedy about two workmen who have 0 deliver along piece of wood toa house. But unfortunately the performances are poor, and the film is too long for such a simple joke The Ends of the Earth ‘A story based on a realite journey to the South Pole. This lm contains some ‘quite wonderful willie photography ~ make sure you see it wile you have the ‘chance, or you'l be sory Ou of School Here we live through a day in the li ‘of an American teenager who has problems not only with his parents and their boring friends but aso with his fist gielitend who just doesn’t seem to understand him, A Private Party A wonderfully fanny comedy, which takes place inthe 1940s. A reporter and his very worried wife try to save a sheep from the local butcher. The actors really make the most ofthis lever script Reading And Tomorrow We Find You ‘A fast-moving adult story about @ San Francisco policeman in danger. Based ‘on a realslfe happening, it Keeps you ‘guessing right until the last minute. Although there are no big stars, there ‘are some fine performances. Island of Fire ‘You get spectacular scenery and lots of thrills in this action-packed story, in ‘which a young sea-captain rescues {erifid villagers from a voleanic island inthe South Seas, A Time of Silence Don't forget your handkerchief for this story ofa young college boy and git who ‘manage to survive allthe pressures of ‘madern life, And what an unforgettable wadding scene! ‘Who Shor Malone? les a surprise to se 0 many famous ‘names wasting thei ime inthis dull detective story. In the end you find yourself asking, ‘Who cares? Test 1 PART 3 ‘Questions 11-20 + Look atthe sentences below about a tour of Australia 5 Read the tex on he oppo page to decde each senence i corect or «els ce, ma on your anewer sheet. + tte net corac mar Bon your anower sheet 11 you stat your hldayon Apr et, you wil tum on Ao th 12 Retin gis ae fom Meboume 13. Allravelbetneen ci in Australia iby lane, 14 The cost covers sccommedaton and sme meas 18. Youcan make a reseraton now fron of net years tous 18. Younnave to pay the fl price on the day you book 17 You can only take tis hokay in the sping or atu, 18 you want ogo on ty sigtsesing tour, you wil have fo pay extra 19 The trip to Ayers Rock onds witha fight 20 Booking is possible seven days a week, Roading GLOBEWISE WE’ SHOW YOU THE VERY BEST OF ide AUSTRALIA wn ON A FULLY GUIDED 32-DAY TOUR for only £1985 ‘OUR PRICE INCLUDES + Scheduled fights by Australia's national ailing, Quantas, rom London oF ‘Manchestrto Pert, zeturing fom Melbourne. After arriving in Porth, Air ‘Australia fights between PertvAlice Springs(Cains/ Syaney. + Coach rom Sysney to Melbourne via Canborra ‘ang Albury. + Altarpor wanstors in oat eres eee Wonder ong goin Reaches, supe resturants serving abla foo in dla Soundings, ash green pk and tb beac ee) 01303 692154 + Wien rigs yes Ak Spgrin | TERENCE accommodation in good | the beat of Aboriginal county. Full sighscing | O/398 FOF grade hotels with full ‘tour. See Flying Doctor base and “Schoo! of the = Crnettbeatine |“ ew rt with a full day Barrier Reef | Drive to Yulara National Park. Visit the me boat trip, avis to an | yma Olt and Aj Rock wih is cases Australian sheep station | Suara ck pings Fy on ote ly and cy sightseeing ture. | Svs town caves in othe inerth, alee Springs, | © ip perth Alice Springs, | GREAT BARRIER REEF ouR oFnices| ‘ARE OPEN: ‘Monday to Fidoy 5 Ateneo toc woe | feasts cere, | 224m * Experienced Giobewise | You're he excitement and Beaty of REQUESTS SOLD OUT FOR THIS YEAR MELBOURNE. ‘BOOKING NOW ‘We've incl acy sightseing our—o you can visit he Peguin FOR NEXT YEAR Parade, " Test 1 2 PART 4 Questions 21-25 ‘+ Read the text and questions below. ‘+ For each question, mark the letter next to the correct answer ~ A, B, C or D— ‘on your answer sheet. Sess eee eer ‘A month ago I had no idea that on a Saturday afternoon in November I'd be hanging 30 metres above the ground and enjoying it. Now I looked down at the river far below me, and realised why people love rock-climbing. My friend Matt and I had arrived at the Activity Centre on Friday evening, The accommodation wasn’t wonderful, but we had everything we needed (beds, blankets, food), and we were pleased to be out of the city and in the fresh ai. ‘On Saturday morning we met the other ten members of our group. Cameron had come along with two friends, Kevin and Simon, while sisters Carole and Lynn had ‘come with Amanda, We had come from various places and none of us knew the area, ‘We knew we were going to spend the weekend outdoors, but none of us was sure exactly how. Half of us spent the morning caving while the others went rock- climbing and then we changed at lunchtime. Matt and I went to the caves first. Climbing out was harder than going in, but after a good deal of pushing, we were ‘out at ast — covered in mud but pleased and excited by what we'd done, 21 What s the writer trying to doin the text? ‘A advertise the Activly Centre 'B describe some people she met © explain how to do certain outdoor sports D say how she spent some tre time 22 What can the reader lean from the text? ‘A when to depend on other people atthe Centre 'B how to apply for a place at the Cento © what sort of activities you can experience atthe Centre 1D which time of year is best to attend the Centro Reading How do you think the writer might describe her weekend? ‘A interesting B relaxing © tightening unpleasant What do we loan about the group? ‘A Some of them had been there before, B_Thoy had already chosen their preferred activites. © Some of them already knew each other. They came ftom the same city Which ofthe folowing advertisements describes the Activity Centre? A [activiry CENTRE . ‘Sein bes countryside Accommodation and meals provided ACTIVITY CENTRE Set in best couneyie Acormodation provided. Work with 4 group — we show you a range of ‘utdoe activites that you do's Make up your own timetable = choose | from a variety of activites those: Fiing, fishing, il-walking, sailing, mounting) | reais you could dot ACTIVITY CENTRE Set in beavfl countryside. You can spend the day doing outdoor activites room has own bathroom. Work and we wil ind your accommodation ‘with group, or have individual | with 2 local family. ACTIVITY CENTRE Sec in beausifl countryside. Enjoy the lary of our accommodation ~ ech 8 Test 1 1“ PART 5 ‘Questions 26-35 ‘+ Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. ‘+ For each question, mark the letter next to the cortect word ~ A, B, C or Don your answer sheet Example answer: ‘THE FIRST WOMAN SCIENTIST. Hypatia 98 (0)... im Alexandria, in Egypt, in 370 A.D. For many centuries she was (28) one only woman scientist have a place inthe history books. Hypata’s father was director of Alexandria University, and e (27) oo Sune his laughter had che best education availabe, This was unussal as most women then had few (2B) oo 10 tay After studying in Athens and Rome, Hypatia returned to Alexandsia (29) ..~ she began teaching mathematics. She soon became famous (80) on... her knowledge of new ideas. ‘We have no copies of her books, (91) -n.. we know that she wrote several important mathematical works. Hypata ws also interested in technology and (22)... several scientific roots to help with her work. ‘Ar the (83)... many rulers were afraid of si (84) oon connected with i March 4 in danget. One day Hypata (85) ce in the street and killed 0 A bom B begun developed grown 26 A one B the ca Dan 27 Acould —B made © said D put 28 Acclasses —B customs opportunities D teachers 29 Awhee —B how © there D which 30 A trom Boy € tor Din 31 A because B but cor Das 32 Ada B experimented ¢ invented D learnt 33 A day B patios © year D time 34 A anyone —B nobody cat something 35 A was B had has Dis Writing CRN PART 1 ‘Questions 1-5 ‘+ Here are some questions about family, ‘= For each question complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the fist, using no more than three words. ‘+ Write only the missing words on your answer sheet Example: My brother is oldor than me, am younser than, my brother. 11 My parents prefer jazz to classical music. My parents think jazz than classical music. 2 My parents can only go swimming at the weokend. (On weekdays, my parents aren't ge swimming. 3 If finish my homework, | can go out at the weekend. | can't go out at the weekend finish my homework. 4 Mysistor watches more TV than me. | don't watch TV iy sistor does. 5 My parents suggested going out for a meal My parents said, ‘Why we go out for a meal?" 18 Test 1 " PART 2 PART3 Question 6 Answer one of he folowing questions (7 o 8 You have invted your Engish fiend Joo stay wth you next mont, but you now need to delay se Question 7 + Your English eacherhas asked you to wit a story ‘Write a card to send to Jo. In your card, you should * Your story must begin wth he sentence + apa to Jo ; a Carla looked at the car in surprise. ‘= explain why the visit has to be delayed ‘© suggest when it would be convenient for Jo to come. ‘+ Weie your story in about 100 words on your answer sheet Write 35-45 words on your answer shoot. ‘Question 8 ‘+ This is part ofa letter you receive from an Engish fiend, I know you often go to the cinema. Tell me about the last film you saw and whether you enjoyed it. + Now write a letter to your rena. Wie your letter in about 100 words on your answer sheet. 16 7 Test 1 PAPER 2 LISTENING about 35 minutes, 3 Which picture shows what the gis need? (including 6 minutes transfer time) PART1 ‘Questions 1-7 ‘+ Thore are soven questions in this par. ‘+ For each question there are three pictures and a short recording ‘+ Choose the corect picture and puta tick (7) inthe box below i Example: What's the time? , au eo eO 11 Where wll the gis meet? wee a AH | e 5 S ec 2 Which char does the man want? a0 eo cO Test 1 20 \What luggage isthe man taking on holiday? ‘man tke? Listening PART 2 Questions 8-13 ‘+ You wil near part ofa rao programme about classical musi, ‘+ For each question, put a tick (/) in the correct box. 8 This week's prize is A [1 armusic cassette, B 1] two concert tickets © [1 acassical co, 8 The person who wrote the musicvedin A [] Hay. 8 Spain © 1 Francs. 10 What else shares he tle ofthis music? A [] agarden 8 Cl apky ©) aparc 111 What aid poople do when they first A J Some left botore the end, heard the music? BC Only afew clapped. © [Some askos for tir monay back a Test 1 2 1” ‘This piece of music has been it you know the competion answer you should ring ‘8 played inthe cinoma, B [used in advertising © [used tora TY pay 8 [1 0108 937224. 8 [0018 739 202 © [0018 057 204 Listening PART3. Questions 14-19 ‘+ You will hear a radio programme in which young people from diferent parts ofthe country are interviewed, * For each question, il inthe missing information inthe numbered space. Name: Mike Davis, Age: Kvears. Favourite subject: (14) Favourite sport: (15) ‘Usual transport: (16) (On Saturday: (17) On (18) : Young Farmers’ Group Future job: (19) 23 Test 1 PART 4 Questions 20-25 ‘+ Look atthe six sentencas for this part ‘= You will hear @ conversation between a boy, Jim, and his mother. * Decide if each sentence is correct a incorec # fits correct, put a tick (7) inthe box under for YES. I tis not comect, put a tick (V) inthe box under 8 for NO. a 20. Jim's bicycle needs to be mended 21 He's keen to start saving money. His mother thinks @ mountain bike is suitable for their area. ‘She encourages Jim to manage his money beter. His mother offers to lend him some money. ooa0qo00go oO00000 @ Jim is disappointed by his mother’s suggestion Py

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