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‘The Vancouver School Board offers a range of support services for students diagnosed with a learning disability. To be eligible for services under the Ministry of Education's criteria for learning disabilities, one or more of the following must be met: Assessment documentation must show persistent difficulties in the acquisition of pre-academic skills such as recognition of letters and numbers in the early primary school years and/or “Assessment documentation shows persistent difficulties in spite of remedial intervention in the acquisition of reading, writing and/or arithmetic skills and/or “Assessment documentation shows a significant discrepancy between estimated learning potential and academic achievement. “There must be documented evidence that average or above ability is demonstrated by a cognitive assessment. “Significant weaknesses exist in one of more of the cognitive processes relative to overall functioning ~ perception, memory, attention, language processing, visual-spatial processing, planning and decision making, phonological processing, processing speed or auditory processing. Students diagnosed with the specific learning disability of dyslexia may require a range of services based on the severity of the condition, which can range from mild to severe. ‘The Vancouver School Board framework of response to intervention outlines the process to be followed by staff to support a student who is experiencing learning needs. Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tiered collaborative approach to provide students with the instruction they need to experience success in the areas of academic learning. The goal of RTI is to ensure that struggling learners are identified early and supported effectively. The components of RTI are: “evidence-based classroom instruction/utilizing different instructional strategies/adapting, curriculum or materials “on-going student assessment informal or formal reading, math, language and writing assessments “tiered instruction/targeted interventions and determining the need for a psycho-educational assessment “parental involvement/parents are informed and collaborate with the school throughout the intervention levels ‘The determination of the need for a psycho-educational assessment is made through the school- based team. This would occur after universal, targeted and intensive interventions had been implemented. ‘The Vancouver School Board has seven elementary Learning Support Programs which provide diagnostic and prescriptive teaching for students identified as learning disabled. Learning Support Program: Elementary (LSP) ub sing Services. ae nese ‘completed “Request for Designation &/or Special Education Program Placement” form ‘completed “Pre-Referral Intervention Strategies” (PRIS) form psychological assessment ‘speech and language assessment (if appropriate) Individual Education Plan (IEP) Schoo! Based Team minutes. Please specify targeted interventions, length of time and the results of the individual or small group interventions report card Exit Crite ‘Students are reviewed on a regular basis and ifa change in placement is recommended, a referrals submitted to Learning Services, Placement in a regular classroom is recommended when students have developed skills toa level which will allow them to function successfully in their neighbourhood school. Capacity and Staffing ~ Grades 4t07 ~ 1S students ~ A Teacher and 185A, Program Locations Queen Elizabeth Elementary Dickens Elementary Nootka Elementary Norquay Elementary Brack Elementary Moberly Elementary Kingsford Smith Elementary

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