Relax Back Massage - Elemis

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1 - Work down with flat hands on each side of the spinal column, then grasp the hips

and return to the shoulders

with circular movements. Work down to the elbows, massage them and move back up
to the shoulders.
2 - Work down each side of the spinal column with the thumbs. Make 2 pressures on
each side of the sacrum, then
two others further down. Grasp the hips and work up to the shoulders, making circular
movements with the
phalanges. Work down to the elbows, massage them and move back up to the
3 - On each side of the nape of the neck, massage the trapezius muscles with small
circular movements using the
heel of the hands. Then press lightly. Move your hands slightly outwards and start
again. Repeat this movement a
third time. Return to each side of the nape of the neck and perform the same
movements with the thumbs (circular
movements, pressures, in three steps).
4 - Knead the shoulders to relax them, alternately and then simultaneously.
5 - Stand at your clients head. Smooth the side of the spinal column with the pad of
the thumbs. Alternate pressures
(one thumb above the other) on the spaces between the vertebrae. Work down in this
way until reaching the sacrum,
then work up along the same side, smoothing with alternating circles until arriving at
the shoulder. Then, with one
hand over the other, work down to the elbow, massage it and return to the shoulder.
Repeat this movement on the
other side of the spinal column.
6 - With hands flat on each side of the spinal column, press with all the weight of your
body. Let your hands glide
down on each side, maintaining the pressure, until reaching the elbows. Massage
elbows and move up to shoulders.
Perform this movement on the back in three steps, down to the sacrum.
7 - Stand at your clients side with hands flat on the middle of the back and smooth
the spinal column with one hand
moving towards the nape of the neck and the other moving towards the sacrum.

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