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2.2: 11/7/2017

By: Michael Wolfson and Eva Gustley

This flushout is an unexpurgated redo having a few editorial fixes as mere segue to a coupled
elaboration of certain areas for which some readers have begged fuller amplification. Consistency must of
course give way to completeness, notwithstanding any hobgoblins (and any due apologies to both R.W.Emerson
and K. Godel.)

Greetings modest, but hopefully growing, readership. I wish now to introduce you to Eva aka Dee now
IDed as coauthor for Entry 2.2. Since she missed Entry 1, and I do suggest you begin there, I thought she might
contribute a comment (risky, given her perkiness). Here then is rapper, flapper and inspiring whippersnapper
Eva Gustley:

Eva: Woo Woo, I just got back from the Columbus RR concert and wow, nice one. Entry 1 too. A lot of
weirdness out here. Sync city, thats for sure. Maybe when I go back and study some more psych, they will
work it out of me. In the meantime, I must say wow, but you missed some in Entry 1. Glad you saved a few for
Entry 2.2. Where are the days of auld lang Zinc and assorted in jokes? Everything goes better with cheddar,
right Tina? As Arfus (aka Arfus- say how do you get informed consent to publish the name of a dog, Mr.
Lawyer? Dont tell me he doesnt have a mind of his own! No rights!? Arfus attendee vous!) would say woof
woof. Everything in your first one but myself and the kitchen sync. Good show, but now I want in too. This is
one window of opp that I will proof through the proverbial roof. Pop till I drop. But wait. Fair warning. If you
wanna look over my synchronicity shoulder, I am a will o the whisper away from free form. Nothing connects
anyway, right away. So march on co-author, maybe I can humbly assist with my wrist. A few zingers with my

Mother mother, blood blood, youve unleashed a psychonicity flood. Fullscreen of a toilet, then a
womans mouth, then an eyeball slightly dead? I know some say you dont like women, Hitchcock, but come on!
I will have Arfus bite you! Whats that Mr. Lawyer? One bite rule? Woof woof woof-rapid fire like never before.

Psycho. Synchro gusher out the shower head. Down the drain. Rat-a-tat in the Bird attack. (Crop
duster rapid gunfire in North by Northwest. How did you miss that one in Entry 1, Mr. Hitchcock fan?) I suppose
you could have tried to make me up and self-corrected your drafties, but then.

You Eyed me a Dee, I would have done it differently. A sprinkler? I dont turn off at the spigot. Gusher
or well spring more likely. A sync hole? Come on, raise the bar. Dig dig ricercar. Whoa, whoa, Arfus has to
go(a). Attention span of a gnat? You rat. Ill inspire, while you retire. Ill rhyme while you imbri- see I can near
miss with the best. Want more? Entry 1s a bore. You need fresh blood to handle this flood. Hurricane, you
hurried brain. ID theft? A lofty load down the road. Tattooed lady? Thats me, see.
I only have time for a rap.
Flip, flop, fly and flap.
You have more time on your hands.
You find the shooter way up in the stands.
No depth in a rap?
You need a good map, and more than a bootstrap.
You need some tint, as well as a blueprint.
Rap rap, whoof whoofus, shootus some in-spoofus through the roofus.
Woo woo, pop pop, my synchronicities will never stop.

Shatter the norms! Let the events rumble! Causation quakes. Patterns reenchant. Mystic, meta-
materialization makeover. We will move mountains. Continental drift into conversations adrift. Palette tech-

Michael: OK Eva, thats enough! They now know youre here. Of course, we will stay on topic like a
laser. Glad she has joined me on this particular endeavor. As Ray Charles demonstrates admirably in the Ray
film, one needs a co-author as much for inspiration as for performance. Ray was able to take over the voice of
one of the Rayettes on a track without a flat spot, but her inspiration was still haunting him. Ray and Rayette
and for Hitchcock, Thornhill and Kaplan, then Elsters wife, Judy and Carlotta, and then, finally, Norman and
mom. And for us, too? A full sweep of slippery identities and haunts. As Eva might say, not a potpourri in one
fell swoop but a poppouri in one swell flop. Rat-a-tattoo-uille on the side for now. Gumbo for the bayou at
close. (now dont you peak on the fly, sly.)

Lets look at where we are. The Big Bang bangs and a first synchronicity occurs, not as a first cause mind
you because all is momentarily connected. Now down the event stream we go and if you buy the quantum
entanglement ideas encapsulated in John Bells theorem (which you should after the Aspect confirmation
experiments beginning in the early 1980s), all subsequent events are instantly connected without Einstein
isolationism (speed of light delimiter). Cancellations abound with no emergent effects into the macro?
Nonsense. Entanglement for all to see. The quant jocks may be shocked to learn that the quantum poets know

The universe reconstitutes itself digitally by Planks time, so a whole lotta blinkings going on. Right,
Jerry Lee? Roots of rock. Ten to the thirty-fifth power? Nonillion plus? Egadzillion? Godzillion? Cube root of a
googleplex? (The spell checker is Spellbound for us too, Hitch.) Lets settle for a Godzillion blinks per second the
universe is reconstituting itself forward from the pre primordial soup. Wow. Of course you could argue that it
literally recreates that often, creationists would indeed love that one. And what we are supposed to have is
cancellation and randomness because someone in the insurance industry (and not too few statisticians happy to
accept Bayes theorem and assume that independent events actually do exist) decides to tout a Law of Large
Numbers idea and convince those with common sense that they are deluding themselves and so causation
and randomness must conquer all and we can market same with terms such as normal distribution (and on
and on, runonum argumentum ad nauseam).

A bit quirky to be quiescent about, wouldnt you say? Are we supposed to ignore the skeptical traditions
underlying the foundations of both statistics and science? But rigorous experimentation and engineering does
work, at least in the "vacuum" of a holographic projected universe. And it has worked and will continue to do so,
if we blindly assume physical laws are uber-immutable. Of course, there is no special reason to suppose that the
multiverse will not instead evolve into new punctuated or other equilibria by morphogenesis or some other
process. Or it may find its parameters otherwise re-tweaking. Fine tuning to offer another Goldilocks zone,
perhaps? Isnt accelerating rapid expansion a clue to a failed universe anyway? And tired light might just tire
some more. (Variable speeds are indeed theorized.) As Karl Popper himself would note, just because a
proposition is not testable via experimental falsification is not to say that it isnt true. It is merely outside the
purview of science in its present instantiation. But, then again, so are a-causal connections by definition.

A bit like Griswald at the end of the film Plan 9 from Outer Space who asks: "Now you've seen it. Can
you prove it didn't happen?" And as regards a normal distribution? Hitchcock, too, would allow the mundane
only for characters resigned to complacency. The rest would have to contend with black swans having fat tails
and leptokurtic lemurchauns-cum-lemures touting limericks as seen below.

Both Kurt Godel and Werner Heisenberg knew that knowledge in science and mathematics was, of
necessity, limited and incomplete. Even W.V.O Quine needed a hand full of postulates and several root
concepts before set theory could take off into the quantifiable. And statisticians remain unsettled about first
principles. Maintaining a healthy skeptical tradition must trump harboring dismissive attitudes. More than
burden of proof issues abound. Bertrand Russell has implied that induction and the scientific method have a
skeleton or two in the closet. So did David Hume. Foundations dont matter? Wake up! Maybe the universal
Grand Deceiver is playing some tricks (Hermes, you still around?) for now, we shall see. In the meantime

And now as Co-authors:

A Punch magazine gem entitled Relativity published in 1923, with variously claimed attributions,

There was a young lady named Bright

Whose speed was far faster than light;
She set out one day
In a relative way
And returned on the previous night.

For the skeptics, sophists and softies at heart, though, we suggest our 21st century corollary:

A woman of science as expected

Has all causal links collected;
When synchronicities bubble up
This question will erupt:
Why is it all so connected?

Erupt or corrupt? Causal links will shiver in her quiver? Bag Lady? Steven King has lamented the need
to compromise full elaboration by exorcising the angels or killing the darlings as he states. Co-authorship is
doubly difficult when each has a pet nuance or word nugget to christen. But, we retort, behead brevity, fire the
editor, dont churn the cis-turn. (the Latin root cis means to cut out as in decision and scissors, so why
waste time deciding or cutting?) Dont flush out down the Psycho synchro toilet. The reader is brave enough to
bear the full brunt. You still want to read this? Caveat emptor. (Or, as we might say, "caveat mtor inhibitor".
Whenever someone floats an errant wish that original thinking is still possible or supposes that no one else
would possibly attempt to marry biological vernacular and legalese, we might go as far as to suggest that not
even the hyper-caffeinated would fully appreciate a mammalian target of rapamycin exception. And when Eva
googled "mtor" too, she suggested that the "rap was my sin" (not to inhibit her). No doubt better than when
she commented that it was "ptero"ble that the benefits of pterostilbene were "still being" questioned. Look

Arfus, attendee. Breaking synchronicity news! Synchro Interruptus. November 5, 2017 11:50 pm, the
co-authors quasi viewership of Channel 55.3's Cleveland broadcast of the film Sherlock Holmes and the Spider
Woman was just disturbed with a severe storm weather alert for Holmes County, Ohio. Sherlock is just now
being placed on a carnivals rotisserie/carousel pop pop pop shooting gallery with exposure of his heart through
an opening behind a Hitler doppelganger. Eva sees paydirt and insists on our use of rotisserie implying a frying
even if "with real bullets" (as in NNW- Hitch, you here too?), and fortunately google post-sees the word combo
with carousel. Dr. Watson near misses his target twice.

On target too was a nugget from the previous night when the Johnny Carson/Jack Webb "copper
clapper caper" comedy skit was viewed by the co-authors immediately before they watched three One Step
Beyond episodes showing Ivan Klapper in the credits. Obviously, documenting unusual patterns is a full time
exercise. With billions of events transpiring per hour and our consciousness readily grocking a large subset,
some would suggest that this is not at all surprising. However, modeling likelihoods is particularly problematic in
statistics with the frequentists and the Bayesians forever at odds and with psychological factors at center stage.
Also, the independence of events remains suspect.

The co-authors conversation above, with the synchro Sherlock film in the background sotto voce, had,
right up to that moment, involved a discussion of sidekick Dr. Watson as Conan Doyles ghost writer and/or
imagination embedded co-author. Work to then was proceeding on how to rhyme Doyle with foil and spoil
and Watson with get some and flotsam and jetsam in a never-ending fight for the soul of this Article. That
battle is one either favoring or combining creative flow (rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, multi-entendres, word play,
thought parallels etc.) over or with meaningful gel. In the foreshadow of Psychos Arboghasts (think Arf(us)-
Gust(ley)!) knifing presaged by hardware store shots of knives aligning the wall pointing at two sides of his head,
Arboghast had previously blurted out If it doesnt gel, it is not aspecting. Which of the two hemispheres of his
brain are looking at the forest vs the trees? Perhaps, as Piet Hein might quip, we have two locked boxes each
containing the other's key.

So, one co-author wants the conversation to flow, the other is looking to gel thoughts into meaning.
The tension is the very dynamic of this current effort. Both parley and segue for the flotsam and jetsam.
(Parsley and sage for the jet set.) Hunt for the creative in pursuit of the profound. Too much entertainment will
surely distract and annoy. Too little will no doubt bore. Does a bifurcation better inform? Segregate syllogism
from the silly? Two efforts or one? Cross purposes for star crossed platonists? Still, Mozart could compose a
piece that was identical when the music was turned upside down. Some greats still rock and rolling over in their
gravy train? Causality as well may play a similar game with synchronicity providing some comic relief as
backdrop. Evas definition of a brainstorm, indeed. Another single word oxymoron to accompany schwarzweiy
and the bittersweet.

Before we reprint the initial email communication between the co-authors (as in Entry 1, its purpose
was to draft Gustley into the co-author ship), it is instructive to note a few odd coincidences surrounding Evas
birthday several weeks ago. First, we were in discussion about the song Lydia the Tattooed Lady 20 minutes
or so before we heard that very song being played by a string band that included Tina Bergman at the Art in the
Park festival in the co-authors then hometown. Mike hurriedly approached Eva and gushed out Can you hear
what they are playing? She was initially oblivious.

At that moment, the storm which would become Florida hurricane Irma has not yet chosen its path and
the Equifax ID theft revelation had yet to arrive. Mike had just given Eva, as a toke (obviously reefers only to the
Christian sense of passing along a small piece of bread) birthday gift, a Bernard Herrmann lp (spc21151) whose
notes discussed generational differences between Wells and Trauffaut, the theme of stolen identity, the
"balloon" scene from Mysterious Island and a stormy and turbulent ocean as well as myriad other references
to inclement weather. A Charlie Chaplin as Hitler balloon discussion (from the film The Great Dictator) as
well as a Jackie Coogan breather had already taken place. (No one is smoking, believe it! As Salvador Dali once
mused, we are reality so look no further.) Arfus also inspired a coincidence per his real name, although we could
not obtain consent, so that one is withheld.

Tracks on the lp also included recordings from Jason and the Argonauts, 7th Voyage of Sinbad, Vertigo,
Psycho and North by Northwest. This particular gift was randomly selected out of a small handful of long held
duplicates that had recently become the target of an overdue decluttering campaign. No thought of emerging
oceanic turbulence was involved. The only idea formative of donative intent had its source in Evas previously
stated interest in the Twilight Zone television series (Bernard Herrmann was the composer of its theme,
although that one does not appear on the recording.) The thought of unconscious influences just doesnt hold

Here then is the email in its entirety:

Hi Eva, just a few brief nuggets from my synchronicity notes before they are filed away:

1 .The alternate Harold Arlen lyrics to Lydia, the Tattooed Lady are "when she stands the
world gets litler, when she sits she sits on Hitler". Tom actually brought up the Hitler/balloon/Chaplin
discussion, although it was Arfus that inspired the Groucho Marx/Lydia chatter slightly up the event
chain. I should note that my Arlen cd also includes songs such as "stormy weather" which probably
demonstrates that it may be unwise for a philosophy/math undergrad looking for meaning in life through
recurrent event patterns to make gifts containing a surfeit of archetypes. I might call this Evas
Skepticism Perimeter (esp) since you, as with Carl Jung, seem to be happy to stop there. I am not quite
so sure. Perhaps I stand more with people like Arthur Koestler who would see precognition and even
psychokinesis in some event pairings. (If others are running this multiverse simulation fine, but I did not
will the hurricane, damn it!).
2.The Bernard Herrmann lp contains at least five soundtracks for films that deal with storms and
three with themes of stolen or assumed identity as well as chance encounters subsequently recognized
(Psycho, Vertigo, North by Northwest- all Hitchcock). The major news events surrounding your b-day
number 23 include not only a hurricane with a NNW trajectory but a flood of identity theft due to the
Equifax hack of 143 million identities. (Too bad I cannot seem to fit in the Cleveland Indians
approaching a 23rd record setting victory. They lost #23.)

3.Multiple near miss anagrams abound including the names Bernard Herrmann, Tina Bergman
(who was the hammer dulcimer musician playing Lydia the Tattooed Lady) and Bernie Beitman
Professor at University of Virginia who has published on synchronicity and apparently has a website for
contributing coincidence experiences. Maybe we should contribute? Check out Improbability
Principle- David Hand on near misses and the Atlantic- Coincidences and the Meaning of Life.

Anyway, the list is much more extensive. I am finished unless your youthful exuberance
somehow wishes to drive on. I would like to note that a shared synchronicity is a purely platonic event
by definition, free of the strings of causal linkages, something only fellow travelers or co-wanderers
could celebrate. Platonic as Plato meant it. I would respectively submit that in view of our generational
and gender differences, our relationship is purely platonic as well, which makes it even more special and
eternal than a strictly platonic one. Not only are we free of the strings that come from family, economic
or romantic ties, but we are also free of the cultural histories that tie generations. Hopefully, then, we
may even aspire to overcome some of the biases that burden those more closely connected. (e.g. bias
against hyper-analytic thought, against emotionalism, against platonic relationship themselves, the bias
that the post mtv/social media generation may have regarding attention span and delayed gratification,
Victorian biases etc. Perhaps, I need to revisit both co-idealist Immanuel Kant who critiques Pure and
Practical Reason and the Hitchcock/Traufaut interviews on Pure Cinema as well. We cannot let the
email saga of Petraeus betray us.)"

"Novak in Vertigo lets Stewart know that it is not very flattering to just want to wander about,
but their effort at strict Plato ultimately fails due her criminal past, a deal breaker to a former cop.
Maybe casual friends are most likely to contribute to the cabinet of chaotic curios as the reference
above would call it. Regards, Mike

Since the email, we have discovered that, according to Wikipedia, in the alternative lyrics for Lydia the
Tattooed Lady, Lydias butt has tattoos of a globe, or map of the world, in addition to an image of Hitler. So, the
Chaplin, Hitler, balloon, Groucho (ask Arfus!) synchronicity line is complete and full circle.

In sum, we have a tattooed lady song discussed just before its performance, a present bearing myriad
themes of ID theft and violent storms given shortly before closely corresponding facts unfolded, a hyper-strange
Chaplin, Hitler, Groucho, globe, balloon, tattoo, Morpheus inspired and Mozart conceived, but Mobius stripped,
Gordian knot that only Arfus could fully reveal or untangle, and some assorted other connections the totality of
which even Occams razor wouldnt care to shave. To those that might charge that an overly murky mixing of
meanings and metaphors just happened, Evas inspiration here is to float some and jettison none. Letting the
literary Gordian knot bubble out too solidifies the word salad puree showing that language itself can jump ship
and, thus, bring to the surface another emergent dualism. First, we hint at mind/body, then we tackle the
synchro/causal and now, finally, we separate the sea-creat(ur)es from the sea-gels and the sea-dulls, thereby
likening the pithy to the pitiable. Let the Muse swoon at still another full swoop flushout. Be concise? Au
contraire. Hemmingway, old man, you "shore" should give way to all that can "sea". With style and substance
working "sand and sand", the high tide will still subside. From endlessly rising canon to eternally grateful

So we have a truly bizarre flood consisting of a meaningfully coupled yet causally disjointed set of events
transcending the usual flow of connections. Synchronicity on steroids. And there is more. As we reminisce, we
would be remiss to skip even a near miss. In future papers, we will relate how one author narrowly avoided a
massive flood at the Big Thompson Canyon, Colorado on his 23rd. 150 others were not as lucky and failed to
elude the deluge in the form of a 14 foot wall of water. Further, in Hudson, Ohio, fellow traveler and co-
wanderer Mitch Tattoom (really? Yes!) raised his massive 9 foot protest sign (flailing about) at a Harry Potter
festival days prior to a flash flood there which finished two at one authors grandmothers former condo. Mitch
later wrote to the newspapers that his protest sign warned of the pending wrath of a deity. One co-author
suggested to Mitch that he hold the fort, but he was already off to the courthouse. Details to follow soon. Stay
tuned. Hint: Dont let the effect of the butterfly flutter By(e) You.

Copyright 11/7/2017 Michael Wolfson and Eva Gustley


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