Week 11

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Week of November 13-17

(Please initial and return this form daily with your student)

Day Homework & Managing Parent

(Star of the Questions
Day) Reminders myself initials

Remember Gym Shoes!

50th Day of school


Library Checkout


Thursday HW: 3.8 Due Today


HW: 3.9 Due Today

Here's what we're learning this week:

Reading: Reading a new story Far From Home. Our E nduring Understanding: Readers
understand that illustrations and details in a text help them identify the main idea or central

Turn over for more information

message of a text; Learners understand that we are all connected to people beyond our
own communities.

Phonics: Two-syllable compound words. Red word: here

Writing: Beginning to draft personal narratives, focusing our stories, using a beginning,
middle, end (BME), using a hint as a lead.

Grammar: Irregular plural nouns

Math: Focusing on addition and subtraction story problems with missing partners and

Social Studies/Science: Beginning a new unit on past, present, and future.

Other news:

Star of the Day: The star of the day should bring in their favorite book to share with
friends during read to someone :)
Homestead Holiday field trip: We will arrive around 9:25 and our tour will start at 9:30
and will go until 11:00. I can have 1 parent chaperone per 6 kids. Any extra parent
chaperones past the amount we get free have to pay the $4 admission fee. I am in
need of 4 chaperones for this field trip. So far I have the following people interested:
Dalena H, Valeri L, Dani Z, Candace K. More are welcome to join! If you are
interested, please let me know via email.
50th Day: Please do what you can to make the 50th day of school a fun one. Help
your student slick their hair in the morning, put a ribbon in their hair, anything little
thing to make them feel a part of it :)

Dates of Importance:

Nov. 14- 50th day of school celebration!

Nov. 22-24- Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 29- Homestead Holiday Field Trip 9:30-11
Dec. 15- Half day, noon dismissal
Dec. 19- Holiday Concert 6-6:30p
Dec. 22- Christmas Party

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