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The Enigma Called

Arudhas Part 2
BPHS Series
Madhura Krishnamurthi Sastri
Translation: Venkata Ramana, India
Readership Level: Very Advanced

A Mission Saptarishis Initiative

Arudhas Of The Planets

One of the oldest authorities on Jaimini
Astrology, he graced the Astrological yasmdhyapatidhe rau khe
Magazine in 1960s under immense ttadbhavana dvija |
persuasion of Late Dr Raman and gave us tatastapatitha rai kheruha
some rare jewels in Jaimini Astrology. At pracakate || 6

the age of 80, he lives in a small town in
Andhra Pradesh. Incidentally not many in
India & West know that Andhra Pradesh
has been the land of Jaimini Astrology
dvinathadvibhayo reva vijeya
after Banaras. Revered Sastriji leads a sabalvadhi |
strict Brahminical life along with being vigaayyapada vipra tatastasya phala
very open minded & extremely humble. vadet || 7
His humility only shows his supreme
mastery over astrology. He and Iranganti Translation: Count the number of
Rangacharya are considered as the Signs/Rashis a planet is away from its
foremost authorities alive today in Rashi/Sign. From that Sign count the
Jaimini Astrology. Mr. Sastri has same number of signs to calculate Arudha
supported Saptarishis Astrology right of a Planet. For Calculating the Arudhas
from its inception stage. of the Signs Scorpio and Aquarius* (these
two signs are owned by two planets viz.,
Mars, Ketu and Saturn, Rahu respectively)
and the Signs where one planet owns two
Signs the stronger of the two signs is to be
considered for counting.
(Explanation)*: Arudha has to be calculated from the Planet which is stronger. According
to Krishna Mishra even if Rahu or Ketu are stronger Arudha should not be calculated with
reference to them.

(blakanada svmi) in his work on Jaimini says

graht yvaddure grahasvamiko raitsvmikaraestavaddurarirgrahapada miti veditavya|
tatra ravicadrayorekaika rirevapadam | bhaumdn bhaumdi svmika ridvaya
me vciktmaka miti padadvaya veditavyam |

Translation: Since the Sun and the Moon own one Sign in the Zodiac they get only one
Arudha. But the other planets own two Signs in the Zodiac and hence get two Arudhas.
This view gets negated from the Sloka SABALAVADHI (BPHS) which means for the
planets who own two Signs of the Zodiac Arudha has to be calculated from the Sign which
is stronger.

As the strength of the Signs is to be known for calculating Arudha for the planets, the
method for weighing the strength of Signs is given hereunder. The method being explained
is given by Somanatha in his treatise on Jaimini Sutras in II Chapter 3rdVerse. The
following are the methods given for finding the strength of the Signs as well as the Planets.

STRENGTH OF SIGNS (Somanatha Mishra):

balbala parijnya lakaa kathayati ||

1. rin grahayuktatva prathama bala tatrpi smye bahu graha yuktatva |
tatrpi smye tugancdi vaikalyena | tatrpi smye naisargata |
eva kta bala prathama ||

2. atha dvitiya balamucyate
krakasya caturvithabalaparikaa miti dvitiya bala
caturvidha balamapi purvoktayo janayaiva bodhyam ||

3. atha ttiya balam
carasthirobhaya bhedena kta tacca krakasypi draavya ||

4. atha krakasya tugancdikalpita viakalyena kta caturtha balam| evam caturvidha
balamapi caturth vikalpya oadh kalpanyam

atha prakaratarea balaparijnam

1. svmi guruja dgyoga prathama |
2. svminaca tatsvmi guruja dgyogo dvitiya |
3. svmina raya ktasttya|
4. krakapekay kaakadiu sthiticatutha |

eva caturthakta balamapi caturthvikalpya ooaadh vibhajya niraya kartavya | eva
purvoktobhayabhedena dvatriadh balabheda ||

eva balaparijna ktv baldhikameva lagna ghyat | smyetu lagnameva| eva
ghtt lagnt dacaney || iti ||

Translation: The Sign with a Planet in it is powerful than the Sign which has no Planet.
In case Two Signs have got Planets, the Sign which has more Planets is stronger.
When equal number of Planets are located in both the Signs then the Sign which has got an
exalted planet is powerful.
When the strength of the Signs is equal even after the Step (c) then the Natural strength of
the Signs should be considered.

(Natural strength of Signs):

Common (Dual), Fixed and Moveable Signs are powerful in the descending order.

Common > Fixed > Moveable

Note: Only in the case of Taurus and Libra (which are owned by Venus) there is a
possibility of getting each of them one exalted Planet (Moon gets exalted in Taurus and
Libra is the exaltation Sign of Saturn). For other Signs which are owned by Mars, Jupiter,
Mercury and Saturn one of the Signs owned by them can get an exalted Planet viz., Aries,
Pisces, Virgo and Capricorn respectively. However, this (two signs getting exalted planets)
is possible while calculating the Dasha periods as the strength of 1st House and 7th House or
1st House and 4th House or 1st House and 5th House or 1st House and 3rd House or 1st
House and 11th House, should be considered for computing different Dasha periods.

Strength of Planets:

1. When two planets are compared in strength a planet conjoined with another Planet is
powerful than the Planet which is not conjoined with any Planet.

2. When both the planets are conjoined with planets the Planet which has more number
of planets with it is powerful.

3. When strength of planet arrived as above is equal then the planet which is conjoined
with an exalted planet is powerful.

4. Even after the above consideration the strength of planets is equal then the Natural
strength of the Signs in which the planets located is to be considered.

5. The planet which is in the exaltation is more powerful than the other.

The other sources of the Strength for Signs come from the aspect of its own Lord, Jupiter or

For planets the aspect of Jupiter, Mercury gives strength.

A planet is strengthened depending on its placement in Moveable, Fixed and Common Signs
(natural strength of signs). Further, a planet is considered strong if placed in Kendra
(Square) from the Karaka.
Find out the strength of Signs for calculating the Arudha for the planets (who own two
Signs in the Zodiac), from the above method.
Commentators Note: Most of the Scholars are in agreement with the above detailed
procedure for computing the strength of the Signs. Some Scholars considered the following
steps to find the strength of Signs.

prakrtaratopyanyadbala jeya caturvidham |
prtiveika mdya syt bala tadvidhireahi ||

strrau purudha puruarestrbhanyaka |
yadivarteta tannmabalatu prtiveikam ||

strpuryorvya tyayenasthitau cedadhinyakau |
prtiveikanmaitatprathama balamucyate ||

A Different Source of Strength:
The Strength a Sign gets when a Masculine Sign has a Female Planet and a Feminine Sign
has a Male Planet in it is known as Exchange strength.

(Translators Note: Here it is not mentioned which sign should be considered as stronger in
such an event)

Regarding the primary strength, sloka prative(de)sikah purushe 2-3-12 is given in the
Jaimini sutras. This has been commented by some scholars as,

purue ojarau prtiveika prvarivartpurata phatov pr balavattvena pra

For Male sign, if 2nd or 12th sign has got planet in it the sign or the planet would be strong.
This is the primary strength.

guruja svmiyogaca dvitya balamhitam ||

When a Sign is conjoined with its lord, Jupiter or Mercury it is considered as stronger.

svdhipasya bala grhya rntu ttyakam

caturtha pradaurbalya svminoyaccatadbalam |
yadra krakttu kaakdiu sasthita |
pra madhya tathlpaca bala tasyatu tadbhavet
parato durbalatv dvaipra daurbalyamucyate |
etatsvmi bala recaturtha balamucyate||

Considering the strength of the Sign Lord is the third strength.

When a sign is in Kendra (Square) to the Karaka it is considered most powerful than the
Sign which is in Panapara [succeedent (2, 5, 8, 11)] or Apoklima [cadent (3, 6, 9, 12)].

Source of Strength ( )

kamira - phalaratnaml

grahvyapettsakhagobalyn| tatrpyaneka grahasayutatvam| smyecardikramato
balsyt| tatrpi smyetu nisargatassyt | eva caturthpi balaca yojya| yoge vilagnasya
sadaivasadbhi| mtautu sarvatratu durbala hi baldika grhyatama vadati |
Shri Krishna Mishra says that after deciding the strength of Signs as above, for the purpose
of predicting death, the Sign which is least powerful has to be considered as powerful.

Source of Strength (Nrisimha Suri)

In his book JAIMINI SUTRA PRAKASIKA, Shri Akumalla Narasimha suri, has given
the following steps to compute the strength of Signs.

( )
jaimini strrtha prakika (nsiha sri)

athocyate grahca rna balaniraya |
grahayogastu rn grahcadima balam ||
1. Planets which are conjoined with Planets are powerful. The Sign which has a Planet
in it is stronger than the Sign which has no Planet.
2. Planet/Sign which is conjoined with more Planets is powerful than the Planet/Sign
conjoined with less number of Planets.

smye bahugrahairyogastatsamatvetu tugagai |
svarkamitra svatrikoa sasthitairyoga ucyate ||
If the strength of the Signs is equal from (2) above the Sign with own, Friendly, Trinal or
Exalted Planet in it is more powerful.

tadgrahairyoga smyetu jeya naisargika balam |
taccamadvansnu aketydi nicitam ||

If the strength of Signs is equal after the step (3) Natural strength of Sign is to be
The Planets Saturn-Mars-Mercury Jupiter-Venus-Moon-Sun are powerful in the ascending
order. Sun is the most powerful planet of all and Saturn is the least powerful.

grahayoga vihnn rn svmin balam |
jeya tacca bala svmisabadh vpitadgata ||
When the Signs do not have Planets in them the strength of the Sign Lords is to be

grahayogastvdyabala dcitya tugaja balam |
nisargaja ttya syccaturthatvrayodbhavam ||

Relationship with planets is the first strength. Connection with the planets which are
exalted etc is the second strength. Natural strength is the third strength. Positional strength
is the fourth strength.

tacca jeya cardn muttarottaraja balam ||

Moveable, Fixed and Common signs are powerful in the ascending order. This is called as
positional strength.

rayatotra vieccaturtha
In Jataka Sara Sangraha the sloka Ashrayatotra visheshachhaturthah has been explained

atra balaprakarae viet cart sthira balavat | sthirdubhaya balavaditi rty rayata
bala grhyamityartha etaccaturtha balam ||

Common sign is powerful than the Fixed sign and the fixed sign is powerful than the
moveable sign. This is considered as the positional strength and fourth strength. Similar
opinion has been expressed by Shri Narasimha Suri regarding poisitional strength. Some
other scholars have taken the above sloka as Aagrayatto travisheshasath and commented

ekarau bahugraheu satsu sarve te grah ridvrakabalasya samatvepi atra
asmin grathe agryatta grah viedbal bhavati|| agramyatta adhikabgako balavn |
krakavaditi bodhya ||
When more number planets are posited in one sign then the positional strength for all the
planets is equal but the planet which has traversed more number of degrees compared to the
other planets is considered more powerful.


athha padamritya phala kicidbhuvedvija |
paddekdae sthne grahairyukte'thavkite || 8

dhanavn jyate blastathsukha samanvita |
ubhayogtsumrgea dhanpti ppato'nyadh ||

Oh! Great Brahmin! Now I shall explain the results from the Arudha of Ascendant.
orasrsa (ptara)

paddekdae sthne ubhagrah yutekite |
lakvn jyate bla prajvn lasayuta ||
vittoprjana nyyena ntimn jyate sad |
narona nstiko nna satu sstraviruddhakt ||

paddekdase vipra ppakheayutekite |
anyyoprjita vitta viruddha stramrgata ||
Translators Note: The relevant Jaimini Sutras for these BPHS verses are given under
the heading Relevant Jaimini Sutras
Relevant Jaimini Sutras

atha pada 1-3-1
vyaye sagrahe grahade v rmata 1-3-2
ubhairnyyo lbha 1-3-3
ppairamrgea 1-3-4

Translation: For a Native, if there are Planets in the 11th House from Arudha or if 11th
from Arudha is aspected by Planets, he will be wealthy and happy in life. When for a native,
benefic Planets occupy or aspect 11th House from Arudha the earnings would be from
benefic means, person of morality, good conduct, devoted to god. When the planets occupy
or aspect 11th house are malefic the earnings would from questionable means.


miraimira phala jeya svoccamitrdigehagai |
bahudh jyate lbho bahudh ca sukhgama || 10 ||

Translation: If 11th from arudha has benefic as well as malefic influence then the results
will be mixed. When the 11th from A~1 is either occupied or aspected by the Planets which
are exalted, Friendly, Own house the native will have income from many sources and be
always happy.

Relevant Jaimini Sutras:


mirairmira 1-3-5
uccdibhirviet 1-3-6

padllbha gha yasya pasyati sakal grah |
rjvrjatulyov sa jto ntra saaya || 11 ||

padllbhagha payet vyaya kacinna payati |
avighnena tadlbho jyate dvijasattama || 12 ||
Translation: If all the Planets aspect 11th from A~1 the person will be king or equivalent to
king. When none of the planets aspect 12th from Arudha in the above combination there will
be uninterrupted supply of money.


grahadgoga bhulye paddekdaedvija |
crgae cpi tatrpi bahvargaa samgame ||13||

ubhagrahrgae vipra tatrpyucca grahrgae
ubhena svmin de lagna bhgydigenav || 14 ||

jtasya bhgya bhulya nirdieduttarottaram |
uktayogeu cet kheo dvdaa naiva payati || 15 ||

Translation: If the 11th from Arudha contains many planets or has the aspect of many
planets, Argala* (obstruction) of many planets is on this house, Argala of benefic planets or
Exalted planets is formed, Ascendant or the 9th house has benefic planets and aspecting the
11th house the native will be very lucky and gifted. When more than one of the
combinations mentioned above are available in a chart there should be no planet aspecting
the 12th from Arudha. The above combinations are powerful in the ascending order.
Translators Note*: It is felt that the concept of Argala is required to be explained here
which is relevant to understand the combinations given above. Argala means an
obstruction. The special feature of Jaimini System is, either from a Sign or Planet, when
Planets are posited in the 4th, 2nd or 11th house would influence this Sign or planet in giving
its results. Further, planet(s) placed at an equal distance from a sign or planet, counted anti
clockwise will counteract the influence by the Argala (obstruction) causing planets. For
example, a planet is placed in the 4th from a Sign say Aries. This planet causes Argala
(obstruction) to Aries. Now from Aries count 4 houses in anticlockwise direction and if a
planet is located there then this planet will counteract the results of the planet which is
placed 4th from Aries. Therefore, for planets placed in 4th, 2nd or 11th house from a Sign or
planet the planets placed in 10th, 12th or 3rd would counteract their results. When the planets
causing obstruction (Argala) are benefic and there are no planets which are counteracting
their influence, the planets causing Argala will enhance the results of the Sign or planet to
which they are causing Argala.


padasthnt vyaye vipra ubhappayutekite |
vyayabhulya mityeva vieoprjantsad ||16||

ubhagrahesumrgea kumrgtppakhecare |
miremiraphala vcyameva lbho|1pi lbhage ||17||

Translation: If 12th from A~1 has benefic/malefic planets or aspected by the planets the
person will spend all his money. If benefic planets are posited or aspect 12th house the
expenditure will be for good things, otherwise it will be for evil reasons. When there is a
combined influence of benefic and malefic planets the expenditure will be for mixed reasons
(benefic and evil).

Relevant Jaimini Sutra :

ncegrahadgyogdvyaydhikyam 1-3-6

padrhdvyaye ukrabhnusvarbhnubhiryute |
rjamldvyayovcya cadrady vieata || 18 ||

Translation: If 12th from A~1 has Sun, Venus and Rahu and this combination is aspected by
Moon there will be excessive expenditure because of the King (government).

Relevant Jaimini Sutra :

ravirhu ukrairnpt 1-3-7
cadradau nicayena 1-3-8
The following explanation from Kalpalata by Somanatha Mishra is given for the benefit of


kalpalat- ravirhubhy npt baltkrea dhanamapahta bhavati| ukrea
prtiprvaka datta bhavati| tasyaiva cadra dau sati nicayena bryt || iti||

Translation: If 12th from Arudha has Sun and Rahu the wealth of the native will be forcibly
taken away by the King (government). When Venus is posited in 12th from Arudha the
native voluntarily part his wealth to the king (government), if moon aspects Venus this will
be certain.


padrhdvyaye saumye ubha kheyutekite |
jtimadhyevyayonitya ppadkkalahdvyaya || 19 ||

Translation: If Mercury is placed in the 12th from A~1 and benefic planets aspect, the
expenditure will be for relatives. When malefic planets aspect, expenditure will be due to
disputes with relatives.

Relevant Jaimini Sutra :


bhudhena jtibhyo vivddv 1-3-9

paddyaye surcrye vkite cnyakhecarai |
karamldvyayovcya svastaiva dvijasattama || 20 ||

Translation: If Jupiter is posited in 12th from Arudha the native will spend his money for
good causes or charity on his own volition.


gurua karamlt 1-3-10


rhddvdae saure dharputrea sayute |
anyagrahekite vipra bhrtvargddhanavyaya || 21
Translation: If 12th house from Arudha contains Mars and Saturn and aspected by other
planets the native will spend for his siblings. *
*Authors note: It is my experience that this combination sometimes not working. But when
Saturn is ahead of Mars then this rule is working.

rht dvdaasthne yeyog kathityath |
lbhabhveca yog lbhayogakar stath || 22
Special note: The combination given above for the 12th from Arudha can be made applicable
to the 11th from Arudha also. For example, in case of Mars and Saturn in the 12th from A~1,
there will be expenditure for the siblings. Similarly, if this combination is in 11th from A~1
the native will be benefited from the siblings.

The results of 11th and 12th houses from Arudha as explained by Krishna Mishra are given
here under.

ka mira - phalratnaml

1 pade ubhnmapi sayutica kedre ubhnmapi sayutitvam |
vyayatrikoeu ca rhuyoga vinsthitatva ubhayogamhu ||

Translation: If the A~1 or Kendra (square) from A~1, have benefic planets they confer good
results to the native. If Rahu is posited in trines or 12th from A~1 it will reduce the effect of
Benefic Yogas (combinations) in the chart (nativity).

2 padetath krraghe ubhena grahea deubhyabhvi |
ubhe tath obhanakhecarea de ubhatva samudharati ||
Translation: If the Arudha of Ascendant is a malefic Sign and aspected by a benefic planet
it will not yield good results when compared to a benefic Sign aspected by a benefic planet.

3| padraye obhanakhecar yoge bhavedrja samnayoga |
anyatra ukrdapi rtrinthnncdapi sydvipartameva ||

Translation: When the Arudha of the Ascendant contains debilitated Venus or Moon they
act as evil in fructification of the benefic yoga results, if any, available in the chart. If there
are exalted Jupiter, Full Moon, Venus or Mercury in the A~1 they make a person equivalent
to king. This combination is powerful in the descending* order.
*Jupiter>Full Moon>Venus>Mercury.

4 lbhepdccadragur bhujagayuktau tadhurnidhi lbhamry |
ekobhgucadrayut yadisydvadennareddhanalbha meva ||
Translation: When 11th house from A~1 has Moon, Jupiter and Rahu the native will acquire
a treasure. If Venus and Moon are posited in the 11th the native will be benefited from King
(Government). The persons who are honored by the king (government) have such
combination. If either Venus or Moon is debilitated then this combination would not yield
any result.

5 lbhe bhudhrk bhujagena dau devlaye knagheu tadvat |
bhumena bhmvateu ketocadrjjalevidyavadanmundr ||
Translation: When 11th from Arudha has Mercury and Saturn and aspected by Rahu the
native will be benefited by Temple, dilapidated house. If Mars or Ketu or Moon occupy 11th
from Arudha the native will be benefited by Land, wells, water respectively.

6 ravau tadh bhaumaghe padasya lbhesthite bhrtdhanasyalbha |
jvasyagehetu sutddhanpti budhasyatu jti dana vadati ||

Translation: If 11th from Arudha is a Sign owned by Mars and Sun is posited in it the native
will be benefited from his siblings. If owned by Jupiter and Sun is posited in it he will be
benefited from children. If owned by Mercury and Sun is posited in it the native will be
benefited from the relatives.

7 cadrrkigehe svabhujrjita syt anyatra rajo dhanalbha eva |
krrairyute ncagate'pyamrgt ubhairyute svoccagate sumrgt ||

Translation: If owned by Moon or Saturn and Sun is posited in it the native be benefited by
his sheer hard work. If, owned by Sun and Sun is posited in it the native will be benefited
from King (government). In all these combinations if Sun is conjoined with malefic planets
or debilitated the income will be through evil deeds. If Sun is with benefic planets or exalted
the incomes will be through benefic/good deeds.

8 cadrobaliena yuto'pi yasyahehe sa eva prabhavetphalya |
dineayuktopyathavvi nco dhanavyyyaiva bhavennittam ||

Translation: When Moon is conjoined with strong Planets and posited in a Sign he will give
the results of the Sign Lord. When debilitated or conjoined with Sun he will cause
expenditure. If moon* is posited in the 11th from A~1 and conjoined with any planet he will
give the results of the planet with which it is conjoined. If not conjoined with any planet
then it would give the result of the Sign Lord (*This sentence is at variance with the
previous statement. Needs further clarification from author).

9 bhaumo bal lbhagatastadhaiva krrairyutaclpa dhanapradt |
ketrakramt bhrtsutdikn vadati lbha yavanstadhaiva ||
Translation: When strong Mars is posited in 11th from A~1 and conjoined with malefic
planets he would give very less wealth. The 11th house from Arudha of each bhava has to be
judged and results are to be announced for the respective relatives of the native.

10 ukrasya rja sacivasya putrt rave pitucadramasa kalatrt |
budhasya tu jtidhana phandrt cauryea ketormunayo vadati ||

Translation: When the 11th from Arudha is connected with (either by aspect or position)
Venus, Jupiter, Sun, Moon , Mercury or Rahu/Ketu the native will be benefited from King
(government), Son, Father, Spouse, relatives, theft/robbery respectively.

11 cadrrkajau rhugurkujrk dhvajrkaputrau yadicoktarty |
sthitstadn niyata nar lbhevadnnca dhanapradsyu ||
Translation: If 11th from A~1 has Moon and Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu, Mars and Saturn or
Saturn and Ketu native will earn from evil/base means.

12 ncasthitobhanakhecaredr yuktstad mlecca dhanapradssyu |
rhuubhaketragatastadaika ketustath krragatastadhaiva ||

Translation: If 11th from A~1 contains debilitated benefic planets or Rahu is posited in
benefic Sign or Ketu is posited in malefic Signs the native would be benefited from a

13 ncoccagacadra sutastadhaiva krrairyuto mlecca dhanapradt |
gururyadncagatastadaa drekkago mlecca dhanapradta ||

Translation: When Mercury is posited in 11th from Arudha and debilitated or exalted or
conjoined with malefic planets the native will be benefited from foreigners. Jupiter if placed
in 11th from Arudha and debilitated or own navamsha or Drekkana the native will get
income from foreigner.

14 bhaumo bhujagena dinesvarena ncena cala dhapradt |
budho'pi tudevayenayuto bhavettadvaditi prasiddhi ||

Translation: When Mars is placed in 11th from A~1 and conjoined with Rahu or Sun or any
debilitated Planet the native will be benefited from an out caste person. Mercury also
behaves like moon when conjoined with any planet.

15 svaketrago jva yutastadhaiko vidyvivdena dhana dadti |
padasya lbhe yadi bhaumagehe gururyadi dravyakaronarm ||

Translation: When Mercury is posited in own Sign which is 11th from Arudha and
conjoined with Jupiter and not connected with any other planet the native will be benefited
from education. If the 11th from Arudha is the Sign of Mars and Jupiter is posited in it,
similar result has to be announced.

16 ukrasya gehetu vadhdhanpti budhasyagehe nijavidyayaiva |
rjodhana cadra dineagehe sevdhana sryasutasyagehe ||

Translation: If the 11th from Arudha is a Sign owned by Venus and Jupiter is posited in it
the native will be benefited by woman, if 11th is owned by Sun or Moon benefit from King
(government), if owned by Mercury benefit through education, if owned by Saturn and
Jupiter is posited in it the native will be servant.

17 vnijyato bhaumaghe svaghe bhgurbhudhare kito vadati |
nikepatassaurighe ravdugehe npllbhamudharati ||
Translation: If 11th from Arudha is a sign owned by Mars and Venus is located in it native
will be benefited from business, if owned by Mercury through agriculture, if owned by
Saturn from treasure, if owned by Moon or Sun benefit from King (government).

18 bhaumarasasthorkasuta kuvtty ukrarasasthodhanado npasya |
jagehago devadhanapradt cadrrkagehe kilbhadt ||
Translation: If 11th from Arudha is a Sign of Mars and Saturn is posited in it the native
would earn through evil/objectionable means. If owned by Venus benefit from King
(government), if owned by Mercury and Saturn is posited in it benefited from temple, if
owned by Sun or Moon and Saturn is posited in it benefited by agriculture.

19 gurrghe brahma dhanpahart svaketrage sevakdyahr |
dhvajasya gehetu gurusvahr mlecca svajv pha rjagehe ||

Translation: The 11th from Arudha is owned by Jupiter and Saturn is posited in it the native
will steal the wealth/money of Brahmins. If Saturn is posited in own house Capricorn
(which is 11th from A~1) the native will steal/misappropriate the wealth of servants. If
Saturn posited in Scorpio (which is 11th from A~1) he would steal the wealth of Guru
(teacher). If Saturn is posited in Aquarius (which is 11th from Arudha) the native would live
on the wealth of foreigners.

20 ekobal kudalin vareyo rjyrthameva pradiatyajasram |
ukrea yuktaca dineayukta stadaivanoce dvipartameva ||

Translation: If Strong Rahu is in the 11th from Arudha or conjoined with Venus or Moon
the native would be equivalent to king.
Explanation: If 11th from Arudha is occupied by Rahu and conjoined with Venus or Moon
and this combination is not connected (either by aspect or conjunction) with any other
planets it gives excellent benefic results.

21 nyyya dhana krraghe bhujage viaryaya saumyaghe dadhti |
evadhvajasypi vicrya vidvn phala vadenno vitadh kadpi ||

Translation: It is certain that if Rahu/Ketu is posited in benefic Signs they confer wealth by
objectionable means and if they are posited in the Malefic Signs they confer wealth by
benefic/acceptable means.

22 kedrasthit saumya khag ubhya krrgrahduaphala pradsyu |
dravyayasya prabalopi khea paddvirodhti vadati sata ||
Translation: If benefic planets are in Kendra (square) from the A~1, will give good results. If
Malefic Planets are posited in these places they give malefic results. When a planet is
aspecting 12th from A~1, even if it is strong/benefic it will not give good/benefic results.

23 kedrasthito v nidhanasthitov paddbal pasyatiyo vyayaca |
viiya ukredu bhujaga rjade vyaye nirdhanataiva satyam ||

Translation: When strong planets are located in the Kendra (square) or 8th from Arudha or
aspect the 12th from Arudha the native will be a pauper. If the planets involved are Moon or
Venus or Rahu the effect is more.

24 ttya ahara gatcanc krr paddarthakar bhavati |
uccstu payatu yadi prakty pada tad tatsabala vadati ||

Translation: When debilitated, malefic planets are posited in the 3rd or 6th from Arudha
they are good for wealth.

25 vilagnabhtrkakata padcca vicrya khen vividhn vipacit |
udraye drjasabhsu samyak kadpinoyti m pada sa ||
Translation: The results of the above combinations are to be announced with reference to
Natal Ascendant, Arudha and from Atma karaka (the planet which is in the advanced
degree of a Sign when compared to all other planets in the chart). When the results are
similar from any of the two places it should be considered as the final result. If results from
all the three are different then the result indicated from the Arudha of the Ascendant is to be


rhtsaptame rhurathav sasthita ikh |
kukivydhiyutobla ikhin pito'thav || 23
Translation: If Rahu/Ketu is posited in the 7th house from A~1 the native would suffer
from disease of the stomach or he will have danger from fire.

lbhe rhu ketubh mudararoga 1-3-13


ra tsaptame ketu ppakheayutekita |
shassvetakesica vddhalig bhavennara || 24
Translation: If the 7th from Arudha has Ketu in it and connected with malefic planets
(either by aspect or conjunction) the native would be courageous, has grey hair and looks

References from ancient commentaries:

Jaimini Sutras:

tatra ketun jhaiti jyniligni 1-3-14

: --
vekaevara vykhy : tatra ketun jhaditi vrdhakyaligni 1-3-14

somanth mira: tatraiva ketun ghra prpahrii rogaligni sabhavati r


padttu saptama sthne guruukranikar |
trayodvayamadhaikopi lakvn jyate jana || 25

Translation: If 7th from Arudha has Jupiter, Venus and Moon (all the three or two or any
one) the native would be wealthy.

svatuge saptame khea ubovpyaubha padt |
rmn sopibhavennna satkrti sahito dvija || 26

Translation: When the 7th from Arudha contains either an exalted benefic/malefic planet
the native would be wealthy and praiseworthy. -- uccena v 1-3-16

ye yog ssaptame sthne padcca kathitmay |
citystadhaiva te yogdvitye pi sad dvija || 27

Translation: The above combinations which are discussed with reference to the 7th from
the Arudha are to be made applicable to the 2nd from Arudha also.

uccastho rohie jvov ukra evav |
eko baldhanagata riyadiatidehina || 28
Translation: When the 2nd from Arudha is occupied by an exalted benefic/malefic planet or
strong Moon, Jupiter or Venus the native would be wealthy.

References from ancient commentaries:

Jaimini Sutras:

cadra guru ukreu rmata 1-3-15

( jaimini padymtam)

padt dvitye cadra guru ukreu vartamneu rmata | bahuvacanamavivakatam |

padt dvitya iti prvasutrat'nu vartate| anuvtti jnrthavevtra strmagre adhyya pda
strk yojit padddvitye uccena uccagraheav rmata |

nlakaha vykhya
padddvitye vyavastay samastay v cadrdiusatsu rmato bhavati| dvityasthitena
ubhappnyatara grahea uccasthitena v rmata ityartha


somantha - kalpalata
dvitye cadraguukreu vyasteuv samasteuv rmato bhavati| etadabhve
kenpyucca graheav rmato bhavati|

vekatevar vyky
padtsaptame vyavastay samastay v gurvdiu satsu rmato bhavati|
saptamasthitenocca grahea yenakenpi ubhena v yogesati rmata ityartha
venkatesvara daivagna

of Singaraya

jtaka rjya
rhtsaptame cadraguruukr yadisthit ivara labhate jto ntra krya vicra |

ekdae saptamesydrhduccatgate|
grahea tasmin kenpiyukte rmtsadbhavet ||

uccov harikov jvo v ukra eva v |
ekobai dhanagatariyadiati dehinm|
eva lbha caturthasthe grahairapi vicitayet |

Commentators Note: while delineating the above combinations some scholars have
advocated that the results are to be announced from 7th house and some have stated that the
results are to be announced from 2nd from Arudha.

[Comment: {Jataka Rajiya} General rule is that the planets which are aspecting the
Ascendant will be able to deliver results. The planets in Moveable Signs aspect the Fixed
Sign, the planets in the Fixed Sign aspect the planets in the Moveable signs and the planets
posited in the Common (dual) Sign the other common signs. The planets in the common
sign are more powerful than the planets in the fixed signs and the planets in the fixed signs
are powerful than the planets in the moveable signs. Planets which are strong and conjoined
with other planets and stronger than the Ascendant and planets which are exalted, Mercury,
Moon, Jupiter and Venus are in 2nd, 4th and 11th house the native would be wealthy.

For any ascendant (or Arudha of ascendant) one benefic planet must be located in the 2nd
house. If exalted planet is there it is auspicious. When mercury, Jupiter or Venus is posited
in the 2nd house they confer more and more benefic results in the ascending order. In the 4th
house, of all the planets, if Jupiter is posited it gives the most benefic results. Similarly,
when the planets in the 2nd and 4th houses are stronger than ascendant it considered as most
auspicious (combination of Moon and Jupiter and Moon and Venus is good). For example,
for Scorpio Ascendant in the 2nd house (Sagittarius) if Jupiter is located, though it does not
aspect the ascendant it gives great wealth. For Aquarius ascendant Venus in Pisces causes
Maha Raja yoga and If Jupiter is posited it is auspicious. For Aries ascendant Venus in
second house (Taurus) may not be very good.

Fourth house is equivalent to ascendant in strength. If 4th house is a moveable Sign it is

ineffective. If it happens to be a fixed sign it is considered possing medium strength. If the
4th house is a common sign it is of full strength].


yeyogcapade lagneyadhvadgaditmay |
teyog krakepi vijy badhavarjit || 29 ||
Translation: The results which are indicated by the above combinations are applicable with
reference to Karakamsha Lagna [the sign which is occupied by the Atma Karaka in the
Navamsha (D~9) chart]. This can only be done when it is not connected with the Bhadaka
planet. Further, the results announced with reference to the combinations from Karakamsha
Lagna can also be made applicable to the Arudha Lagna provided it is not connected with the
Bhadaka planet.

svavadanyapryea 1-3-17

rh dvittabhe saumye sarvadedhipo bhavet |
sarvajoyadiv na syt kavirvdca bhrgave || 30 ||

Translation: When there is a benefic planet in the 2nd from Arudha of Ascendant the native
becomes Leader of the nation. If Venus is there native will be Omniscient, Poet, expert in

rhtkedrakeu sthite drapade dvija |
lagnajypadevpi sabala grahasayute || 31 ||

rmca jyate nna dee vikhytimn bhavet |
ae'ame vyayasthne jto drapade'dhana || 32 ||

Translation: When the AL and A7 are in mutual Kendra (square) or Trines (Konas) or if
they contain strong planets in them the native will be wealthy, very popular. If AL and A7
are in mutual 6/8/ 12* position the native will be very poor.

*{Note} Shri Durga Prasad Dwivedi has mentioned that AL and A7 will not be in mutual
6/8 /12 positions. While calculating Arudha of AL and A7 for odd and even Signs, AL
(calculated with the help of general rules) will be 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 or 11 Signs from Ascendant. A~1
cannot come in the 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 Signs from the Ascendant. If the exceptions for
calculation of Arudhas (as explained above) are taken in to consideration 4th or 10th house
also can become A~1. In such event the A~1 will be in 1, 3,4,5,7,9,10 or 11 from the Ascendant
and there is a chance of A~1 and A~7 being in mutual 6/8/ 12 position.
lbhapadekedre trikoe v rmata | 1-3-18
anyadh duthe 1-3-19

Example: Calculation of A~1 (without taking into consideration the exceptions).

Location of AL
Asc. Lord (Arudha Lagna)
Ascendant Ascendant
2nd house 3rd house
3rd house 5th house
4th house 7th house *
5th house 9th house
6th house 11th house
7th house Ascendant*
8th house 3rd house
9th house 5th house
10th house 7th house
11th house 9th house
12th house 11th house

Commentators Note: From the above table it could be seen that the 2, 4,6,8,10,12 signs from
the Ascendant could not become AL
* When exceptions are used for calculating he Arudha (as explained earlier) 4th and 10th
signs from Ascendant can become the AL. This will happen in case when Ascendant Lord is
in 4th house then 4th itself becomes AL and when Ascendant Lord is in 7th house then 10th
house becomes the AL.

Similarly, when the 7th house lord located in various signs:

Location of A7
Seventh Lord Arudha of 7th House
Ascendant 7th house
2nd house 9th house
3rd house 11th house
4th house Ascendant
5th house 3rd house
6th house 5th house
7th house 7th house
8th house 9th house
9th house 11th house
10th house 5th house
11th house 9th house
12th house 5th house

It is mentioned that for calculating the Arudha for 7th house exceptions are not applicable,
therefore 4th and 10th cannot become A7*. When exceptions are not applied AL and A7
cannot be in mutual 6/8/12 positions. This position (mutual 6/8 /12) is possible only when
exceptions are applied for calculating the AL.

[*This sentence appears to be contradictory to the exceptions for the calculation of the
Arudha explained earlier. Needs clarification from the author]


padetatsaptamevpi kedre vddau trikoake |
suvrya sasthita khea bhrybhart sukhaprada || 33 ||

padddhrapade caiva kedre koe ca sasthite |
dvayormaitr bhave nnna trike vaira bna saaya || 34 ||

eva lagna paddvipra tanaydipadesthite |
mitrmitre vijnyt labhlbhau vicakana ||

When there is one strong planet in AL or 7th house or Kendra (square) or Kona (trines) or
Upachaya* (3, 11) Signs then the compatibility between wife and husband will be good.

* Here, Upachaya (growth), only 3rd and 11th Signs are considered as 10th house is covered
in Kendra and as blemish attributed to the 6th house and hence this house is discarded.
(Normally Upachaya signs are 3,6,10 and 11 from Ascendant)

When A7 is in Kendra (square) or Kona (Trine) from AL there would be mutual friendship
between the wife and husband. If in 6/8 /12 there will be enemity between the wife and
husband. The same rules are to be applied to find out the relationship between AL and A5
(Author: this opinion is not there in the Jaimini sutras but this view is supported by Vriddha

vddha krik
rhau putrapitroca trilbhe kedragau yadi |
dyayormaitr trikoe tu smya dveo'nyadh bhavet ||
evadrdi bhvnmapi patydimitrat |
jtakadvayamlokya citanya vicakaai | iti ||


lagna drapade vipra mitha kedragateyadi |
trilbhayostrikoe v tadhrjdhardhipa || 36 ||

eva lagna paddevadhandi padatodvija |
sthnadvaya samlokya jtakasya phalavadet||

If AL and A7 are in mutual Kendra (square) or Kona (Trine) or 3/11 then the native would
become King.
The above rules are to be made applicable to AL and A2 and the results are to be

vddha krik - vekaevara vykhy

lagnrha drapada mitha kedragata yadi |
trilbhev trionev tadrj'nyadhdhama ||
rhau putrapitrostu trilbhau kedragauyadi
dvayormaitr trikoeu smya dveonyadh bhavet |
eva drdibhvanmapi cityrimitrat |
jtakadvayamlokya citanya vicakaai || iti ||

*There is a difference of opinion in this regard. Parashara indicates that the results are to be
announced from the AL and A2 in a natives Arudha chart. Vriddha Karika mentions it as
Jataka Dwaya (two horoscopes).

Somantha Mishra has given the following in the introductory chapter of his book.

atha bhvlakanyucyate ||
bhavdayacaturth lagnata krakata drekkata aakaceti || tatra lagnato
bhavraya || krakat grahbhv drekketu aya viea|| lagndhipastha drekka
lagna| dhandhipastha drekka dhana evamanyatrpyhyam | aakonma
rhari| rht grakaparylocan kartavy | eva bhvapaylocan ktvtattadda
svapi evameva parylocya phala vaktavyam ||

Translation: Results of the Bhavas are to be considered from Ascendant, Karaka, Drekkana
(D3) and Amsha (AL). From Ascendant 12 bhavas to be considered. From Karaka the Planets
are Bhavas. In the Drekkana chart the place (sign) in which the Ascendant Lord is posited is
the Ascendant of the Drekkana and the place where the 2nd lord is there is the 2nd house of
Drekkana chart and so on. Amsha means Arudha chart and in this chart the placement of
planets is to be considered. The results are to be announced after taking in to account the
various points as above.

prasaga vat paddhikarae yogavie pravakyate ||

padaca puruacetkramea strcet vyutkramea lagna ghtv tadvadeva padanirayopi|
eva bhttpadt dvityeyadi cadraukrau mahdhaninobhavati| caturtheyadi vhane
caracaturthatva prayojakam | sthiracaturtha madhyamam| ubhayacaturtha tu
praphalam| evamevrhasya rhoccdikamapi ubhagrahoccadirapi balavatphalati|
ayaca yogonyathlagna yogbhvepi| tath ca paryavasito'yamatha | padasya uccayoga
vin ppadi dridryakar| ubhadi ucca dica rjayogakar| eva lagnasypi|
saradh lagnapadayo caturtha pacamnukulya vinnarjayoga iti nikara |

Translation: For male horoscopes Arudha has to be calculated clockwise (zodiacal) and for
female horoscopes in anti clockwise (anti zodiacal) direction. The A~1, as calculated above
has moon and Venus in the second house the native will be affluent/wealthy. If 4th house
(from AL) is a moveable sign it is ineffective. If fixed, it will be of medium strength. If
common sign, it is of full strength. Similarly, when A~1 has the aspect of benefic planet,
who is also exalted, it gives good result even if Ascendant has no such aspect. In result it can
be conclusively said that when A~1 is not connected with any exalted planet (either by
aspect or position) and is connected with malefic planet it causes poverty. Aspect of benefic
planet or exalted planet causes auspicious result. Similar results are to be announced from
Ascendant also.

For any nativity, if ascendant, AL, 4th and 5th bhavas are not favorable, it is certain that the
native will not be conferred kingship or authority.

For a nativity, the Yogas (combinations) of wealth and kingship are to be decided (most
importantly) with reference AL. In Parashara system the combination of Kendra (square)
and Kona (trinal) Lords is considered most auspicious. But, when compared to this
combination the ones which are explained above from the Arudha chart are conferring
multiple/abundant auspicious results. T his is mentioned out of the experience of the author.
These are to be studied by the scholars.

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