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Location: GARAGE Date:



Persons should use the list below as an aide memoir when carrying out a daily HSE related walk round the worksites for which they
are responsible. Other issues may be included if felt appropriate depending on the work being carried out. Daily inspections MUST
be conducted in accordance with the Safety Plan and the checklists handed to the Chef de Service HSE on completion.


Personal protective equipment

Worn by all personnel where required?
Suitable for the task and in good condition?

First Aid
Is the eyewash station fully stocked and sealed?
Shall the eyewash bottles need to be replaced?
Are there a fully stocked first aid box?

General Housekeeping
Are there sufficient litter bins and is the area free from litter?
Is the area free from debris, vehicle parts, etc.?
Is there sufficient and suitable spill protection?
Are all utility hoses stored on provided mountings?
Is the area free from spillage?
Are all oil drums and containers stored within or on a bund?
Are there any unusually strong odours? (Acetylene gas, gasoline etc.)
No trailing cables, hoses and tools obstructing walkways?
Are any trip hazards identified and highlighted? (YELLOW PAINT OR TAPE)
All materials stored in suitable areas and is all shelving in good condition and not overloaded?

Fire and Emergency Procedures

Have all fire extinguishers been annually checked and is the date marked on the extinguisher body?
Are all fire signs and notices clearly visible?
Is all fire fighting equipment accessible and in good working order?
Are all fire exit doors working correctly and not obstructed?
Are all fire routes free from obstruction?

Are all access/egress routes free from obstruction?
Is floor area in good condition?
Are there any head height obstructions, if so are they clearly identified?
Ventilation & Heating adequate and all facilities in a clean and usable state?
Is the lighting bright enough to ensure safe movement around all the necessary areas?
Are there any low headroom areas which are not adequately marked?
Are vehicle inspection pit covers secure and in good condition?
If in use, is vehicle inspection pit are suitable barriers in place.
Doorways and fire exits kept free from obstruction?

Separation of moving traffic and pedestrians

Are vehicle & pedestrian routes clearly identified? (markings on floor etc)
Definite separation in place for pedestrian and moving vehicles?
Are all traffic signs adequate, fir for purpose & clearly visible?
Is there an MSDS sheet available for hazardous substances?
Are chemicals stored in accordance with the MSDS Sheet?
Are chemicals stored in accordance with the HSE recommendations?
Are hazardous wastes stored in accordance with the HSE recommendations?
Are all containers clearly marked with contents?
Are all persons aware of the procedures in case of accidental spillage or leakage?
Have persons who are likely to use the hazardous chemical/substance been trained in their safe use
and have they read and understood the MSDS sheet?

Is all equipment etc. tested, inspected and maintained in accordance with the inspection and testing
regime identified the manufacturers instructions? (vehicle lifting machinery)
Are all guards and interlocks in place, in good condition and working correctly?
Are all emergency stops visible, accessible and in working order?
Have all users received adequate training in the safe use of the equipment?
Is Oxy-Acetylene equipment tested and stored correctly? (Trolley, hoses, torch etc.)
Has all the portable electrical equipment been tagged to identify it has been inspected by the OOC
electrical department?
Are all electrical items in good condition and in a safe position?
Have persons been informed of the need to undertake user checks before and after operating any
lifting, welding and electrical equipment?

Manual Handling
Have any significant manual handling tasks been eliminated or if not possible, identified and assessed?
Are any garage operatives in need of training?

General Comments / Further observations

Observation Observation Action required Responsible
Number Person/Department

Area Responsible (CdS Transport ): .....................

Chef de Service HSE: ..............................................................................................................................

Chef de Departement Logistics: .......

Inspector Prevention............................................................................................

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