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Journal of the Neurological Sciences 359 (2015) 5966

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Review article

Neuropsychological impairment in childhood absence epilepsy: Review

of the literature
A. Verrotti a,, S. Matricardi b, V.E. Rinaldi a, G. Prezioso b, G. Coppola c
Department of Paediatrics, University of Perugia, Italy
Department of Paediatrics, University of Chieti, Italy
Department of Child Neuropsychiatry, University of Salerno, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Aim: Childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) is a paediatric epilepsy syndrome characterized by typical absence
Received 23 June 2015 seizures in school age children. Although it is commonly considered to have a good prognosis, with a good
Received in revised form 14 October 2015 response to antiepileptic drugs, recent studies questioned this traditional view of a benign disorder, in
Accepted 15 October 2015 particular regarding neuropsychological functioning. The aim of this study is to review the neuropsychological
Available online 23 October 2015
involvement in patients affected by CAE.
Methods: A literature search was carried out in PubMed's and Medline's databases for all relevant studies published
Absence seizures
between 1924 and 2014. The keywords used were neuropsychology, absence seizures, and CAE. Specic review
Childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) articles, systematic reviews, textbooks and case reports were examined for any further publications.
Cognitive function Results: In intellectual functioning, CAE patients seem to perform worse than healthy children, even if their IQ
Neuropsychology scores fall within the normal range. Similarly, CAE seems to affect verbal skills and learning. Executive functions
General cognition have been reported to be mildly impaired. Data regarding memory are still conicting.
Discussion: Given the neuropsychological decits in many CAE patients which signicantly affect their quality of
life, CAE should not be considered entirely benign. An early identication of neuropsychological dysfunction in
CAE children is essential for appropriate treatment.
2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2. Intellectual functioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3. Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4. Learning disabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5. Attention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
6. Motor skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
7. Executive functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
8. Memory functioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
9. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Funding source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Financial disclosure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Potential conicts of interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Competing interests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Abbreviations: CAE, childhood absence epilepsy; TAS, typical absence seizures; IGE, idiopathic generalized epilepsies; AEDs, anti-epileptic drugs; IQ, intelligence quotient; WISC,
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; NIH, National Institutes of Health; NINDS, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke; FSIQ, Full Scale Intelligence Quotient; HCs,
healthy controls; VIQ, verbal intelligence quotient; BECTS, benign epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes; PGE, primary generalized epilepsy; CPS, complex partial seizures; AERP, auditory
event-related potential; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; VPA, valproic acid; ADHD, attention decit and hyperactivity disorder; ESX, ethosuximide; LTG, lamotrigine; CBCL, Childhood
behaviour checklist test.
Corresponding author at: Ospedale S. Maria della Misericordia, Str. S. Andrea delle Fratte, 06132 Perugia, Italy.
E-mail address: (A. Verrotti).
0022-510X/ 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
60 A. Verrotti et al. / Journal of the Neurological Sciences 359 (2015) 5966

1. Introduction Vega et al. [14] and Pavone et al. [15] observed lower FSIQ scores in
CAE patients compared to controls, although the scores were within
Childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) is a well-known paediatric the normal range, and these studies both included a small number of
epileptic syndrome, which generally responds to medical treatment. patients. According to Jones et al. [16], eight out of 25 cases of CAE
According to the proposed diagnostic scheme of the currently valid clas- patients had a FSIQ below the average whereas the remaining CAE
sication and terminology of the International League Against Epilepsy, children had a lower FSIQ than HCs. Jones et al. however, used the
[1] CAE is a syndrome within the Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsies (IGE) same subjects already studied by Caplan et al. in previous studies; it is
showing Typical Absence Seizures (TAS). therefore possible to consider these results redundant. Similar results
CAE accounts for 1017% of all cases of childhood-onset epilepsy, were seen during follow-up in each of the three groups, even though
and in children's cohorts the prevalence has been estimated to range IQ appeared to be signicantly related to baseline seizure variables in
from 0.4 to 0.7 per 1000 people and, with some exceptions, it is more the group with an average IQ.
frequent in girls than in boys (11.4% vs 2.5%) [2]. This syndrome is Frequent seizures were documented in a prospective consecutive
characterized by daily, frequent but brief staring spells which typically study by Nolan et al. [17] as a negative prognostic factor for cognitive
begin at 410 years of age in an otherwise apparently healthy child functioning. Signicant associations were also seen between lower
[3]. Absence seizures are clinically characterized by impairment of FSIQ and younger age of epilepsy onset [17], poor seizure control
consciousness without major motor symptoms, and a typical EEG [10,18] and formal thought disorder [10], supporting the hypothesis
pattern of generalized, bilateral, synchronous, symmetrical spike that IQ might reect the impact of epilepsy on cognition and language
wave discharges of 34 Hz. Childhood absence epilepsy generally has abilities.
a good prognosis as regards the disappearance of seizures and the Moreover, Caplan et al. [12] pointed out that CAE children with a
possibility to discontinue therapy with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) lower IQ had signicantly more social difculties. The correlation
[4,5]. However, within this syndrome there are many variables that between poorer IQ performances and behavioural problems was also
can signicantly modify its clinical outcome as CAE is probably geneti- highlighted by Hermann et al. [19] These authors pointed out that the
cally heterogeneous, but the precise mode of inheritance and the presence of behavioural comorbidities might be associated with a
genes involved are incompletely understood [6]. signicantly worse cognitive development.
Children with epilepsy, particularly CAE, suffer from attention and General cognition in CAE children has often been related to that of
executive functions problems and these impairments often persist other epileptic syndromes, generally resulting in higher IQ scores in
even when seizures are treated [7]. Although CAE is historically believed comparison to children with complex partial seizures (CPS) [11,20] or
to be a benign disorder, children affected by CAE may have a poor with symptomatic epilepsy [18], but lower than in syndromes like
psychosocial adjustment. This theory disagrees with the traditional benign epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes (BECTS) [21].
view of CAE as a benign disorder [8]. In a study by Mandelbaum et al. [22] a cognitive composite score
In order to summarize the current ndings on neurocognitive elaborated after the administration of a battery of tests, detected that
impairment in CAE, this review examines the effects of this syndrome at baseline, children with CAE performed worse than subjects with
in seven main domains: intellectual functioning, language, learning partial or generalized convulsive seizures. Analysis of the subjects'
disabilities, attention, motor skills, executive functions, memory func- performance after 6 and 12 months of antiepileptic therapy showed
tioning. Scientic knowledge regarding cognitive involvement in child- no signicant deterioration attributable to medication.
hood epilepsies is rapidly expanding but it is in continuous need of Sirn et al. in a small prospective clinical study [23] hypothesized a
further investigation and we outline areas of consensus as well as positive role of AEDs on cognitive functions: cessation of seizures
areas of uncertainty that may indicate directions for future research. induced by antiepileptic medication positively inuenced neurocognitive
Data for this review were identied with Medline and PubMed functioning in children with newly diagnosed CAE. The IQ score was
surveys for studies dealing with absence seizures, references from rele- within the normal range in both CAE patients and in the control group.
vant articles and research from authors' les. Research was performed During the follow-up after AED introduction, a signicantly benecial
including papers published from 1924 to 2015. We sought to identify effect was reported in the study group in terms of motor uency, mem-
evidence published in English; specic review articles, systematic ory and attention. However, in 2003, Nolan et al. [17] reported that the
reviews, textbooks and case reports were examined for any further use of more than two anticonvulsant drugs was associated with lower
publications, as were the reference sections of all articles identied by IQ scores in a population of 169 children of whom 17 had CAE with a
the literature search. Only publications containing the most relevant median of 1 antiepileptic drug. Similar data were obtained the following
results for this investigation were included (Table 1). year [18] by assessing neuropsychological skills in 13 children with CAE
of whom 5 were treated with one and 8 with two AEDS. However,
2. Intellectual functioning because of the small size of these study groups it is not possible gener-
alize these ndings to all children with CAE.
Many study groups have focused on searching for a possible biolog- A smaller number of papers did not nd any signicant differences
ical basis to explain CAE comorbidities in terms of abnormalities in brain in general cognition between CAE children, HCs, and CPS patients,
regions implicated in behaviour, emotions, cognition and language. even though patients mean IQ scores were often lower than normal
Intelligence tests are considered the rst-line tool for assessing mean values [7,17,24,25,26]. However several authors only recruited
cognitive problems in children. Results from intelligence quotient (IQ) children with an IQ score N 70, a choice that might have limited the
tests help guide diagnosis, treatment, and educational planning, and generalization of these studies.
are used by clinicians and researchers alike. The Wechsler Intelligence
Scale for Children Fourth Edition (WISC-IV, Wechsler, 2003a) is a 3. Language
sensitive tool for the evaluation of epilepsy-related cognitive impair-
ments in clinically referred children with a high seizure burden [9]. Although literature data are conicting, most studies investigating
Most of the available data show that although presenting an average verbal IQ (VIQ, a component of FSIQ) and language skills, found worse
IQ, roughly one fourth of all children affected by CAE have subtle performances in CAE children than in normal children [26]. In particular,
cognitive difculties. A signicantly lower mean Full Scale Intelligence Caplan et al. detected lower VIQ and language mean scores in a CAE
Quotient (FSIQ) score in CAE patients compared to healthy controls sample [11] and in a group of children and adolescents with CAE or
(HCs) was reported in Caplan's et al.'s studies [8,1013]. The normal CPS epilepsy [27], compared to HCs. Similar ndings were reported by
control group in Caplan et al.'s studies had a high mean FSIQ. Similarly Jones et al. [16] and Henkin et al. [28].
A. Verrotti et al. / Journal of the Neurological Sciences 359 (2015) 5966 61

Evidence of verbal rather than non-verbal impairment was found in multicomponent perspective using several test procedures that mea-
auditory event-related potential (AERP) data of the same cohort of sure different aspects of attention. Results showed that compared to
patients evaluated by Henkin et al. [29]. AERPs are measures of electrical healthy controls, patients with CAE were markedly impaired in some
brain activity that may be used to assess higher-level cognitive process- measures of alertness, divided attention, impulsivity, and selective
ing [30]. They are considered markers of specic aspects or stages of attention. With regard to focused attention, however, no differences
information processing; for this reason, AERPs have been used exten- were observed between the two groups.
sively to study brain mechanisms underlying cognition and to charac- Caplan et al. [11] in 2008 found that 26% of CAE patients suffered
terize information processing in healthy and cognitively impaired from Attention Decit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and 37.5%
individuals. In this study, average AERPs waveform peaks were identi- showed attention problems, compared respectively with 6% and 4.9%
ed for each subject and for each experimental condition, based on of the controls. Vega et al. [14] also supported these results. There is
the order of their appearance (N1 was dened as the rst and largest evidence that points to a complex relationship between ADHD and
negative peak; N2 as the second largest negative peak; P2 and P3 seizure disorders. In particular, the ndings of high prevalence of
were dened as the largest positive peaks after N2). Children affected ADHD in recent onset idiopathic epilepsy, and the appearance of
by CAE showed an increased use of attention resources for phonetic ADHD symptoms prior to the rst recognized seizure suggest that recur-
and semantic processing, highlighted by increased N2 amplitudes. rent seizures and their treatment may not represent the core etiological
Prolonged P3 latencies were observed in semantic processing, in factor underlying ADHD in children with epilepsy. [33].
contrast with those evoked by the non-linguistic tonal task, and with By administering specic attention tests, signicant differences
N1 and N2 latencies, suggesting that a semantic decit inuenced the compared to HCs were detected in many studies [7,20,25,26,28]. Never-
later phase of perceptual processing. In addition, different patterns of theless, Bhise et al. [34] that patients suffering from absences scored
brain-activity lateralization associated with linguistic stimuli were higher than others with different seizure types in the Test of Variables
found in both epileptic groups. of Attention and in the Trail Making Test.
Some authors reported decits limited only to certain elds of Overall, neuroimaging studies demonstrate impaired attention and
language such as verbal uency. In particular, signicant differences network connectivity in childhood absence epilepsy consisting of a
regarding phonological and category uency between CAE patients decreased activation of anterior insula of the medial frontal cortex
and healthy subjects were reported by D'Agati et al. [7] whereas no [35]. Accordingly, a functional magnetic resonance study carried out
differences were found in VIQ scores among these subjects. while a CAE patient performed a sustained attention task, revealed
Nolan et al. [18] highlighted a higher VIQ performance of CAE impaired functioning of an attention network that included the anterior
children compared to those affected by temporal lobe epilepsy. More insula/frontal operculum and medial frontal cortex [36].
generally, Nolan et al. [17] found that the generalized idiopathic epilepsy As far as it concerns the effects of anticonvulsant treatment on atten-
group, including CAE patients, scored better than other epilepsy tion skills in children with CAE, most studies reported a higher rate of
syndrome groups in terms of VIQ. attention dysfunction in patients treated with VPA compared to those
Hommet et al. [21], focused on the relation between lateralized treated with ESX or LTG. In fact, Glauser et al. [36], by comparing the
hemispheric functions such as language, and on the topography of efcacy of VPA, ethosuximide (ESX) and lamotrigine (LTG) in a
paroxysmal anomalies, revealing no differences among CAE patients, double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial, reported a higher
BECTS cases and healthy children. Moreover no differences in the cere- rate of attention dysfunction in the group treated with VPA compared
bral organisation pattern for language were seen in CAE patients. to the ESX or LTG groups at 1620 weeks, conrmed on 12 months
follow-up. These results were further conrmed by Thio [37] in a large
4. Learning disabilities cohort study in which a total of 49% of studied CAE children treated
with VPA for 1620 weeks had attention problems. In comparison 32%
The risk factors for language and learning impairment that showed of children treated with ethosuximide and 24% of children treated
greater signicance in primary generalized epilepsy syndromes (PGE), with lamotrigine had attention problems after 1620 weeks. Moreover,
were: young age of onset, higher seizure frequency, lower IQ scores, children treated with valproic acid were less likely to show improved
male gender, longer duration of illness, and the use of more than one attention than those treated with ethosuximide or lamotrigine. The
AED [10,16,18,19,27,24,25]. These data have been conrmed by studies same conclusions were reported by Masur et al. [38].
focused on CAE [11]. Monotherapy with levetiracetam could also be an effective and well
With the help of functional MRI morphometry, it has been possible tolerated strategy in patients with childhood absence epilepsy and
to characterize the different brain circuits involved in language and juvenile absence epilepsy [39]. In this prospective study twenty-one
learning processes. However, variables such as family factors, pre- participants with typical absence seizures were enrolled and carefully
existing learning problems, psychopathology and neuropsychological evaluated at 6 months from baseline. Twelve patients were also re-
impairments were also often signicant in inuencing academic under- evaluated at 12 months after the beginning of therapy with levetirace-
achievement and cognitive defects in epileptic children [16]. tam. At the 6-month evaluation, out of 21 patients studied, 11 were
In some of Caplan et al.'s. [24,12] studies, thought disorder scores, seizure free and one showed decreased seizures; at the 12-month
school scores and VIQ did not appear signicantly related to different evaluation, 10 patients were completely seizure free. However, clini-
age, gender, ethnicity and socioeconomic status in CPS and PGE patients, cians must consider that Levetiracetam should not be the rst choice
even though these patients performed worse than HCs. treatment in patients with CAE and mood or attention disorders.

5. Attention 6. Motor skills

Attention problems are commonly reported in children with epilepsy, There is more evidence for the alteration of executive functions
particularly CAE [7].They can interfere with children's academic [7,21,26], as well as ne motor speed and motor uency [26,28] in
performances and daily lives [14]. Attention seems to be particularly CAE patients. Henkin et al. found a diminished right-hand superiority
vulnerable to epileptic activity [31] and evaluating the effects of epilepsy in children with CAE, in accordance with their deviant laterality patterns
on the development of cognitive functions is complex because of the of the P3 component compared to controls of the authors' previous
many variables that can affect cognitive abilities. study [29].
Cerminara et al. [32] prospectively investigated the attentional func- More recently, Guerrini et al. [40] observed over a 7-year period, that
tioning of twenty-four children with clinically diagnosed CAE from a age-related dysgraphia occurred at a signicantly higher rate in children
Table 1
Reviewed articles.

Authors, year Demographics Cognitive tests Major outcomes

Bhise et al., 2009 57 pts. with new-onset idiopathic epilepsy; 5 with generalized KBIT, WRAML, CVLT, SCWT, TOVA, TMT A and B, GPT for 1) PGEs verbal scores lower than focal epilepsy pts.
convulsive, 18 with generalized non-convulsive, 34 with focal; Dominant and Non-Dominant Hands, CBCL, CDI, RCMAS-2. 2) PGEs: lower memory scores and higher attention scores.
mean age: 10.1 2.7 years.
Caplan et al., 2002 92 CPS pts. and 51 PGE pts. vs 117 HCs, aged 5.116.9 years. WISC-R, K-FTDS, Holliday and Hasan's analysis of cohesion, Story 1) CPSs IQ b PGEs IQ b HCs IQ; correlation FSIQ/seizure control
PGE: 12% no AED, 78% mono, 10% poly. Game (with Caplan and colleagues modications). and formal thought disorders.
2) PGEs: poorer language scores than HCs and TLEs.
Caplan et al., 2005 100 CPS pts., 71 CAE pts. vs 93 HCs; mean age 10.3 2.74 WISC-R, WISC-3, K-SADS, TOLD, CBCL, CDI, MASC. 1) CAEs IQ b HCs IQ; lower IQ in pts. with psychiatric problems.
CAE: 36% no AED, 9% mono, 55% poly.

A. Verrotti et al. / Journal of the Neurological Sciences 359 (2015) 5966

Caplan et al., 2005 90 CPS pts. and 62 CAE pts. of vs 91 HCs, aged 516 years WISC-R, WISC-3, CBCL, K-SADS, TOLD, K-FTDS, Story Game (with 1) CAEs IQ b HCs IQ.
CAE: 15% no AED, 69% mono, 16% poly. Caplan and colleagues modications). 2) CAEs school score and VIQ = CPSs b HCs.
Caplan et al., 2006 93 CPS pts. and 56 PGE pts., aged 5.116.3 years WISC-R, WISC-3, K-FTDS, TOLD, K-SADS, CBCL, WIAT. 1) No differences between CAEs IQ and HCs IQ.
PGE: 9% no AED, 79% mono, 12% poly. 2) No differences in thought disorders between CPSs and PGEs;
seizure frequency, age of onset, duration of illness = predictors;
positive role of VPA therapy.
Caplan et al., 2008 69 CAE pts. vs 103 HCs, aged 9.6 2.49 years WISC-3, WISC-R, TOLD, TOAL, K-SADS, CBCL. 1) CAEs IQ b HCs IQ.
CAE: 12% no AED, 76% mono, 13% poly. 2) CAEs VIQ b HCs VIQ.
3) Within the CAE group: 26% ADHD; 37.5% attention problems.
Caplan et al., 2009 26 pts. with CAE vs 37 HCs; aged 7.511.8 years WISC-3. 1) CAEs IQ lower but average; smaller grey matter volumes in
CAE: 8% no AED, 74% mono, 18% poly. frontal and temporal lobes.
Caplan et al., 2009 182 epileptic pts., 78 with CAE, 104 with CPS, aged 6.315.2 years; WISC-R, WISC-3, K-SADS, TOLD-2, TOAL, WIAT. 1) CAE predicts lower verbal scores in the young group.
compared to 102 HCs, aged 6.615-5 years. Three age-related
subgroups: young, intermediate and youth.
Mostly in therapy.
Conant et al., 2010 16 CAE pts. and 14 WISC-3, WRAT-3, WRAML, Finger Tapping, KABC-HM, VMI, TOL, 1) No differences between CAEs IQ and HCs IQ.
children with T1D vs 15 HCs. WCST, COWA, CF -Animal Naming test, GDS, CBCL, MTRT. 2) No differences in acad. ach.
CAE: 6% no AED, 9% mono, 1% poly. 3) Impaired problem solving, visuomotor planning/integration,
and attention in CAE pts.; no differences in memory, ne motor
and processing speed.
D'Agati et al., 2012 15 CAE pts., mean age: 11.4 2.2 years compared to 15 HCs, WISC-3, TOL, FAS, CAT, F-DIGIT span, B-DIGIT span, CBTT, TMT-A 1) No differences between CAEs IQ and HCs IQ.
mean age 10.7 2.0 years. All treated with VPA. e B. 2) Phonological and category uency lower than HCs.
3) Lower planning and attention scores in CAE pts.; no differences
in memory.
Fastenau et al., 2009 282 pts. with a rst recognized seizure, 13.8% with generalized WISC-3, CELF-3, CTOPP, CPT, WCST, WRAML, WJ-R. 1) No differences between CAEs IQ and HCs IQ.
absences, mean age: 9.7 2.5; compared to 2) CAEs language scores b LRI epilepsies; CAEs acad. ach. in
147 HCs, mean age: 10.8 2.9. writing N GTCSs and LRI epilepsies; AED therapy is a risk factor.
3) Lower scores in attention, executive functions and
construction skills in CAE pts.; VPA lead to lower processing
speed scores.
Glauser et al., 2010 453 CAE pts. randomly assigned to treatment with ETM (156), CPT-2, K-CPT, WISC-3 E 4, TONI, PPVT-3, BEERY VMI, WRAT, 1) Pts on VPA had higher attention dysfunctions.
LMT (149), or VPA (148). WCST, WJ-3.
Henkin et al., 2003 24 pts., 12 with GTCS, aged 1216.3, and 12 with AS, aged WISC-R, AERP. 1) AERPs suggestive for verbal impairment and different
1116.3, uniformly treated with VPA, vs 20 HCs, aged 10.616. lateralization of brain activity in CAEs.
Henkin et al., 2005 24 pts. on VPA therapy, 14 with GTCS, mean age 14.3 1.6, 14 WISC-R, CVLT, ROCF, FTT. 1) CAEs and GTCSs verbal uency b HCs.
with AS, mean age 14.4 1.83, compared to 20 HCs, mean age 2) Lower attention, verbal memory and ne motor response scores
14.4 1.86. in AS pts.; no differences in non-verbal memory and retention skills.
Hermann et al., 2008 52 pts. with new-onset epilepsy (among whom 7 CAE and JAE WISC-3, WASI, WRAT-3, BNT, EVT, PPVT-3, D-KEFS, CMS, CPT. 1) Comorbidity + group: worse cognitive performances.
pts), aged 818 years, divided in a comorbidity + group 2) Comorbidity + group: worse verbal scores.
(AP/ADHD) and a comorbidity- group, compared to 48 HCs. 3) Comorbidity + group: worse memory and executive functions
Hommet et al., 2001 23 pts. in total recovery from BECTS, vs 33 HCs and 10 pts. with WISC-R, WMS-R, WCST, TMT, SCWT. 1) CAEs IQ b BECTSs IQ.
complete resolution of CAE; mean age: 21 years. 2) CAEs VIQ = BECTSs VIQ = HCs VIQ.
CAE: 100% mono 3) Lower PIQ scores and impaired motor skills and visuospatial
integration in CAE pts.; no differences in executive functions.
Jones et al., 2010 39 CPS pts., 25 CAE pts., 27 HCs; aged 7.6 to 16.1 years. The CBCL, K-SADS, CDI, MASC, WISC3, TOLD2, TOAL, WIAT screener. 1) 8 CAEs pts. in the below-average group.
sample was 2) Average group VIQ b HCs VIQ; no effect of time on acad. ach.
divided into three groups based on Full Scale IQ at baseline: and language; benecial effects of AEDs on below-average group.
below average, average, and controls. Follow-up: 22.9 6.5
months. Mostly in therapy.
Kernan et al., 2012 51 CPS pts., 31 CAE pts., and 51 HCs; aged 616 years WISC-3, SCWT, TOMAL, CVLT-C, DPT. 1) CPSs IQ b CAEs IQ b HCs IQ.
CAE: 6% no AED, 68% mono, 26% poly. 2) Lower executive functions, attention, and verbal memory
scores in CAE pts.; age of onset as a predictor for executive
functions impairment.
Lagae et al., 2001 23 new-onset CAE pts., 13 with classical absences, mean age 8.0 Questionnaire. 1) IQ b 85 in 1/13 pts. with classical absences and in 3/10 pts.
years, and 10 with frontal absences, mean age 8.6 years. with frontal spikes.
2) Learning disabilities in pts. with frontal spikes.
Lopes et al., 2014 90 pts., (30 with frontal lobe epilepsy, 30 with CAE, 30 with BECT Memory tests (Coimbra's Neuropsychological Assessment 1) Frontal lobe epilepsy: greater risk of memory problems.
and 30 controls). battery). 2) Memory decits in all epilepsies N during learning phase.
3) BECTS have major attention problems.

A. Verrotti et al. / Journal of the Neurological Sciences 359 (2015) 5966

4) Longer duration of active epilepsy predicts memory
Mandelbaum et al., 1997 Pts. with new-onset seizure: 43 at baseline (20 with AS, mean COGNITIVE COMPOSITE SCORE: WISC, BGT, WRAT, DTLA, CBCL. 1) ASs IQ b PSs and GSs IQ only at baseline.
age 9.92 3.71), 26 at 6-month follow-up (11 with AS, mean age
10.04 0.85), and 26 at 12-month follow-up (6 with AS, mean
age 9.64 1.24).
At baseline: 36/43 in monotherapy.
Nolan et al., 2003 169 epileptic pts. with GIE (22, 17 of whom with CAE), GSE (25), GMDS, DAS, WISC-III, WAIS-R. 1) CAEs IQ N GSEs IQ; seizure control and number of AEDs
CE (16), TLE (40), FLE (34), PE (32); aged 0 to 18 years. correlate with IQ.
5% no AED, 37% mono, 57% poly. 2) CAEs verbal scores N than other epilepsy syndromes.
Nolan et al., 2004 70 pts. with CAE, FLE or TLE; aged 6 to 18 years. The CAE sample WRAML, WISC-3, SB 4, WAIS-R. 1) No differences between CAEs IQ and FLEs or TLEs IQ; young age
included 13 pts. at onset, frequent seizures, number of AEDs correlate with IQ.
5 on mono, 8 on poly. 2) CAEs verbal learning = HCs N TLEs; duration of epilepsy as a
3) Lower memory scores in CAE pts.; AEDs did not correlate with
Pavone et al., 2001 16 pts. with AS, aged 616 years. WISC-R, RPM, RCFT, TOMAL. 1) ASs pts. IQ lower but average.
11 on VPA, 2 on ETX, 3 on VPA + ETX. 2) CAEs language scores = HCs.
3) Selective decits in memory; age of onset as a predictor for
visuospatial skills impairment.
Sirn et al., 2007 11 pts., 10 with newly diagnosed CAE and 1 with JAE, vs 10 FTT, IQ, WISC-R, WPPSI-R, tests for attention, visual and spatial 1) No differences between CAEs IQ and controls IQ; no difference
controls with mild asthma memory. after AED introduction.
VPA, ETM or VPA + ETM therapy. 2) AED introduction improved ne motor speed, attention, and
visual memory.
3) Duration of discharges and clinical absence seizure at rst
assessment correlate with visual memory impairment.
Thio et al., 2013 446 pts. with newly diagnosed CAE. Neuropsychological tests. 1) 49% of pts. treated with VPA: attention problems.
2) 32% of pts. treated with ethosuximide and 24% of pts. treated
with lamotrigine: attention problems.
Tosun et al., 2011 24 CAE pts., aged 5.515.8 years, vs 28 HCs WISC-3. 1) CAEs IQ lower but average; use of different brain regions.
3 no AEDs, 14 mono, 7 poly. 2) CAEs VIQ b Hcs IQ; fMRI: different brain regions for language.
Vega et al., 2010 38 CAE pts. vs 46 HCs; aged 6 to 16 years. BASC, ATT, HYP, WASI. 1) CAEs IQ b HCs IQ.
5% no AED, 66% mono, 27.7% poly. 2) CAE pts.: increased risk for ADHD.

64 A. Verrotti et al. / Journal of the Neurological Sciences 359 (2015) 5966

with absence epilepsy than in a control population. Clinical and neuro- signicant group differences in the relationship between IQ and cortical
physiological ndings, in this particular population, were consistent morphometry measures, demonstrated that, compared to HCs, CAE
with an age-related dystonic origin of dysgraphia. Considering that patients used different brain areas to perform cognitive functions.
children spend 30% to 60% of their school day performing handwriting In particular the relationship between IQ and sulcal depth of the
and other ne motor tasks, handwriting difculties may seriously affect left inferior frontal and sulcal region between the paracentral lobule
their daily life. However, after observing a favourable outcome in older and superior frontal region, highlighted the involvement of traditional
children with longer follow-up, the authors suggested that not only language-related brain regions with the verbal skills of these children
epilepsy but also dysgraphia would eventually disappear. and raised the hypothesis of plasticity and reorganization in absence
of a structural lesion. Therefore, the average intellectual functioning of
7. Executive functions these children reects marked plasticity and reorganization of brain
development due to the neuropathology distribution underlying CAE.
Executive functions consist in a set of higher-order cognitive abilities
necessary to make decisions and to undertake goal-directed and specic 8. Memory functioning
behaviours. Most data in literature [19,20,25] highlight a decit in this
functioning within all epileptic subjects, and particularly in CAE sub- Memory consists of those processes that retain, retrieve and use
jects. Hommet et al. [21] found no differences in executive functioning data about external stimuli, ideas, events and skills [37]. Measures of
between patients no longer affected by BECTS, CAE and HCs. memory in CAE children did not reveal uniform ndings in literature.
Risk factors for frontal functioning impairment have been investi- Several studies have shown that memory problems may be present in
gated by several authors, but further studies are required. The potential other epilepsy syndromes such as frontal lobe epilepsy, and idiopathic
risk factor most frequently reported was the age of seizure onset [20, generalized epilepsy including childhood absence epilepsy and benign
14]. Hermann et al. [19] in their longitudinal study highlighted that epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes [43]. Some studies found that
time had negative effects only on the Continuous Performance Task especially visual memory is impaired in children with CAE [42,27]
omission and commission errors, which increased over time in patients while others did not nd signicant differences in memory functioning
with comorbidities, specically among children with ADHD. This study in children with epileptic syndromes [20,41]. However most of the
however included children with different types of epilepsy and only few children studied were usually integrated in a miscellaneous group that
patients were affected by CAE. included patients with CAE, juvenile absence seizures, juvenile
Conant et al. [26] described signicant differences regarding execu- myoclonic epilepsy and grand mal seizures on awakening, integrating
tive functions in CAE children compared to HCs. Cases appeared to several generalized idiopathic epileptic syndromes.
have difculty when having to shift in type of response to changing Bhise et al. [34] found that performance in memory was below the
external demands but their processing speed and inhibition abilities average in patients suffering from absences. According to Pavone et al.
appeared to be normal. Furthermore, Fastenau et al. [25] in their large, [15] CAE patients had lower scores in delayed recall, suggesting a selec-
prospective, community-based study, detected that children suffering tive memory decit probably as a consequence of impaired attention
from generalized epilepsy with absences performed worse on a capacities, and in specic non-verbal memory scores, possibly correlated
composite measure that included attention, executive functions, and to the relative decits in visual-perceptual skills. On the contrary CAE
visuoconstruction. groups evaluated by Kernan et al. [20] and Henkin et al. [28] differed
Increasing evidence of frontal cortex involvement in CAE drew many signicantly from the control groups as regards to verbal memory.
authors to investigate on executive functions such as frontal cognitive Other studies disagreed with these analyses as CAE patients did not
domains, like attention, problem solving and decision making, planning result in being lower in global, composite, verbal or non-verbal memory
and working memory. In particular, working memory appears to be test scores [25,5,27,14].
involved in frontal circuit impairment. Working memory was dened These data suggest that suitable learning and testing strategies may
by Baddeley as a brain system that provides temporary storage and improve patients' long-term academic achievements [27].
manipulation of the information necessary for such complex cognitive In particular, Lopes et al. [44], after having examined 90 children
tasks as language comprehension, learning, and reasoning [41]. with either frontal lobe epilepsy, CAE or BECTS, found that a longer
The increasing evidence for a primary role of the frontal cortex in duration of active epilepsy predicted memory difculties in the learning
CAE genesis has been linked to the neurocognitive involvement that phase of the list learning task. Therefore children and adolescents with
characterizes this syndrome: imaging studies on CAE subjects revealed, more years of active epilepsy were more likely to have problems with
in association with both average and lower FSIQ scores, signicantly the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge with a consequent
smaller grey matter volumes and abnormal age-related changes of impact on school results.
the cortex. In particular, Caplan et al. [8] compared frontotemporal Furthermore, the inuence of AEDs therapy on memory abilities is
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) brain volumes in 26 children with not clear yet. Although Siren et al. [23] detected an improvement in
CAE with 37 HCs: grey matter volumes of the left orbital frontal gyrus visual memory after 713 months of AED treatment in children with
as well as both left and right temporal lobes were signicantly smaller absence seizures, no correlation between the number of AEDs adminis-
in CAE children compared with the controls. The differences in IQ scores tered and memory tests was found. [17]. According to Nolan et al. [17],
between CAE patients and HCs did not account for the signicantly FSIQ had a signicant positive correlation with all memory tests except
smaller CAE volumes. Nevertheless, it was not possible to rule out an visual retention. Contrary to the FSIQ scores, the number of AEDs taken
association of volume ndings with psychopathology, given the hetero- did not correlate with memory tests. On the other hand, Siren et al. [23]
geneity of the epilepsy group in terms of different psychiatric diagnosis detected that only the duration of epileptic discharges and clinical
and the exclusion of control subjects with a psychiatric diagnosis. In absence seizures during the rst assessment correlated signicantly
accordance with previous results, Tosun et al. [42] demonstrated with performance during the visual memory task.
through surface based morphometry that CAE patients did not have a There is growing evidence that sleep in general and specic sleep
normal age-related decrease in cortical thickness and increase in sulcal stages such as REM and slow wave sleep (SWS) are involved in memory
depth in certain brain areas (the left frontal lobe, the somatosensory formation and cognitive performances [45]. SWS particularly enhances
region, and the superior temporal gyrus). None of the seizure variables, declarative memories, whereas REM sleep preferentially supports
including age of onset, seizure frequency, and AEDs had a signicant procedural and emotional memory aspects [46].
effect on the association between age and cortical morphometry Sleep disorders frequently coexist in patients with epilepsy [47].
measures in the CAE population. These ndings, combined with the Whether sleep affects epilepsy or epilepsy modies sleep has been
A. Verrotti et al. / Journal of the Neurological Sciences 359 (2015) 5966 65

extensively evaluated but very little literature exists concerning this Funding source
topic in the paediatric population [48]. It is however possible to hypoth-
esize that epileptiform activity may interfere with neuroplasticity pro- None.
cesses when it occurs in a specic area involved in learning activity
during sleep, thus disturbing the natural occurrence of learning- Financial disclosure
dependent slow wave activity or spindle activity [49].
An early recognition and therapeutic intervention, with a careful The authors have no nancial relationships relevant to this article to
choice of AEDs, could therefore help in stabilizing sleep structure, and disclose.
preventing one of the many negative effects of epilepsy on cognitive
functioning in children.
Potential conicts of interest

9. Conclusions The authors declare the following interests: none.

An increasing number of data in literature demonstrate that a mild Competing interests

neuropsychological impairment is widespread among children with
CAE. In particular, CAE can impair multiple cognitive functions and All authors declare that there is no support from any organisation for
lead to academic and other functional difculties. The early detection the submitted work, no nancial relationships with any organisations
of children at risk of developing neuropsychological problems to that might have an interest in the submitted work in the previous
make the tailored interventions that address their specic needs three years, and no other relationships or activities that could appear
might prevent worse school achievement and psychosocial functioning to have inuenced the submitted work.
[6]. All coauthors have seen and agreed with the contents of the
Overall CAE patients appear to perform worse than HCs, even if manuscript.
scores are predominantly higher than in patients affected by other The manuscript has not been previously published and is not being
epilepsy syndromes like CPS. considered for publication elsewhere.
An impaired intellectual functioning was evidenced by a signicantly The manuscript is an honest, accurate, and transparent account of
lower mean FSIQ in CAE patients, but several studies only detected a the study being reported; no important aspects of the study have been
FSIQ within the lower limits of the normal range. omitted; and any discrepancies from the study as planned (and, if
CAE also seems to affect verbal intellectual abilities, therefore relevant, registered) have been explained.
expressive/receptive speech and language development in CAE patients Ethical approval was not required (review).
is particularly important. Social communication decits may reect Data sharing was not required (review).
negatively in social and academic achievement, as in behavioural
problems. References
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