Hse Team Tour Checklist FRT Rooms

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Location: Base de Vie, FRT Room Date: .

Name: ..
Position: ..


Persons should use the list below as an aide memoir when undertaking an inspection/audit of this facility.
Focus should not only be safety but Operation availability and efficiency.
The form must be signed in acknowledgement by all parties and handed to the Chef de Service HSE on completion.

Tick when
Issue carried out

Fire and Emergency Procedures

Is there a fire extinguisher available; if so is it suitable and in date?
Are all fire signs and notices present and clearly visible?
Are all fire exit doors working correctly and not obstructed?
Are the means of escape routes free from obstruction?
Access & Egress
Is the access key to the room available and stored in correct location?
Walkways free from obstruction?
Is the lighting bright enough to ensure safe movement around all the necessary
Is flooring in good order and free from defects & tripping hazards?
Doorways and fire exits kept free from obstruction?

Operational Efficiency
Are all FRT operational items available as per inventory?
Are all telephones (6) available and in good working order? (TEST)
Is main radio working and set on channel 5 & 6? (TEST)
Is all FRT stationary available in the cupboard and under lock and key? (See
Are all operational information files available? (See Inventory)
Are all incident information boards available, clean and ready for use? (See
Is emergency contacts list present and updated? (Both Ohanet & Hassi)
Is FRT members seating available and in good condition?

General Housekeeping
Are there sufficient litter bins and is the area free from litter?
Is the area free from debris?
Is the area free from trip hazards (trailing cables etc.)?
Is the floor in a non slip state, if so does it need attention?
All materials and equipment stored in suitable areas and is all shelving in good
condition and not overloaded?
Has room been left in good order by previous user (See User Log. BdV S)
List any missing or defective operational and general Items. (See Inventory)
(Pick List to be submitted to Logistics Dept. for replenishment)




4. ..


6. .

General Comments / Further observations

Base de Vie Superintendant :...Date.

Chef de Service HSE: Date.

Chef de Departement Logistics:Date.

Inspector Prevention (Auditor) :.Date

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