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Persons should use the list below as an aide memoir when carrying out a daily HSE related walk round the
worksites for which they are responsible. Other issues may be included if felt appropriate depending on the
work being carried out. Daily inspections MUST be conducted in accordance with the Safety Plan and the
checklists handed to the Chef de Service HSE on completion.
Issue Tick when
carried out

House Keeping
Are there sufficient litter bins and is the area free from litter?
Is the area free from debris?
Is the area free from trip hazards?
Are there any low headroom areas which are not adequately marked?
Is there sufficient and suitable spill protection and is the area free from spills?
Are all utility hoses stored on provided mountings?

Have all scaffolds been certified within the last seven days as identified on the scaffold
sheet attached to it

Plant Integrity
Are all the UZV covers securely fitted?
Are all drains and vents fully blanked off?
Is all lagging in place and secure?

Are all personnel wearing appropriate and suitable PPE?

Fire and Emergency Procedures

Have all fire extinguishers been annually checked and is the date marked on the
extinguisher body?
Are all Fire extinguishers adequately covered?
Is all fire fighting equipment accessible and in good working order?
Are all fire signs and notices clearly visible?
Are all gangways free from obstruction?

Are all roadways in good condition?
Are there sufficient and suitable walkways across ditches?
Are all vertical ladders protected by hinged swing barriers?

Is there an MSDS sheet available for hazardous substances?
Have staff who are likely to use the hazardous chemicals been trained in their safe use and
have they read and understood the MSDS sheet?
Are chemicals stored in accordance with the MSDS Sheet and all containers clearly marked
with contents?
Are staff aware of the procedures in case of accidental spillage?

Safety equipment
Are all the fire monitors in the area free moving and in good condition?
Are all the ear plug boxes securely mounted, in good condition and fully stocked?
All are the safety showers adequately marked and working?
Is there adequate and suitable safety signage?

Manual Handling
Have significant manual handling tasks been identified and assessed?
Have the assessment findings been actioned accordingly?

Name Signature .Date

General Comments / Further observations


Signatures :

Ingnieur de Quart: Chef de Service HSE: Chef de Departement Exploitation :

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