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1. Opamng Scene = O'00 - 8.20 Gade She?) Key Scene (In your given scene, identify at least 3 important film techniques, and answer the questions about the effect of each technique you find) Gis seetarring Bver ewenivar FOUR OF Chwistcnurety Name of visual/aural film technique one: 0(¢\ Becolge Eee ere 1. How does this technique show a main theme/idea from the film? Awe tecinigue Shot CSenpision, becnugy tt Shans the gurls Scream ry Over Chesbenutl gro they desire Ww Scape, * also bodys ther Rech af Ve oaraye tonfirening Ve Beapisin Meme 7 2. How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s)? na Abs Shows hed She {ecb frepped and Ompressed ta Re ik Se ay Be teas taal be Ree 3. How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, or the effect society has had on characters? Socitly and how toehhera} Eicaeat | ated oad how cer oe Bet WW the Sereams, Srwiry Hows they FA Comprexed yall fe rules: 4. What do you believe the director's intention was for using this technique? What was he trying to achieve? BH Snow the giels Frvsbakers WI, Society Ant how hey wanted i Geape, belpiay Pechance members vatetiank Some cepson behind fheie mums murder- 5. How does this technique or scene add to the film as a whole? (i.e. does it foreshadow an event; does it set up an idea to come; a character change; what led to this happening etc) Th Sets up fe a thers for Da File, as Well as Veing A Aathance” Rane Sooubhag Bal i Gmmuy wis yanning in Js yest meters 7 A 7) BAA Gills Manin Name of visual/aural film technique two: iain cur UONG snip Checke? 6. How does this technique show @ main theme/idea from the film? IMmWgirarion verse reality — Shows Pouatines Cleary of BEING WITH Juels Coming Heies we eta HE, cy 7. How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s)? Heyes the quolience cadens tang! pauiines Olesive fo escape her Hovleing class Hieestyie AN be apart ef Te Kuime Camf as It match cuth betleen featity Oa Tre BIGCK ONO While Ship sere, 8. How does this technique help you understand about ‘society of the time, or the effect society has had on characters? The society oF chvistChuvch 19505 has YesuVled FA POWINe aya Juliet crear alternative Woviels yo idle Go, . HELAHE they We HOE Fettin, ie rom : SUAS IN The tuo becg Wwe crcl betome a meen 9 $S ble 9. What do you believe the director's intention was for using this technique? What was he trying to achieve? TO Sow pauiines cl¥eams of being ape per CF the nme Eamit , THIS Jers Up tHe aud nce YA eT FANAING +e VeAIONE BENING ro MUO, A reies UY incre: ate ae ee eae, WSKEnot tat Cho IS SINQOWG Seat 10. How does this technique add to the film as a whole? (i.e, does it foreshadow an event; does it set up an idea to come; a character change etc) Ve sete Sp Te MOI theme OF magination vee Sera ty emnck Wow Harkhe the reoative lonsequenas Cnet vievence Met occed ae The tO begin to wiuy. istolic Foose 0€ i \a80 ‘inch sone ty ‘Name of visual/aural film technique three: _/ © '( VCi\ WW FAG, 1, How does this technique show a main theme/idea from the film? THE Avenival Coot \ASO'S Socvehy CE Christenuvey, of SIBWS the G treme eenfomily Pron confovmi te 2. How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s)? Ye § unciesstencl Why We Gids Hews s ne ore Ourcaits, the especialy paulir a , ie v_t a + MIS conformiit fee Me ee, ane St Qe to society pe couse they are exer thir creetivily _ 3. How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, or the effect society has had on characters? Socie oe We THM? Is BLEY CoOMfornici eUE, ‘Ss eee. InN Tre GChIVal footage ay hoing Gey Hings eno wee SM ir Clernes” tniy Sheps the peasen wey Pre Oils cle Not Rei acceptect, B ASO Rares us Cindlespranar (ain they Want to escape, v 4. What do you believe the director's intention was for using this technique? What was he trying to achieve? Peter Jacieson ports to show hob Society of TRE TIM (REUENUCA THR MUVoler, He Vent TPE AuUcliene fo UNcestand Theil lei elope thil Conformut SOce He snow uf te Sccery Trey Veve IO A the preigune Wey mave YO conn 5. How does this technique add to the film as a whole? (i.e. does it foreshadow an event; does it set up an idea to come; a character change etc) sess up We jowa at Escapism, they Owe Wanting fe Rowe a, Society ieve where prey Gk ewe uns by x expres Tremselve’ Name of visual/aural film technique four: CNV | b\CKL & Win OlNGm Seguanes L How does this tech The wteicurting between The BivIS runni; Brest to We black OAH WhIK one, Sous 1e show a main theme/idea from the film? NG bh the DY Seq Lonce How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s)? How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, or the effect society hhas had on characters? ‘What do you believe the director's intention was for using this techni to achieve? jue? What was he trying How does this technique add to the film as a whole? (i.e. does it foreshadow an event; does it set up an idea to come; a character change etc) Z. School Scene = 3:20-6:10 Key Scene (In your given scene, identify at least 3 important film techniques, and answer the questions about the effect of each technique you find) ‘Name of visual/aural film technique one:_Wide shot - grou. ic in. a straight line, 1. How does this technique show a mi in theme/idea from the inet uniform.on thine to seks Conformity /Non- confemi in are I PSett up confor TETAS PEO Yn the group of drese guric, all the some ond are hdy before we cee (uta he HERE winar frey're like. Pauline comps running out of nowhere Into fhe ling of girls, net on hme, dark hair compared to mort girl. 2. How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s)? >Helpe understand that Pauline ir unhdy Gra) Che is Crooked, Shoes are diferent, hair ic mercy) and doernt bother with keeping herself Ady or turning up on bm epaiset) 3. How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, has had on characters? > Shows that Chrictchurch in the (@a6e) 1950; @) war a rigid wad trict ervironment epecahy with rcheole, spRBAsBrra” echools in the post 4 Gea) row, a : or the effect society ‘4. What do you believe the director's intention was for using to achieve? © Director’ interhons was +> chow (eed how strict their fchoolr were and how she at Febelly and doernt abide by the ruler, i this technique? What was he trying 5. How does this technique or scene add to the film as a whole? (i.e. does it foreshadow an event; does it set up an idea to come; a character change; what led to this happening etc) Importact ot the ae oF 4he film, Sets up @rat) the strict and well-orgamred (a8) environment that the girle were expected $0 tive In and we later underrtand wh: the giclr rebel. [nee Name of visual/aural film technique two: nn rly walkin mpared te Poulne @@) ronning/rurhing te fchool 6. How does this technique show a main theme/idea from the fm? aoe Non - confer mi Her uniform shows thot the if non-cormist, umhdy (nifeoo) and dovrn’t really care. She doesn't fit in with everyone, isolated From (Hs) everyone, quiet ond not talkahve. 7. How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s)? 8. How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, or the effect society has had on characters? 9. What do you believe the director's intention was for using this technique? What was he trying to achieve? 10. How does this technique add to the film as a whole? (i.e. does it foreshadow an ever set up an idea to come; a character change etc) Name of visual/aural film technique three: S\ow Zoom from wide hot tp just Pauline not sini in 1. How does ths technique show a main theme/idea trem the film? "Non conformity: Shows a clote up of @ mirerable look on her face and ter not bother ed te sing while all the girle around her are cing ing. Everyone ir focured while cher juct looking around and not fouted on What i¢ in front of her. 2. How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s)? 3. How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, or the effect society has had on characters? 4. What do you believe the director's intention was for using this technique? What was he trying to achieve? 5. How does this technique add to the film as a whole? (i.e. does it foreshadow an event; does it set up an idea to come; a character change etc) Name of visual/aural film technique four: LOW Ov ° uh et introduced to dars 1. How does this technique show a main herigdGe fons the fim? 2. How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s)? = Shows how much of a powerful character Juhet ir, she ic tmportont and superior becouse of where che ic From ac well ar her clasr stots. Everyone lookr up to her especially the teacher. 3. How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, or the effect society has had on characters? > New Zealanders ot (em) the hme were strict on rules, how people dvesced. Christchurch OF the hme dlresred tdily guct Wee people bing in England: “Creabwity” waen-t allowed 4, What do you believe the director's intention was for using this technique? What was he trying to achieve? > Juliet war seen an important character because & her background, lecked up to by everyone 5. How does this technique add to the film as a whole? (i.e. does it foreshadow an event; does it set up an idea to come; a character change etc) “ S Oolret out of hospital = SIZ -S$6:08 : - Includes “Nann the Ledger Key Scene (In your given scene, identify at least 3 important film techniques, and answer the questions about the effect of each technique you find) Name of visual/aural film technique one: qa tech (4 1. How does this technique show a main theme/idea from the film? [maginahen Lb Reali blarring pyefher, use Lt vhury John Phe fodgar ta 7h real world the it cufe fo Whe bervnia Where aeffo Kilhe him. flere bh begin po KH Off chy teeafy Fhaf With ong are gepnng in pidve pa be on gpnir Showing phar Beewtel, wren each 4 2. How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s)? s He pve gilt C&bk Kira jt belps AY anoles; ° z oo hes Fey ochy wand oh, Kasam fd in drove f” nev ld. we Saw patch CH Hing 3. How does this technique help you understahd about society of the time, or the effect society has had on characters? AL rough “Wiad Inaginatton blurred wrth Al > tf Show ng Phat feevety of the Aire y wl gece phn ° fee relatiinys, the 9/¢1. Lrsjel masising they bool po renee bevemien 2 espe fo ad fel Ke cephf. Lin, 4. What do you believe the director's intention was for using this technique? What was he trying toachieve? V4 AeA curry » PT wed math cuthry Fo thin uy fhe growing obbeyfSin the gir Wary hoof with Ke ano Phar, by fampieg frm the real wert be forewtaia ~we woreahl ~o Lee pra With Prue gen ebbesti6n fer eathothy he became “harngl) How does this technique or scene add to the film as a whole? (ie. does it foreshadow an event; does it set up an idea to come; a character change; what led to this happening etc) Tins, mafeheut farevbedowirg pha cleath thet wil coma af fhe ending Veer. 5 ae ‘Name of visual/aural film technique tw Sy bl RPRAPONGO rls 6. How does this technique show a main theme/idea from the film? The Lyra belitin ef Pre Gem She Real «vil leraginahen wmeging pogefhr 204 becoming Lonpocked. 7. How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s)? th fhewe phat the git Wrefences Ww pregres and frat fon it will be ConnectPol vith ree hty, aap 8 How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, or the effect society has had on characters? Society tidnd except Hm Ac Whe fre} were,” wen ef Pact fo Sump Bopuoor Werldl and wWertua of tonfuyed be fweer fre pvo berg Ped GAY Connect thon fo Peal ty wre Pry vder fray pink “fewel whith 16 a Kymbolivm. to kil fhe mom. 9. What do you believe the director's intention was for using this technique? What was he trying peal ty toachleve? fy portray fhe mergirg » ard Fntery RON fhe yi / q. 10. How does this technique add to the film as a whole? (i.e. does it foreshadow an event; does it set up an idea to come; a character change etc) hy ct pashaddenws pha death fhaf will lous ak fhe graf Name of visual/aural film technique three:__ Viele Over 1. How does this technique show a main theme/idea from the film? “| Wereship the pewer of +h bovely two” Tareugh vyecewver mn pAiv Sctne We See faalive bey snr fain ef barelf av 4 Saperre barry. Tyv Lt alge turn peind (4 Fhe por wv the git’ begin ‘ ieee pI fe think only of Chsan se Wee, 2. How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s)? Sbows us eer pre git Gx Agethy, ley ght each a. pores, “ e Dn Over eer yen” oreaNd ee tos @ fut ltl eH wigere, 7 3. How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, or the effect society has had on characters? 4. What do you believe the director's intention was for using this technique? What was he trying to achieve? 5. How does this technique add to the film as a whole? (i.e, does it foreshadow an event; does it set up an idea to come; a character change etc) G& SX Barn scenes Scena \ So .08- $6.279 : SAna% = 108.80 - [06°11 S@ne 8 > (5020 | 80: 3K ax techniques RE padin SLONQ Key Scene (In your given scene, identify at least 3 important film techniques, and answer the questions about the effect of each technique you find) Bah Score OVE, Name of visual/aural film technique one:_DO'O'@\ S\wuch uve A > 1. How does this technigué Show a tain theme/idea from the fim? tech ona Tech two Tech twee 2. How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s)? 3. How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, or the effect society has had on characters? 4. What do you believe the director's intention was for using this technique? What was he trying to achieve? & a 5. rechnique or scene add to the film as a whole? (i.e. does it foreshadow an eve: does it set up an idea to come; a character change; what led to this happening etc) ’ 2 Roath Soma 4 wee: SS Name of visual/aural film technique two: es 6. How does this technique show a main theme/idea from the film? 7. How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s)? 8. How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, or the effect society has had on characters? 9. What do you believe the director's intention was for using this technique? What was he trying to achieve? 10. How does this technique add to the film as a whole? (i.e. does it foreshadow an event; does it set up an idea to come; a character change etc) Bath Sanz, tech. ong tech: two Name of visual/aural film technique three: 1. How does this technique show a main theme/idea from the film? 2. How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s)? 3. How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, or the effect society has had on characters? 4, What do you believe the director's intention was for using this technique? What was he trying toachieve? 5. How does this technique add to the film as a whole? (i.e. does it foreshadow an event; does it set up an idea to come; a character change etc) S. Relahanship Unreality SLNGS $636 - 102-16 VW. & Tel Key Scene (In your given scene, identify at least 3 important film techniques, and answer the questions about the effect of each technique you find) ‘Name of visual/aurl film technique one: E¥ene close vp of Dv. Goan)’ nnov¥e 1. How does this technique show a main theme/idea from the film? Ais ROmigye shows WW man Here of Conbodansdy , TH aerate lee vp rare recy nnd low muda pvastyve be pas on * Aa Heme of Conformity Trenvge of 2, How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s)? Tye walerne Clore vp OF OF. bent’ mows. Hells Us dose abet Dv. Bema Pecause it thous that homestayahity {5 a uagelbe diranae, and m Yaooo. 3. How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, or the effect society has had on characters? BThe extreme cleerp demonstrates how condennehle ALGeing Eton the soe wos ot the time becouse Yhe bechwique spl a Jet of pressure on Dr. So ennal's words. vel has made hin beleve tie os 2B ill, ot a he ts a port of JA 4. What do you believe the director's intention was for using this technique? What was he trying. to achieve? We belo We Avedow's thewion wae fy Enya tecdrriqne of esveme close vp 0m Ors Bann oll's newt ret to HOW how ba bavings reek (fovnahen mhaut home eu bty. Pe Aneeepen a9 dvging te shou New Strict the Soviet, wae anc herd it's For then te be henosexuels. 5. How does this technique or scene add to the film as a whole? (ie. does it foreshadow an event; does it set up an idea to come; a character change; what led to this happening etc) Sets up on tden of tele horosexua it relebtenship between Parte ond her mother becones worse - the sins get eum ™ ofe seperated fror the foal worl! becase even “ecience” 16 Eghths against then "Do you tke girls No, why" nok Z They are sily, y Reb dullet's nob silly % Ne y there’ hy stag with . how! jend, mE Teles ols mm cola, cl Go Name of visual/aural film technique two: Ot tart woh Ov. 6. How does this technique show a main theme/idea from the film? This clialogve shows the theme of obsession andl Corton ity since Paulne says she doesn't Ihe any ofher oiels than Juliet onal the olator aloesn'l approve He tole, 7. How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s)? Pecline hes leveloyed strony Lacllagc Fowarols Juieh becouse her Leeliag s have cancellel at all other people, 8. How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, or the effect society has had on characters?, The socieh, thinks of honoservaltly as a negative characterise end De, Rene has ben Inflerecof by ths. 9. What do you believe the director's intention was for using this technique? What was he trying to achieve? 110. How does this technique add to the film as a whole? (i.e. does it foreshadow an event; does it set up an idea to come; a character change etc) 6. EMohoral Julet Leaving Sang? (1K: 0¢-UALIE Key Scene (In your given scene, identify at least 3 important film techniques, and answer the questions about the effect of each technique you find) Name of visual/aural film technique one:_Voice-Ovet UE seed ste td tor wy 1, How does this technique show a main theme/idea from the film? Obsession —Bewouse Juliet is leary Fouline 'S Considering The Possibity of livin Without om, Grd Yay Misery if! wey be fo Rut. hey AR Sepavated 2. How and what does the technjque help you understand about a character(s)? oo 4 Nova 9 ules Voiew tf Iyrg U4 babe Gha ine op fe her remy lures Hee ete” sf Wher obsetin wit, Tiles How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, or the effect society has had on characters? From this We can see tras i ae roy a leg ee D : tn Pa Teletaid Jeter Spowty Pou + uy 4, ns ovky 1 by” tale 1 ase, What do you believe the director's intention was for using this technique? What was he trying wo achieve? Rie Sechion Wes trys provid te ee WAL tnsg ht iy ie ye “Powil hake een te Hy dong Hee Hi 7 bay Te hers of ole. ‘a, / How does this technique or scene add to the film as a whole? (i.e. does it foreshadow an event; {loes it set up an idea to come; a character change; what led to this happening etc)” Whwk ry dechinee praih —Te ing. te Ye i he. Pads Somme 4) edewy Bene pe wd and the Tig ee ale ae wy €) of Fhulis whe ni Neely — ty femme, O% fe ob be lpn Wh Tilig S igh argh. two gree of Paulie kotey 0 a og t 7 ] Honan Name of visual/aural film technique two: Wt flnors betas hey 6. How does this technique show a main theme/idea from the film? 7. How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s)? That at tis point th He Ste 8 How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, or the effect society has had on characters? 9. What do you believe the director's intention was for using this technique? What was he trying to achieve? 110. How does this technique add to the film as a whole? (i.e. does it foreshadow an event; does it set up an idea to come; a character change etc} be Plan +o Made Mather = | s0:UO > [zz wo Gaduses secor.aniP scene) Key Scene (In your given scene, identify at least 3 important film techniques, and answer the questions about the effect of each technique you find) Name of visual/aural film technique one: 1. How does this technique show a main theme/idea from the film? 2. How and what does the technique help you understand about a character{s)? 3. How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, or the effect society has had on characters? 4. What do you believe the director's intention was for using this technique? What was he trying to achieve? 5. How does this technique or scene add to the film as a whole? (Le. does it foreshadow an event; does it set up an idea to come; a character change; what led to this happening etc) ‘Name of visual/aural film technique two: 6. How does this technique show a main theme/idea from the film? 7. How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s}? 8. How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, or the effect society hhas had on characters? 9. What do you believe the directors intention was for using this tech to achieve? ue? What was he trying 10. How does this technique add to the film as a whole? (i.e, does it foreshadow an event; does it set up an idea to come; a character change etc) Name of visual/aural film technique three: 1. How does this technique show a main theme/idea from the film? 2, How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s)? 3. How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, or the effect society has had on characters? 4. What do you believe the director's intention was for using this technique? What was he trying to achieve? 5. How does this technique add to the film as a whole? (i.e. does it foreshadow an event; does it set up an idea to come; a character change etc) Name of visual/aural film technique four: 1. How does this technique show a main theme/Idea from the film? 2. How and what does the technique help you understand about a character(s)? 3. How does this technique help you understand about society of the time, or the effect society has had on characters? 4. What do you believe the director's intention was for using this technique? What was he trying to achieve? 5, How does this technique add to the film asa whole? (i.e. does it foreshadow an event; does it set up an idea to come; a character change etc} G. €nd Stane (dU LO ng = GONG DOs of Al Key Scene (In your given scene, identify at least 3 important film techniques, and answer the questions about the effect of each technique you find) Hens 2p 26 Pecafrned hare h 1. How does this technique show a main theme/idea from the film? dt

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