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~ Beas ABST 5 FIG. 2.102 Approximate equivalent circuits forthe Zener diode in the three possible regions of application. The first two examples will demonstrate how a Zener diode can be used to establish ref- rence voltage levels and act asa protection device. The use ofa Zener diode asa regulator will then be described in detail because itis one of its major areas of application. A regule- tor sa combination of elements designed to ensure thatthe output voltage ofa supply re- ‘mains fairly constant. aa a ee SS) EXAMPLE 2.24 Determine the reference voltages provided by the network of Fig. 2.103, ‘Which uses a white LED to indicate that the power is on. What isthe level of current through the LED and the power delivered by the supply? How does the power absorbed by the LED ‘compare to that ofthe 6-V Zener diode? Solution: First we have to check that there is suficient applied voltage to turn on all the seties diode elements. The white LED will have drop of about 4 V across it, the 6-V and 3.3-V Zener diodes have a total of 9.3 V, and the forward-biased silicon diode has 0.7 V, for ‘total of 14 V. The applied 40 Vis then sufficient to turn on all the elements and, one hopes, establish a proper operating current. [Note that the silicon diode was used to create a reference voltage of 4 V because Vo, = Vo, + Ve = 33V +0.7V = 40 ‘Combining the voltage of the 6-V Zener diode with the 4 V results in Vo, = Vo, + Vg = 4V + 6V = 10V Finally the 4 V across the white LED will lave a voltage of 40 V ~ 14 V =26 V across the resistor, and le = hay = Vt OY = Mo = Miso _ 40V - 10V~4V__26v aie 13k0 13kO 13k0 that will establish the proper brightness for the LED. ‘The power delivered by the supply is simply the product of the supply voltage and cur- rent drain as follows: P, = El, = El, ‘The power absorbed by the LED is Puen = Visolisn = (4V)(20mA) = 80mW and the power absorbed by the 6-V Zener diode is Pz = Volz = (6V)(20mA) = 120mW ‘The power absorbed by the Zener diode exceeds that of the LED by 40 mW. 20mA, (40.V)(20mA) = 800mw ZENER DIODES FIG. 2.103, Reference setting circuit for Example 2.24. DIODE APPLICATIONS EXAMPLE 2.25 The network of Fig. 2.104 is designed to limit the voltage to 20 V during the positive portion of the applied voltage and to 0 V for a negative excursion of the applied ‘voltage. Check its operation and plot the waveform of the voltage across the system for the applied signal. Assume the system has a very high input resistance so it will not affect the behavior of the network. fi Rg ov — ww TON vv [Sysenl - si “a0 FIG. 2.108 Controlling network for Example 2.25. Solution: For positive applied voltages less than the Zener potential of 20 V the Zener diode will be in its approximate open-circuit state, andthe input signal will simply distrib- ute itself across the elements, with the majority going to the system because it has such a high resistance level. ‘Once the voltage across the Zener diode reaches 20 V the Zener diode will tum on as shown in Fig. 2.10Sa and the voltage across the system will lock in at 20 V. Further increases inthe applied voltage will simply appear across the series resistor with the voltage across the system and the forward-biased diode remaining fixed at 20 V and 0.7 V, respectively. ‘The voltage across the system is fixed at 20 V, as shown in Fig. 2.10Sa, because the 0.7 V of the diode is not between the defined output terminals. The system is therefore safe from any futher increases in applied voltage. FFor the negative region of the applied signal the silicon diode is reverse biased and presents an open circuit to the series combination of elements, The result is that the full Wa —w + + ¢ + vom mov 42®V nein x ea e - e Sed : —— os tl ony Ip ma © ® © FIG. 2.105 Response ofthe network of Fig. 2.104 to the application ofa 60-V sinusoidal signal negatively applied signal will appear across the open-circuited diode and the negative volt- ZENER DIODES 95 age across the system locked in at 0 V, as shown in Fig. 2.1046. ‘The voltage across the system will therefore appear as shown in Fig. 2.10Se. ——— ‘The use of the Zener diode as a regulator is so common that three conditions surround- ing the analysis of the basic Zener regulator are considered. The analysis provides an excellent opportunity to become better acquainted withthe response of the Zener diode to different operating conditions. The basic configuration appears in Fig. 2.106. The analysis is first for fixed quantities, followed by a fixed supply voltage and a variable load, and fi- nally a fixed load and a variable supply. \" Pou Vand R Fixed ‘The simplest of Zener diode regulator networks appears in Fig. 2.106. The applied de volt- age is fixed, as isthe load. itor. The analysis can fundamentally be broken down into two steps. 1. Determine the state of the Zener diode by removing it from the network and cal- culating the voltage across the resulting open circuit. eee Applying step 1 to the network of Fig. 2.106 results in the network of Fig. 2.107, where te Zener regulator an application of the voltage divider rule results in Vara (2.16) . fV = Vz the Zener diode ison, and the appropriate equivalent model can be substituted IFV < Va, the diode is off, andthe open-circuit equivalence is substituted 2. Substitute the appropriate equivalent circuit and solve for the desired unknowns. For the network of Fig. 2.106, the “on” state will result inthe equivalent network of Fig. 2.108. Since voltages across parallel elements must be the same, we find that eaawe @17) Fig. 2.107 Determining th tate of the ‘ener diode FIG. 2.108 Substituting the Zener equivalent for the ‘The Zener diode curtent must be determined by an application of Kirchhof's cuenta. ati, = heth and (2.18) Where 96 DIODE APPLICATIONS FIG. 2.111 Resulting operating point forthe network of Fig. 2.109. ‘The power dissipated by the Zener diode is determined by that must be less than the Pay specified for the device. ‘Before continuing, itis particularly important to realize that the first step was employed only to determine the state of the Zener diode. If the Zener diode is in the “on” state, the voltage across the diode is not V volts. When the system is turned on, the Zener diode will tum on as soon as the voltage across the Zener diode is V; volts. It wll then “lock in” at this level and never reach the higher level of V volts. EXAMPLE 2.26 1. For the Zener diode network of Fig. 2.109, determine V;, Vp, fz, and Pz, b, Repeat part (a) with R, = 3k? th = FIG. 2.109 Zener diode regulator for Example 2.26 Solution: 1. Following the suggested procedure, we redraw the network as shown in Fig. 2.110. FIG. 2.110 Determining V for the regulator of Fig 2.109 Applying Eq. (2.16) gives WV, 12kM(I6V) R+R (kN +12KD Since V = 8,73 V isless than Vp = 10V, the diode is inthe “oft” state, as shown on the characteristics of Fig. 2.111. Substituting the open-circuit equivalent results in the same network as in Fig. 2.110, where we find that v= 823Vv 83V V,- V, = 16V -873V = 7.27 =0A and Py = Vel = VDA) = OW b. Applying Eq. (2.16) results in Rv, _ 3kQ(16V) Sua ee v Ber, ik +3Kn~ Since V = 12 V is greater than V, = 10 V, the diode isin the “on” state and the net- ‘work of Fig. 2.112 results. Applying Eq, (2.17) yields V.= Ve= 10V and Vp = V,- Vi = I6V - lov =6v lov with h Sey 7 333m 6v and he Rey 7 6ma so that fe = Ip ~ 1, (Bq. (2.18) = 6mA ~ 3.33mA, = 267m, FIG. 2.112 [Network of ig. 2.109 in the “on” state ‘The power dissipated is Pz = Vale = (10V)(2.67 mA) = 26.7 mW ‘Which is less than the specified Py = 30 mW. SEER Fixed V,, Variable R, Due to the offset voltage Vz, there is a specific range of resistor values (and therefore load current) that will ensure thatthe Zener is in the “on” state. Too small a load resistance R, Will esultin a voltage V, across the load resistor less than Vz, and the Zener device willbe inthe “off” state. To determine the minimum load resistance of Fig. 2.106 that will tur the Zener diode on, simply calculate the value of R that will result in load voltage V, = Vp Tha is, RW, fea R+R Solving for R,, we have (2.20) Any load resistance value greater than the R, obtained from Eq. (2.20) will ensure that the Zener diode is in the “on” state and the diode can be replaced by its Vz source equivalent. ‘The condition defined by Eq. (2.20) establishes the minimum R,, but in turn specifies the maximum /, as Ve _ Ve (2.21) ZENER DIODES 7 DIODE APPLICATIONS (Once the diode is in the “on” state, the voltage across R remains fixed at (2.22) and fy emains fixed at Ve not (2.23) ‘The Zener curent (2.24) resulting in a minimum fy when J, is a maximum and a maximum J, when I, is a minimum value, since Jy is constant. ‘Since /, is limited to Ipy as provided on the data sheet, it does affect the range of R, and therefore /,, Substituting Iyy for J, establishes the minimum as I, (2.25) ‘and the maximum load resistance as (2.26) EXAMPLE 2.27 1. For the network of Fig. 2.113, determine the range of R, and /, that will result in Vaz ‘being maintained at 10 V. b. Determine the maximum wattage rating of the diode. FIG. 2.113 Voltage regulator for Example 2.27 Solution: ‘a. To determine the value of R, that will tum the Zener diode on, apply Eq. (2.20) i: RV__ (1k)(10V) _ Vv, SOV ‘The voltage across the resistor Ris then determined by Ea, (2.22) Vp = V,~ Ve= SOV ~ 10V = 40V and Eq, (2.23) provides the magnitude of fy Ve _ 40V “Rika ‘The minimum level off; is then determined by Eq. (2.25): 1, = Ie ~ fay = 40mA ~ 32mA = BmA Ie 40mA with Eq. (2.26) determining the maximum value of Ry: FG. V, versus R, and I, for the regulator of Fig. 2.113. be Prax = Velow (10.V)(32ma) = 320mw Fixed R,, Variable V, For fixed values of R, in Fig. 2.106, the voltage V, must be sufficiently large to turn the Zener diode on, The minimum tum-on voltage V, = V,_is determined by Ru, MarR GR im + RVs and v= Sea 227) ‘The maximum value of V; is limited by the maximum Zener current Izy. Since lay = he hy Tea = lw +h, (2.28) Since 1, is fixed at Vz/R, and Jay is the maximum value of J, the maximum V, is defined by Vin = Van, + Ve R+Vz (2.29) EXAMPLE 2.28 Determine the range of values of V, that will maintain the Zener diode of Fig. 2.115 in the “on” state. Fic. 2.1 Regulator for Example 228. ZENER DIODES 100 DIODE APPLICATIONS — ‘Solution: (Ri + RV _ (12000 + 2209)(20V) C2 AV. pa Sar ene Ve _ Ve_ 20V TR R 12ka Eq, (2.28): Ip, = Jaw + 1, = 60mA + 16.67 mA = 16.67 mA Ie.R + Ve (76.67 mA)(0.22kM) + 20V = 1687V + 20V = 3687 A plot of V, versus ¥, is provided in Fig. 2.116. h = 16.67 mA Fq.229): , 20 | [a0 26V 3687 FIG. 2.116 Vi versus V, for the regulator of Fig, 2.115. ‘The results of Example 2.28 reveal that for the network of Fig. 2.115 with a fixed Ry, the ‘output voltage will remain fixed at 20 V for a range of input voltage that extends from 23.67 V 10 36.87 V. Tm fact, the input could appear as shown in Fig. 2.117 and the output would remain con- stant at 20 V, as shown in Fig. 2.116. The waveform appearing in Fig. 2.117 is obtained by {filtering « half-wave- or full-wave-rectified output—a process described in detail in a later ‘chapter. The net effect, however, isto establish a steady de voltage (For a defined range of V,) such as that shown in Fig. 2.116 from a sinusoidal source with 0 average value FIG. 2.117 Waveform generated by a filtered recified signal }1_VOLTAGE-MULTIPLIER CIRCUITS ® ‘Voltage- multiplier circuits are employed to maintain a relatively low transformer peak volt- age while stepping up the peak output voltage to two, three, four, or more times the peak rectified voltage. TDG tip teen bas. 1s fuente Le av ob sia MLD Thanshee! Comacrenisns If ~I5 € Ww <5 ere ope Vw- Ve Ve _ x pacman cane ple skal (sie B26) => wr We — 2p Mes We yy ce) Vs (0 -Vw tery - | ~Vsa-y fo Ie Wh peer ! Dean * js $w €/5 | PLOT TASER CR angcrRRsTHC (ings? hap Me > Mes ~) (2005 baw pattie AAPUEIFR Ww A, - | Cpe nape WALL PE Porte Alaska IF (v2 ~O7V | (FE Vw 207) Vo Cantio % ~0.7V Vkntk ble ite Couey |v PkbnK prea /F | Vw. Cc -5V le wos, Kesv Ya is L. E Vw “SS PS 0 - Dipsrar Crakargnicr | | ob as =7 male i = A727 %) Yer 7 < Ww Is 2 he -0'5 Wilen -07V 2\aé3V. the zener olin ders nel comolucl then. -3vz Vivo.7V. Ik Ik Ik Vin Yo o-Vo Vw BK ie | Te aa—0.7V, the aire tomsbucts Va-9 0-Ww Te = TK Va=— Vi, thes cannil be Ine , it meand Ke OP- Amp is Sainaled Therefne. Shen Vin 7 O-7V, Vo =-15V, When Va = 3V. the obivole conolucks TK OP-Ampy an Saturaed again SO. Vo= +15 V Wen Vy <-3V Re % ae Vy R ier. nK ey MA IK ov Vp 1 Wher Vin 73%, the disole conolucta I, =Wv-3) Ry (0 -Vo )/kx = 1, =I) = Cw -3>/Ri Vo =~ RC 3) =-2Ww4 6 2) Sen 07 Ww <3", the obisole ove nat conduct. Hen, I,-0, Iy=0, therein Vo 20 3) cen Vn S07". He ohisole conducts 1, =a #67 )/Rr (0 Vo) Jf, = T=) = CVn 07) 72) Vo Ve = Ente? ) = -2VN -1-4- Ws AS. Inf uu Vb 24VE Uw S 4RV To hewp e=/2V aluings , wen Vy =24V,(mi'nimum ) Vw Vo = IR ~ 24-12 _t? R= Ir KK Uf the Zoner olfeele conglucls he minumacm poste cameat, Td=0 wen Yy=24V, uw fien Ipnzle = 0.0/2 (Ad Therefore Re Zo | (ka) BOR Ve pt 7) d painenie a Wks @) hf AV ; L ene Wh 2 Ve: 2. iY Wf [$e MMA A 4) Com is Vez TV, pth, Tye had. [hA Unan Vas tye « ISV - fetta LM bho FyauCT. <) Vat lV ae eh Lys ims 10 7] ae i LtmB 37 2s s (Li- Lop = 6m Par (Lr GoWhs Dembs | Ve Vw ) > Shelk Seon Ties cov ! CHANACHASTIC pea | LE Vu370, LAVRR lune LOT Comme (wiLess | ye Vw ha 2h hit | = Ww te pes | Jere | bw > Sv He Vw C6, Srmek yr mo (ounae? Wuifss | Vo <~6-7 DAIS MARRS 46) Vo > Vw ka | = Ww [fe | O72 wih? Vin S-1.4V hereme Vo, 0x, Pr wi THoe7 Ulta Nye Ww DE GV Vid UER Wee Gy (4 uae yan AMBRE ISS It=Vy s Va-aws Wo i Ue Ke Kk _- | Q-Yiz Uy -41U, | 16 ~ 9% | Vaz 4V. \ Ty = GV=2Y . aA ep y Ik by > 1Yrte4 > YW

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