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11/8/2017 Marc Randazza ~ Marc J.

Randazza ~ Marc John Randazza ~ Randazza Legal Group ~

Marc Randazza ~ Marc J. Randazza ~ Marc John Randazza ~ Randazza Legal Group ~
Crystal Cox Blogger Vs. Marc Randazza.~ Marc Randazza Blog by Crystal L. Cox, Altruistic Investigative Blogger. Marc Randazza Corbin Fisher. Marc Randazza Crystal Cox. Marc
Randazza Ethics. Kenneth P. White.~ Marc Randazza Blog. Altruistic Crystal Cox Blogger Vs. Marc Randazza. Randazza Legal Group ~ Marc John Randazza is a Hypocritcal Asshole. Marc
Randazza is a Jerk. The Legal Satyricon is the rambles of blathering IDIOT Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group.

Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza

Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza

Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza

Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza

Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza

Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza

Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza Marc Randazza

Jul 27, 2012 May the TRUTH Set Marc Randazza Free ...

Love this Search "Kenneth P. White Extortion" Searched out of and May Marc Randazza come to the Light
and stop violating the rights of his clients and
Salinas. Gee I seem to consume every single spot on the first lying about them to paint them in false light.
May Marc Randazza STOP lying about
page. Free Speech EXPOSING Corruption. people, and tell the whole TRUTH, and
nothing but the TRUTH...
Visitor Analysis & System Spec
In the Name of Love, Truth, Light and
Search Referral: Kenneth P. White Extortion #1
Host Name: Browser: IE 9.0
IP Address: [Label IP Address] Operating System: Win7 AMEN
Location: Salinas, California, United States Resolution: 1311x737
Returning Visits: 0 Javascript: Enabled
Visit Length: 4 mins 41 secs ISP: At&t Internet Services
Marc Randazza WILL Not Defeat Me. I am
WOMAN hear me ROAR !!!

Navigation Path

Date Time WebPage Multiline URLs Kenneth P. White Extortion #1

27 Jul 13:05: 13 Kenneth P. White Extortion #2

27 Jul 13:07: 19 Kenneth P. White Extortion #7
27 Jul 13:08: 21

27 Jul 13:09: 54

Posted by Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox at 4:46 PM No comments:

Labels: Brown White Newhouse, Pope Hate Ken White Lynch Mob, PopeHat Kenneth White

Marc Randazza will Do ANYTHING to Silence Free Speech. Marc

Randazza is So Full of Shit as he Blathers on and on how he is Fuck you Marc Randazza and Kenneth P.
White. Karma is a Bitch. The Truth will SET
Pro the First Amendment. See Marc Randazza can DISH IT OUT, you FREE.
but Marc Randazza CANNOT take it.
First Amendment Advocate.. Marc Randazza acts like the First Amendment is so important to him, Marc Randazza
does this to get client. See really Marc Randazza, will sue, perjure himself, remove blogs, lie, threaten, paint in false
light, steal intellectual property, and intimidate those who dare tell talk about Marc Randazza in their First Amendment
Rights sort of Way.

Marc Randazza is a HATER of Free SPEECH unless you pay him to defend your Free Speech Rights, hey is that
Crystal Cox Extortion
Extortion. I Say Yes. Marc Randazza is a Hypocrite INDEED.
Crystal Cox did NOT Extort Marc
Posted by Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox at 4:37 PM No comments: Randazza, Click Here for My Side of the
Story and eMails between me and Marc
Randazza. 1/12
11/8/2017 Marc Randazza ~ Marc J. Randazza ~ Marc John Randazza ~ Randazza Legal Group ~, Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Can you Hear us NOW? The Tide is
Turning. United We Stand to EXPOSE the
Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group. Culture of Corruption.
and the War with Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc
Randazza of Randazza Legal Group and Internet Savvy Blogger
Crystal Cox Rages On. is the domain name
that Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of
Randazza Legal Group was just not SAVVY enough to Buy. So
Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of
Randazza Legal Group is fighting Free Speech Rights of all, so
that Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of
Randazza Legal Group can STEAL Expose
Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of
Randazza Legal Group. Email your Marc J. Randazza, Marc John
Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group tip to
Blogger Crystal Cox.
Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group is, in my Opinion, an unEthical Blogs are REAL NEWS
Attorney. Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza had a phone interview with me, Blogger Crystal
Cox, to determine if Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza wanted or could take the Obsidian
Finance Vs. Crystal Cox case on appeal.

After Crystal Cox spoke with Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group, I
bought, because it was available and I wanted to use the domain name to further the cause of the
case and Free Speech rights.

Then, soon after this call, in a highly unethical manner, Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc
Randazza of Randazza Legal Group contacted the Plaintiff in Obsidian V. Cox, without letting Crystal Cox know that he
was doing so, or even representing her. Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal
Group gave away privileged information, negotiated my case and Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc
Randazza of Randazza Legal Group gave private information.

Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group did not contact me to let me know
he represented me. Yet Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group told
members of the First Amendment bar that he, Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza
Legal Group did represent Crystal Cox.

Meanwhile, I Crystal Cox Blogger, had picked another attorney who had previously contacted me. This attorney
contacted Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group about his yapping to
the First Amendment Bar in representing me. Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza
Legal Group claimed, indeed that he did represent Blogger Crystal Cox, me. Which was in no way True.

Just after this conversation Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza sent me, Crystal L. Cox an email
saying that he Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group would represent
me Crystal Cox on appeal.

I told Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group that I did not want Marc J.
Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group to represent me, as I had chose another
attorney who had treated me with dignity and respect.

Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group pretended to be fine with this I Will Fear no EVIL
decision. And Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group told me that all was
fine with it. We had spoke previously about my marketing abilities.

And so about a month after Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group acted
as if he was fine that I chose another attorney, I emailed Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc
Randazza of Randazza Legal Group and asked Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of
Randazza Legal Group if he had use for internet marketing in his business. He said he did not need internet marketing
for his firm and he demanded that I give him, even though Marc J. Randazza, Marc John
Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group had never bought that domain name in all these years as an
alleged Internet Lawyer and Domain Name Expert, Hmmm !!!!

When I refused to Give him the domain name, Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza
Legal Group got very mad and threatened me. He said you really want to make an enemy of me, in that purely mafia
style threatening manner. After this, to teach me a lesson Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of
Randazza Legal Group conspired with the Plaintiff in Obsidian V. Cox to set me up for Extortion.

And Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group had no proof that any such
thing happened. In fact, blogger Crystal Cox, me, had not written anything to EXPOSE Marc J. Randazza, Marc John
Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group until Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza
of Randazza Legal Group offered to join the Plaintiff and set up his own alleged client.

Blogger Crystal Cox NEVER offered to remove anything she had written online about Marc Randazza for MONEY. I
even refused his offer to buy the Domain Name. Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of
Randazza Legal Group continues to lie and claim that blogger Crystal Cox, me, wanted money to remove information. 2/12
11/8/2017 Marc Randazza ~ Marc J. Randazza ~ Marc John Randazza ~ Randazza Legal Group ~
However Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group is flat out lying. I had not
written one word about Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group until he
conspired to set me up and harm me and I defended myself in the search engines.

I felt extremely compelled to set the record RIGHT, get my side of the story in the search engines and to expose Marc
J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group and how he treats his clients.

How can Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group justify using his alleged
clients information to set them up for things they did not do and how can Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza,
Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group use information he was given in confidence as a weapon to ruin the life of
his client, or client to be?

Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group's hypocritical actions led me to
buy more Domain Names to make fun of Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal
Group and his lack of knowledge in Domain Name Law, Intellectual Property and Free Speech rights as proven by the
fact that he never bought that domain name, and that he got my blogs and accounts shut down to suppress MY free
speech. Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group even filed for a protective
order out of Las Vegas in order to suppress Free Speech.

It sure seems that Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group will go to any
lengths to SUPPRESS Free Speech. If that Free Speech is about Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc
Randazza of Randazza Legal Group.

Yet Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group defends others to have the
same right to own domain names with other people's name in it. Seriously, it is blatantly obvious that Marc J.
Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group is a hypocrite.

How in the world can Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group claim to be
an advocate of Free Speech when Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal
Group has done everything he can, short of taking my life, in order to suppress my Free Speech Rights.

To further my point that Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group was ill
equipped at domain name law, I purchased the domain name of his child and his wife. Of which I created a Blog on, to, again prove that Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza
Legal Group did not have the skills he proclaimed to have in this Internet Legal World. The other domain name, was
NEVER, ever published in any way by me. Yet Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza
Legal Group flat out lied to big media and claimed that I did publish this domain name. Marc J. Randazza, Marc John
Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group painted blogger Crystal Cox, me, in False Light deliberatly.
Yet, Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group has no accountability.

Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group ruins lives. Marc J. Randazza,
Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group spreads lies about his clients and ex-clients and with
seemingly no remorse.

After having made my point that Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group is
an Idiot. I, Blogger Crystal Cox deleted the domain name that allegedly was dumbass Marc J. Randazza, Marc John
Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group's darkest hour of terror. And I gave away,
the name of the wife of Free Speech / Domain Name Attorney Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc
Randazza of Randazza Legal Group's wife. I gave the name away to further the cause of exposing injustice in the
Porn Industry and to help expose stalking and activities of those connected to Randazza Legal Group's J. Malcolm
Devoy. Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group is said to have stolen Marc Randazza
that domain name from a GoDaddy Account, with the help of a Godaddy Employee Allegedly.
I gave to the same person for the same reasons. Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc
Randazza of Randazza Legal Group seemed to have threatened this person and even posted on chat sites the Crystal Cox has Legal Right to Own
persons car and make of care and wishing them death. So in fear they returned the domain name to me. Marc J.
Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group then filed an Arbritration complaint to steal
Marc Randazza is a Liar
the Domain name that Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza
Legal Group was to dumb to buy. Marc Randazz Baits Blogger Crystal Cox

Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group claims to be an Advocate of Free Crystal Cox DID NOT Extort Marc Randazza
Speech, however, Blogger Crystal Cox knows that to be an absolute falsehood. Click Here

It is NOT ok To accuse a Man of Rape and

Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group shut down one of my Google
Murder in a Domain Name
accounts, simply because I made fun of and exposed Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of
Randazza Legal Group. Was Marc Randazza Connected to Obama
Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group had my wordpress blogs shut
down because Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group did not like me Pro Se Blogger Crystal Cox WAR with
exposing the actions, hypocrisy and butt hurt of Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Randazza
Legal Group.
Marc Randazza Cronies Threaten Blogger
with Physical Harm
Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group lied to Forbes regarding Crystal
Cox. Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group has lied to the world about Randazza Threatens Domainer Uses
me. Nothing I can do but tell the Truth, the whole Truth and have Faith. Bloggers to Cover for Him

Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group lied to a national radio program Marc Randazza Defends Rush Limbaugh
regarding the actions of Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group.
Marc Randazza Butthurt Hypocrite
Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group claimed in the Sandra Fluke case
Marc Randazza BUTTHURT, Seeks Revenge 3/12
11/8/2017 Marc Randazza ~ Marc J. Randazza ~ Marc John Randazza ~ Randazza Legal Group ~
that Butthurt does not pay. Yet Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group is
Marc Randazza
butthurt and stealing intellectual property over it. Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of
Randazza Legal Group is butthurt and ruining lives over it. Fuck Marc Randazza

Do your homework BEFORE you even speak to Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Marc Randazza Sucks
Randazza Legal Group. Blogger Crystal Cox claims that Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of
Randazza Legal Group has so many connections that the law and the constitution is irrelevant. Marc J. Randazza, Pro Se Blogger Has Some Questions for
Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group lies to big media and they eat it up. Marc J. Attorney Marc Randazza, UNDER OATH
Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group whines to anyone who will believe Marc J.
Crystal Cox BLOGGER
Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group's flat out lies.

Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group has inside connections
everywhere and will get your blog shut down, will steal your domain names, and Marc J. Randazza, Marc John
Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group will violate your constitutional rights, your Free Speech rights.
And all under the guise of Free Speech Advocate.

Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group is, in my Opinion, NOT a good

Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group is, in my Opinion, NOT an honest

Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group is, in my Opinion, NOT a Free
Speech Advocate.

Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group is, in my Opinion, NOT a Truth

Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group is, in my Opinion, NOT a domain
name law expert.

Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group is, in my Opinion, NOT an
advocate of the Constitutional Rights of All.
Strong Women Unite to Expose the
Corruption in the Porn Industry
Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group is, in my Opinion, a hypocrite and
will do anything to silence Free Speech when that Free Speech is telling on Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza,
Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group.

Do your home work regarding Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group.
Find your own facts about Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group. Read
the cases of Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group and decide for
yourself if the actions of Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group against
blogger Crystal Cox seem to be hypocritical.

Got a tip regarding Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group OR J. Malcolm
Devoy? Email your Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group OR J.
Malcolm Devoy tip to Crystal Cox at .

Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox is dedicated to EXPOSING Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc
Randazza of Randazza Legal Group, and J. Malcolm Devoy.

If Marc J. Randazza, Marc John Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group OR J. Malcolm Devoy find a
way to make me disappear. I trust my readers will take up the reigns in Exposing Marc J. Randazza, Marc John
eMail your Tip to
Randazza, Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group and J. Malcolm Devoy.

Posted by Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox at 3:09 PM No comments:

Jul 24, 2012

Doesn't this Remind you of Marc Randazza? Remember his Hour

of Terror he Spoke of NPR when Crystal Cox Bought and then had the Gall to "Not Like Him" on
that Very Dotcom ?

Marc Randazza

Posted by Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox at 2:55 PM No comments:

Marc Randazza
Labels: Marc Randazza Butthurt
Marc Randazza

Marc Randazza
Jul 14, 2012

Marc Randazza
Marc Randazza and Kenneth P. White Whistleblower Tips 4/12
11/8/2017 Marc Randazza ~ Marc J. Randazza ~ Marc John Randazza ~ Randazza Legal Group ~
Marc Randazza
Marc Randazza
"From: RedLineHome RedLineHome <>
Marc Randazza
To: "Crystal L. Cox, in Love and Light" <>

Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 8:56 AM

Marc Randazza
Subject: Re: Randazza and Kenneth P. White

Marc Randazza
Hi, Crystal.
Marc Randazza
I appreciate what you are doing so very much.
Marc Randazza

I have initiated my own criminal investigation into Kenneth P. White and the backlinking posting Marc Randazza
group associated with the Skeptic Society. I have been a horrific victim. I find my health has
taken a significant turn for the worse here. Marc Randazza

Marc Randazza
I would appreciate it if you build on the facts I have provided to you, which I believe to be correct,
but not use my words. Marc Randazza

Blessings to you and I hope you suceed. If you actually read his blog you will see he has Marc Randazza
attacked so many, many people.
Marc Randazza

You might find counsel among those Legal Spammers he has ridiculed on his blog. Marc Randazza

There are several California attorneys there. Marc Randazza

Marc Randazza
Thank you again."
Marc Randazza

"From: RedLineHome RedLineHome <> Marc Randazza

To: "Crystal L. Cox, in Love and Light" <>
Marc Randazza
Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2012 7:17 PM

Subject: Re: Randazza and Kenneth P. White

Is there a group being paid to blog against you?

You think its because of the Randazza thing.

Look at this from the alternative health care angle ... look at Meaghan Maloney. Follow the money.

Who blogs against alternative health care? What does Kenneth P. White of Brown, White & Newhouse, LLP have to
do with that?

Follow the money."

"From: RedLineHome RedLineHome <>

To: "Crystal L. Cox, in Love and Light" <>

Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2012 4:56 AM

Subject: Re: Randazza and Kenneth P. White

Damnit, I went to Harvard AND I WANT TO PLAY!

Poor, Kenneth P. White at the Brown White & Newhouse, LLP Blog - is so desperate to be a First Amendment
Lawyer. Problem is, he has destroyed his own, and his firm's credibility.

There he goes, with his middle aged limpers jog, huffing and puffing to the rescue of Marc Randazza beckoning in
7,000 plus words, follow me, follow me to his little Greek Chorus.

Protect Marc Randazza, but hey, I totally respect the attorney's for Crystal Cox, remember that, remember that,

Eugene Volokh and the Electronic Frontier Foundation - I LOVE YOU, TOO!

Kenneth P. White at the Brown White & Newhouse, LLP Blog proclaims: I have an army of bloggers, I can help you,

HERE I AM, Damnit, I went to Harvard and I want to play!!!

Look at what I have done, look at the incredible cases I have been a part of - Marc Stephens, well maybe not a
case, maybe just a smear job, but hey, look at Meaghan Maloney.

Did ya see that ONE, Did ya, Did ya, Did ya??? Well, maybe there are a few issues there that I forgot to mention,
but hey, READ MY ACCOUNT. 5/12
11/8/2017 Marc Randazza ~ Marc J. Randazza ~ Marc John Randazza ~ Randazza Legal Group ~


Lest you forget, Kenneth P. White at the Brown White & Newhouse, LLP Blog has the NOW MYSTERIOUS signal, and it even has a remote control and I can blast my little signal into the cybersky whenever I
want. It's mine, all mine, no one else at Brown White & Newhouse, LLP gets to fire it up except me!!!

Kenneth P. White at the Brown White & Newhouse, LLP Blog begs, LET ME IN, Marc Randazza is
soooooooooooooo cool! Eugene Volokh, is so great. Is anyone listening?

Damnit, I went to Harvard AND I WANT TO PLAY!"

"From: RedLineHome RedLineHome <>

To: "Crystal L. Cox, in Love and Light" <>
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2012 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: Randazza and Kenneth P. White

Crystal you have hooked yourself into something bigger than you can imagine.

I Did Not Extort Randazza Click Here

Be careful now. Save your credibility.
More on Obsidian V. Cox Case
I can guide you here and you will find you have stepped into something HUGE."
Click to Buy Pain Relieving Oil

Whistleblower Media
"From: RedLineHome RedLineHome <>
To: "Crystal L. Cox, in Love and Light" <> Hair of the Dog Energy Drink
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2012 9:17 AM
Cure Cancer NOW
Subject: Re: Randazza and Kenneth P. White

Obsidian Finance Sucks

You should make a simple statement that Kenneth P. White of the Brown White & Newhouse, LLP Blog
has painted you in a false light. Join Good Life Make Money

Kenneth P. White of the Brown White & Newhouse, LLP Blog has made a false implication regarding the Crystal Cox Blogger
domain registration of Marc Randazza's children. The domains were purchased to make the point that Marc
Perkins Coie Hedberg
Randazza does not have the level of internet expertise that he claims to have. The domains have been transferred
to Marc Randazza. Tonkon Torp Sucks

Kenneth P. White of the Brown White & Newhouse, LLP Blog is using "rhetorical hyperbole" and Summit Bankruptcy Objection
"imaginative expression" that "cannot be read to imply the assertion of an objective fact."

See Partington v. Bugliosi, 56 F.3d 1147, 1157 (9th Cir. 1995). False light concerns false implications made
by Kenneth P. White of the Brown White & Newhouse, LLP Blog and the intentions and actions of Crystal Find Out More About Kevin Padrick
Cox and made with malice. Plaintiff in Obsidian V. Cox

This is a "highly offensive statement to a reasonable person." Fellow v. Nat'l Enquirer, Inc., 32 Cal. 3d 234, 238, 13
Media L. Rep. 1305 (Cal. 1986) (quoting Restatement 2d of Torts 652E).

Fax this to Brown White & Newhouse, LLP ... post it if you like.



"From: RedLineHome RedLineHome <>

To: "" <>

Sent: Sunday, April 1, 2012 3:57 PM

Subject: Re: Randazza and Kenneth P. White

Take everything that he is threatening to publish INCLUDING all your emails and register them at the U.S. Copyright
office in one batch for $35.00

If these are registered within three months of first publication you get statutory damages of at least $750 per
occurence plus attorney's fees.

You can copyright pleadings, your deposition, and your emails.

Read this:

Kenneth P. White of Brown White & Newhouse, LLP is threatening a kid for copyright.

HE LOST. his stuff was not registered. The kid put it back up.

Kenneth P. White of Brown White & Newhouse, LLP is a huge bully.

There is sooooooooooo much more. 6/12
11/8/2017 Marc Randazza ~ Marc J. Randazza ~ Marc John Randazza ~ Randazza Legal Group ~
Also, you bought those domains of randazza's kids so he could not use them and to prove a point ... he does not
know what he is doing. He can have them in a year or so but you wanted to make a point. MAKE THAT CLEAR.
Do not let Kenneth P. White of Brown White & Newhouse, LLP


They have a very strong law on that."

"From: RedLineHome RedLineHome <>

To: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, April 1, 2012 4:55 PM
Subject: Randazza and Kenneth P. White

Hi, Crystal

I cannot get involved in this and I so hope you will respect that, please.

BUT, if you want to kill do this:

Tie his website to his lawfirm. Go to the Meaghan Maloney posting and read:

1. Went next door to partner got permissions

2. December 19, 2011 comment from Newhouse Partner on "Great Job"

Then go to "why I post anonymously" at Popehat.

Mine [Clients] range from small-time criminals to substantial corporations, and at least some of them
might be upset by my blogging. I don't expect that they would be upset in a he-made-an-unfair-
anonymous-attack-on-someone sense. But they might be upset in a we-disagree-on-[social issue] sense,
or a you-made-fun-of-people-who-support-[candidate] sense. Certainly I would no longer feel comfortable
telling dumb-client stories, which I feel illuminate the condition of being a lawyer.

You can open an account a too. YOu can download all his pleadings or his firm's
pleadings and OUT him.

Then you can look at the District Court's file for the county he is in for his and his firm's name for clients
and pleadings.

Put up the first page of every case of every pleading that they have been involved in .. name the client and link to
this page.

Link to all the pages where he admits who he is.

Whether you blog in YOUR NAME or a FICTITIOUS NAME ... the California rules or ethics regarding
communications apply.
Remember Who We Are
Tie that blog to his law firm ... and malpractice insurance. Let all those clients come after him and his firm for
malpractice. They will be mad as hell.

do you have any idea how many people would come out of the woodwork if they were tied to him and then to his
firm and then to his blog with him calling his onw clients SMALL TIME CRIMINALS.

Then his ability AND HIS FIRM'S ABILITY to work with the district attorney and US attorney has been
compromised by HIS OWN ADMISSIONS in his blog.

Who wants to hire an attorney who has compromised his relationship with the US atty?

3. I blog anonymously because I have opposing counsel in hard-fought cases, as well as judges
and their clerks. If I wrote this blog under my own name, it would not surprise me at all to see
some civil opponent dropping a footnote saying something like "It is not at all surprising that Ken
would take such a stance, given his inflammatory and inappropriate language about . . . ." etc. I'd
also worry about my clients being treated more harshly by the District Attorney's Office and the
U.S. Attorney's Office (especially that office, given it's current leadership) based on criticisms of
them. In short, I'd worry that expressing myself freely in this forum could harm my clients even
though in a just world it shouldn't. (For what it is worth, I have not, and never would, call out a
litigation opponent by name here, and use my anonymity as a weapon in a case I am litigating.)

Communicate via fax - with the senior partner of the firm. Secretaries get those faxes and READ
THEM AND GOSSIP like crazy.

Please do not tie me to this. I have my own issues to deal with but I am rooting for you BIG
TIME. 7/12
11/8/2017 Marc Randazza ~ Marc J. Randazza ~ Marc John Randazza ~ Randazza Legal Group ~
If you do something on this ... I have more on Randazza. They ruined my life. I have been in the
hospital TWICE for chest pain since they attacked me.

Please keep it up!!!!

I am taking legal action so must be below the radar here."

"From: RedLineHome RedLineHome <>

To: "Crystal L. Cox, in Love and Light" <>
Sent: Monday, April 2, 2012 8:14 AM
Subject: Re: Randazza and Kenneth P. White


THAT'S A LONG POSTING - 7,563 words by my count.

Where is the one sentence: Marc Ranazza did not do it. He is innocent.

No where ... rather we have a convoluted, self-serving cry for ATTACK!

Ridicule his Signal call it his little Batman Signal

Ridicule is parotting Greek Chorus ...

Ridicule the fact that this guy has a degree from Harvard and he is nothing but a second rate unhappy lawyer.

Read and tie this to his law firm.

CRPC 1-400 defines "communication" and "solicitation." Communication is defined as "any
message or offer . . . concerning the availability for professional employment . . . directed to any
former, present, or prospective client . . . ."

In his posting Ken Will Do Whatever Is Necessary - Game On Posting referencing Meaghan Maloney et ux we
find Ken was unhappy being a "cog at BigLaw":

Here's the best thing about having a small firm with your name on the door, instead of a being a cog at
BigLaw, like I was for the first five years of my private sector career: when someone deserving like
Michael Hawkins writes and asks for help, you don't have to go through a pro bono committee. Instead, I
got up, talked to my awesome managing partner in the next office, and within a few minutes agreed to
help Michael Hawkins pro bono. Excelsior.

The problem is that elsewhere in his blog we find he has migrated to a firm where he considers his clients to be
beneath him and his skills. Unethically, he blogs about those unfortunates who pay his fee in return for his
unethical and public contempt ....

Mine [Clients] range from small-time criminals to substantial corporations, and at least some of them
might be upset by my blogging. I don't expect that they would be upset in a he-made-an-unfair-
anonymous-attack-on-someone sense. But they might be upset in a we-disagree-on-[social issue] sense,
or a you-made-fun-of-people-who-support-[candidate] sense. Certainly I would no longer feel comfortable
telling dumb-client stories, which I feel illuminate the condition of being a lawyer. Brown, White and
Newhouse, LLP Blog, June 9, 2009 EXHIBIT "A"

We find he dislikes the U.S. Attorney's Office and the State's District Attorney's Office:

I'd also worry about my clients being treated more harshly by the District Attorney's Office
and the U.S. Attorney's Office (especially that office, given it's current leadership)
based on criticisms of them. In short, I'd worry that expressing myself freely in this
forum could harm my clients even though in a just world it shouldn't. Brown, White and
Newhouse, LLP Blog, June 9, 2009 EXHIBIT "A"

It can be inferred from the dissatisfactions displayed in the BWN blog, that Kenneth P. White dreamed of a legal
career that provided more significant recognition than he has apparently received from those parties he names as
foils to the true recognition he deserves: 8/12
11/8/2017 Marc Randazza ~ Marc J. Randazza ~ Marc John Randazza ~ Randazza Legal Group ~
A cog at "big law", and the "big law firm" that provided him training, employment, health insurance, salary and a
401K (now protected from judgment by bankrupty law)
The District Attorney's Office
The U.S. Attrorney's Office
Small-time criminals that currently provide employment, health insurance, salary and a 401K (now
protected from judgment by bankrupty law)
To substantial corporations that currently provide employment, health insurance, salary and a 401K (now
protected from judgment by bankrupty law)

The Brown, White and Newhouse Popehat Blog of Kenneth P. White we are treated to the fantasies of a middle
aged man who dreams of a world where people genuflect to his power as a blogger and his ability to unite other
bloggers to post against his latest target.


Oh, and in your frenzy forget what she said about Marc Randazza, because his is MY HERO, MY FRIEND, forget
the facts and ATTACK!"

"From: RedLineHome RedLineHome <>

To: "Crystal L. Cox, in Love and Light" <>

Sent: Monday, April 2, 2012 9:17 AM

Subject: Re: Randazza and Kenneth P. White

You should make a simple statement that Kenneth P. White of the Brown White & Newhouse, LLP Blog
has painted you in a false light.

Kenneth P. White of the Brown White & Newhouse, LLP Blog has made a false implication regarding the
domain registration of Marc Randazza 's children. The domains were purchased to make the point that Marc
Randazza does not have the level of internet expertise that he claims to have. The domains have been transferred
to Marc Randazza.

Kenneth P. White of the Brown White & Newhouse, LLP Blog is using "rhetorical hyperbole" and
"imaginative expression" that "cannot be read to imply the assertion of an objective fact."

See Partington v. Bugliosi, 56 F.3d 1147, 1157 (9th Cir. 1995). False light concerns false implications made
by Kenneth P. White of the Brown White & Newhouse, LLP Blog and the intentions and actions of Crystal
Cox and made with malice.

This is a "highly offensive statement to a reasonable person." Fellow v. Nat'l Enquirer, Inc., 32 Cal. 3d 234, 238, 13
Media L. Rep. 1305 (Cal. 1986) (quoting Restatement 2d of Torts 652E).

Fax this to Brown White & Newhouse, LLP ... post it if you like.



Marc Randazza

Posted by Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox at 7:15 PM No comments:

Labels: Marc Randazza Tips, PopeHat Kenneth White

Tips to Crystal Cox Blogger From "Randazza Insider". Scott

Donahey, and Peter Michelson and Houston Lowry and Tom
"From: Randazza Insider <>
To: "Crystal L. Cox, in Love and Light" <>

Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 7:03 PM

Subject: Re: Questions About TODD KINCANNON

I Don't think Marc is Upset About That - I did hear from Others, though, that he is Upset about
Something. I think You are Finally getting to Him - especially when you Reach the Domainers, for
whom Randazza is no Advocate.

Randazza is a Member of INTA, which stands for the International Trademark Association, and Goes to
their Meetings all the time. Hes made a lot of High Level connections through INTA, including Scott
Donahey, and Peter Michelson and Houston Lowry and Tom Halket. They are all FRIENDS(and
colleagues), and I've seen the links! together. In fact, ALL of INTA are basically High Level attorneys
working together to STICK IT to domainers and the little guy so they can all get Wealthy - them and 9/12
11/8/2017 Marc Randazza ~ Marc J. Randazza ~ Marc John Randazza ~ Randazza Legal Group ~
ICANN. What is the Worst you Can Do to me,
Threaten me with Heaven?
All of these INTA guys are Basically all his Cronies. Do you know about Donahey's Argument that Bad
Faith is "retroactive" when registering domain names? That kind of slippery argument sounds JUST
LIKE RANDAZZA's bullshit. Here is the case where Donahey gets all Randazza How else wold such a
crooked argument get anywhere? How can you have "bad faith" RETROACTIVELY?

RANDAZZA THINKS it is OK to accuse someone of Rape and Murder in a Domain Name, and then
Befriend and scheme with the INTA anti-Domainers? And the retroactive bad faith test is the WORST.

Something stinks; and Randazza and Donahey and the rest of them are always at the INTA meetings at
the same time. And Donahey's decision to recognize RETROACTIVE bad faith is in favor of who?

On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 9:57 PM, Crystal L. Cox, in Love and Light <> wrote: If So, I will cross over with TRUTH and
did you see today, what do you think of the AVN thing Honor !!

sources say Marc is pretty upset about it.. "

Posted by Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox at 7:05 PM No comments:

Labels: and Peter Michelson and Houston Lowry, INTA, Randazza Insider Tips, Scott Donahey, Tom Halket

Tips to Crystal Cox Blogger From "Randazza Insider".


Keep up your hard work! You ARE on to the hunt! Just like any tiger though, you have him by the tail. The light will not go out if
good people keep the power to the light. Firstly you are RIGHT about United States vs. Randazza. It is BLANK! Do NOT be fooled
by frenemies. friENEMIES are "friends who will FRY you and are ENEMIES". If you ask a lawyer/advocate/judge as to WHY that
case is BLANK, remember who they have LOYALTY to. They have it to themselves and to the SYSTEM that feeds them. SOME
want money. SOME want to be on the Supreme Court. Will they who want these things risk exposing the truth that starts in
Hemmer and that ends in Randazza vs. United States; in that case's files. (PAPER files, not electronic that can be changed)

SOME lawyer MAY tell you the TRUTH. MOST will not. The friENEMY will tell you something to make you confused and to make
you stop looking and to stop digging. If you ask an advocate and they tell you something that sounds like it is meant to put you off
of the trail, then they must be SUSPECT. There is SO MUCH MONEY at stake. SO MUCH POWER! I have looked at that case too.
They told me that it was nothing. Stop looking. STOP LOOKING, NOTHING TO SEE HERE!

But IF you find the lawyer and advocate who says "YES, Randazza vs. United States - it IS NOT KOSHER" and they encourage
you to go to WASHINGTON. To the ARCHIVES. They can't make all the papers disappear. NOT ALL! If you find this ONE (maybe
two) lawyer who is honest, and she or he gives you encouragement, then you know that you found someone who can not be
BOUGHT. AND it will be a woman lawyer probably. Men have the strings and give them up only if FORCED.

The explosion, it IS not normal at ALL. DID YOU NOTICE THIS? (in the article about it)

"As Sargent walked down the stair case, while calling the oil company on his cellphone, the house exploded."

Coincidence? How does THAT kind of timing happen? Was he REALLY on the phone with the OIL company? Why? For a GAS
leak? HE called the OIL company for a GAS problem, and then ALL OF A SUDDEN, when he is on the phone with them, the Go JUN JUL SEP

detonation happens? WHY?
27 captures 30 f
2 Apr 2012 - 22 Sep 2017 2011 2012 2014 About this capture
And THIS "Graves said this morning that he did not have access yet to work crew records for that area so he could not confirm if
work had been done in recent days."


AND do you wonder why someone is NOW in the public eye, but really only AFTER Mister "Nuclear powerplant scientist" is gone?
"He's cool" indeed! WHY would the bank robber say "he's cool". Criminality is not learned. Criminality is in the blood. Where is
RANDAZZA from? Why are there only so few "RANDAZZA" in United States and so many RANDAZZO? You can not hide the truth
by changing ONE letter! Not from the truth! EASTER EXPOSE! "

Posted by Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox at 7:03 PM No comments:

Labels: Randazza Insider Tips

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