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Table of Contents

Meeting and Greeting,

Taking a Taxi,
At the Hotel,
Going to the Bank,
Buying Tickets (Airline, Train, and Bus),
Asking for Directions or Time,
Polite Conversation,


An important thing to remember when meeting people in other countries is

to follow their customs. In the United States, for instance, contrary to the
custom in many countries, calling someone by their first name will not
necessarily be taken as a lack of respect. There are not separate formal and
familiar forms of address in English, as there are in many other languages.
It's probably a good idea, though, to address older adults and business
acquaintances as Mr. for men, and for women, Mrs., Miss, or what is also
commonly used -- Ms.
The beginner will find that self-confidence and a sense of humor will be
the best approach to speaking another language. If your first brave attempt
at communication brings on a burst of words from the other side, don't worry.
By making mistakes, you will learn.


1. Yes. No.
2. Please. Thank you. You're welcome. Excuse me. I am sorry.
3. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night.
4. Do you speak Spanish? Does anyone here speak Spanish?
5. Excuse my poor English. I only speak a little English.
6. What is your name? My name is Martin. This is Laura.
7. How are you? How have you been? I'm fine, thank you. Are you feeling
all right? Are you feeling better? I am feeling better now.
8. I am very glad to meet you. It was nice meeting you.
9. I don't understand. What did you say? Can you speak more slowly? I
understand perfectly.
10. Have a nice day! Enjoy your trip. Have a good time.


Mr. Snchez: Good morning. Do you speak Spanish?

Store Clerk: I'm sorry, I do not speak Spanish.
Mr. Snchez: I'm afraid I speak only a little English.
Store Clerk: That's all right. I understand you.
Mr. Snchez: I get nervous when I speak English.
Store Clerk: I understand you very well.

Roberto: Hello, how are you?

Anne: I am fine, thank you, and yourself?
Roberto: Fine, thanks. How is your family?
Anne: Very well, thank you.
Roberto: See you later.

Juanita: Good afternoon.

Tony: Good afternoon, have you met my friend George?
Juanita: No, I haven't had the pleasure.
Tony: George, this is Juanita Santamara.
Juanita: I'm very glad to meet you. This is my husband, Carlos, my
daughter, Cristina, and my son, Miguel.
Tony: How long are you staying here?
Juanita: For several weeks.
Tony: Then will you be going home?
Juanita: Yes.
Tony: Well, it was good to see you. Bye.
Juanita: Bye.


The act of hailing a taxi is universal. All you have to do is hold up

your hand and call "taxi", whistle, or wave. You may also call for a cab by
phone or have the hotel personnel call for you.
One thing you need to do, though, before taking a taxi is to be sure to
have small bills with you. Cab drivers often do not have change for a large
bill. Also, learn how to tip. It is easy to overtip if you are having trouble
counting the foreign money. It is a good idea to write down money amounts and
the appropriate tips on a small card and carry it with you.
If you tend to forget place names in a strange city, you might also write
these down. If the driver doesn't understand your accent, you can simply point
to them on the card.


1. Are you free? Please send a cab to the Sheraton Hotel. Please send a
cab to Elm Street, number 56. Please call a taxi for me.
2. I wish to go to the First National Bank. I would like to go to Market
Street. Can you take me to the cathedral? Please take me to Harvard
3. Please help me with my bags. Just put the bags there.
4. I'm in a hurry. I'm late.
5. Can you change this twenty-dollar bill? It's the smallest I have.
Keep the change.
6. You can let me out here. Let me out at the corner. Let me out over
there, please.
7. How far is the airport from here? How long will it take to get there?
8. Please take the shortest way. Is there a shortcut?
9. Can you recommend a good restaurant? Is there a good hotel nearby?
Where can I find a nice caf that serves light meals?
10. Would you please close the window? I'm going to close the window.


Mrs. Chavez: Taxi! Are you available?

Taxi Driver: Yes.
Mrs. Chavez: Would you please take my bag?
Taxi Driver: I'll put it in the trunk.
Mrs. Chavez: Thank you. To the airport, please.
Taxi Driver: Which airline?
Mrs. Chavez: The TWA terminal, please. Take the shortest way, please. I'm
in a hurry.
Taxi Driver: The bridge is the quickest way.
Mrs. Chavez: All right. I should have been there fifteen minutes ago. My
flight leaves at ten o'clock. Please hurry.
Mr. Lpez: I would like to go to the Riverview Caf.
Taxi Driver: Where is that?
Mr. Lpez: It's on Bridge Street. Go past the second set of traffic
Taxi Driver: Straight ahead?
Mr. Lpez: Yes. Then turn left and take your first right.
Taxi Driver: Is it that building with the large green sign?
Mr. Lpez: Yes. You can let me out at the corner.

Esperanza: I would like to go to the Grand Hotel.

Taxi Driver: Yes Ma'am.
Esperanza: It's very windy. Could you close the window?
Taxi Driver: Yes, is that better?
Esperanza: Thank you. There is the hotel. If you let me out here, I can
walk the rest of the way.
Taxi Driver: Are you sure?
Esperanza: Yes. Can you change this fifty-dollar bill?
Taxi Driver: I don't think so.
Esperanza: I'm sorry. I don't have anything smaller. Oh, wait, I have a
ten-dollar bill and some change here. Will this be enough?
Taxi Driver: That's fine. Thank you very much.


Accommodations in the United States vary from posh, very expensive hotels
to cheaper hotels that are clean and comfortable but do not offer as many
amenities. Very good accommodations can also be found in motels along the
Bed-and-breakfast establishments have cropped up everywhere. You can even
find adequate hospitality offered by people simply renting rooms for a short


1. Do you have a single room with bath? I would prefer a double room
with bath. We would like two beds. Where is the bathroom?
2. Good day, my name is Roberto Daz. I have a reservation. I made it
last week. I made this reservation well in advance. Don't you have my
3. We plan to stay for three days. What is your rate? Do you have a
lower rate for a longer stay? How much is it per night?
4. Does that include the gratuity? Should I tip the maid?
5. When is check-in time? When is check-out time?
6. Do you accept credit cards? I have an American Express credit card.
May I use this credit card?
7. I would like to pay with a Travelers Check. Should I sign it now? I
have three checks I'd like to cash. Do you accept personal checks?
8. May I have my key? I have lost the key. I have locked myself out.
Here is my key. Is that my key?
9. Room service? I would like to order a sandwich. Can you please bring
us some ice and a bottle of wine? We would like a full breakfast. My dress
and my husband's suit need to be pressed.
10. Could you wake me tomorrow morning at eight o'clock?


Miss Hernndez: Good day, do you have a single room?

Front Desk Attendant: Good day. How long will you be staying?
Miss Hernndez: For two weeks.
Front Desk Attendant: Yes, we have a very nice single room.
Miss Hernndez: Does it have a sink?
Front Desk Attendant: Yes, and it has a full bath.
Miss Hernndez: And what is the rate?
Front Desk Attendant: The rate is sixty dollars per day.
Miss Hernndez: What does that include?
Front Desk Attendant: Phone and television are in the room and breakfast
is also included.
Miss Hernndez: I'll take it then.

Mr. Torrez: Hello, my name is Torrez, I believe you have a room for me.
Front Desk Attendant: When did you make your reservation?
Mr. Torrez: I reserved the room by telephone yesterday.
Front Desk Attendant: Ah, yes, I have it here. A double room with bath.
Mr. Torrez: That's right. For ten days.
Front Desk Attendant: Would you please sign the register here?
Mr. Torrez: Can you provide an extra cot for our room?
Front Desk Attendant: Of course.
Mr. Torrez: Is there an extra charge?
Front Desk Attendant: No.
Mr. Torrez: Can you recommend a good restaurant?
Front Desk Attendant: The hotel serves excellent meals, and there are
several cafs in the area.
Mr. Torrez: What hours do you serve meals?
Front Desk Attendant: Here is a list of the dining room hours.

Mrs. Torrez: Can you order some opera tickets for me?
Concierge: Yes, we can order them for you.
Mrs. Torrez: I would like two tickets to tomorrow night's performance at
the Met.
Concierge: That may be difficult but I will try.
Mrs. Torrez: Which way is the hairdresser?
Concierge: Right there, just past the stairway in the lobby. There is
also a gift shop.
Mrs. Torrez: Could you send a newspaper and some ice up to my room?
Concierge: Yes, of course, will there be anything else?
Mrs. Torrez: Could you wake me at six o'clock tomorrow morning?
Concierge: I would be glad to.




Banks in the United States are generally open Monday through Friday and
on Saturday mornings. Also, 24-hour automatic teller machines (ATMs) accept a
variety of credit and bank cards and are located in malls, on street corners
and outside of banks.
Money can be exchanged at the airport, in a bank, and at various exchange
points. However, rates of exchange can vary quite a lot. A bank is not always
where you will find the best rate of exchange. It is wise to shop around, if
you have time, and read the exchange information carefully. Many institutions
charge a set commission fee, regardless of the amount of money exchanged.
Other institutions may charge a percentage of the transaction as a commission
Before coming to the States, it is wise to acquire from a local bank some
small bills in American dollars. You will need these to pay for things like
taxis and tips until you can exchange the bulk of your money.


1. Good morning. Hello. Good-bye.

2. My name is Ricardo Montoya.
3. Can I exchange money here? Where do I exchange money? I want to
exchange only 10,000 pesetas. What is the rate of exchange?
4. I want to cash some Travelers Checks. Do I sign here? Where do I sign
5. Do you need identification? Here is my passport. I have my
international driver's license. That is my photo.
6. I can't find my passport. I have lost my wallet with all my Travelers
Checks. My wallet has been stolen.
7. I would like to buy some Travelers Checks. How much do you charge? Are
these refundable if they are lost? I would like checks in smaller amounts.
8. What are the bank's hours? Are you open on Saturday? What time do
you open? What time do you close?
9. Can I use my Visa credit card in your ATM? What are your charges?
Where is your ATM machine located?
10. Thank you, you have been very helpful. Everything is fine now.


Mr. Martinez: Good morning. I would like to exchange some Spanish pesetas
to American dollars.
Teller: Yes, of course, how much would you like to exchange?
Mr. Martinez: I have 15,000 pesetas.
Teller: Do you want to exchange the full amount?
Mr. Martinez: Yes, please. What is today's exchange rate?
Teller: One dollar is worth 142 pesetas.
Mr. Martinez: All right. I also have some Travelers Checks.
Teller: Would you like to exchange them too?
Mr. Martinez: Yes, please. I have 25,000 pesetas.
Teller: Then you want to exchange 40,000 pesetas?
Mr. Martinez: Yes, thank you. Should I sign them now?
Teller: Yes, please. Do you have identification?
Mr. Martinez: Yes, here is my passport.

Mrs. Rodrguez: Good morning, could you help me?

Teller: Yes, what is the matter?
Mrs. Rodrguez: I have lost my Travelers Checks.
Teller: How much are they worth?
Mrs. Rodrguez: I had over $500 worth of checks.
Teller: Do you think they were stolen?
Mrs. Rodrguez: No, I think I lost them when I was shopping this morning.
Teller: Do you have a list of the numbers?
Mrs. Rodrguez: Yes, I have it here.
Teller: Please, sit down while I go over these.
Mrs. Rodrguez: Thank you.

Maria: Can I use my credit card in your ATM?

Teller: Yes, and you can also use your bank ATM card.
Maria: What is the charge for each transaction?
Teller: Here is a list of the charges.
Maria: May I cash a cashier's check from my bank in Madrid?
Teller: Yes, have you endorsed it?
Maria: No. I will sign it now. Can I buy Travelers Checks at this bank?
Teller: Yes, of course.


When you decide to travel to the United States, you will probably need a
passport and possibly a visa. Before traveling, you should consult your own
medical and accident health plans to see if they provide coverage and
assistance if an emergency occurs when in another country.
If you want to travel by plane while in the United States, you will find
the process of buying tickets to be similar to that of your country.
Over-the-counter sales at the airport may be a little more stressful, but the
option of finding a less expensive flight on stand-by makes it worth the
It is easier to purchase tickets for train and bus travel at their
appropriate stations.


1. I want to confirm my reservation for flight number 492. I'd like to

inquire about my tickets. Do you have my tickets for flight number 492? Do
you have my seat assignment?
2. I would like to buy a ticket for New York. One-way. Round-trip.
3. What is the fare? How much is the ticket?
4. When is the next train to New York? When does the next flight to Los
Angeles leave? What time does it arrive?
5. Where is Gate Number Three? Is Gate Three this way?
6. Please open your suitcase. Do you want me to open my suitcase?
7. I have nothing to declare. I have only these things to declare.
8. May I please have a bus schedule? Where can I get a schedule?
9. Do I have to change planes? Is it a non-stop flight? Where do I
change trains?
10. Are we on time? When do we land? Is there a delay? Are we late?


Mr. Santiago: I would like to go to Seattle next month.

Travel Agent: How long do you plan to be there?
Mr. Santiago: About three weeks.
Travel Agent: Let me see. If you don't mind traveling on a weekday, I can
get you on a round-trip flight to Seattle for $450.
Mr. Santiago: That's a lot, isn't it?
Travel Agent: This is the peak tourist season.
Mr. Santiago: Yes, I know. Do you have anything cheaper?
Travel Agent: Would you be willing to leave on two days' notice?
Mr. Santiago: Yes, I could do that.
Travel Agent: In that case, Delta is offering a one-way flight for only
Mr. Santiago: That sounds good. I'll take that.
Travel Agent: You could put yourself on stand-by and save even more.
Mr. Santiago: No, I don't want to go on stand-by.
Travel Agent: All right. Here is your ticket. You will be notified two
days before the departure date.
Mr. Santiago: Wonderful. Please charge it to my credit card. Will I be
able to arrange a return flight in Seattle?
Travel Agent: I believe so. Let me give you the names of some travel
agencies there.

Mrs. Jimnez: I would like to buy a ticket for the next flight to Houston
Ticket Agent: That would be flight number 1517, leaving at 10:45.
Mrs. Jimnez: Yes, that's okay.
Ticket Agent: Coach or first-class?
Mrs. Jimnez: Coach, please. Could I have a window seat?
Ticket Agent: I'm sorry, there are no window seats available, but I can
give you an aisle seat.
Mrs. Jimnez: Thank you. Do I have to go through security?
Ticket Agent: Yes, just go through that door to the right.
Mrs. Jimnez: Here are my bags.
Ticket Agent: Please put them here on the scale.
Mrs. Jimnez: Are they over the weight limit?
Ticket Agent: No, they're okay.
Mrs. Jimnez: Where can I buy flight insurance?
Ticket Agent: There are several machines around the corner to the left.
Mrs. Jimnez: What is this?
Ticket Agent: This is your boarding pass. Go to Gate number five.
Mrs. Jimnez: Thank you very much.

Mrs. Domingo: I would like two tickets for Washington, D.C.

Ticket seller: Coach or sleeping car?
Mrs. Domingo: Sleeping car, please.
Ticket seller: The train leaves from this station promptly at five
Mrs. Domingo: Is there a dining car on this train?
Ticket seller: Of course. There is also a lounge.
Mrs. Domingo: Does this train go straight through or do I have to change
in Hartford?
Ticket seller: It goes straight through.
Mrs. Domingo: Can someone help me with my bags?
Ticket seller: The porters are on the platform.




It is very important to know how to ask for directions in another

language. It is just as important to be able to hear and understand the
answer. It is essential to practice asking for and understanding directions.
Start with the simple ones you use every day.
Whether you are walking or driving, you should be prepared to suddenly
face a choice of streets or roads. Forks in the road and unclear signs are
just as common in other countries as they are at home. You also have to be
able to read street signs such as ONE WAY STREET and DO NOT ENTER without
stopping in mid-traffic to pull out your phrase book.
Learning to ask for and understand directions will give you confidence to
travel with ease.


1. Straight ahead. Follow the road. Keep going straight through the town.
Go downtown.
2. Turn left. Make a sharp right turn. Make a U-turn.
3. Across the street. Opposite the bank. Next to the bank. On the other
4. Set of lights. Intersection. Traffic circle.
5. You must take the elevator or escalator. You can go up those stairs.
6. Not far. Just a block away. Around the corner. You're almost there.
7. There is a restroom on this floor and another on the second floor.
Follow the signs.
8. This is a one-way street. This is a detour. You must turn around.
9. Excuse me, what is the time? Is that the correct time? What time do
you have?
10. It is noon. It is midnight. It is two in the morning. It is three in
the afternoon. It is ten at night. It is 2:30. It is 8:45.


Mr. Prez: Excuse me, I am lost.

Woman: Where do you want to go?
Mr. Prez: I'm looking for North Street.
Woman: At the next intersection, take a right.
Mr. Prez: Is the art museum far from here?
Woman: It is on Main Street. You just go over the bridge and take the
second right.
Mr. Prez: Then what?
Woman: Park your car and follow the signs.

Mrs. Gonzlez: Pardon me. Is there a service station around here?

Woman: Keep going about three miles and it is on the right.
Mrs. Gonzlez: Would it be open this late at night?
Woman: It should be, yes.
Roberta: Pardon me, do you know how to get to the Grand Hotel?
Woman: You're going the wrong way.
Roberta: Can I make a U-turn here?
Woman: It would be better to go to the traffic circle. It's straight

Jaime: Excuse me. Is that the bank over there by the post office?
Man: No, it is across the street, next to the restaurant.

Raquel: Ma'am, can you tell me if this is the way to the Garden
Woman: It's just a block away on the right. Pass the church and turn
right on Green Street. It is next to the pharmacy.

Mark: What time is it?

Estefana: It's noon.
Mark: Really? I thought it was about 11:30.
Estefana: Your watch is slow.

Emelia: What time does the movie start?

Charles: Around 8:30.
Emelia: We don't want to be late. Let's leave at 7:45.
Charles: I think 7:30 would be better.



Shopping in the United States can mean anything from a weekend visit to a
farmer's market, to browsing antique shops in a seaside village, to gazing in
the windows of ritzy boutiques in Palm Beach or Beverly Hills. Whatever your
pleasure, if you plan on making a lot of purchases here, it will be much
easier and more enjoyable if you do your homework first. When you first go
into a store, it is helpful to have some phrases to get you through the first
few minutes.


1. Good day. May I look around? Thank you. I don't know what I want yet.
2. I would like to buy a scarf. I would like this, please. I will take
this wallet.
3. My Spanish size is a 40. What is my American size? It is a 12. This
doesn't quite fit. My shoe size is 10.
4. How much is this? It is very pretty but too expensive. Thank you,
5. I would like to try this on. Where is the dressing room? Do you have
a mirror? Is it the right length? Is it too short? No, I think it's too
6. Where is the children's department? On which floor? On this floor?
Where would I find dresses? Where are the restrooms?
7. Do I pay you or the cashier? Where is the cashier?
8. I need a salesperson. I have been waiting. Can you help me with this
item? Is this leather or plastic?
9. I have lost my little boy. He can't be too far away. He was here just
a moment ago. Yes, please put it on the loudspeaker. Oh, there he is.
10. Are you having a sale on boots? May I return them? May I bring them
back for a refund?


Paula: Good day.

Store Clerk: May I help you?
Paula: Yes. I saw something in the window.
Store Clerk: Here? This gold chain?
Paula: Yes. How much is that?
Store Clerk: It is $250. It is eighteen-carat gold.
Paula: It is lovely. I will take it.
Store Clerk: Will there be anything else?
Paula: I like these earrings.
Store Clerk: Would you like to see them?
Paula: Yes, please. How much are they?
Store Clerk: They are quite elegant. And only $125.
Paula: I will take these also.
Store Clerk: Will it be cash or credit?
Paula: I would like to charge it to my VISA card.
Store Clerk: Please sign here.
Paula: Can you gift wrap it for me?
Store Clerk: Yes, certainly. There is no additional charge.
Paula: Thank you very much.

Toms: I would like to buy some film.

Clerk: Print or slide film?
Toms: Color print film, please, thirty-six exposures.
Clerk: What ASA?
Toms: Oh, you mean DIN. Let's see, the DIN would be four hundred.
Clerk: We have Kodak, Fuji, Konica....
Toms: Kodak, please.
Clerk: Is that all?
Toms: I also need some batteries.
Clerk: What kind of camera do you have?
Toms: Here, take a look.
Clerk: That takes two of these batteries.
Toms: Thank you.
Clerk: Here is your receipt.

Jos: Where is your appliance department?

Service desk: On the second floor. The elevator is to the left.
Jos: Thank you.
Clerk: Good afternoon, may I help you?
Jos: I'm just looking, thank you.
Clerk: Of course, please take your time.
Jos: I would like to buy a clock.
Clerk: Yes, we have several over here.
Jos: What type would you recommend?
Clerk: This one is the best.
Jos: Is it reliable?
Clerk: Of course. It comes with a guarantee.
Jos: May I bring it back for a refund if I am not satisfied with it?
Clerk: Yes. Would you like to buy it?
Jos: Yes, please.




A huge variety of foods is available in American restaurants, from

Mexican cuisine in the Southwest, to seafood in Seattle and Boston, Chinese
food in San Francisco, and Italian food in New York's Little Italy. Be sure
to try local favorites like fried chicken, grits, and collard greens down
South, or fresh corn on the cob, clam chowder and steamed lobster in the
It doesn't matter whether you dine in the best restaurant, a coffee shop,
country inn, or simply grab a snack from a sidewalk vendor, you have to know
what to ask for and what you are getting. That's not always so easy if you
must rely on a printed menu in another language. A little homework will save
embarrassment and add to your enjoyment. Learn the names of some basic dishes
that you like -- and learn what to avoid.
Many restaurants in the States have separate sections for smokers; some
do not allow smoking at all. Remember, also, that the tip is not usually
included in the bill; you must add that separately.


1. May I have a menu? I don't see it on the menu. What is the special?
What is this? What do you recommend?
2. May I have some water? Another fork and another spoon? May I have
another glass? May I have another napkin?
3. Would you please explain this dish? May I have something else? I
don't like this. What is the meat in this dish? This is too cold. This is
too hot.
4. I would like my steak medium rare. I would like my steak well done.
This is too rare for me.
5. This is not what I ordered. I'm sorry, but I really don't want this.
Are these mushrooms or onions? I think I ordered mushrooms.
6. Waitress! Waiter! We are in a hurry. We have been waiting a long
time. May we have our coffee now? Please bring the bill with the dessert.
7. I like my coffee very hot. I would like a cup of soup. I would like
sugar with my tea.
8. May I have the wine list? Do you recommend the house wine? I would
like a bottle of red wine. I would like a glass of white wine. I would like a
glass of beer. A glass of white wine, please.
9. May we have the bill, please? Is this correct? Is the tip included?
How much was the coffee? I'd like to speak to the manager.
10. I'd like to put this on my credit card. Do you accept American
Express? May I pay with a Travelers Check?


Mrs. Ramrez: Good morning.

Waitress: Good morning. Would you like some coffee now?
Mrs. Ramrez: No, thank you. I prefer tea and also orange juice.
Waitress: We have rolls, we also have muffins, bagels, and donuts.
Mrs. Ramrez: Bring two muffins and one bagel, please.

Mr. Castillo: Oh, what a large menu.

Waiter: May I help you?
Mr. Castillo: I see you have London Broil on the menu. What is that?
Waiter: It is steak.
Mr. Castillo: And seafood chowder?
Waiter: That is a kind of soup with milk and fish.
Mr. Castillo: That sounds good. I'll have that.
Waiter: Would you like an appetizer?
Mr. Castillo: Yes, some stuffed mushrooms, please. Also I would like a
half-bottle of white wine. Or maybe the house wine?
Waiter: The house wine is very good.

Waiter: Would you like to order dessert?

Mr. Castillo: I would like some cheesecake.
Waiter: Would you like coffee?
Mr. Castillo: Yes, thank you. May I also have the check?

Mr. Esteban: What do you recommend?

Waiter: Our special this evening is clams, fresh from the sea.
Mr. Esteban: That sounds good. How are they prepared?
Waiter: Steamed or fried.
Mr. Esteban: Steamed, please, with melted butter.
Waiter: Would you like a salad? What kind of dressing would you like on
Mr. Esteban: I will have blue cheese dressing.
Waiter: Did you enjoy your dinner?
Mr. Esteban: It was wonderful. May I pay with my credit card?




People in most countries appreciate any attempt foreign visitors make to

speak their language. Even if it is a tentative try, it is a sign of interest
, respect, and goodwill. You will find that most people are patient and kind
and will speak slowly when asked. Don't give up! Just keep showing them that
you want to understand.


1. Hello, how are you? I am fine, and you? I am not feeling too well. I
am tired. I have a cold. Are you better now? I am glad you're feeling better.
2. How is your mother? How is your family? They are all very well,
thank you. Please give them my best. Of course. See you later.
3. May I offer you some coffee? Yes, please. No, thank you.
4. Thank you for all your help. It is good of you to help. I appreciate
your help. You have been very kind. Do you need help? I need help.
5. Where is the bathroom? May I use your bathroom?
6. Where do you live? Do you live in a house or an apartment? Do you
have a dog or a cat?
7. I'm looking for a list of movies. Have you been to a good play or
concert recently?
8. What is the weather report? Is it supposed to rain today or tomorrow?
It is raining now, but it was warm and sunny yesterday. It is snowing. It is
sleeting. It is hot and humid.
9. Excuse me, can you tell me the time? When are we supposed to be there
? Will we make it on time?
10. Please give my best regards to your parents. Please tell your sister
I said "hello."


Mrs. Ortega: Are you waiting for the bus?

Man: Yes, it is about twenty minutes late.
Mrs. Ortega: Could you tell me where the restrooms are?
Man: Over there, around the corner to the left.
Mrs. Ortega: Is this our bus?
Man: Yes, it's ready to leave right away.
Mrs. Ortega: Can you help me with this?
Man: Sure.
Mrs. Ortega: Thank you very much.

Mr. Bernalillo: Where can I get a cup of coffee?

Man: The bar is over there.
Mr. Bernalillo: May I have a cup of coffee, please?
Barman: Black or with cream and sugar?
Mr. Bernalillo: Black, please. No cream or sugar.
Barman: Is that all?
Mr. Bernalillo: I will also have one of those rolls. Do you sell
Barman: There's a newsstand near the stairway.

Ms. Olmos: Excuse me, can you tell what time it is?
Woman: It's 8:55.
Ms. Olmos: What time is the next showing of this movie?
Woman: I think it's at 9:15.
Ms. Olmos: Did you see it?
Woman: Yes.
Ms. Olmos: How was it?
Woman: It was all right. I would recommend the other one that is showing.
Ms. Olmos: Do you know what time that starts?
Woman: At 9:45.
Ms. Olmos: Thank you very much.
Woman: You're welcome.

Mrs. Moreno: Excuse me, please.

Man: Yes.
Mrs. Moreno: Could you recommend a good restaurant in this area?
Man: Well, you could try the Cypress Tree.
Mrs. Moreno: We went there last night. It was a little expensive.
Man: Oh, in that case, you should go to Roberto's. They have Italian
cuisine, pizza, and great desserts.
Mrs. Moreno: Where is it?
Man: Go down this street. Turn right at the light and walk two blocks.
You'll see it on your left.
Mrs. Moreno: You've been very helpful.
Man: No problem.


Emergencies, including car breakdowns, accidents, loss of valuables,

anything involving the police or medical units, are handled almost the same
way everywhere. However, you should know some basic words and phrases in
order to gain attention and to ask for the help you need.
When you check into your hotel, ask if there is a medical emergency
number that could be called directly in case of illness or accident. It is
wise to be prepared for an emergency in advance.
Before you travel, check your current health insurance policies to see if
they provide a number to call for medical assistance in another country,
especially if a stay in a hospital is required.
Among other emergencies, a car breakdown is probably the most common,
along with loss or theft of valuables. It is important to be able to make
yourself understood so that you can state the problem simply.


1. This is an emergency. I need help. Can you help me?

2. There has been an accident. Is there a doctor here? Does anyone know
3. Please send an ambulance. We need a doctor. I think my leg is broken.
4. I feel pain in my chest. It hurts here. It started this morning. It is
more like an ache. It is a sharp pain, right here. My ankle is swollen. I
can't walk on it.
5. My wallet has disappeared. I think it has been stolen. Have you seen
my suitcase? It was here just a moment ago. My suitcase is missing.
6. My car has broken down. May I use your phone? Could you call this
number for me?
7. We need a policeman. Officer, can you help me? There has been an
accident. This person has been hurt.
8. Help! Stop! Thief! I was robbed. I was mugged. My wife's purse was
stolen by two young men on a motorcycle.
9. I've broken my glasses. Yes, I have a copy of the prescription. Can
you repair them? Will I need new frames? How soon can I have them? I can't
see anything without my glasses.
10. I need to contact the Spanish Embassy. I am a Spanish citizen.


Mrs. Valdez: Operator, this is an emergency. I need an ambulance.

Operator: What is your name and address?
Mrs. Valdez: My name is Ana Valdez and I am staying in room number 112 at
the Appleton Hotel.
Operator: What is wrong?
Mrs. Valdez: I think my husband has had a heart attack.
Operator: An ambulance and medical crew are on the way.
Mrs. Valdez: Please hurry.
Operator: Don't worry. They will be there right away.

Mrs. Valdez: Thank you for coming so quickly.

Paramedic: What happened?
Mrs. Valdez: He had a pain in his chest and then fainted.
Paramedic: He will be all right.
Mrs. Valdez: Is he in pain now?
Paramedic: No, we've given him something for that. Do you want to come
with us to the hospital?
Mrs. Valdez: Yes, I also need to inform our family.
Paramedic: You can do that at the hospital.

Man: Hello, are you having trouble?

Mr. Estvez: Yes, I have a flat tire. Can you help me?
Man: Do you have a spare tire and a jack?
Mr. Estvez: Yes, in the trunk.
Man: I hope the tire has air in it.
Mr. Estvez: It looks as if I ran over something sharp.
Man: Yes, it does.
Mr. Estvez: Where can I get it fixed?
Man: There is a gas station just up the road.

Mrs. Fernndez: Excuse me, Officer, I have lost my wallet.

Officer: Where did you lose it?
Mrs. Fernndez: We were sightseeing and I suddenly noticed it was gone.
Officer: Do you think it was stolen?
Mrs. Fernndez: I don't know.
Officer: You will have to fill out this form. Was there much money in it?
Mrs. Fernndez: No, but there were several credit cards and my
international driver's license. May I use your phone?
Officer: Of course. Please have a seat here.

Best of luck. Enjoy your trip!

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