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Session #4 Notes: Creating Action Plans

1. Once you know what someone wants and where theyre headed its
time to start creating a plan for making it happen.
2. Strategy sounds like a big deal, but its actually just a glorified word
for a plan.
3. Its the clients job to create a plan for him or herself. We can help
with it, but its their responsibility and they need to tell you what feels
good for them and what does not.
4. There are many different ways to plan.

a. the 3 stage plan: If you could break this down into 3 main chunks
or stages, what would they be?
b. the overview plan: What are the 10 most important steps needed
to make this happen?
c. the 90 day plan: What are the most important actions you need to
take over the next 3 months to move you forward on your goal(s)
as quickly as possible?
d. the 1 month plan: What are the most important actions you need
to take over the next 3 months to move you forward on your
goal(s) as quickly as possible?
e. the 1 week plan: what do you most need to accomplish in the next
7 days to move you forward?
f. the backward planning method (AKA: The interview): Act as if
youve already achieved the goal and then ask them how they got

5. Theres no one right way to help someone plan. Try all of these (not
with the same client in the same session) and see which ones are the
best fit for you and for them.

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