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1) Match words to definitions

1) Cheat a) Go to school
2) Fail b) Be absent to school
3) sit an exam c) memorize
4) do a make-up test d) give homework
5) revise for e) Progress very slowly in your studies
6) study by heart f) Get bad marks at your exams
7) hand in homework g) stay away from classes without permission
8) attend classes h) Copy form someones test
9) skip classes i) spend a year working or travelling before
starting university
10) play truant j) the document you get when you graduate
11) fall behind with your hw k) Retake an exam youve done poorly
12) take a gap year l) Finish primary/high school
13) graduate m) Go over your notes/vocabulary for a test.
14) degree n) Take an exam

2) Complete these sentences with the vocabulary in ex. 1.

1) Don't ever _____________ on a test. It's not worth it!

2) I'm afraid I might ________ the test! It was extremely difficult.
3) Don't worry. I'm sure you'll ______ the test. You studied a lot!
4) I had to ____________ a long exam last week.
5) Some professors give students ________ tests if they've done poorly.
6) It's a good idea to ________ for any test you take by reviewing your notes.
7) I cant believe Tom has just _________ from high school!
8) Many students ____________ to explore the world before starting
9) Its useless to____________, then you forget everything!
10) She got into trouble after her parents discovered she had __________
many days from school.

4) Can you use relative sentences to give a definition about these pictures?
For example: The teachers pet is a student who.

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