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Student Name: Elsie Yu Date: September 29, 2017

Placement: Community Health Centre

Purpose: - Through a discussion with my supervisor, we came to

the conclusion that I can use my creativity to design one
Reason for completing the of the games with their initial ideas n mind.
task. This could be based on - To gain further experience, my supervisor wanted me to
an observation you made, a create a brief information sheet outlining the importance
conversation between you and of ages & stages and the NDDS.
your site supervisor, etc

Task: - Create info sheet around the Nipissing District

Developmental Screening Tool (NDDS)
What are you planning in o Including the importance of looking at ages &
response to your purpose? stages
- Label your task (e.g. Based on the using the information I
Bulletin board focused on found on the Nipissing, I condensed the
the importance of play- information into a user-friendly format. I
based learning). saved it as a word document so that it can
- What are your 3 objectives be easily accessible in the future.
for this experience? (i.e.
- Continued prepping for Healthy Kids activities
Why are creating a bulletin
board on the importance of o Began making display boards for Where Do I
play-based learning? What Grow? activity
message are you sending?) I mostly used paint to create the
background for the display board. The
background consists of a sun (with the
Describe the experience:
name of game in it), the sky, a tree, the
- List the materials and top layer of soil, the underground layer of
resources you will use soil, and a fence with vines.
- Describe the completion of
the task, with a step by step

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