Encounter Spicing Table

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How to make Combat Encounters more engaging.

This Chart is meant to be used in conjunction to other charts whenever I feel that the combat is too predictable and or to borin

Type of Encounter?

How many types of Enemies for encounter?

Glass Cannons
Crowd Control

What makes this encounter Unique?

If the DM can't think of something, then re-roll
Can't See Very Far?
Can't Shoot?
Can't Walk through?
Something Enemy Has?
Moral Dillemma?
Time sensative?
Risk for Bonus?
Dangerous Enviroment?
Clear Advantage?
tion to other charts whenever I feel that the combat is too predictable and or to boring

Roll 1d4
1d20 enemies at half party's level per party member 1
1 enemy of simular level per player. 1d4 difference of levels to play with 2
enemies hold a clear tactical advantage 3
1 higher level with 1d10 lower levels 4

Roll 1d4 then that many d6 to determin

Smashers, LP Sponges 1
Could be Assassins, Hackers, ect 2
Mages, Ki users, Demolitions and people who dole out damage 3
Snipers, Archers, Ect 4
Psychics, Mages, and other peepz that focus on messing with party 5
Medics, Healer Mages, and otherwise People who keep the group fighting 6

Examples Roll 1d12

Fog/ Night/ Heavy Rain/ Supernatural Light or Darkness/ Smokescreen 1
Heavy Wind/ Cluttered Terrain/ Forest/ Underwater 2
Trenches/ Ravine/ Cliff edge/ Choke Point/ Mine Field 3
Artifact/ Superiour Firepower/ Ect 4
Enemies have prisoners/ enemies turn out to be good guys/ Ect 5
Enemies holding out for reinforcements/ Bomb counting down/ Ect 6
Clear objective that if the players risk something, they can get edge in fight 7
Disease ridden/ Radioactive/ Quicksand/ anything where area is trying to kill you 8
Sometimes its just nice to allow your players beat the snot outta some baddies 9 or 10
Caught enemy with their pants down/ Sleeping/ and otherwise unprepared to fight 11 or 12
hen that many d6 to determine types

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