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Materials and Design 58 (2014) 305315

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The ballistic performance of metal plates subjected to impact

by projectiles of different strength
Deng Yunfei a,1, Zhang Wei b,, Yang Yonggang a, Wei Gang b
College of aeronautical Engineering, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin, 300300, PR China
Hypervelocity Impact Research Center, Harbin Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 3020, Science Park, No. 2 Yikuang Street, Nan Gang District, Harbin 150080, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper, the ballistic performance of monolithic, double- and three-layered steel plates impacted by
Received 2 November 2013 projectiles of different strength is experimentally investigated by a gas gun. The ballistic limit velocity for
Accepted 29 December 2013 each conguration target is obtained and compared based on the investigation of the effect of the number
Available online 10 January 2014
of layers and the strength of projectiles on the ballistic resistance. The results showed that monolithic
plates had higher ballistic limit velocities than multi-layered plates for projectiles of low strength regard-
Keywords: less their nose shape, and also the ballistic limit velocities of plates decreased with the increase of the
number of layers. Moreover, monolithic plates showed greater ballistic limit velocities than multi-layered
Failure model
plates for ogival-nosed projectiles of high strength, and also the ballistic limit velocities of plates
Layered plate decreased with the increase of the number of layers. However, monolithic plates had lower ballistic limit
Target velocities than multi-layered plates for blunt-nosed projectiles of high strength, and also the ballistic
limit velocities of plates increased with the increase of the number of layers. The differences in the bal-
listic limit velocities between various impact conditions can be related to the transitions of perforation
mechanisms and failure models of plates and projectiles.
2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction residual velocities of the projectiles for double-layered plates were

comparable to those of the single plates of equivalent thicknesses.
When a single plate is replaced by several layered plates, the However, the single plates offered more resistance against perfora-
number, thicknesses and order of layers, the air gap between lay- tion when the number of layers was increased. Ogival-nosed pro-
ers, the nose shape and strength of projectiles affect the failure jectiles were found to be the most efcient penetrator, but
models of plates that lead to the differences of ballistic perfor- hemispherical-nosed projectiles required maximum energy for
mance between different impact conditions. A lot of investigations perforation. Moreover, results of the nite element analysis were
have been conducted on the study of the ballistic resistance of compared with experiments and a good agreement was found.
monolithic and multi-layered plates experimentally, numerically, Radin and Goldsmith [5] compared the ballistic resistance of
and theoretically. monolithic and multi-layered aluminum plates that impacted by
Zhang and Deng et al. [13] carried out an extensive experi- blunt- and conical-nosed projectiles. It was found that the ballistic
ments on the monolithic and multi-layered steel plates struck by resistance of in-contact multi-layered plates was inferior to that of
blunt-, ogvial- and hemispherical-nosed projectiles of high monolithic plates of equal thickness, and also spaced multi-layered
strength in order to investigate the effect of the air gap between plates were less effective than in-contact multi-layered plates.
layers, the number, order and thickness of layers on the on the bal- Almohandes et al. [6] conducted an extensive experiments on mild
listic performance of plates. steel plates struck by standard bullet to investigate the effect of
Gupta et al. [4] investigated the ballistic performance of multi- target conguration on the ballistic performance. They concluded
layered aluminum plates under the impact of at-, ogival- and that monolithic plates were more effective than multi-layered
hemispherical-nosed steel projectiles. It was observed that the plates of equal thickness. Moreover, the ballistic resistance of
multi-layered plates decreased with the increase of the number
of the layers. The ballistic performance of double-layered plates
Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 451 86417978 13; fax: +86 451 864020 55.
can be enhanced by using a thicker back plate, and also in-contact
E-mail addresses: (D. Yunfei),
(Z. Wei). multi-layered plates had higher ballistic resistance than spaced
Tel.: +86 451 86417978 18; fax: +86 451 864020 55. multi-layered plates. Nurick and Walter [7] studied the ballistic
0261-3069/ 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
306 D. Yunfei et al. / Materials and Design 58 (2014) 305315

resistance of multi-layered steel plates using conical- and at- interpreted in relation to mass, radius, nose shape of projectile,
nosed projectiles. It was revealed that the ballistic limit velocities plate thickness and number of layers but not in relation to the duc-
of monolithic plates were 48% higher than those of the in-contact tility of the projectile material. In other words, the investigation on
multi-layered plates of equivalent thickness. Woodward and the projectile deformation and fracture behavior in the impact test
Cimpoeru [8] carried out experimental studies on multi-layered is limited and patchy. Especially, reports regarding the effect of
aluminum alloy plates of the same total thickness that perforated projectile strength on the failure and ballistic limit velocities of
by blunt- and conical-nosed projectiles. It revealed that multi-layered plates are few. In fact, the failure models of projec-
multi-layered plates of two equal plates presented the best perfor- tiles greatly affect the perforation efciency of projectiles and the
mance followed by multi-layered plates of a thicker front plate and ballistic performance of plates. So, further detailed studies, espe-
a thinner back plate, multi-layered plates of a thinner front plate cially experimental investigation is required. Thereby, this paper
and a thicker back plate. The monolithic plates were more effective will concentrate on the ballistic capacity of monolithic and
than multi-layered plates, and also these conclusions of blunt- multi-layered plates, where the varying factors will be the number
nosed projectiles were the same to those of conical projectiles. of layers in relation to the strength and nose shape of the
Marom and Bodner [9] carried out experimental and theoretical projectiles. To do this, the ballistic resistance of monolithic and
studies on the perforation behavior of multi-layered thin alumi- multi-layered plates of the same equivalent thickness against
num beams under impact by spherical-nosed bullet projectiles. blunt- and ogival-nosed projectiles impact is studied.
They concluded that the general order of the ballistic resistance
of the beam targets, starting with maximum, was multi-layered
at beams in contact, an equivalent weight uniform beam, and sep- 2. Experimental details
arated at beams of equal weight. Corran et al. [10] carried out a
series of experiments on the performance of multi-layered mild 2.1. Experimental setup
steel plates under impact of at projectiles. They found that the
in-contact layered plates were superior to the monolithic plates The impact tests were conducted in a one-stage gas gun at
whose energy absorption dominated by membrane stretching. Hypervelocity Impact Research Center in Harbin Institute of
Teng and Dey et al. [1113] recently reported comprehensive Technology, where the impact velocity was controlled directly by
experimental and numerical studies on the perforation resistance the gas pressure, as depicted in Fig. 1. Square targets with a side
of double-layered steel armor plates. They found that the ballistic of 230 mm were xed to a thick armor plate by means of eight
limit velocity of a double-layered shield was 30% higher than that bolts arranged on a 170 mm diameter pitch circle in the target
of the monolithic case in the case of a blunt-nosed projectile. How- chamber, as shown in Fig. 2.
ever, these advantages seemed to disappear when ogival-nosed A Photron FASTCAM SA5 high speed camera was used to record
projectiles were used. the process of projectile penetrating target and the projectile mo-
It appears from the above literature review that there have been tion. From the digital images, traveled distance, impact angle,
many papers which examined the deformation and failure behav- velocity and acceleration as a function of penetration time for
ior of plates that most focus on the rigid projectiles impact tests. the projectiles during penetration were obtained. The selected
However, the effect of deformation and failure behavior of projec- frame rate was 50,000 per second, so that a frame was taken every
tiles to the ballistic performance of steel plates is limited. It is
poses an interesting question: Under what kind of projectile im-
pact would a multi-layered shield be superior in the ballistic limit
velocity than a monolithic plate of the same total thickness?
Besides the studies of rigid projectiles, the deformable projec-
tiles were also used for the ballistic tests of monolithic plates.
Dongquan and Stronge [14] examined the effect of various param-
eters on the extent of global deformation and localized failure
mechanisms of the target plate that as a function of the relative
size of plate and projectiles, ow stress and fracture strain of the
plate, projectiles mass and deformability at impact velocities close
to the ballistic limit velocities. Chen et al. [15] constructed a rigid-
plastic model to assess the effect of a soft nose on the perforation
of metallic plates struck by stubby projectiles. Effects of transverse Fig. 1. Schematic of one-stage gas gun experimental system.
shear, bending and membrane deformations on the perforation
process were included in a rigid-plastic analysis. Chen et al. [16]
described experimental and numerical studies concerning the im-
pact of steel blunt-nosed projectiles against harder steel plates at
impact velocities between 200 and 800 m/s. Tang [17] investigated
the inuence of soft nose of projectiles on the perforation of steel
plates by experiments. The initiated ahead structural response of
target plate was benecial to decrease the relative impact velocity
between projectile and target and to increase the time duration of
perforation. Similarly, Kim et al. [18] carried out the numerical
simulations and experiments that indicated that the soft nose acts
as an energy absorber to be benecial for the integrity of projectile
structure in the perforation.
It is evident from the literature review, the assumption of non-
deformable (rigid) projectiles is usually employed in the analysis of
the ballistic resistance of monolithic and multi-layered plates, and
also the experimental data for the ballistic limit velocity has been Fig. 2. Target supports.
D. Yunfei et al. / Materials and Design 58 (2014) 305315 307

20 ls and the resolution was 512  128 pixels. A photocell detec-

tor system having two identical light-barriers with laser sources
and light-sensing photodiodes was used to correct aberrations that
may to appear in the high speed camera system. The velocities cal-
culated using the high-speed camera images were in close agree-
ment (within 12%) with those obtained by the photocell system

Fig. 4. Geometry of the smooth plate (unit: mm).

2.2. Sample specications

To examine the effects of various parameters on the ballistic


Engineering stress (MPa)

resistance, two groups of tests were conducted. The rst group of 800
tests consisted of ring hardened steel projectiles to plates. The 700
projectiles are made of 38CrSi. After machining, they are oil hard- 600
ened to a maximum Rockwell C value of 58 in order to prevent the 500
plastic deformation during impact process for projectiles of high 400
strength. The hardened steel projectiles experienced negligible 300 Test 1
200 Test 2
inelastic deformation during the impact process and consequently Test 3
can be considered as rigid projectiles. The high strength cylinder 100
projectiles have nominal average strength (HRC 53.1), diameter 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
(12.7 mm) and mass (34.5 g). A second group of tests were con- Engineering strain
ducted to examine the effect of deformability of ductile projectiles
on the perforation behavior and the ballistic limit velocities of Fig. 5. Engineering stressstrain curves.
plates. To achieve an extensive range of projectile deformation
characteristics, the tests in the second group were performed with
projectiles made of original 38CrSi, while nominal average strength The experimental results of the response of targets impacted by
about HRC 19.1 for projectiles of low strength [19]. The geometry ogival-nosed projectiles are presented in Tables 1 and 2. The im-
of blunt-nosed and ogival-nosed projectiles can be found in pact velocity vi, residual velocity vr, velocity drop vd = vivr, initial
Fig. 3(a and b). kinetic energy Ei and residual kinetic energy Er of projectiles, and
The target plates are made of 45 steel as mild carbon alloy steel, also energy absorbed by the targets Ea = EiEr are shown in the
whose yield stress and strength are about 714 MPa and 29 HRC Table 1. Moreover, the residual length lr, nal maximum diameter
after heat treatment. A series of tensile tests were performed on dmax and residual mass mr of projectiles of low strength after im-
smooth plates to determine strength of 45 steel based on Chinese pact are given in Table 2.
national standard of GB/T 228-2002 [20] that update from ISO The change in energy absorption and failure models of the pro-
6892:1998, as shown in Fig. 4. These tests provided typical true jectiles can induce the differences in ballistic limit velocities of tar-
stressstrain curves for the steel alloy to failure, as shown in gets. Comparing with the original, all the residual projectiles lose a
Fig. 5. The result is obtained from a standard quasi-static tensile little amount mass and their lengths shorten, and also the head of
test on a smooth axial-symmetric specimen at room temperature. projectiles obviously become blunter and bigger, as indicated in
The thickness of monolithic plate is 6 mm and the thicknesses Table 2. With increasing the impact velocity of projectiles, the loss
of layers of multi-layered plates are 2 and 3 mm, respectively. of length and mass of projectile become larger, and also the head of
For the investigation of the effect of the layering, ten congurations projectiles gradually become bigger. Consequently, as it is harder
are considered. In paper, the target code T3T3 indicates a in-con- for the projectiles of low strength to perforate the plates due to
tact double-layered target whose layers thickness are all 3 mm their plastic deformation, and also more energy is consumed for
and T2T2T2 represents a three-layered target whose layers thick- projectiles of low strength compared to projectiles of high strength
ness are all 2 mm, and also T6 denotes a monolithic target whose due to the change in deformation and failure model, which means
thickness is 6 mm. that there is increment in the ballistic limit velocities when projec-
tiles of low strength compared to projectiles of high strength. In
3. Experimental results addition, the plastic deformation and mass loss of projectiles of
low strength that perforate multi-layered plates are smaller than
With various combinations of the metal plates, a series of im- perforate monolithic plates. Thereby, the decrease of the plastic
pact tests were conducted on the gas gun. The ballistic resistance deformation for projectile of low strength seems to be one major
of targets is evaluated by comparing their ballistic limit velocities. reason for the decrease in the ballistic limit velocity when layering

Fig. 3. Geometry and dimensions for projectiles (unit: mm).

308 D. Yunfei et al. / Materials and Design 58 (2014) 305315

Table 1
Experimental results of ogival-nosed projectiles.

Impact type Target code vi (m/s) vr (m/s) vd (m/s) Ei (J) Er (J) Ea (J)
Projectiles of high strength T6 316.99 0 316.99 1733.33 0 1733.33
341.18 93.48 247.7 2007.97 150.74 1857.23
347.22 116.55 230.67 2079.69 234.32 1845.37
365.47 153.03 212.44 2304.05 403.96 1900.09
380.39 166.42 213.97 2496.02 477.75 2018.27
394.477 192.31 202.167 2684.31 637.96 2046.35
441.35 237.42 203.93 3360.12 972.35 2387.77
T3T3 291.38 0 291.38 1464.56 0 1464.57
328 128.21 199.79 1855.82 283.55 1572.27
356.13 170.94 185.19 2187.79 504.053 1683.74
420.43 253.59 166.84 3049.13 1109.31 1939.82
432.69 266.27 166.42 3229.56 1223.02 2006.54
480.77 320.51 160.26 3987.16 1772.04 2215.13
T2T2T2 261.31 0 261.31 1177.88 0 1177.88
293.69 140.97 152.72 1487.88 342.80 1145.08
300.36 110.13 190.23 1556.23 209.22 1347.01
372.76 238.62 134.14 2396.89 982.21 1414.68
416.06 293.69 122.37 2986.08 1487.88 1498.20
445.71 330.4 115.31 3426.84 1883.08 1543.76
474.42 330.4 144.02 3882.53 1883.08 1999.45
560.67 468.06 92.61 5422.55 3779.13 1643.42
Projectiles of low strength T6 434.78 0 434.78 3260.83 0 3260.83
487.45 53.11 434.34 4098.73 48.66 4050.07
507.25 163.04 344.21 4438.47 458.54 3979.93
513.83 144.93 368.9 4554.37 362.33 4192.04
531.4 163.04 368.36 4871.16 458.54 4412.62
543.48 204.6 338.88 5095.14 722.11 4373.04
553.36 217.39 335.97 5282.08 815.21 4466.87
559.01 217.39 341.62 5390.49 815.21 4575.28
615.94 273.63 342.31 6544.34 1291.57 5252.78
T3T3 347.83 0 347.83 2087.00 0 2087.00
362.32 40.92 321.4 2264.51 28.88 2235.623
376.81 81.06 295.75 2449.26 113.35 2335.91
383.63 60.66 322.97 2538.72 63.47 2475.24
395.26 122.63 272.63 2694.98 259.41 2435.57
440 155.28 284.72 3339.6 415.93 2923.67
465.84 207.94 257.9 3743.37 745.87 2997.50
507.24 281.33 225.9164 4438.41 1365.28 3073.13

Table 2 v r av pi  v pbl 1=p 1

Experimental results of ogival-niosed projectiles of low strength.

Impact type vi (m/s) vr (m/s) lr (m/s) dmax (mm) mr (g) Here, the ballistic limit velocities vbl are always taken directly from
T6 434.78 0 33.51 14.96 33.57 the experimental data. In the original model a = mp/(mp + mpl),
487.45 53.11 33.46 15.19 32.09 where mp and mpl are the masses of the projectiles and plugs, both
507.25 163.04 33.56 15.56 32.45 a and p are tted to the experimental results by using the method of
521.74 144.93 32.52 15.48 32 least squares. The values of a, p and vbl obtained from the experi-
531.4 163.04 33.17 16 32.3
543.48 204.6 33.83 16.16 32.3
mental data by Eq. (1) are given in Table 3.
553.36 217.29 32.56 16.34 31.88 Based on the result of impact tests, the initial velocity vs. resid-
559.01 217.39 32.77 16.21 31.75 ual velocity curves of the projectiles are constructed and com-
615.94 273.63 32.45 17.05 31.78 pared, as shown in Figs. 6 and 7, where the solid lines through
T3T3 347.83 0 39.56 12.86 33.61
the data points are tted to Eq. (1) It should be noticed that the
362.32 40.92 39.33 12.91 33.55
376.81 81.06 39.12 12.95 33.48 experimental data of blunt-nosed projectiles have been presented
383.63 60.66 38.83 13.02 33.3 before [23], and also is therefore mainly given for comparison. It is
395.26 122.63 38.29 13.28 33.6 seen from the initial-residual velocity curves that the impact veloc-
440 155.28 38.61 13.16 33.58 ity, nose shape and yield strength of projectiles signicantly affect
465.84 207.94 38.88 13.34 33.43
507.2464 281.33 38.64 13.45 34.28
the ballistic resistance of plates.
From Figs. 6 and 7 and Table 3, it can be concluded that the
number of layers and the strength of projectiles signicantly affect
the ballistic resistance of targets. The observations illustrate that
the plates. Moreover, the mass loss of blunt-nosed projectiles is the initial-residual velocity curves for projectiles of high strength
bigger than that of ogival-nosed projectiles of low strength under seem to be rather close and parallel as the impact velocities be-
the same impact condition. come high compared to the respective ballistic limit velocities,
The ballistic resistance of plates is evaluated by comparing their especially for blunt-nosed projectiles of high strength. Namely,
ballistic limit velocities. The ballistic limit velocity is calculated as the inuence of target conguration on the ballistic resistance de-
the average between the highest impact velocity not giving perfo- creases with the increase of the impact velocity. For projectiles of
ration and the lowest impact velocity giving complete perforation low strength, on the other hand, the distance between the curves
of the target [21].The ballistic limit velocity is tted to an analytical seems to bigger than those of projectiles of high strength, this is
model originally proposed by Recht and Ipson [22]. also to say that the effect of layering is less distinct for projectiles
D. Yunfei et al. / Materials and Design 58 (2014) 305315 309

Table 3
Ballistic limit velocities and model constants of targets (vbl: m/s).

Blunt-nosed projectiles Ogival-nosed projectiles

High strength Low strength High strength Low strength
T6 T3T3 T2T2T2 T6 T3T3 T6 T3T3 T2T2T2 T6 T3T3
a 0.82 0.76 0.72 0.8 0.71 0.7 0.84 0.96 0.6 0.76
p 2.1 2.95 2.95 2.45 2.4 2.45 2.05 1.98 2.61 2
vbl 215 237.5 252 485.4 424 325 294.6 276.5 482.5 358.5

350 400 Experimental data of T6

Experimental data of T3T3
Residual velocity (m/s)

Residual velocity (m/s)

300 350 Experimental data of T2T2T2
250 300
Experimental data of T6 150
100 Experimental data of T3T3 100
50 Experimental data of T2T2T2 50
0 0
250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Initial velocity (m/s) Initial velocity (m/s)
(a) Ogival-nosed projectiles; (b) Blunt-nosed projectiles
Fig. 6. Residual velocities vs. initial velocities for projectiles of high strength.

400 Experimenatal data of T6

Experimenatal data of T3T3 Experimental data of T6
Residual velocity (m/s)

350 400
Residual velocity (m/s)

Experimental data of T3T3

300 350
250 300
100 100
50 50
0 0
300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 400 450 500 550 600 650 700
Initial velocity (m/s) Initial velocity (m/s)
(a) Ogival-nosed projectiles; (b) Blunt-nosed projectiles
Fig. 7. Residual velocities vs. initial velocities for projectiles of low strength.

of high strength than projectiles of low strength. The obvious rea- compared with T6. However, the ballistic limit velocity of T6 is
son for this is that the projectiles of low strength yield plastic 485.4 m/s and that of T3T3 is 424 m/s for blunt-nosed projectiles
deformation during impact as discussed above, while the plastic of low strength, so the increment in the ballistic limit velocity of
deformation can be neglected in projectiles of high strength after 14.5% is found when T6 compared to T3T3, and also the ballistic
perforation. It should be noticed that the residual velocity curve limit velocity is decreased when using multi-layered plates instead
for T6 exceeds that of T3T3 at the highest impact velocities when of monolithic plates. From above analyses, it indicates that the
impacted by blunt-nosed projectiles of low strength, and also it change in the ballistic limit velocity is less distinct for blunt-nosed
indicates that even though the ballistic resistance is higher for T6 projectiles of high strength than those of low strength when using
than for T3T3 at impact velocities close to the ballistic limit veloc- multi-layered plates instead of monolithic plates.
ities, the situation is opposite at higher velocities. A similar behav- The results clearly show that the ballistic limit velocities of
ior is seen between T6 and T3T3 for blunt-nosed projectiles of high plates increase with the increase of the number of layers for
strength, so the initial impact velocities of projectiles has greatly blunt-nosed projectiles of high strength, while the opposite trend
inuence on the ballistic resistance of plates. is seen for ogival-nosed projectiles of high strength. For ogival-
For blunt-nosed projectiles of high strength, the ballistic limit nosed projectiles of high strength, the ballistic limit velocities of
velocities of plates increase with the increase of the number of lay- plates decrease with the increase of the number of layers. For
ers, so the ballistic limit velocity is enhanced when using multi- example, the ballistic limit velocity of T6 is 325 m/s and that of
layered plates instead of monolithic plates. For example, the ballis- T3T3 is 294.6 m/s, and also that of T2T2T2 is 276.5 m/s, so the
tic limit velocity of T6 is 215 m/s and that of T3T3 is 237.5 m/s, and increment in the ballistic limit velocity of 10.3% and 17.5% are ob-
also that of T2T2T2 is 252 m/s, so the increment in the ballistic lim- tained when T6 compared with T3T3 and T2T2T2. Therefore, it can
it velocity of 10.5% and 17.2% are obtained when T3T3 and T2T2T2 be concluded that the ballistic limit velocities are decreased when
310 D. Yunfei et al. / Materials and Design 58 (2014) 305315

using multi-layered plates instead of monolithic plates. And also

Ballistic limit velocity (m/s)

550 Projectiles of high strength
for ogival-nosed projectiles of low strength, the ballistic limit Projectiles of low strength
velocities are decreased when using multi-layered plates instead 500
of monolithic plates. For example, the ballistic limit velocity is 400
482.5 m/s for T6 and 358.5 m/s for T3T3. Thus, an increment in 350
the ballistic limit velocity of 34.5% is found when T6 compared 300
to T3T3. From above analyses, it indicates that the change in ballis- 250
tic limit velocity is less distinct for ogival-nosed projectiles of high 200
strength than those of low strength when using multi-layered 100
plates instead of monolithic plates. T6-B T3T3-B T6-O T3T3-O
The strength of projectiles greatly inuences the ballistic limit Target configuration
velocities of plates, and also the effect of strength is in related to
Fig. 8. Comparisons of the ballistic limit velocities of T6 and T3T3.
the nose shape of projectiles, as shown in Table 3. The experimen-
tal results indicate that the projectiles of high strength are further
stronger than projectiles of low strength. For blunt-nosed projec- ogival-nosed projectiles of low strength under the same impact
tiles, an increment in the ballistic limit velocity of 104.4% is found condition as analyzed above.
for T6 when projectiles of low strength compared to projectiles of The inuence of the impact velocity on velocity and kinetic en-
high strength, and also an increment of 78.5% is obtained for T3T3 ergy variable is depicted in Fig. 9.
when projectiles of low strength compared to projectiles of high Fig. 10, the solid lines through the data points have been calcu-
strength. Moreover, for ogival-nosed projectiles, an increment in lated using the initial vs. residual velocity curves obtained from the
the ballistic limit velocity of 48.5% for T6 is found when projectiles RechtIpson model [21], where the T6-O and T6-B represent tests
of low strength compared to projectiles of high strength, and also of T6 impacted by ogival-nosed and bunt-nosed projectiles respec-
the increment of 21.7% is obtained for T3T3 when projectiles of tively, and also the same to T3T3-O and T3T3-B. The kinetic energy
low strength compared to projectiles of high strength. From above absorbed by the plates increase with the increase of the initial pro-
analyses, it reveals that the ballistic limit velocities of blunt-nosed jectile velocity, as shown in Fig. 9(a).
projectiles are more sensitive to their strength than those of ogival- Fig. 10(a), the decrease of the impact velocity of projectiles (Vi)
nosed projectiles. results in the signicant increase of velocity degradation, as shown
The nose shape of projectiles greatly inuences the ballistic lim- in Fig. 9(b).
it velocities of plates, and also the effect of nose shape is in related Fig. 10(b), the velocity variable vs. initial velocity curves exhibit
to the strength of projectiles. For example, the increment in the almost discontinuous jump close to the ballistic limit velocities.
ballistic limit velocity of 51.2%, 24.1% and 9.7% are obtained for
T6, T3T3 and T2T2T2 when ogival-nosed projectiles compared with 4. Failure mechanisms
blunt-nosed projectiles of the same high strength, so the ballistic
limit velocities of blunt-nosed projectiles are smaller than those The different failure models may be developed in a target by
of ogival-nosed projectiles, especially for the monolithic plates. changing the impact condition. A failure model with higher energy
However, the increment in the ballistic limit velocity of 0.6% and absorption can signicantly improve the ballistic resistance of a
18.3% are obtained for T6 and T3T3 when blunt-nosed projectiles shield. The difference in target capacity between different congu-
compared with ogival-nosed projectiles of the same low strength, rations can be related to the transition in deformation mechanism
so the ballistic limit velocities of blunt-nosed projectiles are bigger and failure models. In general, the effect of projectile on the target
than those of ogival-nosed projectiles, especially for the multi- plates varies with various parameters such as strength, impact
layered plates, as depicted in Table 3. velocity and nose angle or nose radius of the projectile. Moreover,
From above analyses, it reveals that the layering effect of plates the interaction of the perforation process with overall structural
for the projectiles of low strength is signicantly bigger than that deformation and the localized mechanism of perforation is an
of projectiles of high strength, especially for ogival-nosed projec- important aspect in analyzing the multi-layered plate problem.
tiles, as shown in Fig. 8. This is because that the mass loss and Fig. 11 shows some high-speed camera images of the
deformation of blunt-nosed projectiles is bigger than those of perforation process for plates struck ogival-nosed projectiles of

3000 T6-B T6-B

T3T3-B 400 T3T3-B
Kinetic energy variable (J)

T2T2T2-B T2T2T2-B
Velocity variable (m/s)

T6-O T6-O
T3T3-O T3T3-O
T2T2T2-O 300 T2T2T2-O
T6-H T6-H
2000 T3T3-H T3T3-H
T2T2T2-H T2T2T2-H
1500 200

200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500
Initial velocity (m/s) Initial velocity (m/s)
(a) Kinetic energy variable vs. initial (b) Velocity variable vs. initial velocity
Fig. 9. Velocity and kinetic energy variable of projectiles of high strength vs. initial velocity.
D. Yunfei et al. / Materials and Design 58 (2014) 305315 311

T6-O 500 T6-O

Kinetic energy variable (J)

6000 T3T3-O T3T3-O

Velocity variable (m/s)

T6-B T6-B
T3T3-B T3T3-B


3000 300

400 500 600 700 400 500 600 700
Initial velocity (m/s) Initial velocity (m/s)
(a) Kinetic energy variable vs. initial
(b) Velocity variable vs. initial
Fig. 10. Velocity and kinetic energy variable of projectiles of low strength vs. initial velocity.

high strength. Note that the given times refer to the image taken In addition, the petals of the rst layer are smaller but more than
closest to the assumed time of impact. Ogival-nosed projectiles the second layer which is in turn than the next layer. The second
seem to penetrate the plate mainly by ductile hole enlargement, layer deforms more than the rst layer, the thinning of material
pushing the material in front of the projectile aside. No plug is seen on the bulge is found except the last layer which due to the com-
in any test for ogival-nosed projectiles, but petals are formed on pression between the projectile and the next layer. Furthermore,
rear side of the indentation. the global deformation of plates increases with the increase of
Photographs of some typical target plates impacted by ogival- the number of layers for a given total thickness, as shown in
nosed projectiles of high strength are given in Fig. 12. For mono- Fig. 12(b and c). From above analyses, it can be seen that the tran-
lithic plates, the plates failed by hole enlargement that the domi- sitions of failure models seen for plates impacted by blunt-nosed
nant failure models are signicant localized bulging and petaling projectiles do not take place when impacted by ogival-nosed pro-
which involve bending and stretch tearing. jectiles [22], this is also to say that the dominant response does
While for multi-layered plates, the failure models of layers de- not change when using multi-layered plates instead of monolithic
pend on their set up. For example, the failure mechanism in the plates that the plates response are dominated by bulging and
rst layer of T3T3 is severely localized bulging with small cracks petaling, while the different trend is seen for tests of blunt-nosed
on the tip, whereas in the second layer is localized bulging and projectiles of high strength.
petaling, and also the petals of the second layer is greater than that In the sub-ordnance impact speed range, previous experiments
of the rst layer, but the number of petals of the second layer is sig- focused on effects of plate material properties and the relative size
nicantly fewer than that of the rst layer. Moreover, the perfora- of projectiles and plate. The effect of projectile deformability was
tion mechanism and failure models of plates of T2T2T2 are the neglected by using a very hard projectile so there was little plastic
same to those of T3T3, namely, the plate deformation are domi- deformation generated in the projectile during the impact process.
nated by localized bulging and petaling with small global response. In this present investigation, monolithic and multi-layered plates

Fig. 11. Selection of high-speed camera images showing perforation of plates impacted by ogival-nosed projectiles of high strength. (a) T6, vi = 341.2 m/s, vr = 93.5 m/s;
(b) T3T3, vi = 432.7 m/s, vr = 266.3 m/s; (b) T2T2T2, vi = 474.4 m/s, vr = 330.4 m/s.
312 D. Yunfei et al. / Materials and Design 58 (2014) 305315

Fig. 12. Deformed plates after impacted by ogival-nosed projectiles of high strength (a) T6, vi = 365.47 m/s, vr = 153.03 m/s; (b) T3T3, vi = 420.43 m/s, vr = 253.59 m/s;
(c) T2T2T2, vi = 372.76 m/s, vr = 238.62 m/s.

impacted by projectiles of low strength are also considered in order caused failure by plugged, and also the plugs are seen to be both
to investigate the inuence of yield strength of projectiles on the smooth and cylindrical that like caps. It is noticed that the plugs
failure models and ballistic resistance of plates. Some typical have a signicant bulge on the distal side, and also a stretch zone
high-speed camera images from the impact tests when plates im- height is observed on the surface of the plug, as shown in
pacted by ogival-nosed projectiles of low strength are given in Fig. 14(b). In addition, comparing with the original, all the residual
Fig. 13. The projectiles of low strength yield obvious deformation projectiles lose a little amount mass and their lengths shorten. The
after impact the plates, and also the nose shape of projectiles head of projectile obviously become blunter and look like a mush-
changes from ogive to hemisphere that somewhat like a cap. In room cylinder with a smooth spherical cap, this is because of the
addition, a visible plug is detected for the monolithic plate, as strength of projectile smaller than that of plate that the projectile
shown in Fig. 13(a). Moreover, there are some fragments are found yields deformation during impacting, and also the deformation in-
for the double-layered plates, as shown in Fig. 13(b). creases the area of the contact surface between projectile and plate
Photographs of monolithic and double-layered plates after im- that increases the resistance force to projectile. The dominant fail-
pacted by projectiles of low strength are given in Figs. 14 and 15, ure models of plates are bulging, where the failure is caused by
and also signicant differences in the failure models during perfo- plugging due to intense stretch stress. It should be noticed that
ration are detected. When monolithic plates subjected to the im- the frontal side of indentation is smooth while the rear side of
pact of ogival-nosed projectiles of low strength, the plates are indentation is coarse, as depicted in second picture in

Fig. 13. Selection of high-speed camera images showing perforation of plates impacted by ogival-nosed projectiles of low strength (a) T6: vi = 559.01 m/s; vr = 217.39 m/s; (b)
T3T3: vi = 496.89 m/s; vr = 289.86 m/s.
D. Yunfei et al. / Materials and Design 58 (2014) 305315 313

Fig. 14. Deformed specimens of monolithic plates after impacted by low strength ogival-nosed projectiles (a) vi = 535.12 m/s; vr = 31.06 m/s; (b) vi = 543.48 m/s; vr = 204.6 m/s;
(c) vi = 553.36 m/s; vr = 217.29 m/s.

Fig. 15. Deformed specimens of double-layered plates after impacted by ogival-nosed projectiles of low strength (a) vi = 347.83 m/s; vr = 0 m/s; (b) vi = 502 m/s; vr = 281 m/s;
(c) vi = 362 m/s; vr = 79 m/s.

Fig. 14(b and c), where the impact velocities are high. The photo- plate thickness to the third power, for example, the thickness of
graphs reveal that small cracks start to grow in front of projectile T6 is three times thicker than T2, so the stiffness of T6 is 27 times
from the initial impact, then the cracks propagate toward the rear the size of T2. When the T6 and T2T2T2 bear the same impact
side of the target plate and a plug is formed. However, the visible force, the T2T2T2 is much easier to yield deformation than T6, so
cracks are irregular when the impact velocity is relative low, as the ballistic resistance of T6 is signicantly bigger than that of
shown in Fig. 14(a). T2T2T2, which is possibly the main reason for the increment in bal-
Relating to the double-layered plates against the impact of pro- listic limit velocity when T6 compared with T2T2T2, and also the
jectiles of low strength, the plates are also caused failure by plug- plastic deformation and mass loss of projectiles of low strength
ging that two plugs with reduced thickness and diameter are that perforate multi-layered plates are smaller than perforate
detected, and also the global deformation is larger than that of monolithic plates. Thereby, the number of layers has great inu-
monolithic plates, as shown in Fig. 15. The projectiles cause failure ence on the ballistic resistance of plates if the total thicknesses
by plugging due to stretch and bend the material in contact with are equal.
projectiles that resulting in circular indentations in the plates that
cracks are detected near the indentations, and also thinning before 5. Discussion
fracture can be clearly observed in the rst plates. The second plates
deform much more than the rst plates. Furthermore, the projec- In this paper, the ballistic tests are conducted to investigate the
tiles become shorter and blunter that the nose shape changes from inuence of nose shape and strength of projectile on the ballistic
ogive to somewhat like hemisphere. Moreover, the gures also performance of monolithic and multi-layered plates. There are dif-
show that the dominant failure models of plates are bulging. From ferences in the ballistic resistance between monolithic and multi-
above analyses, it reveals that there is not transition in dominant layered plates of the same total thickness under various impact
failure models can be observed when using multi-layered plates conditions. The results indicate that monolithic plates have higher
instead of monolithic plates for ogival-nosed projectiles of low ballistic limit velocities than multi-layered plates for ogival-nosed
strength that the dominant failure models are bulging. projectiles regardless their strength, so layering plates decrease the
The difference of the ballistic limit velocities between targets ballistic limit velocities of plates, this conclusion is in agreement
with various numbers of layers can also be related to the change with the dominant previous work [2,46,8,12,23,25] where the
in bend stiffness between layers. The bending stiffness of plate projectiles with high strength. However, the monolithic plates
K = ET3/12(1v2) [24], where E is the elastic modulus, T, the plate have lower ballistic limit velocities than multi-layered plates of
thickness, and v, Poissons ratio. Since bending stiffness follows the same total thickness for blunt-nosed projectile of high strength
314 D. Yunfei et al. / Materials and Design 58 (2014) 305315

is in agreement with Refs. [12,1], but it is opposite to Refs. the other hand, the monolithic plates give greater ballistic
[1,4,5,7,8,10] that the total thicknesses are small. In addition, the limit velocities than multi-layered plates for projectiles of
different results are also found for blunt-nosed projectiles of low low strength regardless their nose shape, and also the ballis-
strength that monolithic plates have higher ballistic limit velocities tic limit velocities decrease with the increase of the number
than multi-layered plates of the same total thickness. From above of layers. The differences in the ballistic limit velocities
analyses, it is also reveals that the monolithic plates have higher between various impact conditions can be related to the
ballistic limit velocities than multi-layered plates for projectiles transitions of perforation mechanism and failure models of
of low strength regardless their nose shape. Furthermore, the dif- plates and projectiles. Moreover, the change in the ballistic
ference of the ballistic limit velocities between plates with various limit velocities is less distinct for high strength than for
numbers of layers can be related to the change in bend stiffness be- low strength projectiles when using the multi-layered plates
tween layers and the transitions in deformation mechanism and instead of monolithic plates, so the layering effect of plates
failure models of plates. for the projectiles of low strength is signicantly bigger than
The contrary nding of layering effect is an interesting phenom- projectiles of high strength, especially for ogival-nosed
enon due to the different transitions of the dominant failure mod- projectiles.
els and energy dissipation manners between monolithic plates and (2) The strength of projectiles greatly inuences the ballistic
multi-layered plates, which is in relation to the nose shape and limit velocities of plates, and also the effect of strength is
strength of projectiles. In other words, the difference in target in related to the nose shape of projectiles. The projectiles
capacity with different impact conditions can be related to the of high strength are further stronger than projectiles of
change in deformation and failure models. A failure model with low strength, and also the ballistic limit velocities of blunt-
higher energy absorption can signicantly improve the ballistic nosed projectiles are more sensitive to their strength than
resistance of a target. The dominant failure models change from those of ogival-nosed projectile
shearing to tensile stretching and bending which absorb more (3) The nose shape of projectiles greatly inuences the ballistic
kinetic energy of projectile when using multi-layered plates in- limit velocities of plates, and also the effect of nose shape is
stead of monolithic plates for blunt-nosed projectiles of high in related to the strength of projectiles. The ballistic limit
strength, namely, the bending and stretching action can be en- velocities of blunt-nosed projectiles are smaller than those
hanced and thus the multi-layered plates may undergo consider- of ogival-nosed projectiles of the same high strength, espe-
able deformation before fracture, so the ballistic limit velocities cially for the monolithic plates. However, the ballistic limit
of monolithic plates are smaller than those of multi-layered plates. velocities of blunt-nosed projectiles are bigger than those
However, there is no change in energy dissipation models when of ogival-nosed projectiles of the same low strength, espe-
moving from monolithic plate to a multi-layered plate for blunt- cially for the multi-layered plates.
nosed projectiles of low strength and ogival-nosed projectiles (4) The inuence of plate congurations on the ballistic resis-
regardless of their strength. Furthermore, the bending stiffness of tance decreases with the increase of the impact velocity.
multi-layered plates is signicantly smaller that of monolithic The observations illustrate that the initial-residual velocity
plates that result in the decrease of ballistic resistance to projec- curves for projectiles of high strength seem to be rather
tiles, so the ballistic limit velocities of monolithic plates are bigger close and parallel as the impact velocity becomes high com-
than those of multi-layered plates, and also the ballistic limit pared to the respective ballistic limit velocities, especially
velocities of plates decrease with the increase of the number of for blunt-nosed projectiles of high strength.
The strength of projectiles has great inuence on the ballistic lim-
it velocities of targets. It can be concluded that the ballistic limit Acknowledgement
velocities of blunt-nosed projectiles are smaller than those of
ogival-nosed projectiles of the same high strength, especially for The authors would like to thank the National Natural Science
the monolithic plates, which is in agreement in nding in Refs. Foundation of China (No. 11072072) for supporting this present
[1113,2628], but it is opposite to the results in Refs. work.
[4,5,7,8,29,30] when the total thickness when the total thickness is
small. However, the ballistic limit velocities of blunt-nosed projec-
Appendix A. Supplementary material
tiles are bigger than those of ogival-nosed projectiles of the same
low strength, especially for the multi-layered plates.
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
the online version, at
6. Conclusions 073.

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