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The intensification and modernization of agricultural production is associated with use of

better farm implements and increased power utilization (mechanization). Mechanization
involves the design, development, use and management of improved mechanical means in
crop production, materials handling and processing. Mechanization can improve efficiency of
production by expanding the scope of production and will result in value added products.
Nonetheless, the primary objective of agricultural mechanization, in Ethiopia, should not be to
save labour, but rather to expedite timeconsuming farm operations and to limit the period of
idleness of land. At the same time, it must reduce servitude and drudgery and promote
productivity. The goal must be to achieve maximum production per unit land and labour.
Thus, the major challenge before us is the development and provision or introduction of
proper machines and implements and mechanization strategies for increasing agricultural

Tools, implements, equipment and powered machinery, are essential and major inputs in
agriculture. Hence, the demand for better machinery, implements and tools, required in crop
and livestock production, will be enormous in the years to come. This demand will not be only
by the smallholder farmers; it will also include private investors who wish to engage
themselves in agriculture. However, it must be noted that, in the past, misunderstood
concepts and inappropriate design or selection and use of certain mechanization inputs
(mainly tractors and heavy machinery) have, in many parts of the world, led to heavy financial
losses and lowered agricultural production as well as contributed to environmental
degradation. In many developing countries, ambitious politically motivated tractor schemes
have often become a burden to the national budget and the farming community rather than
being a productive input.

Trainings in the areas of agricultural machinery design, manufacturing and evaluation

(machinery engineering) or selection, procurement and efficient utilization of agricultural
machinery and mechanization policy and strategy formulation are either lacking or
nonexistent. In most cases, agricultural engineers with very limited course work and
experience are assigned to work as agricultural machinery engineers or agricultural
mechanization experts in almost all institutions and organizations. As a result, the
development of agricultural machineries appropriate to Ethiopian condition has been very
slow and attempts made to disseminate and get technologies adopted have been exercises
in futility almost in all cases. There could be so many reasons for very limited success in
mechanizing the Ethiopian agriculture. Among others, failure to identify farmers needs,
design and implementation of inappropriate mechanization strategy, poor marketing systems,
lack of credit, poor extension service, socioeconomic constraints, design and production of
low quality, poor appearance, or unnecessarily complicated machines and implements or
incompatibility between the available power and machines requirement could be mentioned.

The main reason for the design and production of low quality, poor appearance or high power
or draft requiring machines and implements was lack of sound knowledge in design,
manufacturing and proper performance evaluation of agricultural tools, implements,
equipment and powered machinery and their components. Furthermore, implements and
machines locally made and used are simply copies of prototypes developed elsewhere
without proper evaluation. It is becoming very difficult and unthinkable even to obtain proper
drawings of agricultural machinery and implements produced at home. Safety and durability
of machines lack due considerations and it appears that these are left for almighty God.
Above all, there are tendencies, on the part of the designers, to consider the machinery
developed to be perfect and final. Hence, there is no persistence and continued effort to
develop the technologies further, and this is a common phenomenon in the institutions of
higher learning and research; no follow up or exchange of experience with the view to
improve the machinery and/or implements.

The agriculture scenario in the post military government era has changed Ethiopian
agriculture considerably. Commercialization of agriculture (crop and livestock) to the extent
never witnessed before, introduction of large scale flower and vegetable farms primarily for
export purpose, and establishment of new and expansion of the existing sugar estates are
very recent phenomenon, in Ethiopia, that require tangible and sustained changes in modes
and modalities of agricultural production, processing and marketing. These changes in turn
demand for rapid modernization of Ethiopian agriculture so that our farm produce meets not
only national but international quality standards, is produced at internationally competitive
price and is sustainable. This, therefore, calls for developing appropriate technology and
imparting proper training to the farmers (commercial and subsistence) and, which is possible
only if the graduates produced by the universities are themselves properly educated in the
areas of engineering and technology as applicable to agriculture. This becomes more
important at the post-graduate level where they have not only to learn the recent advances in
their subject but have also to be trained in the modern and latest techniques in their
disciplines so that they can participate and contribute in the development and advancement
of the Ethiopian agriculture.

Keeping the above in view, the Ministry of Education which is vested with the responsibilities
of guiding and coordinating higher education in the country took several steps to ensure
quality education to meet the ever changing national and global scenarios in agriculture and
allied sciences. Some of these steps were to set up an Accreditation Board, Higher
Education Relevance and Quality Assurance Centre, Higher Education Strategy Center, etc.
Among other things, the Ministry makes periodically assessment of the curricula of various
educational programmes offered by the universities at home and suggests modifications or
initiation of new programmes to meet the national demands in the deferent areas of arts,
sciences and technology. In this regarded, the Ministry of Education, up on the request of the
Ministry of Water and Energy and the Ethiopian Sugar Corporation, instructed the Haramaya
University to develop curricula in Sugar Mechanization, Irrigation Agronomy, Irrigation
Engineering and Energy Economics at MSc level. Fortunately, the Haramaya University has
curricula already developed and implemented for a number of years in the areas of irrigation
engineering (MSc & PhD), irrigation agronomy (MSc) and agricultural machinery engineering
and mechanization (MSc). The curricula of almost all programmes stated above had been
reviewed very recently and await the approval of the Senate of the University.

Agricultural machinery engineering is a predominant discipline involved in the design,

manufacturing, evaluation and popularization of farm machinery and implements that can be
used by farmers. Significant engineering contributions may include labour-saving devices,
tools for better workmanship, material handling equipment, and a variety of instruments to
monitor and control various processes. On the other hand, deciding on the level of
mechanization, thereafter the selection, procurement, utilization, proper and scheduled
maintenance, repair and replacement of machines, implements and equipment to achieve
predefined and set goals require knowledge in the science and art of agricultural

The revised curricula have set of core, optional and supporting courses as the case may be.
In both programmes, agricultural machinery engineering and agricultural mechanization, the
courses have been modified to bring uniformity in the course contents, keep the training
programmes up to-date and abreast with the needs and requirements of the stakeholders.

Relevant books and other publications have been provided for most courses. However, these
books and literatures are those which came to our knowledge. It is hoped that course
instructor(s) will add many more books/publications/teaching materials to those already listed
to develop a successful teaching program (Annex 1).


Federal and regional research institutes, Ministry and bureaus of agriculture, higher
learning institutes and the private sectors who are involved in use or manufacturing,
importation and distribution of agricultural machinery are demanding to initiate training
programmes in the areas of agricultural machinery engineering and agricultural

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has launched development programs in

the areas sugar, cotton, vegetables, fruit and other crops production. The new and
expansion projects underway will definity require professionals in the areas of
agricultural machinery and power unit design, manufacturing, marketing, selection,
procurement, use and management of machinery and equipment and strategy
formulation concerning the future of agricultural mechanization in Ethiopia.

The Ethiopian Sugar Corporation, following its establishment, has launched short and
long term capacity building programs targeted to support the large scale sugar
development in the country. Capacity building shall focus on research and human
resource development in sugarcane production, sugar industry and support services
related to financial management. In this regard, the Corporation, through the Ministry
of Education, had requested the Haramaya University to develop a curriculum and
initiate an MSc level training in the area of Sugar Mechanization.

Hence, the curricula in agricultural machinery engineering and mechanization were revised
and made ready to positively respond to the national call by addressing the issue of trained
manpower in agricultural machinery engineering and mechanization.

Abay said government has given due attention to sugar development with the
objective of becoming one of the top 10 sugar exporters in the world. He called on
universities to work hand in glove with the Corporation to help the nation make the
most advantage of the sector. He urged them to work closely with the sugar industry
including in generating skilled human power for the sector thereby boosting its
competitiveness on the international market.
Source: - Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency, Friday, 23 March 2012



Agricultural Machinery Engineering and Mechanization Programmes will strive to become a

leading and a unique programme of higher learning, offering state of the art education,
research and training in technology, management and societal development.


The mission of Agricultural Machinery Engineering and Mechanization Programmes in the

context of the emerging environment is "to develop highly qualified and committed
professionals who will play a leading role in the sustainable development of the Ethiopian
agriculture and its integration into the fast growing national economy and make it the sole
contributor to the growth and transformation programme".


The general objectives of the graduate programmes, in Agricultural Machinery Design and
Mechanization, is to train qualified and competent personnel who can design, manufacture,
evaluate and/or manage farm machines and implement effectively and efficiently. The
specific objectives are: -
To educate students to become creative, inquisitive, industrious in agricultural
machinery engineering and mechanization, donated with design, production,
performance evaluation and selection, management and effective and safe operation
of agricultural machines.

To provide an advance course of study that includes theory and practice of

agricultural mechanization and implement design;

To provide opportunity for independent studies in search of solution to current

problems of agricultural mechanization and agricultural machinery design, production,
evaluation and introduction;

To perform research and development activities that will solve pressing problems of
the farmers at all level through generation and dissemination of technologies;

To advance inter-disciplinary research in broad context of agriculture to promote and

uphold productivity of Ethiopian agricultural; and

To document research findings and disseminate the same among universities,

researchers institutes, and all concerned with agricultural mechanization, implements
design, production and marketing.


Educate graduate students to become creative, inquisitive, and industrious in

agricultural machinery engineering and mechanization; donated with design,
manufacturing and performance evaluation, and selection, effective and safe use and
management agricultural machines.

Perform research and development activities that will contribute to the development of
science and technology;

Lead and pioneer development endeavours and efforts in agriculture machinery

engineering and mechanization; and

Provide timely and vital information to the policy makers and machine and power unit
manufacturers, dealers, and farmers about the agricultural machines and
mechanization strategies.



KNOWLEDGE: Competent in design, manufacturing, performance evaluation, selection,

procurement, and management of agricultural machine, implements and
power sources. Capable of teaching, conducting research, formulating and
developing viable and vital policies and strategies.

SKILLS: Equipped with the knowledge and skills in evaluation, selection, demonstration,
popularization and dissemination of appropriate farm implements, machinery and
power sources.

ATTITUDE: A person of higher imaginations and creativity, socially conscious, having

professional ethics with a sense of responsibility to work towards national goals
and development objectives.


Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Technology Promotion Division;

National and regional institutes of agricultural research;
Private investors in agricultural machinery and implement manufacturing;
Private and state commercial farms;
Higher learning institutions;
Ethiopian Quality and Standard Authority;
Agricultural processing enterprises and food industries; and
Importers of agricultural machineries.
Self employment; as designer, manufacturer, and service, maintenance and repair
and consultant.



Applicants for graduate studies in Agricultural Machinery Engineering or Agricultural

Mechanization must have Bachelor of Science degrees in agricultural, or mechanical or
machinery engineering or other related disciplines. However, applicants with first degrees in
the areas of agricultural engineering, agricultural machinery and power engineering and
mechanical engineering and having a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 and above will
not be required to sit for entrance examination.

Foreign students with equivalent qualification will be eligible to apply for admission to the
graduate program but may have to meet additional requirements as deemed necessary by
the Ministry of Education and the University.

Applicants with none agricultural background shall be required to take remedial or bridging
courses to make up their deficiencies as recommended by appropriate body
(Department/School or Faculty).

The common University rules and regulations for the masters degree programmes specified
in the University Senate Legislation shall be applicable.


Full-time candidates of for the Masters degree in Agricultural Machinery Engineering or

Agricultural Mechanization shall be registered for a minimum of two academic (four
semesters) and a maximum of five semesters.

A summer student shall be required to complete course work in two summers, and need a
year to conduct research work, prepare thesis and defend the same. An extension of a
semester can be granted up on the request made and the approval of CGS.



There shall be two options for Masters Degree programme in Agricultural Mechanization.


Candidates taking this option shall be required to successfully complete thirty (31) credit
hours of course work, and in addition successfully complete a thesis worth fifteen (14) credit
hours to qualify for an award of the Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree in Agricultural
Machinery Engineering or Agricultural Mechanization. MASTERS DEGREE IN AGRICULTURAL MECHANIZATION (SUGAR


Candidates taking this option shall be required to successfully complete forty (40) credit
hours of course work of prescribed courses and take examinations. In addition, they shall be
required to conduct a special project worth five (5) credit hours and present a satisfactory
dissertation at the end of the study period that will be evaluated by a committee consisting of
appropriate professional with academic rank of assistant professors and above; presentation
of the research work and defence of the same shall be required.


Candidates taking this option shall be required to successfully complete thirty (30) credit
hours of course work, and in addition successfully complete a thesis worth fifteen (15) credit
hours to qualify for an award of the Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree in Agricultural
Machinery Engineering or Agricultural Mechanization.


All courses registered in each semester shall be examined at the end of that semester.
All examinations shall be subject to internal (departmental) and external moderation as
deemed necessary.


Course work assessment shall consist of:

i. End of semester written examinations constituting 60% of the total marks for
each course.

ii. Continuous assessment based on assignments, laboratory practical and such

other tests as the regulations of the department may stipulate, constituting
40% of the total marks for each course.

iii. Which are purely of practical nature and/or seminars shall be assessed
entirely by continuous assessment.


The submission and examination of the thesis shall be in accordance with the common
University Rules and Regulations as stipulated by the Council of Graduate Studies.



The passing grade shall be C in all courses attempted by a candidate. However, the
candidate must obtain a minimum average grade of B (3.00) to continue with the programme.
A candidate having more than one (1) at the end of the course shall be required to repeat
any of the course or courses in which he/she scored C or less grade(s) and remove the
deficiency. The maximum grade for any repeated course(s) in a course shall be B.

The grades shall have to obtain the approval of the department/school and the facility/college
before submitted to the registrars office.


1. Design, construction and performance evaluation of Tillage and traction devices;

2. Design, construction and performance evaluation of harvesting, threshing, and

agricultural processing and agricultural materials handling machines;

3. Design, construction and performance evaluation of wind mill and solar energy
capturing devices;

4. Performance evaluation, selection and introduction of farm power and machinery

which are locally made or imported;

5. Conduct studies that will lead to or enable the formulation of national agricultural
mechanization policy and strategy.

6. Economics of agricultural Machinery;

7. Management of agricultural machinery;

8. Maintenance and repair of machinery, implement;

9. Mechanization policy and strategy; and

10. Marketing, distribution, introduction, adoption, and feasibility of owning and operating
agricultural machinery and implements,

NB: No survey and case studies shall be considered under this programme up until
we made considerable effort and achieved the capacity of designing, constructing,
testing and evaluating the existing or new improved machine and implements.


For the Thesis and masters project, the performance, both in research work and
theses/project defense shall be indicated as follows:

Result of Thesis/Project Achievement Rating

A Excellent
B+ Very Good
B Good
B- Satisfactory
F Fail (Rejected OR Differed)


To qualify for Master of Science degree in Agricultural Machinery Engineering or Agricultural

Mechanization, a candidate must

Satisfactorily complete the minimum credit hours requirement;

Achieve a final cumulative grade point average of not less than 3.00;
Pass an oral examination on his/her thesis defense; and

Meet all other requirements of the school of graduate studies.


After successful completion of the course work, thesis defense and meeting all the
requirements set by the School of Graduate Studies of Haramaya University the candidate
shall be awarded Master of Science (MSc) Degree: -

1. English:- Master of Science In Agricultural Mechanization

Amharic: Te}`e =] uw` S"?i

2. English:- Master of Science in Agricultural Mechanization

(Sugar Mechanization)

Amharic: Te}`e =] uw` S"?i ( )

3. English:- Master of Science in Agricultural Machinery


Amharic: Te}`e =] uw` SX] UIe



All courses offered by the Programmes shall be coded AGME (Agricultural Machinery
Engineering) or AGMC (Agricultural Mechanization). This shall be followed by a course
number consisting of three digits. The first digit (6 or 7) shall represent the first or second
year of graduate study; the second digit the sequence of the course and the last digit the
semester in which the course offered.



Code Course Title Cr. Hr.

Code Course Title I II
AGME611 Research Methods in Agric. Mechanization 3 0
AGME621 Organization of Machinery Servicing 3 0
AGME631 Business Organization & Management 4 0
AGME641 Theory and Practice of Tillage 3 0
AGME651 Advances in Land Development Machinery 3 0
AGME612 Energy Management in Agriculture 0 3
AGME622 Mechanics of Tractor & Implements 0 3
AGME632 Graduate seminar 0 1
AGME642 Fundamental of Mechanization Strategy Formulation 0 3
AGME652 Selection and Mgm't of Agricultural Machinery 0 3
AGME662 Agricultural Materials Handling (E)* 0 3
AGME672 Mechanics of Biological Materials(E)* 0 3
AGME682 Instrumentation & Machinery Performance Evaluation (E)* 0 3
Total 16 16
* At least on elective must be taken YEAR II

Code Course Title Cr. Hr.

Code Course Title I II
AGME711 M.Sc. thesis Research 6 6
Total 6 6


Code Course Title Cr. Hr.

Code Course Title I II
AGME611 Research Methods in Agric. Mechanization 3 0
AGME621 Organization of Machinery Servicing 3 0
AGME631 Business Organization & Management 4 0
AGME641 Theory and Practice of Tillage 3 0
AGME651 Advances in Land Development Machinery 3 0
AGME612 Energy Management in Agriculture 0 3
AGME622 Mechanics of Tractor & Implements 0 3
AGME632 Graduate seminar 0 1
AGME642 Fundamental of Mechanization Strategy Formulation 0 3
AGME652 Selection and Mgm't of Agricultural Machinery 0 3
AGME662 Agricultural Materials Handling (E)* 0 3
AGME672 Mechanics of Biological Materials(E)* 0 3
AGME682 Instrumentation & Machinery Performance Evaluation (E)* 0 3
Total 16 15
* At least on elective must be taken YEAR II

Code Course Title Cr. Hr.

Code I II
AGME721 Pumps and Pumping Station 3 0
AGME731 Sugarcane Production, Protection & Transportation 3 0
AGME741 Environmental Impacts of Sugar Production 3 0
AGME751 Seminar on Sugar Mechanization 1 0
Total 10 0

AGME761 Masters Project* 4 4

*Research project proposal must be finalized during the first semester


Year I
Code Course Title Cr. Hr.
Code Course Title I II
AGMD611 Introduction to CAD, CAM & CAE 3 0
AGEN621 Experimental Design and Analysis 3 0
AGMD631 Soil and Tillage Mechanics 3 0
AGMD641 Instrumentation in Agricultural Machinery 3 0
AGMD651 Advances in Machine Design 3 0
AGMD612 Advanced Manufacturing Technology 0 3
AGMD622 Mechanics of Tractor & Implements 0 3
AGMD632 Graduate seminar 0 1
AGMD642 Design of Agricultural Machinery I 0 3
AGMD652 Design of Agricultural Machinery II 0 3
AGMD662 Performance Evaluation of Agric. Machinery (E)* 0 3
AGMD672 Agricultural Machinery Noise and Vibrations (E)* 0 3
AGMD682 Design of Agricultural Processing Machinery (E)* 0 3
Total 15 16
* At least on elective must be taken


Code Year II Cr. Hr.

Code Year II I II
AGMD711 M.Sc. thesis Research 6 6
Total 6 6




Probability, probability laws, random variable mathematical expectation; probability
distributions, binomial, Poisson, normal and gamma distribution; sampling, sampling
distributions, law of large numbers, exact sampling distributions t and chi-square
distributions; estimation point and interval estimation; testing of hypothesis basic concepts
tests based on t and chi-square distributions; correlation, regression nonlinear regression,
multiple regression; design of experiments basic concepts basic designs CRD and RBD data
transformation covariance analysis in RBD; factorial experiments basic concepts comparison
with single factor experiments; split-plot design; split-split-plot design, split-block design; and
response curve.


Components of a servicing and repair organizational development: turning, layout parts
management, workflows and scheduling, Storage of agricultural machinery Administrative
and technical procedures.


Basics of business organizations and management; roles and objectives of business
organization; elements and functions of management and processes and approaches to
management; assessment of internal and external environments of a business organization;
planning and organizing new business; comparing the different forms of ownership, functions
of human resource management and labour relations; marketing and consumer behaviour;
and management of finances; computing depreciation and valuation of assets, and network
analysis for scheduling and managing business activities using Critical Path Method (CPM)
and Program Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT) tools.


Measurements/quantification of transient and inherent physical properties of soils including
soil consistency and Atterberg limits; effect of physical properties on energy/power demand
and resulting seedbed condition; shear strength of soil it measurement, Mohr-Coulomb
equation, effect of moisture content and density on soil strength; draft force, mobility and
traction; reasons for tillage, agronomic, weed control, disease and pest control, planting,
irrigation and drainage, soil and water conservation (terrace, ridge, furrow, surface
roughness, mechanization (planting, cultivations, application of chemicals, soil injection and
fertilizers placement, harvesting, and transportation, removable of stool and stump; basic soil
implement mechanics; choice of implements for particular operations, principles of traction -
optimization of performance, tracks, tyres and ballast; mechanics and assessment of
compaction by loaded vehicles : tracks and wheel systems; and alleviation of compaction
from the optimum choice of tyre/wheel track system(s).


Engineering fundamentals related to earth moving machinery; soil strength, swelling,
shrinkage and compaction measurements; land grading; grade resistance and gradability;
tractors and crawlers;, land cleaning, reclamation and grading; land leveling equipment;
power shovels, drag lines, clamshells, rubber tyres for earth moving machinery; trenching
machinery and wagons; economic analysis of land development machinery; and choosing
and using earth moving machines, mechanical characteristics, rippers, dozers, scrapers,
graders, excavators, trenchers, loaders, and hole diggers.


Energy resources on the farm: conventional and non-conventional forms of energy and their
use; heat equivalents and energy coefficients for different agricultural inputs and products;
pattern of energy consumption and their constraints in production of agriculture; direct and
indirect energy; identification of energy efficient machinery systems, energy losses and their
management; energy analysis techniques and methods: energy balance, output and input
ratio, resource utilization, conservation of energy sources; energy conservation planning and
practices; energy forecasting, energy economics, energy pricing and incentives for energy
conservation; factors effecting energy economics; and energy modelling.


Mechanics of farm tractor chassis; kinematics and dynamics of wheeled tractors; center of
gravity location; external forces affecting kinematics; turning moment; stability; Implement
tractor system; forces on symmetrical and unsymmetrical soil working tools, their effect on
tractor hitching; trailed - mounted and semimounted hitching; effect on drawbar pull, weight
transfer; track type tractors; stability of tractor implements system on slopes; modern trends
in tractor design; articulate tractors - their turning mechanics, implement interaction and
stability aspects; front wheel drives for tractors; power transmission systems-final drive
design based on transmission load, hydrostatic transmissions and hydraulic torque
converters; hitch system design; three point linkage force analysis and strength design;
hydraulic system - basics and design; front axle and steering design; human factors in tractor
design; traction theory, traction and mobility, steerability, and tractor drawbar performance


Review and discussion of current literature and research finding in the field of agricultural
mechanization. With this, it is also intended to acquaint the student to the methodology for
preparation and presentation of scientific papers.

Concept of economic mechanization; criteria for selection of mechanization inputs; work-
study, works measurement, standard times and standard performance; calculation of energy
use in primary agricultural operations; workability and timeliness; the application of labour,
planning; quantitative computer-based techniques such as linear programming, dynamic
programming and simulation of network analysis to mechanization planning, mechanization
system; assessing mechanization needs, farming systems research; technology adaptation
and diffusion; local manufacturing institutions and infrastructures; and programmes and


Farm size; farm records; economic performance; operator, machine and power
performances; drawbar pull power requirements; costs of farm operations; field pattern, field
shape, size and soil conditions as factors of performance; timeliness costs, time efficiencies
and scheduling of operations; selection of farm machinery; cost analysis of owning and
operating farm machinery (cost determination - depreciation - machine size - depreciation
methods; variable costs, breakeven point,); mode of ownership and use of machinery and
implements (renting and leasing. Joint ownership); systems approach in farm machinery
management and application of programming techniques to problems of farm power and
machinery selection; equipment replacement criteria and inventory control of spare parts;
work design in agriculture; selection of optimum mechanization systems by modelling; man-
machine-task system in farm operations; comparing ownership and rental costs; matching of
transport to processing, and minimization of transport costs; planning of work systems in
agriculture; and organization of labour; determination of least cost plough size.


Definition of materials handling, physical properties of agricultural materials in relation to
handling; safety with hazardous materials; environment and odorous materials; classes of
handling machinery (flight conveyors (bucket, cradle, shelf, etc.), augers, belts, blowers,
wagons and trailers); engineering principles of conveyors (bucket, cradle, shelf, etc.), augers,
belts, blowers (pneumatic conveyors), wagons and trailers; power requirement of each;
transportation of grains, vegetables and fruit, and sugarcane from farms to market,
processing plants, storage sites; conveying of materials within processing plants using
different types of conveyors, augers, elevators etc.; and loading and unloading equipment;
selection and management of material handling equipment/machinery.


Physical characteristics of different seeds and grains, fruits and vegetables; shape and size,
description of shape and size, volume and density, porosity, surface area; rheology; moisture
content and water in agricultural materials 9hydroscopic properties); ASTM standard, terms,
physical states of materials, classical ideal material; rheological models and equations; visco
elasticity; creep-stress and relaxation; non Newtonian fluid and viscometry; rheological
properties; force, deformation, stress, strain, elastic, plastic behaviour; contact stresses
between bodies; Hertz problems; firmness and hardness; mechanical damage; dead load
and impact damage; vibration damage; friction, effect of load, sliding velocity; temperature,
water film and surface roughness; friction in agricultural materials, rolling resistance, angle of
internal friction, angle of repose; flow of bulk granular materials; aerodynamics and
hydrodynamics of agricultural products, drag coefficients, terminal velocity; thermal
properties: specific heat, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, methods of determination,
steady state and transient heat flow; electrical properties; dielectric loss factor, loss tangent,
A.C. conductivity and dielectric constant, method of determination, energy absorption from
high-frequency electric field; optical properties (light absorption, transmission and
reflectance), and wafering and pressing of agricultural materials

(2+1 = 3 CR. Hr.)
Strain and stress; strain relationship, strain gauges; mechanical, optical, electrical, acoustical
and pneumatic etc. and their use; various methods of determining strain/stresses
experimentally; measuring devices for displacement (linear and rotational), velocity, force,
torque/moment and shaft power; strain gauges: types and their application in two and three
dimensional force measurement; design and analysis of strain gauges (ring and octagonal
ring dynamometers) and their applications in agricultural machinery.

The aim and importance of implements and power source test and performance evaluation;
test techniques in agricultural machinery, test principles; the test methods (standards);
laboratory and test and performance evaluation; soil, crop and other test constraints;
determination of the work efficiency and quality in agricultural machinery; principles of the
test equipment being used in agricultural machinery tests; the measurement technique of the
drawbar power, power, fuel consumption etc.; test methods of soil cultivation, planting,
drilling, and fertilizing equipment and sprayer and dusters; and the preparation of the test


Independent research work in agricultural mechanization to be conducted by candidates; in
priority area of the nation, employer or the student as the case may be, under the supervision
of an advisor(s) as a partial requirement for the Master of Science degree in agricultural
machinery mechanization. This research work will have a maximum of 12 months for the
collection of data, analysis of the same, write up and submission.

AGME721 PUMPS AND PUMPING Station (2 + 1 = 3 CR. Hr.)

Pump definition, pump classifications, and ANSI pump standard; introduction to centrifugal
pumps, principle of centrifugal pumps, the pumps hydraulic components, inlet flange and
inlet, impeller, coupling and drive, impeller seal, cavities and axial bearing, volute casing,
diffuser and outlet flange, return channel and outer sleeve, pump types and systems, the UP
pump, the TP pump, the NB pump, the MQ pump, the SP pump, the CR pump, the MTA
pump the SE pump, the SEG pump, performance curves, standard curves, absolute and
relative pressure, head, differential pressure across the pump, total pressure difference,
static pressure difference, dynamic pressure difference, geodetic pressure difference, energy
equation for an ideal flow, power, speed, hydraulic power, efficiency, net positive suction
head, axial thrust, radial thrust; pumps operating systems, single pump in a system, pumps
operated in parallel, pumps operated in series, annual energy consumption, energy efficiency
index (EEI); pump losses, loss types (mechanical losses, bearing loss and shaft seal loss,
hydraulic losses), care, safety, operation, maintenance, and repair of pumps; cost of owning
and operating pumps.


Agronomic requirements of sugarcane; soil tillage and land preparation for sugarcane; land
leveling machines and implements, primary and secondary tillage implements, land forming
implements (furrowers/riggers); sugarcane planting (manual and machine); mode of fertilizer
application and applicators; sugarcane cultivation (mechanical weed control) equipment;
irrigation furrow maintenance equipments; sprayer and dusters: - selection, procurement;
calibration, use, care, maintenance and repair and safety with the sprayers and dusters and
chemicals (including defoliators) in use; harvesting of sugarcane: - physico-mechanical
properties of sugarcane stalks; resistance to cutting, speed of cutting of stalks, cutting angle
of the knife segment; kinematics of the drive mechanisms of cutting equipment and its power
requirement; cut cane gathering, loading and unloading machines; selection, procurement,
hitching, and handling of wagon and trailers; and trailer and tractor mechanics.


environmental impacts of cultivation of sugarcane, impacts on biodiversity: - ecosystem- and
habitat-scale impacts and clearance for sugarcane cultivation; impacts on water quality and
aquatic ecosystems; problems arising from sugarcane irrigation-over-exploitation of water
resources; runoff in cane cultivation systems leaching in cane cultivation systems; impacts on
soils (impact of sugarcane cultivation on soil quantity; erosion); impacts on air quality
(emissions from soils under sugarcane cultivation, pre-harvest cane burning, cane process
related odours, gases); positive environmental aspects of sugar production (bagasse and its
use as a fuel, mulches, fertilizer and soil amendments, animal feed, and in the manufacture
of paper and chemicals; use of molasses in fermentation/ethanol production); methods and
practices of reducing the negative impacts of sugar production, broad measures to reduce
multiple environmental impacts; and appropriate planning to this effect.


A seminar shall be presented by each Agricultural Mechanization (Sugar Mechanization)
MSc candidate based on case study, survey or literature review regarding advances made,
pitfalls encountered and lessons learnt from sugar mechanization either at home or abroad.


Independent research work in agricultural mechanization to be conducted by candidates, in
the priority area of the nation, employer or the student as the case may be, under the
supervision of an advisor(s) as a partial requirement for the Master of Science degree in
agricultural me mechanization (sugar mechanization). This research work will have a
maximum of 6 months for the collection of data, analysis of the same, write up and


AGMD611 INTRODUCTION TO CAD, CAM & CAE (1 + 2 = 3 Cr. Hr.)

Basic computer graphics, coordinate systems, homogeneous transformations; geometric and
interactive graphics, modeling algorithms and systems, modeling functions, data structures,
Boolean and Euler operations, non-manifold modeling; representation and manipulations of
curves: Hermite, Bi-cubic, Beizer, B-spline; representation and manipulation of surfaces:
basic terminology of parametric surfaces, bilinear, ruled,, Coons, Hermite, Bezier, and
Bspline; basics of finite element method; Mesh algorithms; optimization algorithms: gradient-
based an heuristic-based methods; part programming: G-code APT programming; tool path
generation algorithms: 2D-pocketing, Lathe machining, 3-axis surface machining, and multi-
axis surface machining; rapid prototyping manufacturing; computer-aided analysis and
synthesis of common mechanical components; application of numerical methods and optimal
techniques to machine design problems; computer-aided selection of standard mechanical
components; and introduction to FEM.


Research characteristics and classification; research methods and techniques; classification
of research methods; formulation of research problem and hypothesis; research design
research methods and techniques; classification of research methods; formulation of
research problem and hypothesis; research design; review of significant testing, principles of
experimental design, design and analysis of experiments, analysis of variance, regression
and correlation in experimentation modeling and simulation in agricultural engineering;
introduction to optimization techniques.


Dynamic properties of soil and their measurement, the mechanical components of soil-
machine relationships (soil-tool interface: adhesion and angle of external resistance); stress-
strain relationships, effect of density, moisture content and soil type on soil strength; Mohr-
Coulomb principles; active and passive soil pressure, plane and curved soil failure surfaces,
theory of soil failure; force and its distribution on tillage machinery; (wire and wedge cutting,
behaviour of soil under load, probe geometry and mode of failure); mechanics of tillage tools
and geometry of soil-tool system, design parameters and performance of tillage tools; the
general soil mechanics equation; analysis of force distributions in two and three dimensional
systems; pulling force, soil aggregate mechanics (energy input and degree of soil
fragmentation, measurement and analysis of forces and the resulting soil disturbance); and
soil compaction by agricultural vehicles and machines, and assessment of extent and


Strain and stress; strain relationship, strain gauges; mechanical, optical, electrical, acoustical
and pneumatic etc. and their use; various methods of determining strain/stresses
experimentally; measuring devices for displacement (linear and rotational), velocity, force,
torque/moment and shaft power; strain gauges: types and their application in two and three
dimensional force measurement; design and analysis of strain gauges (ring and octagonal
ring dynamometers) and their applications in agricultural machinery. introduction to functional
elements of instruments; active and passive transducers; analogue and digital modes; null
and deflection methods; performance characteristics of instruments including static and
dynamic characteristics; devices for measurement of force, moment/torque, acceleration,
velocity, displacement, temperature, relative humidity, pressure, sound, vibration, flow etc.;
recording devices and their type; measuring instruments for calorific value of solid, liquid, and
gaseous fuels; measurement of gas composition using GLC; basic signal conditioning
devices - data acquisition system - micro computers for measurement and data acquisition;
and data storage and their application.


Design process, information collection and concept generation; mechanical design process;
stress-strain analysis: stress definition and notation; transformation of stress; principal
stresses, strain relations for linear elastic materials; stress concentration; generalized
Hookes Law; determination of stresses in relationship to the strength properties of machine
elements under various loading conditions; deflection, post-yield behavior, residual stresses,
shafts, power trains, and rotational machinery; deflection of machine elements: linear,
torsional and bending; application of strain energy and Castiglianos theorem; design of
shafts, beams, columns, bolted and welded joints; contact stress; design criteria:; maximum
principal stress theory, maximum shear stress theory, maximum distortion energy theory;
failure prevention; steady loading; variable loading-Fatigue; thermal loads and thermal
stresses; mechanical elements; design optimization.; human factors in system development;
information input process; visual displays-auditory and tactual displays; speech
communications; human control of systems; human motor activities; controls, tools and
related devices; anthropometry; arrangement and utilization of work space; and atmospheric


The structure and properties of construction material, equilibrium diagram, time temperature
transformation curves, heat treatment, ferrous metals and alloys; non-ferrous metals and
alloys; non-metallic material (plastic, elastomers, ceramics and composites), material
selection, surface treatment and finishing; measurement and quality assurance
(measurement and inspection, non-destructive inspection), and testing, process capability
and quality control, tolerances-limits and clearances; casting processes; forming processes
(hot and cold working, hot rolling of metals, forging, extrusion, cold rolling, cold forging, cold
drawing, forming of plastic ceramic and composites, dies, shearing and blanking and dies:
bending and drawing); material removal processes (machining process, cutting, turning,
boring, drilling, milling, broaching-sawing, filing, abrasive machining processes, work holding
devices, machining centres, thread manufacture, gear manufacturing and non-traditional
machining processes (FCM, EDH, LBM, AJM, Wire EDM); joining processes (gas flame,
welding, arc and gas cutting, straightening, resistance welding, brazing and soldering,
adhesive, bonding and mechanical fasteners, manufacturing concerns in welding and
joining); and numerical control (command system, codes, programme, cutter position X and Y
incremental movements, linear contouring, Z movement and commands); processes and
techniques related to manufacturing, manufacturing system and automation, production
systems and Integrated manufacturing production system.
Mechanics of farm tractor chassis; location of center of gravity; external forces affecting
kinematics; implement tractor system; forces on symmetrical and unsymmetrical soil working
tools, their effect on tractor hitching; trailed, mounted and semimounted hitching; effect on
drawbar pull, weight transfer; track type tractors; stability of tractor implements system on
slopes; articulate tractors - their turning mechanics, implement interaction and stability
aspects; front wheel drives for tractors; hitch system design; three point linkage force
analysis and strength design; traction theory, traction and mobility, traction devices, tyres-
types, function & size, their selection; mechanics of traction devices; deflection between
traction devices and soil, slippage and sinkage of wheels, evaluation and prediction of
traction performance; steerability; tractor drawbar performance prediction; special problems
of wet land traction and floatation.


Review and discussion of current literature and research finding in the field of agricultural
machinery design. With this it is also intended to acquaint the student to the methodology for
preparation and presentation of scientific papers.


The wedge theory, schematic diagrams of ploughs, determination of basic parameters, mould
board working surface, forces acting on a plough, theory and principles of concave disk tools
and forces acting on the disk, design of V- shaped sweeps and determination of basic
parameters, force estimation and design of wide earth moving tool; estimation of forces
acting on rotary tillers and design of rotary tillage machines and, estimation of forces acting
on deep tillage implements (chisel plough and subsoilers); design of shank, standards, and
legs of mole drain plough based on beam deflection, strain energy and Castiglianos
theorem; analysis and design of rigid wheels; design of safety devices brakes (disk, plate,
centrifugal, and cone), dog clutch, pitmans, leaf, helical, coil springs as safety mechanisms);
design of thick and hydraulic cylinders; design and analysis of Hookes or universal joints;
and selection of manufacturing method (casting, machining, welding, forging, etc.).


Machines for sowing, fertilizer application and planting; design of seed hopper, seed
metering mechanisms; seed drill tubes and boots; machines for bulk application of mineral
fertilizers, organic fertilizers, liquid fertilizer; design of centrifugal type apparatus, potato
planters; design of sprayers, aerosol generators, dusters and fumigators; design of cutters
and mowers based cutting resistance of plant materials, speed of cutting, cutting angle, knife
geometry, and cutting mode compression, shear (rotary or push-in); drive mechanisms of
cutting equipment and design of the same, functional requirements of grain harvesting and
processing machines and design of cutting, feeding, threshing, separating and cleaning,
grading, and sorting mechanisms; root crop harvesting and separation of roots, tubers, etc.
from clods and stone.


3 Cr. Hr.)
The aim and importance of test techniques in agricultural machinery, test principles;
explanation of soil, crop and other test constraints, determination of the work efficiency and
quality in agricultural machinery, the test methods (standards) and principles of test
equipment being used in agricultural machinery tests, calibration of measuring devices
including balances and gauges; the measurement technique of the drawbar power, power,
fuel consumption etc.; design and instrumentation of soil bin (wet and dry) and other test rigs;
theory and application of force, torque and moment measuring rings (dial gauge and strain
gauge); octagonal and extended octagonal dynamometers and their calibration and
applications; the test methods of soil cultivation, planting, drilling, sprayer and duster and
fertilizing equipment; the preparation of the test reports; and code of conduct and ethical
issues in testing and performance evaluation.
Noise and vibration theory, definition, units and parameters; measurement and analysis
equipment; study of different vibration measurement and evaluation; measurement and
analysis of vibration on different components of thresher, combine, reaper, power tiller and
tractor; determination of modulus of elasticity, rigidity, and MI by free vibration test; evaluation
of logarithmic decrement and damping factor; whirling of shaft; heat motion in two pendulum
system; detailed analysis of multi- degree of freedom system; types of vibrations- free and
forced, in damped and without damped analysis of one, two and multiple degree of freedom
systems and their solution using Newtons motion, energy method; longitudinal, transverse
and torsional vibrations; Rayleighs methods, Lagrange equation; introduction of transient
vibration in systems, vibration of continuous media; balancing of single rotating weight and
number of weights in same plane and different planes; and complete balancing of
reciprocating parts of engine.


Principles and practices of durable and perishable products processing machines, design of
conveyor/elevator (buckets, cradles, shelves, belts), auger, centrifuges, pneumatics; mixer;
dehulling and milling machines; cutting devices material of which they are made, design of
separating, cleaning, grading, and sorting machines; design of extruders and design of oil
expellers; design of filtration and extraction mechanisms; and fans and pumps.

AEMD711 MSc. THESIS RESEARCH (8 Cr. Hr.) Independent research work in agricultural
machinery design, construction and performance evaluation to be conducted by candidates
in the area of national, employer or candidate priority under the supervision of advisor(s) as a
partial requirement for the Master of Science degree in agricultural machinery engineering.
This research work will have a maximum of 12 months for the collection of data, analysis of
the same, write up and submission.



AGME611 Research Methods in Agricultural Mechanization

1. P.G. Hoel, Introduction to Mathematical statistics.
2. J.N. Kapur and H.C. Saxena, Mathematical statistics.
3. J.R. Green and D. Margerison, statistical treatment of experimental data.
4. W.G. Cochran and G.M. Cox, Experimental designs
5. W.T. Federer, Experimental Design Theory and Application.
6. R. Rangaswamy, A text book of Agricultural Statistics.
7. V.G. panse and P.V. Sckhatme, Statistical Methods for engineers

AGME621 Organization of Machinery Servicing

1. Liljedahl, J. B., Turnquist, P.J., Smith, D.W. and Hoki, M. (1989): Tractors and their power
units. 4th Edition (Van Nostrand).
2. Bainer, R., Kepner, R.A. and Barger, E.L. (1978). Principles of farm machinery. John Wiley
and Sons. NY.
3. Seixas, J. (1977). Machinery servicing organizations. Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations, 97 pages.
4. FAO, (1992) Agricultural Engineering in Development: Guidelines for Rebuilding Replacement
Parts and Assemblies. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 106 pages.
5. Weaver, R. L. (1991). Manager's guide to machinery maintenance: a master plan for
organization and control. Prentice Hall, 1991 - Technology & Engineering - 195 pages.
6. Heinz P. Bloch and Fred K. Geitner, (2005). Machinery Component Maintenance and Repair.
Practical Machinery Management for Process Plants. Volume 3, Third Edition.

AGME631 Business Organization and Management

1. Walter J. Wills. An introduction to agri- business management.
2. Megginson, L.C., Byrd. M.J. and Megginson, W.L. 2003. Small business management: An
Entrepreneur's guide book. McGraw- Hill.
3. Ramakrishna, R. and Gehrke, J., 2002. Database Management systems. McGraw- Hill.
4. Post, G.V. and Anderson, D.L., 2002. Management Information system. McGraw- Hill.
5. Hodgetts, R. M., Kuratko, D.F., 2001. Effective small business management. John Wiley &
6. Truett, L.J. and Truett, D.B., 2001. Managerial Economics. John Wiley & Sons.
7. Schermerhorn, J.R. 1996. Management and organizational behavior essentials. John Wiley &
8. Kaplan, J.M. 2001. Getting started in Entrepreneurship. John Wiley & Sons.

AGME641 Theory and Practice of Tillage

1. Donnell Hunt (1977). Farm power and machinery management. Iowa State University Press.
AMES, Iowa.50010.
2. Donnell Hunt (1977). Farm Power and Machinery Management Laboratory Manual and Work-
book. Iowa State University Press.
3. Bainer, R., Kepner, R.A. and Barger, E.L. (1978). Principles of farm machinery. John Wiley and
Sons. NY.
4. Gill, W. R. & Glen E Vanden Berg. 1968. Soil Dynamics in Tillage and Traction. US Govt. Printing
Office, Washington, D.C.

AGME651 Advances in Land Development Machinery

1. Dutta, S.K. (1987). Soil Conservation and Land management. International Distributors,
2. Sigh, G. et al. (1991). Manual of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Oxford and IBH,
Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Nichols, HL; Day DA; and Day, DH.(1998). Moving the Earth: The Workbook of Excavation.
McGraw Hill.

AGME612 Energy Management in Agriculture

1. Brookfield, V. T. (1996). Energy environment and the economy :Asian perspectives. Edward
Elgar Publishing.
2. Capehart, B,L,, Turner W.C., Kennedy, W.J. (1997). Guide to energy management. Fairmont
3. Culp, A.W. (1991). Principles of energy conversion. McGraw Hill Pub. Co., Inc.
4. Duffie, J.A. and Beckman, W.A. (1991). Solar engineering of thermal processes. John Wiley,
New York.
5. El Mahgary, Y. and Biswas, A.K. eds. (1985). Integrated Rural Energy Planning. Butterworths,
6. Fluck RC & Baird CD.1984. Agricultural Energetics. AVI Publ.
7. Fowler, J.H. (1975). Energy and the environment. McGraw Hill.
8. Garg, H.P. and Prakash, J. (1997). Solar energy - Fundamentals and applications. Tat-
McGraw Hill Pub. Co., Inc.16.
9. Goldemberg, J., Johansson, T.B., Reddy, A.K.N. and Williams, R.H. (1987). Energy for a
Sustainable World. World Resource Institute, USA.
10. Grubb, M and Walker, J. (1992). Emerging energy technologies :Impact and policy
implications. Dartmouth Pub.
11. Kennedy WJ Jr. & Wayne C Turner.1984. Energy Management. Prentice Hall.
12. Kovach, E.G. (1974). Technology for Efficient Energy Utilization. Pergamon Press.
13. Mittal, K.M. (1997). Non-conventional Energy Systems: Principles, Programmes and
Prospects. Wheeler Publishing.
14. Odum, H.T. and Odum, E.C. (1976). Energy basis for man and nature. McGraw Hill Pub. Co.,
15. OECD/IEA (1991). Guidelines for the Economic Analysis of Renewable Energy Technology
and its Applications. International Energy Agency, France.
16. Pimental D. 1980. Handbook of Energy Utilization in Agriculture. CRC.
17. Pimentel, D. (1980). Handbook of Energy Utilization in Agriculture. CRC Press, Boca Ralon,
Florida, USA.
18. Rai GD. 1998. Non-conventional Sources of Energy. Khanna Publ.
19. Rao, K.S., Kishore, V.V.N., Vaja, D. (eds. (1991). Solar Pond. GEDA, Baroda.
20. Ravindranath, N.H. and Hall, D.D. (1995). Biomass, Energy and Environment: A Developing
Country Perspective from India. Oxford University Press, New York.
21. Sorenson, H.A. (1983). Energy Conservation Systems. John Willey.
22. Sukhatme,S.P. (1997). Solar energy-Principles of thermal collection and storage. 2/e. tat-
McGrraw Hill.
23. Turner, W.C. (1997). Energy management handbook. Fairmaont Press.
24. Twindal JW & Anthony D Wier 1986. Renwable Energy Sources. E & F.N. Spon Ltd.
25. Verma SR, Mittal JP & Surendra Singh 1994. Energy Management and Conservation in
Agricultural Production and Food Processing. USG Publ. & Distr., Ludhiana.

AGME622 Mechanics of Tractor and Implements

1. Bekker, M. G. (1956). The theory of land locomotion - the mechanics of vehicle mobility.
(University of Michigan Press).
2. Liljedahl, J. B., Turnquist, P.J., Smith, D.W. and Hoki, M. (1989): Tractors and their power
units. 4th Edition (Van Nostrand).
3. Reece, A.R. (1965-66): Principles of soil-vehicle mechanics. Proceedings of Institution of
Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 180, (2A).
4. Reece, A.R. (1967) Tractor design and tractive performance. Institution of Agricultural
Engineers, Agricultural Engineering Symposium, Paper No 3/4/E/34, Silsoe, England. 9pp.
5. Wismer, R.D. and Luth, H.J. (1974) Off-road traction prediction for wheeled vehicles.
Transactions of American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 17(1) 8-10, 14.
6. Macmillan, R. H. (2002) The Mechanics of Tractor - Implement Performance; Theory and
Worked Examples; A Textbook for Students and Engineers, University of Melbourne, Printed

AGME642 Mechanization System and Strategy Formulation

1. Crossley, P. & Kilgour, J. (1983). Small Farm Mechanization for Developing Countries. John
Wiley & Sons, New York; Chichester; Brisbane. Toranto.
2. Clarke , L. J. (2000). Strategies for agricultural mechanization development. The roles of the
private sector and the government. FAO, Rome, Italy.
3. Agricultural Mechanization in Development - Guidelines for Strategy Development - by R.C.
Gifford and the staff of AGSE. - FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin 45 - Rome 1981.
4. Bishop, C. (1997), "A guide to Preparing an Agricultural Mechanization Strategy", AGSE, FAO,
Rome Italy.
5. Timmer, C.P. (1991), 'The role of the state in agricultural development', in C.P. Timmer (ed.),
Agriculture and the State: Growth, Employment, and Poverty in Developing Countries, Cornell
University Press, Ithaca, 1-28.
6. Reference is made here to two AGSE Bulletins dealing with this subject:
Bulletin 110 - Testing and evaluation of agricultural machinery and equipment.
1994 (E, S)
Bulletin 115 - Selection, testing and evaluation of agricultural machines and
equipment. 1995. (E, F, S)
7. FAO. (2008). Agricultural mechanization in Africa...Time for action Planning investment for
enhanced agricultural productivity. Report of an Expert GroupMeeting, Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Rome.
8. Rijk, A.G. 1989. Agricultural Mechanization Policy and Strategy. Asian Productivity
Organization, Tokyo.
9. FAO, 1997. Agricultural Mechanization Strategy Preparation: A Guide. Agricultural Engineering
Service. Rome, Italy.
10. FAO, 1997. Farm Mechanization in former Centrally - Planned Economies. Agricultural
Engineering Service. Rome, Italy.
11. Rijk, A. G. (------------). Agricultural Mechanization Strategy.
12. -----------, (2010). Agricultural mechanization strategies for Rwanda. Shifting from subsistence
agriculture to market-oriented agriculture. Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources,
Republic of Rwanda.
13. S. Asoegwu and A. Asoegwu, (2007). An overview of agricultural mechanization and its
environmental management in Nigeria. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR
Ejournal. Invited Overview No. 6. Vol. IX.
14. Fernando, O. Paras Jr. and Rossana, Marie C. Amongo, (----------------).Technology transfer
strategies for small farm mechanization technologies In the Philippines. University of the
Philippines Los Baos (UPLB), Laguna, Philippines.
15. Pawlak, J., G. Pellizzi and M. Fiala. On the Development of Agricultural Mechanization to
Ensure a Long-Term World Food Supply. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR
Journal of Scientific Reaseach and Development. Invited Overview Paper. Vol. IV. June, 2002.
16. FAO, (2006). Addressing the challenges facing agricultural mechanization input supply and
farm product processing. Proceedings of an FAO Workshop held at the CIGR World Congress
on Agricultural Engineering. Bonn, Germany, 56 September 2006.
17. FAO, (1988). Agricultural mechanization in development. Guideline for strategy formulation,
FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin 45, 77 pp. FAO Rome.
18. FAO, (2011). Investment in agricultural mechanization in Africa. Conclusions and
recommendations of a round table meeting of experts. Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations, Rome.

AGME652 Selection and Mgm't of Agricultural Machinery

1. Carville, L.A. (1980). Selecting Farm Machinery. Luisiana Cooperative Extn. Service
2. Claude Culpin, (1968). Profitable farm mechanisation. Crosby Lockwood & Sons Ltd., Old
Brompton Road, SW.7.
3. Culpin, C and Claude, S. (1950). Farm Mechanization: Costs and Methods. McGraw-Hill, New
4. Donnell Hunt (1977). Farm power and machinery management. Iowa State University Press.
AMES, Iowa.50010.
5. Donnell Hunt (1977). Farm Power and Machinery Management Laboratory Manual and Work-
book. Iowa State University Press.
6. FAO (1984). Agricultural Engineering in Development: Selection of Mechanization In-puts.
FAO, Agricultural Service Bulletin.
7. Watters, W.K. (1980). Farm Machinery Management Guide. Pennsylvania Agric. Extn. Service
Spl. Circular No. 192.

AGME662 Agricultural Materials Handling

1. Donnell Hunt (1977). Farm power and machinery management. Iowa State University Press.
AMES, Iowa.50010.
2. Donnell Hunt (1977). Farm Power and Machinery Management Laboratory Manual and Work-
book. Iowa State University Press.
AGME672 Mechanics of Biological Materials
1. Mohesenin NN. 1980. Thermal Properties of Foods and Agricultural Materials. Gordon &
Breach Science Publ.
2. Peleg M & Bagelay EB. 1983. Physical Properties of Foods. AVI Publ. Co.
3. Rao M. A. & Rizvi SSH. (Eds). 1986. Engineering Properties of Foods. Marcel Dekker.
4. Ronal Jowitt, Felix Escher, Bengt Hallsrram, Hans F, Th. Meffert, Walter EC Spices,
5. Gilbert Vox 1983. Physical Properties of Foods. Applied Science Publ.
6. Singhal OP & Samuel DVK. 2003. Engineering Properties of Biological Materials. Saroj

AGME672 Instrumentation and Machinery Performance Evaluation

1. Ambrosius, E.E. (1966). Mechanical measurement and Instrumentation. The Ronald Press
Company, New York.
2. Beckwith T. G. 1996. Mechanical Measurements. Addison-Wesley.
3. Doeblin EO. 1966. Measurement System - Application and Design. McGraw Hill.
4. Doeblin, E.O. (1966). Measurement Systems - Application and Design. McGraw-Hill Book
5. Ernest O Doebelin.1995. Measurement Systems - Application and Design. McGraw Hill.
6. Holman P 1996. Experimental Methods for Engineers. McGraw Hill.
7. Nachtigal CL. 1990. Instrumentation and Control. Fundamentals and Application. John Wiley &
8. Oliver, F.J. (1971). Practical Instrumentation Transducers. Hayden Book Company Inc., New
9. Perry, C.C. and Lissner, H.R. (1962). The Strain Gauge Primer, McGraw-Hill Book Company.
10. Pudjiono, E. and Macmillan, R.H. (1995) Measuring the drawbar performance of animals and
small tractors; (ii) small tractors. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America,
26(1) 21-26.

AGME721 Pumps and Pumping

1. ---------------. (2011). Pumping Principles, Continuing Education Professional Development
2. ---------------. (2000). Pump Principles. Manuala. W. Chesterton Co. Middlesex Industrial Park,
225 Fallon Road, Stoneham, Massachusetts.
3. -----------. (2010). Principles of Pumps and Pumping Installation.
4. -------------. (1999). Mechanical and Electrical Design of Pumping Stations. Department of the
Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington, DC 20314-1000.

AGME731 Sugarcane Production, Protection and Transportation

1. Bainer, R., Kepner, R.A. and Barger, E.L. (1978). Principles of farm machinery. John Wiley
and Sons. NY.
2. Donnell Hunt (1977). Farm power and machinery management. Iowa State University Press.
AMES, Iowa.50010.
3. E. Meyer. (2006). Machinery systems for sugarcane production in South Africa. Unpublished
MSc Eng Thesis.
4. Michael E. Salassi and Michael A. Deliberto. (2011 ). Sugarcane Production in Louisiana.
Farm Management Research & Extension Department of Agricultural Economics &
Agribusiness A.E.A. Information Series No. 267.
5. Thornhill EW & Matthews GA. 1995. Pesticide Application Equipment for use in Agriculture.
Vol. II. Mechanically Powered Equipment. FAO Rome.
6. Wilkinson, Robert H. and Braunbeck, Oscar A. (1997). Elements of Agricultural Machinery
(Vo. 1). FAO Rome. 12.

AGME741 Environmental Impacts of Sugar Production

1. Hussein Abaza, Ron Bisset and Barry Sadler, 2004, Environmental Impact Assessment and
Strategic Environmental Assessment: Towards an Integrated Approach.
2. OECD, 2006, Applying Strategic Environmental Assessment Good Practice Guidance for
Development Co-Operation. OECD Publisher.
3. Oliver, D. C., 2004, Environmental Impacts of Sugar Production. The Cultivation and
Processing of Sugarcane and Sugar Beet. Cromwell Press, Trowbridge. UK.
AGMD611 Introduction to CAD, CAM & CAE
1. Ramamurty, T. (2001). Computer Aided Mechanical Design and Analysis. Tata Mcgraw-Hill,
New Delhi.
2. Mukhopadhyay, M. (2000). Matrix, Finite Element, Computer and Structural Analysis. Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
3. Krishnamoorty, G. (2001). Finite Element Analysis: Theory and Programming. Tata McGraw-
Hill, New Delhi.
4. Kundra, C. V. (2000). Numerical Control and Computer Aided Manufacturing. Tata McGraw-
Hill, New Delhi.
5. Zeid, K. (2000). CAD/CAM Theory and Practice. Tata McGraw-Hill.7

AGMD 621 Experimental Design and Analysis

1. P.G. Hoel, Introduction to Mathematical statistics.
2. J.N. Kapur and H.C. Saxena, Mathematical statistics.
3. J.R. Green and D. Margerison, statistical treatment of experimental data.
4. W.G. Cochran and G.M. Cox, Experimental designs
5. W.T. Federer, Experimental Design Theory and Application.
6. R. Rangaswamy, A text book of Agricultural Statistics.
7. V.G. panse and P.V. Sckhatme, Statistical Methods for engineers

AGMD631 Soil and Tillage Mechanics

1. Gill, W. R. & Glen E Vanden Berg. 1968. Soil Dynamics in Tillage and Traction. US Govt.
Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
2. Gill, W. R. and Vanden, Berg, G.E. 1997. Soil Dynamics in Tillage and Traction USDA
3. Mckeys, E. (1985). Soil Cutting and Tillage. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 217 pp.
4. Mckeys, E. (1989) Agricultural Engineering Soil Mechanics. Amsterdam, 292 pp.
5. Sineokov, G. N. 1995. Design of soil Tillage Machines. Indian National Scientific
Documentation Centre, Hillside Road, New Delhi.
6. Terzaghi, K. and Peck, Ralph B. 1997. Soil Mechanics in Engineering practices. John Wiley &
Sons, New York.

AGME641 Instrumentation in Agricultural Machinery

1. Ambrosius, E.E. (1966). Mechanical measurement and Instrumentation. The Ronald Press
Company, New York.
2. Beckwith T. G. 1996. Mechanical Measurements. Addison-Wesley.
3. Doeblin EO. 1966. Measurement System - Application and Design. McGraw Hill.
4. Doeblin, E.O. (1966). Measurement Systems - Application and Design. McGraw-Hill Book
5. Ernest O Doebelin.1995. Measurement Systems - Application and Design. McGraw Hill.
6. Holman P 1996. Experimental Methods for Engineers. McGraw Hill.
7. Nachtigal CL. 1990. Instrumentation and Control. Fundamentals and Application. John
Wiley & Sons.
8. Anonymous. 1983. RNAM Test Code and Procedures for Farm Machinery. Technical
series 12.
9. Barger EL, Liljedahl JB & McKibben EC. 1967. Tractors and their Power Units. Wiley
10. Indian Standard Codes for Agricultural Implements. Indian standard Institution, Nanak
Bhavan, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi.
11. Inns FM. 1986. Selection, Testing and Evaluation of Agricultural Machines and Equipment.
FAO Service Bulletin No. 115.
12. Lal R & Dutta PC. Agricultural Engineering (through solved examples). Saroj Parkashan,
13. Metha ML, Verma SR, Mishra SK & Sharma VK. 1995. Testing and Evaluation of
Agricultural Machinery. National Agricultural Technology Information Centre, Ludhiana.
14. Nebraska Tractor Test Code for Testing Tractor, Nebraska, USA.
15. Smith D, Sims BG & ONeill DH. Testing and Evaluation of Agricultural Machinery and
Equipment- Principle and Practice. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin 110.
16. Oliver, F.J. (1971). Practical Instrumentation Transducers. Hayden Book Company Inc.,
New York.
17. Perry, C.C. and Lissner, H.R. (1962). The Strain Gauge Primer, McGraw-Hill Book

AGMD651 Advances in Machine Design

1. Genta. G. (2005) Dynamics of rotating systems. Springer Science and Business Media, Inc.
2. Kulkarni, S. G. (2008). Machine Design. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.
3. Mott. Robert L. (2004). Machine elements in mechanical design; 4 th ed. Pearson Education.
Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Columbus, Ohio.
4. Popov, V. L. (2009). Contact mechanics and friction, physical principles and applications.
Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London, New York.
5. Shigley, J. E. and Mischke, C. R. (2006). Mechanical Engineering Design, Eighth Edition.
McGrawHill Primis.
6. Spotts, M. F. (-----------). Mechanical Design Analysis. Evanston, Illinois, USA.

AGMD612 Advanced Manufacturing Technology

1. Polukhin, P.; Gringerg B.; Kantenik, S.; Zhadan V. and Vasilyen, D. Metal Process
Engineering, MIR Publishers, Moscow.
2. Fundamentals of Tool Design. American Society of Tool and Manufacturer Engineers.
3. Gupta, R B. Production Technology.
4. Jain, R. K. (1994). Production Technology: A Textbook for Engineering Students. Khanna
Publishers, New Delhi.
5. Myron; Begeman, L. and Amstead , B. H.. Manufacturing Processes.
6. Chapman, (Part III). Workshop Technology.

AGMD622 Mechanics of Tractor & Implements

1. Bainer, R., Kepner, R.A. and Barger, E.L. (1978). Principles of farm machinery. John Wiley
and Sons. NY.
2. Barger EL, Liljedahl JB & McKibben EC 1967. Tractors and their Power Units. Wiley Eastern.
3. Gilfillan (1970): Tractor behaviour during motion uphill; II Factors affecting behaviour. Journal
of Agricultural Engineering Research 15(3), 221.
4. Grevis-James, I.R. (1978) Matching tractors and implements; Conference on Agricultural
Engineering, Toowoomba, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Conference Publication No. 78/8,
142 - 145.
5. Hockey, W.S. (1961-62): Tractor mounted implements and adaptations. Proceedings,
Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Automotive Division. No. 4. (Also contribution by P.A.
6. Inns, F.M. (1985) Some design and operational aspects of 3-link implement attachment
systems. Agricultural Engineer, winter, 136-144.
7. Macmillan, R. H. (2002) The Mechanics of Tractor - Implement Performance; Theory and
Worked Examples; A Textbook for Students and Engineers, University of Melbourne, Printed
8. Palmer, A.L. and Kruger, I.R. (1982) Comparative drafts of six tillage implements; Conference
on Agricultural Engineering, Adelaide, Institution of Engineers, Australia; Conference
Publication No. 82/2, 163 - 167.
9. Parkhill, G.J., (1986) A computer simulation of tractor drawbar performance; Conference on
Agricultural Engineering, Adelaide, Institution of Engineers, Australia, Conference Publication
No. 86/9, 258-263.
10. Persson, S. P.E. and Johansson, S. (1967): A weight transfer hitch for trailed implements.
Transactions, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 10(6), 847 - 849.
11. Ralph Alcock.1986. Tractor Implements System. AVI Publ.
12. Reymond N, Yong Ezzat A. and Nicolas Skiadas (1984). Vehicle traction Mechanics. Elsevier
Science Publishing Co., Inc. Molenwerf, P.B.No.211, 1000 AE, Amstardom, Netherlands.
13. Sack, H. W. (1956): Longitudinal stability of tractors. Agricultural Engineering, 37 (5), 328 -
14. Terzaghi, K. and Peck, Ralph B. (1967). Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practices. John Wiley
& Sons, New York; Chichester; Brisbane. Toronto.
15. Wills, B.M.D., (1963) The measurement of soil shear strength and deformation moduli and a
comparison of the actual and theoretical performance of a family of rigid tracks, Journal of
Agricultural Engineering Research 8(2): 115-131.
16. Wismer, R.D., and Luth H.J. (1974), Off-road traction prediction for wheeled vehicles
Transactions of American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 17(1) 8-10,14.

AGMD642 Design of Agricultural Machinery I & II

1. Agricultural Machinery Design and Data Hand Book (Seeders and Planters). (1991). RNAM
Project Oct.
2. Arther W Judge 1967. High Speed Diesel Engines. Chapman & Hall.
3. Bernacki C, Haman J & Kanafajski CZ.1972. Agricultural Machines. Oxford & IBH.
4. Bernacki, C., J. Haman and Cz. Kanafajski (1972). Agricultural Machines, Theory and
Construction. Vol. I. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Technical Information Service,
Springfield, Virginia.22151.
5. Bindra, O.S., and Harcharan Singh (1971). Pesticides application equipments. Oxford & IBH
Publishing Co., New Delhi.
6. Bosoi, E. S., O. V. Verniaev, I.I. Smirnov and E.G. Sultan-Shakh. (1990). Theory, construction
and calculations of Agricultural Machinery - Vol. I. Oxonian Press Pvt.Ltd.,No.56, Connaught
Circle, New Delhi.
7. Cheg Lia and Jack B. Evett. Soil properties Testing, measurement and evaluation. Prentice
Hall Inc., Englewood, Cliffs, New Jersey.07632.
8. Klenin NI, Popov IF & Sakoon VA. 1987. Agricultural Machines. Theory of Operations,
Computing and Controlling Parameters and the Condition of Operation. Amrind Publ.
9. Krutz, G.; Thompson, L. and Claar P. (1984). Design of Agricultural Machinery. John Wiley &
Sons, New York; Chichester; Brisbane. Toranto.
10. Lal R & Dutta PC. 1979. Agricultural Engineering (through solved examples). Saroj
11. Sharma DN & Mukesh S. 2008. Farm Machinery Design. Jain Bros., New Delhi.
12. Sharma PC & Aggarwal DK. 1989. A Text Book of Machine Design. Katson Publishing House.
13. Theory and Construction. Vol. I. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Technical Information
Service, Springfield, Virginia.
14. Yatsuk EP.1981. Rotary Soil Working Machines Construction, Calculation and Design.
American Publ. Co.
15. Sineokov, G. N. (1965). Design of Soil Tillage Machines. Indian National Scientific
Documentation Centre, Hillside Road, New Delhi.
AGMD662 Performance Evaluation of Agricultural Machinery
1. Anonymous. 1983. RNAM Test Code and Procedures for Farm Machinery. Technical series
2. Barger EL, Liljedahl JB & McKibben EC. 1967. Tractors and their Power Units. Wiley Eastern.
3. Indian Standard Codes for Agricultural Implements. Indian standard Institution, Nanak Bhavan,
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi.
4. Inns FM. 1986. Selection, Testing and Evaluation of Agricultural Machines and Equipment.
FAO Service Bulletin No. 115.
5. Lal R & Dutta PC. Agricultural Engineering (through solved examples). Saroj Parkashan,
6. Metha ML, Verma SR, Mishra SK & Sharma VK. 1995. Testing and Evaluation of Agricultural
Machinery. National Agricultural Technology Information Centre, Ludhiana.
7. Nebraska Tractor Test Code for Testing Tractor, Nebraska, USA.
8. Smith D, Sims BG & ONeill DH. Testing and Evaluation of Agricultural Machinery and
Equipment- Principle and Practice. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin 110.
9. Pudjiono, E. and Macmillan, R.H. (1995) Measuring the drawbar performance of animals and
small tractors; (ii) small tractors. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America,
26(1) 21-26.

AGMD672 Agricultural Machinery Noise and Vibrations

1. Ballaney PL. 1974. Theory of Machines. Khanna Publ.
2. Bevan, T. (1962). The theory of Machines. Longmans Greene, London.
3. Bosoi ESO, Verniaev V Smirnov & EG Sultan-Shakh. 1990. Theory, Construction and
Calculations of Agricultural Machinery - Vol. I. Oxonian Press.
4. Close, C.M., Fredrick, D.K. and New well, I.C. (2001). Modelling and Analysis of Dynamic
Systems. 3/e. John Wiley and Sons.
5. Franklin, G.F. and Powell, J.D. (1980). Digital Control of Dynamic Systems. Addison Wesley
Publishing Co., Reading, UK.
6. Getzlaff GE. 1993. Comparative Studies on Standard Plough Body. Engineering Principles of
Agricultural Machines (ASAE. Text book No. 6.)
7. Grover GK. 1996. Mechanical Vibrations. New Chand & Bros., Roorkee.
8. Harris, C.M. and Crede, C.E. (1976). Shock and Vibration Handbook. McGraw-Hill Publishing
Co., New York.
9. Holowenko AR. 1967. Dynamics of Machinery. McGraw Hill.
10. ISO Standard Hand Book of Mechanical Vibration and Shock.
11. Kelly SG. 2000. Fundamental of Mechanical Vibration. 2nd Ed. McGraw Hill.
12. Kepner RA, Bainer R & Berger EL. 1978. Principles of Farm Machinery. AVI Publ.
13. Klenin NI, Popov IF & Sakoon VA. 1987. Agricultural Machines. Theory of Operations,
Computing and Controlling Parameters and the Condition of Operation. Amrind Publ.
14. Mabie, H.H. and Ocrirk, F.W. (1987). Mechanisms and Dynamics of Machinery, John Willey
and Sons, New York.
15. Marples.1969. Dynamics of Machines. McGraw Hill.
16. Meirovitch L. 1986. Elements of Vibration Analysis. 2nd Ed. McGraw Hill.
17. Meirovitch, L (1986). Elements of Vibration Analysis. 2nd Ed. McGraw Hill.
18. Nartov PS. Disc Soil Working Implements. Amrind Publ.
19. Shigley, J.E. and Uicker (jr.), J.J. (1980). Theory of Machinery and Mechanisms. McGraw-Hill
Publishing Co., New York.
20. Srivastav A. C. Elements of Farm Machinery. Oxford & IBH Publ.
21. 21 Steidal. 1986. Introduction to Mechanical Vibrations. Wiley International & ELBS Ed.
22. Steidel (1986). Introduction to Mechanical Vibrations, 2/e., Revised Printing. Wiley
International & ELBS Editions.
23. William T Thomson. 1993. Theory of Vibration with Application. Prentice Hall.
1. Ghafari, G.R. Chegini, J. Khazaei and K. Vahdati. (2011). Design, Construction and
Performance Evaluation of the Walnut Cracking Machine. International Journal of
Nuts and Related Sciences 2(1): 11-16.
2. Adaokoma, A. 2001. The design and fabrication of a multi-purpose grain dehuller. M.
Eng. Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of
Technology (FUT), Minna, Nigeria.
3. Bassey, M.W. Schmidt, 0.G. (1989). Abrasive-disk dehullers in Africa: from research
to dissemination. Ottawa, International Development Research Centre, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada.
4. Eloamaihe, U. J. and Ndubueze, N. K. (2010). Development and performance
evaluation of a dehulling machine for African Breadbeans (Treculia Africana). Journal
of Engineering and Applied Science. 5(4) 313 515.
5. Hall A.S., Holowenko M.S., and Laughlin H.G. (1983). Theory and Problems of
Machine Design. McGraw-Hill International Book Company, Singapore. p 113-130,
290 - 300.
6. K.N. Nwaigwe, C. Nzediegwu and P.E. Ugwuoke. (2012). Design, construction and
performance evaluation of a modified cassava milling machine. Research Journal of
Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 4(18): 3354-3362.
7. Olaoye J. O. ( ). Development of a treadle operated abrasive-cylinder for threshing
cowpea. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST).
8. Olaoye J. O. (2011). Development of small scale equipment for depulpping locust
bean seeds. International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol: 11
No: 06.
9. Shigley, J.E. (1986). Mechanical engineering design. S.I. (metric) ed. McGraw-Hill,
New York, NY, USA.
10. Singh, J. (1996). Design construction and performance evaluation of feed pelleting
machine., Agric. Mechanization Asia, Africa, and Latin, America. 27 (1): 27.
11. Spotts, M.F. 1985. Design of machine elements. 6th ed. Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, NJ, USA


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