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LESSON PLAN: Ali Hasna, 17730554 Page 1


Year: 8 Syllabus title & section: Technology Mandatory Years 7-8, Built Environment/Landscape Design, Page 23.

Lesson 9/11

Unit Name: Sustainability in the Royal Botanical Gardens.

Aboriginal site: The Royal Botanical Gardens.

Lesson Topic: Design of a headstone/plaque to be used in the proposed recreational garden Duration: 60 minutes
space (continuing from previous lesson, see 8/11).

Prior knowledge/skills required Resources (See all resources attached at the end of this lesson plan)
-Field notes from site excursion
-Use of Adobe Photoshop -(Resource) YouTube video titled Beginning graphic design: Layout & composition

-(Resource) PowerPoint presentation titled Existing headstones/plaques

-(Resource) Hardcopy handouts titled organisation of site excursion/field notes and design
criteria checklist

-(Resource) YouTube video titled how to use text tool in Photoshop cs6/ Photoshop Tutorial

-(Resource) Whiteboard markers

Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) - Highlight relevant items

1. Intellectual Quality 2. Quality Learning Environment 3. Significance
1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge
1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge
1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High Expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration
1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social Support 3.4 Inclusivity
1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students self regulation 3.5 Connectedness
1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative
How are Quality Teaching (QT) elements achieved in the lesson?

QT element/s in the lesson Indicators of presence in lesson

The distribution of the design criteria checklist document explicitly communicates
2.1 Explicit quality criteria to students the graphical elements which must be present within their
headstone/plaque in order to coincide with the project requirements and obtain the
best possible score.
Multimodal use of classroom resources with both text-based and visual (video)
2.2 Engagement methods of communication engaging student attention.
Use of whole class discussions engaging pupils through the sharing of various ideas
and perspectives on scenarios/project elements.
Students designing their headstones/plaques this lesson are applying content from
3.3 Knowledge integration the lesson before (the creation of their recreational garden space), as well as
knowledge acquired during the Royal Botanical Garden site excursion in regards to
Aboriginal Flora and Culture.
LESSON PLAN: Ali Hasna, 17730554 Page 2
Syllabus outcome/s:
4.2.1 generates and communicates creative design ideas and solutions

Students learn to: Students learn about:

sketch, draw and model to aid design development communication methods including: drawings, sketches and
use ICTs to communicate information models
using ICTs to plan, develop and document design projects

Pre Teacher activities Resources necessary

-Ensure the classroom is tidy, hazard free, lights are on and date is on the board ready to
-See resource list attached at the end of
this lesson plan.
-Turn on/load all computers ready for students to log on (reduces time wastage). -Please ensure the YouTube links are
working prior to commencing the
-Turn on/load overhead projector ready to display teacher content (reduces time lesson.
-Please ensure the computers, overhead
-Ask students to form two lines at the door. Address students as whole group whereby projector, internet and intranet (access
they must enter quietly, sit in the center of the room (away from the computers) and to school server) are also functioning
await further instructions. prior to the lesson.

Lesson Lesson content Student activity/activities 8 ways link


5 Mins Lesson introduction

-Students: -N/A
-Teacher is to begin by acknowledging -Line up.
the Traditional Custodians of the Land in -Enter classroom.
which we meet today. -Respond to roll call.
-Recall last lessons activities.
-Teacher is to immediately mark the roll -Ask any questions about todays class.
and perform a head count.

-Teacher is to verbally prompt students

to recall last lessons activities whereby
they used Google sketch up to design
their recreational garden spaces (to be
housed within the Royal Botanical

-Teacher is to verbally present this

lessons goals, whereby students will be
designing a headstone/plaque using
Adobe Photoshop which is to be placed
at the entrance of their recreational
garden space (from last lesson). The
purpose of this headstone/plaque is to
describe the range of Aboriginal flora
present within their space. Students
would have acquired information and
pictures of such flora from their site
excursion to the Royal Botanical Gardens.
Such information was acquired by links to
the Aboriginal community and elders.

-NOTE students have prior experience

using Adobe Photoshop.

-NOTE Teacher is to ask to students if

they have any questions.

-TIME CHECK, Should be 5 minutes into

the lesson.
LESSON PLAN: Ali Hasna, 17730554 Page 3

10 mins Lesson body

Visual research activity 1, 5 minutes,

YouTube video about good graphic design -Students are to identify and associate with -N/A
practices key headings mentioned in the YouTube
video. They will these use these aspects of
-The purpose of this activity is to: good graphic design during the creation of
-sustain whole class discussion their headstone/plaque later in this lesson.
-identify, discuss and evaluate impacts
of good graphics design (what to do) -Students are to recall things they may
- identify, discuss and evaluate impacts learnt, not understood etc from the video.
of poor graphics design (what not to do)
-Ask any questions.
-Prior to playing the below YouTube
video, the teacher is to prompt students
to pay attention to key headings
highlighted throughout the video
discussing what enables good graphic
design, as this is highly relevant to
todays lesson activity (to follow).

-As the video is playing, the teacher is

write notes/key headings from the video
on the white board for further

-(Resource) Teacher is to now play the

YouTube video titled Beginning graphic
design: Layout & composition(link
attached at the end of this lesson plan)
on the overhead projector at front of the

-Teacher is to ask student to recall any

key learnings from the video.

-NOTE Teacher is to ask to students if

they have any questions.

TIME CHECK, Should be 10 minutes into

the lesson.

15 mins
Visual research activity 2, 5 minutes, -All students contribute to whole class -N/A
Presentation about existing discussion regarding the existing
headstones/plaques headstone/plaque designs viewed in the
-The purpose of this activity is to:
-sustain whole class discussion -Students discuss how the design elements
-evaluate existing headstone/plaque of these existing headstones/plaques make
designs currently housed in the Royal them feel, things they may do differently in
Botanical Gardens. their design, things they may include in
their design etc.
-(Resource) Teacher is to display the
existing headstones/plaques -Students must reflect as to how they will
PowerPoint presentation, Slides 1 to 8, apply knowledge gathered from this
(attached at the end of this lesson plan) activity during the design of their own
on the overhead projector at front of the headstone/plaque.
-Ask any questions.
-This PowerPoint contains exiting
headstone/plaque designs which
students may have already seen from
their Royal Botanical Garden site tour.

-The teacher is to present the different

LESSON PLAN: Ali Hasna, 17730554 Page 4
pictures/designs, verbally communicating
to students the use of different colours,
fonts, text sizes, layouts, visual hierarchy
etc. Thus all good graphic elements noted
from the previous activity (YouTube

-Whilst presenting, the teacher is to

invite students to share their thoughts.

-Teacher is to remind students to use

knowledge gained from this activity
during the design of their own

-NOTE Teacher is to ask to students if

they have any questions.

TIME CHECK, Should be 15 minutes into

the lesson.

20 Mins
Activity 3, 10 minutes, Organisation of
site excursion/field notes & design -Students make reference to their -N/A
criteria checklist excursion/field notes table completed
during their site excursion.
-The purpose of this activity is for:
25 Mins -students to individually organise prior -Students are to utilise this information on
knowledge under clear table format their headstone/plaque designs.
headings to better inform and ensure
ease in design of their headstone/plaque -Students are to make reference to the
-students to utilise the supplied design design criteria checklist document whilst
criteria checklist document to ensure designing their headstones/plaques to
their headstone/plaque aligns with the ensure they are meeting project
projects marking guidelines. requirements.

-NOTE (Resource) Teacher is to prompt -Students are to contribute to whole class

students to refer back to their discussion drawing similarities between the
excursion/field notes table (copy graphic design elements found on the
attached at the end of this lesson plan) checklist document and the YouTube
which they completed whilst on their site video from Activity 1.
excursion to The Royal Botanical Gardens
in order to complete this next activity. -Ask any questions.

-Teacher is to verbally explain that

students are to utilise the information
from this table on their
headstone/plaque design. Thus they are
transferring the same content from the
handout to the headstone/plaque.

-This table contains information relevant

to Aboriginal flora and their uses in
Aboriginal culture, thus aligning to the
rationale behind student designing the
recreational garden space and its
matching headstone/plaque.

-(Resource) Teacher is to distribute

amongst students the design criteria
checklist hardcopy handouts (attached at
the end of this lesson plan).

-Teacher is to verbally explain to students

that they are to use this checklist when
designing their headstone/plaque as its
requirements align to both good graphic
design and the projects marking
LESSON PLAN: Ali Hasna, 17730554 Page 5

-The teacher is to iterate to students that

this document is intended to ensure they
maximise their opportunity to obtain the
best possible score.

-Whole class discussion regarding factors

mentioned on this checklist and how
this relates to the earlier YouTube video
(Activity 1).

-NOTE Teacher is to ask to students if

they have any questions.

TIME CHECK, Should be 25 minutes into

the lesson.

30 Mins
Activity 4, 5 minutes, Adobe Photoshop
refresher video tutorial -Students are to view the YouTube video in -N/A
order to recall keyboard commands and
-The purpose of this activity is to: their function within Photoshop.
-refresh student memory on basic
Adobe Photoshop functions and -Ask any questions.
commands (NOTE student have prior
experience with this program)

-Prior to playing the below YouTube

video, the teacher is to verbally explain to
students that the following video
showcases basic Adobe Photoshop
command functions in case they have
since forgotten.

-These functions are highly relevant to

the following activity whereby students
will begin designing their
headstones/plaques suing Photoshop.

-(Resource) Teacher is to now play the

YouTube video titled how to use text
tool in Photoshop cs6/ Photoshop
Tutorial (link attached at the end of this
lesson plan) on the overhead projector at
front of the classroom.

-NOTE Teacher is to ask to students if

they have any questions.

TIME CHECK, Should be 30 minutes into

the lesson.

35 mins
Activity 5, 25 minutes, Headstone/plaque
design on Adobe Photoshop -Students now log onto computers using
their full names and passwords.
-The purpose of this activity is to:
40 mins -allow students time in class to design -Students open the Adobe Photoshop
their headstone/plaque using Adobe program.
Students whilst developing their
-Students immediately save the working headstones/plaques are establishing
-Teacher is to now prompt students to file (file, save as, my computer) under the land links through the documentation of
45 Mins log onto computers. directory on the school server. Aboriginal Flora and their use in
Aboriginal Culture.
-Upon logging in, students are to open -Students begin designing their
the program Adobe Photoshop, then headstone/plaque to accompany their
immediately file, save as save their new recreational garden space from the
LESSON PLAN: Ali Hasna, 17730554 Page 6
50 Mins working file to their own student previous lesson.
directory found on the school server
(under my computer). -Students are to:
-apply good graphics design practice to
their headstone/plaque as seen in the
55 mins -Teacher is to continually alternate YouTube video from Activity 1. In addition
around the room ensuring students are use the design criteria checklist document
on task as well as monitor individual to assist doing so.
student progression. -use design inspiration from existing Information portrayed on the students
headstone/plaque examples from Activity 2 headstones/plaques about Aboriginal
-NOTE Teacher is to ask to students if -use information from the excursion/field Flora and Culture, has been obtained
they have any questions. notes table for their headstone/plaque. through links to Aboriginal Community
and Elders during the Royal Botanical
-NOTE SYLLABUS LINK It is during this -Ask any questions. Gardens excursion.
phase of the lesson students:
-Use ICT (Photoshop)
-Communicate through drawings
(rendering of headstone/plaque)

TIME CHECK, Should be 55 minutes into

the lesson.

60 Mins Lesson conclusion

-Students: -N/A
-Students are informed they are to -save work.
continue their headstone/plaque design -log off.
next lesson (lesson 10/11). -pack up.
-leave quietly.
-Students are prompted to save their
work, log off, pack up and quietly await
the bell, only then can they leave in an
orderly manner.
LESSON PLAN: Ali Hasna, 17730554 Page 7


How have outcomes been achieved?
Learning outcome Method of measuring and recording
-Development of a headstone/plaque -Evidence of student completion through the developed headstone/plaque designs.
using good graphic design elements to
capture Aboriginal Culture within a
proposed recreational garden space
communicated through drawing and
developed using ICT.

Links to next lesson

-Students continue to and complete their headstone/plaque designs.

AISTL graduate standards and evidence that this lesson achieves this standard.
AITSL Standard Evidence within this lesson

2.6 Information Communication Through the teacher use of:

Technology (ICT) -YouTube Videos
Implement teaching strategies for using -Tables
ICT to expand curriculum learning -Checklists
opportunities for students
Through the student use of:
-Adobe Photoshop

WHS considerations

-Ethical and/or possible legal issues with student access to internet (viewing of inappropriate and/or offensive content etc.)

-Use of Computers for extensive period of time may result in eye, neck and/or back strain

-General hazards in classroom (outdated safety equipment, electrical, obstacles, fires etc.)

References (2016, November 22). Beginning graphic design: Layout & composition. [Video file]. Retrieved from

Singh, A. (2016, June 1). How to use Text tool in Photoshop cs6 / Photoshop Tutorial. [Video file]. Retrieved from

Casual teacher Notes:

-I recommend viewing the attached lesson resources yourself prior to commencing the lesson so that you become familiar with
aspects of graphic design as well as Photoshop, you may find such very helpful particularly if you are not from an Industrial
Arts/TAS background, thank you.

Community Consultation or Protocols to be considered.

-Consultation of Aboriginal Community members and Elders, thus information gathered through the site visit to the Royal
Botanical Gardens.
LESSON PLAN: Ali Hasna, 17730554 Page 8

Resources to support this Lesson

-(Resource) Visual research activity 1, YouTube video titled Beginning graphic design: Layout & composition

-(Resource) Visual research activity 2, Existing headstones/plaques PowerPoint presentation


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-(Resource) Activity 3 , organisation of site excursion/field notes and design criteria checklist
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-(Resource) Activity 4 , YouTube video titled how to use text tool in Photoshop cs6/ Photoshop Tutorial

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