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Amna Matar



1. Which age is the sensorimotor stage from - to?

From birth to age 2
2. What is object permanence?
Object permanence is knowing that things still exist even when they
cannot be seen, heard or touched.
3. What ages is the preoperational period from to?
From 2 to 7 years old.
4. What is conservation?
is being able to catch or save the first image in the
memory and reverse physical change mentally.
5. What is seriation?
it's the ability to organize objects in order by size.
6. What is classification?
is being able to separate sort things into specific groups, using
different ways of comparisons such as color, shape or size.
7. What is one to one correspondence?
Is a role linking the elements of two sets, where each part of one set
is matched with exactly one part of the other set, and each part of
the other set is matched or paired with exactly one element of the
first set. For example, the spoon is paired with the plate.
8. According to Piaget children between ages 7-11 are in which stage?
Concrete operational stage.
Amna Matar

9. What can children in the above stage do that preoperational children

are unable to do?
One major task that children acquire during the concrete operational
stage is to put things in order according to one property, such as size
or weight. Logical reasoning such as this is not possible until the
stage of concrete operations, during which children develop the
ability to make two mental transformations that need reversible
10.What is Piagets final stage called?
Formal operational.

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