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Area of Study

Assessment Task 1

Jarrod Regan

1 Jarrod Regan 17303024


AREA OF STUDY: Perspectives of Reality

The Area of Study for this unit will reflect on the concept of individuals Perspectives
of Reality. The study of Reality is a broad concept that finds its roots in
metaphysics, philosophy, English and the human experience. This unit will delve into
a body of work that depicts the varied nature of an individual perspective of the world
around them and how these composers use a perspective of reality within their texts to
create meaning.

An individuals Perspective of Reality is a unique from person to person. Factors

within an individuals life such as personal context, values, beliefs, occupation,
emotional state and even mental health all effect the way in which a person views the
world around them. This links to the Stage Six syllabus documentation in terms of the
critical study of a text and how these personal factors influence the composition and
response to a text (Board of Studies New South Wales, 2009, p. 36).

Students may use this study as a method of uncovering how composers use a
perspective of reality that has been shaped or distorted due to personal circumstances
of the text in order to create meaning. Students will also discover how composers can
use their texts to create a varied perspective of reality in their respondents in an effort
to draw out a personal experience or relationship to their texts and generate a personal
and impactful message or meaning for their audience.

The core text for this study will be William Shakespeares play Othello. The study
will look specifically at the character Iago and his monologue in Act Two, Scene
Three where Iago describes to the audience his plan for claiming vengeance against
Othello (Shakespeare, 2008, p. 114). This text represents two differing aspects of this
unit of work, a composer using a characters perspective of reality in order to explain
their motives and actions and the ability for a character to manipulate the perspective
of other characters which distorts their view on reality. The technique of a monologue
is designed for a performer and a dramatic text to convey the inner perspective of a
character, which Shakespeare uses in this scene to demonstrate Iagos plan for
destroying his enemies And make the net that shall enmesh them all (Shakespeare,
2008, p. 114). Additionally, Shakespeare uses Iago as a method of demonstrating how
a character can manipulate the perspective of others which distorts the reality of other
characters, which Iago uses in order to destroy Othello and Desdemona, Ill pour this
pestilence into his ear: That she repeals him for her bodys lust. (Shakespeare, 2008,
p. 114). This text demonstrates not only how a composer uses a characters
perspective of reality in order to display meaning in a text but also highlights how
fragile a persons perspective on reality is when manipulated through people or

The short story Legion, by Brandon Sanderson, and the music video for Kids,
performed by MGMT, both display a perspective of reality that has been changed due
to trauma or mental illness. Within Legion Brandon Sanderson has develop a
character that has a mental condition where he interact with individuals within his
own mind. Likening it to schizophrenia, Sanderson depicts how the primary
characters perception of the world is vastly different due to his mental condition and

2 Jarrod Regan 17303024

is often at odds with the rest of the world and the perspective they have towards him
(Sanderson, 2013, p. 25). Kids uses the perspective of a child who views the world
where the adults surrounding him are monsters, besides his own mother, due to a
trauma which is shown in a nightmare (MGMT, 2009). Additionally, the text also
shows that the trauma may come from the mother herself due to her uncaring nature
and lack of support for her son, using high camera angles which remove the child
from the image and emphasising her contempt (MGMT, 2009). Both texts
demonstrate that a persons experiences and personal wellbeing does affect a persons
perspective of the reality around them and that a persons reality is subjective to an
individuals personal needs or issues.

The Matrix movie trailer and Total Recall movie poster are the two finale texts for
this Area of Study. Both of these texts display a perspective of a character caught
between two realities, guiding responders to question what real and what is false. The
Matrix movie trailer demonstrate a distortion in characters perception of reality by
developing a quick montage of images which blends the various perspectives of the
real world and the matrix (Wachowski & Wachowski, 1999). Additionally, the
trailer develops a connection to the audience by displaying a list of questions
addressed directly to the audience about what the audience believes to be really and if
they know what is truly real around them (Wachowski & Wachowski, 1999). The
Total Recall movie poster demonstrates a similar view on the concept of Perceptions
of Reality and poses a simple question as its primary focus What is real? (Wiseman,
2012). This text also highlights the idea that when an individual has two distinct
perceptions of reality in their minds, how can a person establish what is truly the
reality to them. Both of these texts use the idea of a duality of reality in order to
demonstrate how an individual would cope with their lives in this circumstance but
also to demonstrate that an individuals perspective of reality is fundamental in
establishing who they truly are.

The study of these texts will allow students to uncover the nature of reality and how
their individual perspective helps shape their interpretation of the world around them.
In understanding how a composer may convey or distort reality to create a deeper
meaning, students may be able to develop as an individual and broaden their
perspective of the human experience and gain empathy for those that may have a
distorted view of reality.

Reference List
Board of Studies New South Wales. (2009). Stage 6 English Syllabus. Sydney: Board
of Studies NSW.
MGMT. (2009, 10 24). MGMT - Kids Music Video. Retrieved 2 28, 2017, from
Sanderson, B. (2013). Legion. In B. Sanderson, Legion and the Emperor's Soul (pp. 1-
75). London: Dragonsteel Entertainment.
Shakespeare, W. (2008). No Fear Shakespeare: Othello. New York: Spark

3 Jarrod Regan 17303024

Wachowski, L., & Wachowski, L. (1999). The Matrix Movie Trailer. Retrieved 2 28,
2017, from Youtube:
Wiseman, L. (2012, June). Total recall movie poster. Retrieved March 2, 2017, from
IMP Awards:

4 Jarrod Regan 17303024

Lesson Plan 1

Topic area: English/Area of Study Stage of Learner: Stage 6 Syllabus Pages: 36-44
(Perspectives of Reality) (Advanced Year 11)

Date: 1/03/2017 Location Booked: L.G.24 Lesson Number: 1/20

Time: 60 minutes Total Number of students: 20 Printing/preparation: Yes

Assessment Objectives Outcomes Content

Lesson assessment Students will develop Syllabus outcomes 4.2 describing the effects of
An informal knowledge and 4. A student describes the language forms and
assessment for understanding of the ways and explains the ways in features, and the structures
learning will be in which language forms, which language forms of particular texts
features and structures and features, and 4.3 using various language
conducted in this
shape meanings in a structures of particular forms and features, and
lesson in order to variety of textual forms. texts shape meaning and structures of particular texts
determine Students will develop skills influence responses. to shape meaning.
students in responding to and 7. A student selects 7. Students learn to
understanding of composing a range of appropriate language communicate information,
the concept and complex texts. forms and features, and ideas and values for a
knowledge of the Students will develop skills structures to explore and variety of purposes,
text Othello in effective communication express ideas and audiences and contexts by:
at different levels of values. 7.1 identifying and
complexity. describing the effects of
language forms and
features, and structures of
particular texts

Explicit subject specific concepts and skills:

Concepts: Composer, Respondent, meaning, Perspective, individuality, Reality, Empathy, Personal
context or circumstance. Mental illness, deception, distortions or differences in opinion or
perspective. Perspective vs. Point of View

Skills: Critical analysing skills, reading, writing, contextual analysis, comprehension, conceptual

Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) Highlight the appropriate areas

Intellectual Quality 1.1 Deep knowledge 1.4 Higher-order thinking
This refers to pedagogy focused on producing deep understanding of important, 1.2 Deep understanding 1.5 Metalanguage
substantive concepts, skills and ideas. Such pedagogy treats knowledge as something 1.3 Problematic 1.6 Substantive
that requires active construction and requires students to engage in higher-order knowledge communication
thinking and to communicate substantively about what they are learning.
Quality Learning Environment 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 2.4 Social Support
This refers to pedagogy that creates classrooms where students and teachers work 2.2 Engagement 2.5 Students self regulation
productively in an environment clearly focused on learning. Such pedagogy sets high and 2.3 High Expectations 2.6 Student direction
explicit expectations and develops positive relationships between teacher and students
and among students.
Significance 3.1 Background 3.4 Inclusivity
This refers to pedagogy that helps make learning more meaningful and important to knowledge 3.5 Connectedness
students. Such pedagogy draws clear connections with students prior knowledge and 3.2 Cultural knowledge 3.6 Narrative
identities, with contexts outside of the classroom, and with multiple ways of knowing all 3.3 Knowledge
cultural perspective. integration

5 Jarrod Regan 17303024

Time Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centred
5 (Students have already entered class and Teacher: The teacher will Teacher
are settled and have read their version of provide the essay planning centred
Othello before this class) scaffold that will be ongoing
for the next three lessons. Student will
Students will be introduced to the area of be preparing
study topic Perspectives of Reality. Student: Will settle but also for the Area
10 Students will be given a worksheet which will grab books and pens out for of Study work
be completed over the next three lessons. recording as well as receive taking place
This worksheet will be explained as the the worksheet to be stuck within the
blueprint for an essay assessment that the into books for future use and next three
students must accomplish at the end of the revision. classes
unit. This worksheet will allow students to
structure their essay for the assessment as Resources: Worksheet
well as allow students to fully link the (Appendix A). books, pens,
connections between the prescribed texts as PowerPoint presentation
they progress through the works. (Look at and computer required for
appendix A for worksheet) set up

15 This section of the class will be presenting a Teacher: Will provide and This will be
PowerPoint (Appendix B) that outlines the explain the Area of Study Teacher
course and the types of language and component for the topic of centred
directions this Area of Study can take. Perspectives of Reality. presentation
Teachers will also give time in order to
The PowerPoint will include the following throughout the PowerPoint develop
20 slides: slide for students to record student
Outlining the content of this Area of definitions and particular understanding
Study points of note as required. of the concept
Defining the two key features of this of this Area of
area of study What is a Student: Students will record Study.
perspective? and What is reality? the key points of the
25 What can distort or change reality? presentation in order to
Some examples of texts that relay develop their understanding
this concept (not the texts for study) of this concept and how it
The texts that will be studied in class. applies to the texts they will
eventually respond to.
The final slides of this presentation will start Resources: Students require
the work of this class on the extract of a their books and pens and the
monologue performed by the character Iago teacher will need the
by demonstrating how this text manipulates computer and PowerPoint
and conveys different perspectives of reality. slides (Appendix B) to be
viewable for class.

6 Jarrod Regan 17303024

35 The analysis of Monologue from Othellos Teacher: The teacher will This will be a
character Iago Act Two, Scene Three direct students attention student
(Appendix C, this may be printed out for towards the extract of the centred
students) Think-Pair-Share activity. Othello text or direct portion of the
students in their own copy class that
40 This exercise will be an analysis task that is towards the extract of the focuses on
student centred on the extract supplied to text for analysis. As students Think-Pair-
the students. Students should be familiar begin their work, the teacher Share or group
with the context of this extract within will provide scaffolding for analysis
Othello. Teacher will scaffold responses by the students towards the activities.
45 presenting the three structural and language types of language features Teacher will
features of the text that demonstrate how and techniques that present give
this text represents a perspective of reality this concept. scaffolding
and how the character manipulates other and support
characters perception of reality through Student: Will analyse the groups in the
50 either supplying these responses with the text, using cues and process.
hand out or may write it on the board for the techniques supplied by the
class to record. Stress that the text connects teacher, and generate a list
to this concept by being focused on the of techniques and
twisted perspective of an individual bent on explanations for why these
revenge. Iagos revenge is specifically techniques reflect a
designed to twist the perspective of other distortion or perspective of
characters and making their perspective of reality. The extension task
reality change in order to turn one character will further this analysis and
against another. This one text becomes the allow students to recognise
core text for our student as it represents how this text continues the
both views of this concept. concept within the text.

Students will be encouraged to join into Resources: Student books,

Think-Pair-Share groups to read this text pens, copy of Othello or
using the understanding of the concept in Othello extract. Tables may
this Area of Study in order to uncover any be organised for group work.
features of the text that they also believe will Teacher requires the teacher
fit within this extract. Teacher will facilitate copy of the text for the
the discussion for the class and record any scaffolding of techniques
strong or potentially strong responses on the and language features which
board for students to record in books. This will support student learning
will be used as the informal assessment for if required.
the lesson. Any responses not as strong can
be discussed by the class in order to justify or
remove its inclusion within the list.

Extension: If students progress through task

quickly or some students have finished
before others, direct student attention to the
I am not what I am sequence of Act One,
Scene One and have students also link this
characterisation to the extract and the
concept of this Area of Study.

7 Jarrod Regan 17303024

55 The last few minutes of this lesson should be Teacher: Should facilitate Student
used for students to reflect on the language student reflection and centred
features discovered within this dramatic text selection of language reflective
and record a selection of them for their features and techniques for learning
review worksheet for the assessment. The their own revision material process which
60 teacher should suggest that they complete it and work. will allow
for homework if required and that the next students to
lesson will take place in the ICT labs. Student: Reflect and record reflect and
three to five different select the
techniques for the revision language
sheet that they believe best features and
suits their needs. techniques
that better
suit their
Resources: Reflection sheet. understanding
of the topic.

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

4. A student describes and The measurement is completed from the responses
explains the ways in which students develop from their own analysis of the text
language forms and features, provided in this lesson. This is through the selection of
and structures of particular language features and its application to the concept
texts shape meaning and study.
influence responses.
7. A student selects The think-pair-share analysis activity for this text allows
appropriate language forms for students to select what they believe is the appropriate
and features, and structures to language features and structure for this frame of analysis.
explore and express ideas and The process of students debating or selecting the range of
values. techniques also allow the teacher to measure this

8 Jarrod Regan 17303024

Other considerations

Complete the table blow by inserting the AISTL graduate standards that you are
demonstrating and indicates the evidence from this lesson that should comply with
the standard.
Graduate Evidence within this lesson
2.1 Content This class allows for students to engage in two different exercises that
and teaching push their interpretive skills and develop their understanding of textual
strategies of
the teaching analysis both by looking at a Shakespearean text but also the activities
area drive students to deepen their own presentation and analysis skills.
4.1 Support This class primary function is for students to participate in the
student development of their own revision material and the techniques that
students identify. This is supported but conceptual scaffolding and
analysis scaffolding which students will further develop from.

Shakespeare, W. (2008). No fear shakespeare: Othello. New York: Spark Publishing.

Images in PowerPoint:

Bioshock [Image] (2007, August 21). Retrieved March 10, 2017, from

Eyes [Images] (2013, April 19). Retrieved March 10, 2017, from

Linkin Parks Heavy Single Cover [Image] (2017, March 1). Retrieved March 10,
2017, from

The Power of Point of View (POV) [Image] (2015, July 08). Retrieved March 10,
2017, from

The Sixth Sense [Image] (2000, March 28). Retrieved March 10, 2017, from

1984 [Image] (2002). Retrieved March 10, 2017, from

9 Jarrod Regan 17303024

Appendix A: Perspectives of Reality Texts Revision Sheet
Text One: Text Two: Text Three: Text Four: Text Five:

Title of the text:

What text type is

Who composed this


What year was this

What is the content
of this text or the
narrative of this

(Describe the any

key points in the
text or any central
moments in the text
that you believe fits
best for your
revision sheet)

10 Jarrod Regan 17303024

Select and list
between three to
four techniques this
text utilises for the
study of
Perspective of

For each technique

identify where the
technique is
located, include its
effect on the
audience and the
link this effect has
on the study of
Perspectives of

(This can only be

filled out after you
have completed all
other rows)

How does this text

link to the other
texts when studying
the concept of
Perspective of
11 Jarrod Regan 17303024
Appendix B: PowerPoint Presentation Slides

(Slide 1)

(Slide 2)

(Slide 3)

12 Jarrod Regan 17303024

(Slide 4)

(Slide 5)

(Slide 6)

13 Jarrod Regan 17303024

(Slide 7)

(Slide 8)

(Slide 9)

14 Jarrod Regan 17303024

Appendix C:
Iago, William Shakespeares Othello, Act 2, Scene 3. (No Fear Shakespeare Page 114)
And whats he then that says I play the villain?
When this advice is free I give and honest,
Probal to thinking and indeed the course
To win the Moor again? For tis most easy
Th inclining Desdemona to subdue
In any honest suit. Shes framed as fruitful
As the free elements. And then for her
To win the Moor, were to renounce his baptism,
All seals and symbols of redeemed sin,
His soul is so enfettered to her love,
That she may make, unmake, do what she list,
Even as her appetite shall play the god
With his weak function. How am I then a villain
To counsel Cassio to this parallel course,
Directly to his good? Divinity of hell!
When devils will the blackest sin put on
They do suggest at first with heavenly shows
As I do now. For whiles this honest fool
Piles Desdemona to repair his fortune
And she for him pleads strongly to the Moor,
Ill pour this pestilence into his ear:
That she repeals him for her bodys lust.
And by how much she strives to do him good
She shall undo her credit with the moor.
So will I turn her virtue into pitch
And out of her own goodness make the net
That shall enmesh them all. (316-342)

Appendix C.1 (Teachers scaffolding and analysis)

Supportive Analysis for students:
This passage utilises Dramatic Irony due to the nature of a monologue being designed
for an audience to discover the inner workings and perspectives of the character and
yet this monologue is discussing how Iagos inner workings lie within corrupting and
manipulating how others see and accept the reality that surrounds them. Furthermore,
the fact the audience is now a part of Iagos scheme through this monologue,
addresses the point of view of the audience as the Iago that interacts with other
characters is not the Iago that we become fully aware of. This is demonstrated within
the first two lines of the monologue.
Contrast and Symbolism: The two lines highlighted within this text demonstrate how
Iagos seeks to corrupt the perceptions of reality of those surrounding him. First a
contrast is supplied to the actions and intent that Iago possesses to other characters
within the play as his actions are perceived by others to be of good intent are a
manipulation designed to toy and twist characters perceptions of one another. The
symbolism of the devils and heavenly shows enhance this effect on the audience,
as the religious symbols draw upon fundamental principles of good and evil within
Shakespeares context and link Iagos true intensions and his ability to entice and
destroy the people around him.

15 Jarrod Regan 17303024

Imagery: The selected words develop a negative image to the workings of Iago in this
monologue. They demonstrate how Iago perceives the world around him as a simple
exercise of manipulation and control over the people that surround him. These images
also demonstrate how the other characters understanding of the world and people
around them can be manipulated and changed through the manipulation of another.
These manipulations are given strong negative imagery through words such as
pestilence and pitch which denote the corruptive nature of Iagos plan and how his
vengeance allows him the right to distort and change the truth of the reality of the
people he wants to destroy.

16 Jarrod Regan 17303024

Lesson Plan 2

Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the purposes and effects of a
range of textual forms in their personal, social, historical, cultural and workplace
Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the ways in which language
forms, features and structures shape meanings in a variety of textual forms.
Students will develop skills in independent investigation, individual and collaborative

2. A student describes and explains relationships among texts.
4. A student describes and explains the ways in which language forms and features, and
structures of particular texts shape meaning and influence responses.
7. A student selects appropriate language forms and features, and structures to explore and
express ideas and values.

2.1 identifying and describing similarities in and differences between texts
2.2 identifying and describing the connections between texts
4.1 identifying and describing a variety of language forms and features, and structures of
particular texts
7.1 identifying and describing the effects of language forms and features, and structures of
particular texts

Resources: Computer lab, PowerPoint system in computers for students, Student worksheet
from Lesson Plan one (Lesson plan one: Appendix A), Students also require their books.
Links for both visual texts (Appendix A and B) and the teacher will print out support revision
papers for visual texts (Appendix C). Students will also require link for student box or online
system for receiving the PowerPoint slides for assessment.

This lesson is designed to be an ICT class for students to view and compare two multimedia
texts. This class will be student driven in a group textual analysis task which will result in
students sharing their ideas with the rest of the class. This will improve students analytical
skills and allow students to express opinions in ICT forms which will allow students of all
levels of capability to be included. The two texts viewed within this lesson will be The Matrix
move trailer, published by Warner Brothers pictures, (Appendix A for link) and the music
video of MTGMs Kids (Appendix B for link). Students will enter the class and be provided
the links for the two videos to be analysed in this class. Students will be provided with a sheet
of typical language features, techniques and structures that are typical within visual text
(Appendix C). This will not only provide a revision on visual techniques for this advanced
course, but also scaffold the class analysis for this task.

Students task for this class will be group work (maximum of four students per group)that
asks them to analyse the two texts for their language features that reflect the various
perspectives of reality. Students will develop an understanding of the text and augment this
task by writing a comprehension paragraph on the contents of these videos. This task will

17 Jarrod Regan 17303024

provide students a means of recall for their paragraph building sheet, provided in the previous
lesson, but also allow students to draw upon specific moments within the video which will be
used for the major activity for this lesson. Following the comprehension task, students will
need to develop a list of visual techniques for each of these videos. The teacher may provide
some techniques in order to scaffold responses, however, teachers should allow groups to use
the Appendix C revision sheet in order to develop and extend their understanding of the class.

Each group must use these techniques to create a PowerPoint presentation which will be sent
to the teacher at the end of this lesson. This PowerPoint should include the following:
The name of the text, what is the type and purpose of this text (Visual promotional
text and a visual entertainment text) and the year of the texts creation.
Provide an analysis of particular techniques between the two texts. Encourage
students to generate a table for up to five distinct techniques for each of these texts
that reflect the concept of Perspectives of Reality.
Any significant scenes or moments within these texts that students feel directly
relates to the concept of Perspectives of Reality and describe the techniques within
this scene that they believe creates meaning for this concept.
Students should develop these slides for this class and send them to the teacher before the end
of this lesson. Submission can be sent to the teachers drop box or printed and given as hard

If students to require further support to complete the task, a variety of techniques and the
connection to the concept of Perspectives of Reality will be supplied by the teacher Students
should be able to discover the various perspectives of reality that take place within both texts.
MTGMs Kids reflect the perspective of a child that is caught in a nightmare of the adults
around him. Additionally students can note that the mother of the music video also has a
perspective of reality within this text that is based on a self-absorbed perspective of reality
and goes so far as to leave her child at the mercy of the world around him with a profound
high angled medium shot that cuts off the child once the mother places him on the ground.
The perspective at play within The Matrix movie trailer is that of a divide between the real
world and the dream world of the Matrix. The text shows continuous flashes of imagery
which creates a montage that shows the divide between the two realities that exist within the
text. It is the manipulation of the audiences perspective of reality that students may also
discuss. During the movie trailer, a list of questions that are directed towards the audience
push the perspective towards the viewer that they may also alter their perspective of reality in
order to fit with the narrative taking place in the screen.

Once students have handed in the task, direct the groups to share some of their responses.
This should be accomplished through a presentation of the PowerPoint created within this
class for the other teams to view and be explained by the individual groups as to why they
have chosen these techniques and significant scenes for the study of our Area of Study
concept. Recommend to students that they should record analysis that they agree with for
their revision sheet.

At the end of this class direct students to read the extract of the short story Legion, by
Brandon Sanderson, before the next lesson and to also prepare for the next visual text of the
next lesson by revising the visual techniques worksheet from this lesson. Students will be
asked to come up with a list of ways Legion reflects the area of studies concept before the
next lesson.

18 Jarrod Regan 17303024


MGMT. (2009, 10 24). MGMT - Kids Music Video. Retrieved February 28, 2017, from
Wachowski, L., & Wachowski, L. (1999). The Matrix Movie Trailer. Retrieved February 28,
2017, from Youtube:

Appendix A:
The Matrix Movie Trailer

Appendix B:
MTGMs Kids music video

19 Jarrod Regan 17303024

Appendix C: Visual Technique sheet
Name of Technique The effect of the technique
Angles High or low angle shots can be used to demonstrate
power or control in a situation between two people
or a person and a location.

Background What is in the background? How does the

background effect the character within the shot or
produce an image or tone for the visual image.

Body Language or Position Where a character is positioned or how they are

postured could be used to direct an audience
member towards a particular response or position

Contrast When an image is compared to another for their

differences. This is used to convey the difference
and the meaning it contains

Point of View Does the text use first or third point of view? How
does the scene show the character within this text?

Tone What is the colour tone of the image? Darker or

lighter tones have differing effects on a shot. A dark
tone can convey foreboding or a lighter tone for

Symbolism Is there an item or image within this scene that

could relate to or convey a particular concept or
idea within this text?

20 Jarrod Regan 17303024

Lesson Plan 3
Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the purposes and effects of a
range of textual forms in their personal, social, historical, cultural and workplace
Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the ways in which language
forms, features and structures shape meanings in a variety of textual forms.

2. A student describes and explains relationships among texts.
4. A student describes and explains the ways in which language forms and features, and
structures of particular texts shape meaning and influence responses.

2. Students learn to describe and explain the relationships among texts by:
2.2 identifying and describing the connections between texts
4. Students learn about the ways in which language forms and features, and the structures of
particular texts shape meaning and influence responses by:
4.2 describing the effects of the language forms and features, and the structures of particular
4.3 using various language forms and features, and structures of particular texts to shape

Resources: Whiteboard, A3 movie poster of Total Recall (Appendix B) or interactive online

version of the text, recording paper for explanations. Students will require their pens, books,
the worksheet from lesson one (Appendix A of lesson plan 1) and students copy of Legion.

This class will finalise the analysis of the core five texts of this conceptual study. Student
were expected to have read the short story of Legion, by Brandan Sanderson, for this next
class which will begin the content of this lesson by analysing an extract of the text that
develops on the concept of Perspectives of Reality (Appendix A). This class will also
complete a class room analysis of the final text, a movie poster of Total Recall (Appendix B).
Finally this class will develop the links between the five texts for students in order to finalise
their revision material and preparation for any essay assessments in later lessons.

The class will start with students opening the Legion text to the extract provided for the text
in Appendix A. Students will be asked to provide any techniques that they have uncovered in
reading this specific section of the text. These language features should be listed by the
teacher on a white board or PowerPoint slide for all students to have a direct, visual record of
the possible techniques within the text and allow time for students to record the techniques
while progressing through student ideas. Students should be able to provide a minimum of 5
techniques, with conceptual connections, that are usable for all students, however, the teacher
should suggest that students develop a few techniques of their own for their own analysis and
essay work. Students will be then asked to write a small paragraph, in an essay structure, of
their analysis of this text for homework in order for the teacher to assess student analysis,
writing and critical thinking skills and gauge the level of depth students have developed in
this conceptual study.

21 Jarrod Regan 17303024

The second activity of the class will be a technique identification activity that they whole
class will do on the movie poster of Total Recall. The teacher will supply an A3 print out of
the movie poster or utilise an intractable version in either a PowerPoint or interactive white
board, depending on the circumstances of the class, for students to use. The teacher will
provide five key textual features from this text that display the conceptual topic of
Perspectives of Reality. The text and the five textual features will be provided in Appendix B
of this document. These five features will be written on palm cards or in boxes surrounding
the movie poster. The class will decide on the best application of these techniques within the
text, however, student must be able to critically justify why these techniques reflect our
conceptual analysis and develop meaning within the text and write it on a sheet of paper that
is to be added under the cards containing the techniques or added to the digital copy. For
scaffolding, direct students to look at the various visual features that were provided on the
revision sheet in the previous class (Lesson plan two: Appendix C) and ask students to reread
the techniques within and the affect it may have on viewers. If students are requiring support
in providing some form of analysis or link to the concept of this area of study the teacher may
provide some clues or the effect of this technique as provided in the teachers copy of
Appendix B. Allow time following this task for the students to fill in these techniques and
conceptual explanations on their revision sheets.

The final task for this lesson will be an expertise activity where students will be separated
into text groups and will be asked to uncover links between all the texts we have covered
for the last three lessons. Students will be separated into groups of four to five and will be
asked to look at the revision table the class has been filling out throughout these lessons.
Each group will be tasked with one text that has been covered in the last three lessons and
told to find links in techniques, concepts or meaning between their text and the rest that they
have covered in class. Students would be asked to consider the PowerPoint presentation from
the first lesson that covers the key questions of this unit (Appendix A from lesson one) in
order to scaffold their responses and focus students into answering the key questions of the
unit. Once students have discovered links between their text and the rest of the texts, a
representative from each group will come up to a pre-constructed mind map board (Appendix
C as an example) and will be asked to highlight the links they have found between their text
and the others in studying the Perspectives of Reality. Each group must find at least one link
between their text and the others within this area of study. This task should provide an insight
for the class as a whole to the intricate nature of composers representing the reality of their
text or how composers can influence the reality of its audience.

Following this task students should start to finalise the last row of squares in their revision
table that has been left blank throughout these last few lessons as they now have composed
and discovered, as a class the links between the texts and their connection to the concept of
this Area of Study. In completing this task and worksheet, students will be prepared to
construct essays for their final assessment for this unit of work and have a clear revision and
writing guide to the required fields they must present within an assessment task for this unit.

22 Jarrod Regan 17303024

Sanderson, B. (2013). Legion. In B. Sanderson, Legion and the Emperor's Soul (pp. 1-75).
London: Dragonsteel Entertainment.
Wiseman, L. (2012, June). Total recall movie poster. Retrieved March 2, 2017, from IMP

Appendix A: Legion Extract (Page 25)

Were not playing games anymore! I slammed my hands down on the coffee table. Where
is she? What do you know?
Monica drew back, eyes widening. People dont know how to handle schizophrenics.
Theyve read stories, seen films. We make them afraid, though statistically were not any
more likely to commit violent crimes than the average person.
Of course, several people who wrote papers on me claim Im not schizophrenic. Half think
Im making this all up. The other half think Ive got something different, something new.
Whatever I have- however it is that my brain works- only one person really ever seemed to
get me. And that was the woman in the picture Monica had just slapped down on the table.
Sandra. In a way, shed started all of this.

Appendix B: Total Recall Poster

23 Jarrod Regan 17303024

Appendix B.2: Teacher Techniques and Support Scaffolding or Answers for activity
Dark colour tone: The dark colour tones of the background images convey a sense of
foreboding and an empty feel to the environment. The meaning of this background
lies within a possible lack of familiarity for the primary subject of the movie poster
which would be assumed to be the main character. The background also contains
some familiar buildings such as the Tower of London, located at the bottom right
hand corner of the poster, which allows the viewer to relate to the background image
in some fashion given most of the background image is comprised of sci-fi genre
buildings. This pairing in background imagery and tone sets the concept of a subject
not entirely relating to the world around him and that his perception of the world
around him is void of true connection.
Colour contrast: The central figure of the poster is contrast to the darker tone
surroundings in order to emphasise his position as a main character for the viewer but
to also provide meaning to his separation from the world around him. The main
character is displayed to be separate or opposed to the world around him and not
entirely fitting into the scene of the background.
Symbolism: The distortion of the primary characters image on the top right hand
corner symbolically projects the meaning of a character that is either being slowly
removed piece by piece from the world around him or is being reconstructed to this
environment. In either description the meaning behind this symbol presents the
alienation that this character feels about his surroundings. Through the slow removal
of the characters being from the surroundings, this represents that the character is
beginning to realise the separation that he has from the reality around him and that the
process of removing himself from this view of reality. The other interpretation of him
being drawn slowly into the world may represent that he has been slowly placed into a
world that he does not see as his own and must find a way through this view of reality
or live within these surroundings.
Promotional Tag Line: The central text within this poster What is real? is
designed to entice viewers into finding the answer to this question within the primary
film text as this text is a form of promotion catered to drawing viewers. In developing
meaning however, this caption encapsulates the primary message behind the posters
imagery which is the notion of what is reality to the primary character of this poster.
This three word question not only provides a means for viewers to also become
enticed by this interpretation but also shapes the perspective of what is real or reality
within this poster for the character. The wording is also written in a similar bright tone
of the central figure which may also be interpreted as the character being the voice
behind these words.
Low angled medium shot: This poster is displayed through a high angled medium
shot which enhances the imposing and devoid of colour state of the world that
surrounds the central figure of the visual text. The viewer is made instantly aware of
the suppressive reality that surrounds the characters perception of the world as well
as enhance the contrast between his figure and the world that he sees around him.

24 Jarrod Regan 17303024

Appendix C: Sample Mind Map
Both of these texts display how a condition or trauma to an individual
can distort the perspective of reality they hold. In doing so they are
often at odds with the normal perspective and have their
understanding of the world differ from others.

Othello links to both Legion and Kids and The Matrix can be
Kids as the texts demonstrate the linked through the concept by
These texts share a common
Area of Study concept by considering if the Perception
link to our concept by
demonstrating how a trauma or event that an individual has for their
demonstrating the polarising shapes an individual perspective of
nature of an individuals reality can truly be considered
the world and that the actions of an
perspective when mixed with as real. The Matrix deals
individual may present a different
another. Total Recall is view on reality then other people with the notion of what is
confronted with two different around them. real as the method of
realities which he is trying to creating meaning, while Kids
shows the difference between
pull away from symbolically OTHELLO the childs view of the adults
with the shattering of his image
and Legion offers an ironic around him as monsters,
Othello links to Total Recall and The Matrix while his mothers view is
comparison between characters in this conceptual study as Othello
view of the world to the contrasted as the real state
demonstrates the ability to manipulate and
rejection to his reality by of reality.
question the nature of reality due to the
experts that study him and his actions of circumstances of an individual. Kids and Total Recall also
condition. Othello highlights this concept of distorting share a similar link within the
reality throw the Iago character and links Area of Study.
directly to the other texts discussion on what
TOTAL is real when a manipulation has taken place THE
RECALL in a persons life.
Legion and The Matrix both link
Total Recall and The Matrix are two science fiction genre pieces that reflect the mentality that the world we
25 Jarrod Regan 17303024 through the conveying of conflicting
perceive as reality may in fact be a fabrication. These texts link to our concept by showing that an perspectives of reality that two groups
individuals view of reality may become manipulated by circumstances beyond our control and it is through share in regards to what is real in the
realising what is real to them that a person can accept the reality they live in or find another. situation these texts depict.
26 Jarrod Regan 17303024

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