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Detecting deception: the scope and

Kamila E Sip1,2, Andreas Roepstorff1,2, William McGregor2 and Chris D Frith1,3
Center for Functional Integrative Neuroscience, Aarhus University Hospital, Nrrebrogade 44, Building 30, DK8000 Arhus C,
Institute of Anthropology, Archeology and Linguistics, University of Aarhus, Moesgard, DK8270, Hjbjerg. Denmark
Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at University College London, 12 Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, UK

With the increasing interest in the neuroimaging of there is no instruction to lie or provision of a cue as to
deception and its commercial application, there is a need when precisely to utter a lie. Unfortunately, such instruc-
to pay more attention to methodology. The weakness of tions are a feature of nearly all studies of deception in the
studying deception in an experimental setting has been literature. This eliminates the voluntary intention to
discussed intensively for over half a century. However, deceive, in addition to its deliberate execution.
even though much effort has been put into their de- We would argue that such experiments do not, in fact,
velopment, paradigms are still inadequate. The pro- investigate deception but, at best, some of the complex
blems that bedevilled the old technology have not executive functions indirectly associated with the phenom-
been eliminated by the new. Advances will only be enon. In other words, the idealization of such experimental
possible if experiments are designed that take account situations is not simply a matter of inadequate contextua-
of the intentions of the subject and the context in which lization but goes to the heart of the act, eliminating its
these occur. status as deceptive. The absence of this intentional aspect
of deception in the experiments is thus more than a mere
Deception in experimental settings experimental confound.
The neuroimaging of deception has raised considerable But this is not all. There are also crucial contextual
interest and controversy that reaches well beyond aca- problems in the experimental designs. Deception is also
demic circles [14]. There has been much discussion of socially rooted, and its processing is modified by our moral
the validity and possible real-life application of this new perception, which in turn depends on the existence or
and rapidly developing field. The brain imaging com- expectation of interactive consequences for our actions,
munity must be prepared for the increasing commerciali- negative or positive. Without such consequences, no harm
zation of these techniques and their use in legal cases and can come to anyone, either the deceiving individual or the
by the security industry. We would argue the need for deceived, and we do not achieve a valid representation of
caution in putting the results of experimental studies into the processes involved in deceptive acts. These problems of
real-life application. For one thing, as has been examined contextualization of human actions and choices, widely
in detail elsewhere [5,6], general considerations of the discussed within the field of the pragmatics of human
nature of deception raise problems with experimental communication [8], demand serious consideration in exper-
paradigms. Here, we argue that the problem of studying imental design.
deception with neuroimaging does not lie exclusively in the
paradigms applied. Major stumbling blocks concern the Cognitive processes associated with deception
concept of deceptive behaviour, the execution of supposedly Executive processes enable humans to navigate success-
deceptive behavior in experimental settings, reverse infer- fully through deceptive communicative interactions by
ence from brain activity to mental states, and the trans- going through a series of cognitive operations, which are
lation from the laboratory to real-life settings. repeated if necessary (Box 1). Our intentional goals are
To begin with, it is essential to say something about the directed to satisfying our aims on the basis of cooperation
nature of deception. A useful characterization is provided and trust. If deception is a goal, the most basic scenario
by Vrij [7], who defined deception as follows: a (. . .) delib- requires inhibition of prepotent truth responses to make
erate attempt, without forewarning, to create in another a others believe what we want them to believe. Furthermore,
belief which the communicator considers to be untrue. representation of truth under the pretence that it is a lie is
There are two important components of this definition. an equally common form of deception in games, in political
First, it captures the common understanding that decep- negotiations and in everyday life. Regardless of the nature
tive behavior is not characterized merely by considerations of a deceptive act, the process involves a series of deliberate
of the truth value of propositions, but crucially involves decisions based on several suboperations such as esti-
deliberation on the part of the deceiver, and an intention to mation of outcome, risk of punishment and reward expec-
communicate misleading information. Second, deception tation. Information exchange must be monitored and
typically occurs without forewarning. In other words, feedback assessed to build up reputation and trust. To
Corresponding author: Frith, C.D. ( use brain imaging to find markers of deception, we must
1364-6613/$ see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2007.11.008 48
Opinion Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.12 No.2

Box 1. Unpacking interpersonal deception

Figure I illustrates various social and cognitive processes that a cost. There is the cost of the initial cooperation that precedes
influence deceptive behaviour. All of these processes are closely deception. There is the cost of controlling verbal and non-verbal
correlated and mutually dependent. Our considerations are restricted signals to indicate trustworthiness. There is the cost of constantly
to deceptive behaviour that is entered into deliberately and volunta- monitoring feedback and adjusting behaviour to maintain the
rily. The decision to deceive is the first step in the deceptive process appearance of trustworthiness.
that is further composed of other interdependent mental operations
that are not necessarily deceptive in their nature. Risk management
This is a necessary component of deception. One must be sure
Information management that one gains more than one loses from deception. One must
This is crucial during an interaction to maintain deception. It is also consider the risk of not being believed, and take into account
necessary to keep track of the false beliefs being engendered in the the consequences of such failure. As became apparent in the
interlocutor. Furthermore, one must try to anticipate the verbal or Watergate affair, the effort needed to maintain a deception is
non-verbal responses of the interlocutor on the basis of what one unpredictable and can develop over time, contingent on the
thinks they know, feel and intend. In particular, mentalizing, the actions of opponents. The cost of being caught red-handed can
human ability to . . .predict and explain the mental states of other be enormous in terms of loss of reputation, trust, power and
people, such as desires, beliefs and intentions [27], is required to money.
implement information management.
Reputation management
Impression management This is needed to convince both oneself and ones peer group that the
This is used to generate trust-building strategies. Building a reputa- deception was intended to achieve some greater good and was
tion for being trustworthy is a standard deceptive procedure but it has therefore justified.

Figure I. Unpacking interpersonal deception.

consider how these different components of deception of cortical and subcortical networks. Furthermore, the
might be implemented at a neural level. activation of a specific region of the human brain is rarely
affiliated to only one such cognitive process.
The view from neuroscience: evidence for many
systems Neural basis of decision making, risk taking and
As has been demonstrated extensively over the past dec- reward processing
ade, the cognitive processes involved in social interactions, Estimation of rewards and risks are, as mentioned earlier,
such as occur during deception, map onto a wide range fundamental for deceptive acts. The medial frontal cortex

Opinion Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.12 No.2

and adjacent anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) are believed about possession of one particular card. The problem still
to have an essential role in relating actions to their con- remains that the subjects had been instructed to lie, even
sequences, representing the expected value of actions and though they could choose what to lie about.
the likelihood of errors [9]. Risky decision making when In spite of the wide range of different experimental
rewards and losses are uncertain is associated with acti- paradigms used, the pattern of activations associated with
vation in the ACC, orbitofrontal regions and striatum [10]. deception is strikingly similar (Table 1), typically including
More generally, ACC activity is associated with problem DLPFC, medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) and ACC. These
solving, motivation and the anticipation of the con- are precisely the regions that would be expected, given
sequences of action. the cognitive processes listed above that are likely to be
involved during deception.
Neural basis of mentalizing The results of these studies are entirely consistent with
A major requirement for successful deception is mentaliz- the idea that deception is a cognitively demanding process
ing, the ability to read and manipulate the mental states of that relies on a range of high-level functions including
others, in particular their intentions and beliefs [11,12]. An decision making, response monitoring and mentalizing,
extended network of brain regions, including the dorso- in addition to more traditional executive functions such
and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (dMPFC and vMPFC), as working memory, attention and conflict monitoring. At
dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC), posterior superior first sight, the similar pattern of neural activity seen across
temporal sulcus (pSTS), temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) the studies [ACC, DLPFC, MPFC, inferior frontal gyrus
and posterior cingulate cortex, are activated when menta- (IFG), amygdala and caudate] might suggest that there is a
lizing, particularly when thinking about intentions and characteristic pattern of brain activity associated with
beliefs [13]. Regions of the (dMPFC) in particular are deception that is robust to variations in the precise para-
activated when people make decisions that have a role digm used. The problem is that all of these regions are also
in social interactions involving cooperation and compe- activated during the performance of tasks involving the
tition [14]. This region might also have a special role in same cognitive processes in the absence of deception. For
the reputation management exercised by the deceiver to example, activation of ACC is seen during inhibition of
ensure that he is trusted by his victim [15]. information in memory retrieval tasks that do not involve
deception [17]. The same applies to the more primitive
Neural basis of response inhibition and control regions concerned with basic survival, rather than cogni-
During deception, we also need to monitor and control our tion, such as the amygdala and caudate, where activity is
responses carefully. Inhibition of prepotent responses is observed during deception [20,21,26,27]. Such activity is
associated with activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cor- also observed during interactions that do not involve
tex (DLPFC), inferior frontal cortex and dACC [16,17]. deception. The problem is that deception involves many
Such activation is elicited, for example, in GO/NO-GO cognitive processes, none of which are unique to it.
tasks, where subjects must inhibit responses on NO-GO When using functional magnetic resonance imaging
trials, and in the Stroop task, where subjects must inhibit (fMRI) (or any other physiological measure) to detect
the automatic response of reading the word rather than deception, we are confronted with the problem of making
naming the ink colour [18]. In both of these cases, continu- reverse inferences about cognitive processes from patterns
ous monitoring is needed to prevent the production of of brain activity [28]. Even if deception reliably activates a
inappropriate responses. It can thus be questioned certain brain region, we cannot logically conclude that, if
whether activity in specific brain regions can be reliably that brain region is activated, deception is taking place.
correlated with deception. Further issues are highlighted in Box 2.

Neuroimaging studies of deception What can fMRI add in the search for neural markers
As can be seen in the tasks listed in Table 1 [19], much of deception?
ingenuity has gone into developing novel formats for the As rightly stressed by Wolpe et al. [5], traditional para-
laboratory study of deception. For example, comparisons digms used to detect deceptive behavior, such as the
have been made between spontaneous and prepared lies, polygraph, have many disadvantages. Can the newer tech-
with additional personal involvement implemented by niques of brain imaging make the breakthrough from the
contrasting autobiographical and non-autobiographical laboratory and provide key evidence about deception for
experience [19,20]. Perhaps the study that gets closest to use in criminal cases? In our opinion, the problems with
real life is that of Abe et al. [21]. This study introduced a which the old technology has struggled have not been
novel twist, in which one experimenter instructed eliminated by the new technology (fMRI, electro-encepha-
the subject to deceive the other experimenter. However, lography, near-infrared etc.). There is no doubt that the
the study still remains essentially unrealistic because new techniques can study the human brain along many
there was a narrow choice for wrong-doing and a lack of dimensions. We know that fMRI can detect emotional
unpleasant consequences if the deception was detected. responses [29], activity associated with decision making
Langlebens group [22,23] (see also Phan et al. [24] and under risk [30] and anticipated regret [31]. We also know
Gamer et al. [25]) used a modification of the Guilty Knowl- that fMRI can detect activity associated with cognitive load
edge Test to investigate the neural correlates of infor- [32] and with mentalizing [15]. Of particular relevance, we
mation inhibition and response suppression. Subjects know that fMRI can detect activity concerned with the top-
were given two playing cards and were instructed to lie down control of emotions [33]. Given this latter ability, it

Opinion Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.12 No.2

Table 1. Summary of results from brain imaging studies of deception

Study type Authors Task Neural activation Comments
fMRI studies, Spence et al. S instructed to lie about autobiographical DLPFC, VLPFC, Spence et al. [49] freely admit that this
autobiographical 2001 events ACC, MPFC paradigm is far from real-life deception
events Ganis et al. S instructed to lie about autobiographical ACC, left premotor by reason of the limited number of
2003 events. areas, answers, the lack of context and the lack
Comparison of spontaneous and prepared parahippocampal of emotional involvement. Furthermore,
lies cortex, precuneus although subjects are intentionally
Nunez et al. S instructed to lie about autobiographical DLPFC, ACC, making a false response, thereby
2005 and non-autobiographical events caudate, thalamic creating response conflict and the need
nuclei, for inhibition [20], their intention has
PET studies/ Abe et al. 2006 S instructed to lie about experienced events ACC, DLPFC actually been induced by the
experienced/ Abe et al. 2007 S instructed to lie about autobiographical Lying: DLPFC experimenter [19,50]. Abe et al. [21]
event events. In half of the trials, S was told by Disobedience: orbital added a clever twist, by which subjects
one experimenter to disobey the other cortex, amygdale are told by one experimenter to disobey
the other. There is an interesting
distinction in this study between areas
activated by lying and by disobedience,
two distinct components of deception.
fMRI studies, Langleben Guilty Knowledge Test ACC, SFGa, anterior Lying about one of the two cards that
Guilty et al. 2002 parietal cortex the subjects were holding was
Knowledge Test S instructed to conceal the identity of a associated with robust activation in
playing card they had been given. contrast to responses to irrelevant cards
Monetary reward for successful deception [22,24]. However, there was even more
Langleben Guilty Knowledge Test DLPFC, ACC, left robust activation when truthfully
et al. 2005 S instructed to conceal the identity of one IFG, insula, parietal admitting that they did hold the other
of two playing cards they had been given. cortex, precuneus, card (salient truth) [23,25]. Is this
Monetary reward for successful deception. thalamus because subjects inevitably thought
Analysis of individual subjects about the concealed card when
Phan et al. The paradigm is taken from Langlebens VLPFC, DLPFC, admitting possession of the other card?
2005 study DMPFC, STS The result suggests that attentional
Gamer et al. Guilty Knowledge Test Right IFG, and emotional processing is strongly
2007 Similar paradigm to Langleben, but also cingulate, parietal influenced by the context and the
measured skin conductance cortex nature of the particular information
being concealed.
fMRI studies, Lee et al. 2002 S trained to feign memory impairments; Bilateral DLPFC, Feigning a memory impairment was
malingering forced-choice word recognition task. S inferior parietal, associated with activation in regions
instructed to lie middle temporal associated with executive functions
and posterior such as attention. These activations
cingulate together were robust across different groups
with bilateral and paradigms, but are not unique
caudate markers of deception [51,52].
Lee et al. 2005 S trained to feign memory impairments; Bilateral DLPFC,
forced-choice word and digit recognition cingulate,
task. S instructed to lie supramarginal and
fMRI studies, Kozel et al. Mock-crime scenario and Guilty Knowledge DLPFC, ACC, MTG, In the mock-crime scenario, subjects
mock-crime 2005 Test. inferior OFG take part in an event in which they are
scenario S instructed to steal a ring or a watch. intellectually and emotionally involved,
Monetary reward for successful deception even though it is still in an experimental
Mohamed Mock-crime scenario and Guilty Knowledge ACC, MTG, FFG, setting. In the study of Kozel et al. [53],
et al. 2006 Test. insula, subjects had a free, although necessarily
One group of S (the guilty group) instructed hippocampus limited choice of what to steal and
to fire a starter pistol and then deny having hence what to lie about. Mohamed et al.
done so. Monetary reward for successful [54] directly compared a polygraph test
deception with fMRI. However, the paradigm was
weakened by the explicit instruction
to lie.
fMRI studies, Grezes et al. Subjects used non-verbal cues to detect ACC, amygdala In the first study of Grezes et al. [26],
detecting 2004 deception amygdala activity elicited by the
non-verbal Grezes et al. Subjects observed a video of an event in ACC and STS, detection of deception suggested an
deceptive 2006 which they or someone else had been amygdala and emotional response to being deceived.
intentions deceived fusiform gyrus This was confirmed in the second
study [27], where the amygdala activity
only occurred when the subject was
personally involved in the deception.

FFG, fusiform gyrus; MTG, middle temporal gyrus; OFG, orbitofrontal gyrus; SFG, superior frontal gyrus.

Opinion Trends in Cognitive Sciences Vol.12 No.2

Box 2. Four problems for interpreting imaging studies of Box 3. Future improvements
deception How to improve the field?
First problem: making reverse inferences from physiology to mental 1. Deception takes place within the context of complex social
states interactions, so there will be no simple biological marker of
We would expect to see activity in brain areas associated with deception. Box 1 illustrates the various processes involved. Much
emotion, mentalizing and risk taking during deception. However, if useful information could be gained by studying these processes
we see activity in these areas, we cannot logically make the reverse in isolation.
inference and conclude that deception is taking place [28,39]. 2. The Guilty Knowledge Test, which is widely considered to be the
Observation of brain activity is not enough, on its own, to make most promising paradigm for detecting deception [44], isolates
reverse inferences. the process of recognition. This test takes into account the
knowledge of the subject to interpret brain activity. This also
Second problem: making inferences about individuals on the basis avoids some of the problems associated with deception para-
of group studies digms by seeking simply a marker of whether an object or scene
Laboratory studies typically base their conclusions on data from has been seen before. New candidates for such a marker are
groups of subjects. For forensic purposes, the techniques have to be repetition suppression [45], mismatch negativity [46] and voxel-
applied to single cases. As yet, there is no established practice for based pattern analysis [34]. The advantage of this test lies
ensuring that fMRI results from a single subject are reliable and precisely in that it does not address deception in its totality.
consistent with group data [5,40]. Furthermore, the individuals 3. The necessity for a choice regarding if and when to deceive needs
involved in forensic cases are likely to be drawn from different crucial consideration if we want to study realistic deception. The
populations from those typically investigated in academic studies. main feature of deception is that it is a deliberately induced
misconception [47] that can be achieved through manipulation of
Third problem: studying choice in the laboratory message content and execution, on both verbal and non-verbal
Explicit instruction to lie lift moral sanctions against lying and levels. Here again, the field will benefit from the study of this
remove the need for decision making under conflict, and are crucial aspect of deception in isolation. Is it possible to find a biological
components of deception. One of the few examples of a deception marker of deliberate, spontaneous choices as distinct from
that is not elicited by the experimenter occurs when the subject merely reactive responses?
decides to disobey the rules of the experiment [41]. However, this 4. Advances will also depend on incorporating new perspectives
might only be revealed if the perpetrator chooses to talk about it from other disciplines concerning the nature of deception.
afterwards [42]. Effects of intentionality and context variations on human
communication have been discussed under the broad heading
Fourth problem: interpretation must take into account the context of pragmatics. Pragmatics is a transdisciplinary branch of
The factors that determine a decision to deceive (Box 1) are not linguistics [8] that takes account of the cognitive, social and
about states of the world. They are about beliefs in the mind of the cultural spheres of the community life in which an interaction
protagonist. Hence, different people will have different attitudes to takes place. This is a meaning-oriented stratum that draws
the same act of deception. Thus, brain activity cannot properly be interpretative conclusions on the basis of the shared knowledge
interpreted unless the attitudes and beliefs of the person studied are of the interacting participants [48]. The field of pragmatics can
taken into account. Psychopathy provides an extreme example of contribute to understanding human relationships manifested in
this. The lack of emotional response observed in psychopaths, when communication.
they tell a lie, stem from their attitude to the victim of the deception.
They have no empathy for the potential suffering that their actions
might cause [43]. must recognize that deception involves a social dimension
and needs to be studied as such (Boxes 2 and 3). In
particular, the pragmatics of social interaction need to
might be possible to detect that someone is using be considered in further research [8]. We must recognize
counter-measures to control their emotional responses. that deception can occur in the absence of overt lying.
Finally, using the novel technique of voxel pattern classi- Second, we must develop paradigms in which subjects have
fication [34], fMRI signals seem to reveal a persons covert a real choice as to whether and when to lie. The intention to
intentions [35], at least in a highly constrained experimen- deceive someone is crucial. Only by using such paradigms
tal setting, and even identify sensory processing of which can we start to study realistic deception and learn more
the person is not aware [36]. Such techniques might, about the neural basis of deceptive behaviour.
perhaps, be able to detect when someone is lying in the
laboratory if used with valid paradigms [37] (Box 1). It is Acknowledgements
Our work is supported by the Danish Research Council for Culture and
another matter, however, to translate these possibilities
Communication, The Danish National Research Foundation and the
into practical use in a forensic setting (Box 2). Wellcome Trust.
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