Design Teaching and Learning Lesson Pllanning Essay

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Part A

Planning lessons allows teachers to better reflect on how they engage with students and the

materials they use. Without proper planning there is no real reflection upon how one

teaches. This essay will examine four key that influence the lesson planning process in terms

of what and how we teach; firstly this essay will explore how the Syllabus and the National

Professional Standards prior influence what we teach .Secondly by how the incorporate

assessment data and the need to plan for informal order to better

understand the needs of individual stands .Finally this essay will demonstrate the

importance of understand the diversity in learning needs and literacy levels of differing

students. Showing that it allows teachers to better engage and understand the class as a

whole, thus becoming a more effective teach.

The syllabus is an element provides the guide for the content to which educators teach.

Helping teachers understand the scope and sequence of the delivery of their content. In

recent years there has been increased emphasis upon the outcomes of the syllabus (Clarke

2015, 82) .these outcomes in terms of sets skills that students should be capable of after

completing a unit of work. On top of this there exist general cross curricular outcomes these

include reaching general capabilities these Such as generating critical thinking skills, literacy

(Clarke 2015,82). When designing the lesson plan can judge the effectiveness of their

teaching strategy in coming the teacher should aim for these outcomes. When

implementing the syllabus teachers should be aware that Students will react to certain

syllabus differently (Clarke 2015,83) .this is where Teachers own interpretation of the

syllabus comes into force as they need employ a variety of techniques into getting students

to engage with the syllabus. Rather than merely adopting one strategy in developing the
content. This shows that there is space for teachers interpretation of the syllabus and how

best to teach to the prescribed outcomes.

The professional standards provide a framework for which our effective lesson plan should
be guided upon. The professional standards is a document created by ACARA to outline to
teachers the dealing with the professional standards its more a basis for
teachers to reflect on whether they have met the needs to teach effectively These
expectations are divided into three different areas each of which influence how a lesson is
taught .These expectations vary between levels of the teachers career (Clarke 2015,412).
One of the key areas of the professional standards that influences the lesson planning
process is displaying proficient knowledge (AITSL 2011 ). This should make the teacher
reflect to whether they are truly understanding the content they are delivering. This is order
being prepared for example from difficult questions asked by the students. Furthermore But
also that we need to understand that we do not exist. Clarke ( 2015 ,311) argues that the
professional standards may also impact the forms of assessment given to students as it
applies pressure to teachers to deliver content towards their students in order to perform in
summative testing system . This shows that the professional standards can have an indirect
impact upon the lesson planning process through the application of pressure.

Collecting and understanding previous assessments data is vital as it influences when a

teachers creates, as it influences the teachers ability to understand the prior knowledge of
the class. This is essential from an educational perspective, as without such prior knowledge
of the students determine whether or not the outcomes of the lesson are teachable (Clarke
2014, 312).The effect of this can be shown have on the child already know the material you
are teaching .At the same time on the opposite side if the materials provided are far beyond
the students prior knowledge the student would not able to gain a proper understanding of
the subject as they lack context further context to the situation(Clarke 2014,312). They will
not properly engage with the content that has been prepared the current lesson or future
lessons. There are two differing forms of assessment that can be undertaken within a class
room. With formal assessment your influence in the timing and execution of these
assessment are limited. (Clarke ,2014,312).However formative assessment on the other
hand is a far more flexible tool for teachers to which involves collection of data and
observation upon the students while allowing student to develop there skills.

While at the same time in order to effectively plan for a class one must take into account
both the diversity of learning needs and literacy levels of the students. This is precisely
because it is vital as an educator to understand the students capabilities and work around
these capabilities to deliver content when it comes to lesson planning to engage the
students. There has been a sign cant push within education department to integrate kids
with special needs into mainstream schooling (Mill 2014, 334). It is therefore imperative for
effective teaching to that teachers plan for a diversity of kids within the classroom if the
students cannot failure the structure element of the professional standards in terms of
understanding individual (AITSL).This may be not because they are unable to understand the
task but are not given the materials to do that task. Differential learning is just one
pedagogical approach to consider when forming a lesson plan in order to deal the variety in
learning Differentiated learning strategies lessons plans along with group work is a clear
strategy. By placing the student with more advanced students this allows to reduce the zone
of proximity allowing them better understand the content. Other techniques to be
considered should be scaffolding which help break down the content for students.

In conclusion Effective teaching requires planning in that it is aimed to further engage with
student. This is made evident within the application of the syllabus and professional
standards that guides individuals towards more effective standards in their lessons. While
proper understanding of diverse learning and literacy allows effective teaching to all
students meaning all students are actively engaged within the classroom.

The influence of the syllabus, the professional standards and an understanding of diverse

learning and literacy needs is met within the confines of the stage 5 history lesson plan

.while at the same time this essay will offer several suggestions in terms of how the lesson

plan can improve in order to better fit these demands. Her by creating a more effective

lesson plan for teaching. Allowing teachers to better engage with their students.

The lesson plan used is forms the basis of meet the following content tied to area in terms

of proving .the material while at the same time the lesson plan meets the outcomes of the

stage 5 history syllabus in terms that it displaying making the nation unit(curriculum

support,2005).. The content of the class also lines up with the outcomes of the syllabus. In

particular the out this is shown in the introduction of the class where the teacher outlines

understanding the sequence of events, causes and (syllybus BOSTES 2015,83) as the

teachers introduction lay out the content. While the teacher lesson plan has taken in into

account some of the general capabilities as well in considering as outlined in particular

critical thinking skills and literacy skill (ACARA ). This in the development critical thinking

skills shown by getting the students to debate the content with each other within two

groups. Furthermore literacy skills are developed as reading text and summarise the lecture

of the teacher. However there are parts of the lesson plan to better meet syllabus

requirements. Numeracy skills could be included in terms of more explicate instructions

around the numbers of votes centred on federation. While mentioning aboriginals lack of

voice in the in regards to the formation of Australia as an issue could cover the aboriginal

and terror straight islanders historical perspective (syllabus Bostes 2015,29). There by

giving the students a more effective understanding of Australian history.

The professional standards influence proves significant. Perhaps creating an environment

that is engaging for students for their students. Professional knowledge is largely exhibited

the creation of a summary of the material needed with the class .The teacher also makes

(curriculum support,2005).Furthermore there this professional knowledge is exhibited in the

second stage of the lesson plan where pre planned questions are shown. While professional

engagement is provided through the feedback upon the students own answers.

The lesson plan does show some the usage informal assessment as a tool throughout the

lesson plan. This is shown through collecting the collecting peoples samples of student

questions proposed by the teacher understanding in relation to Australias path towards

federation experience. Thereby giving a formative experience towards the students as they

are develop from the teachers responses. One area this informal assessment could become

improved is forming a record upon what the students learned perhaps expanding on their

ideas .This could be done by creating a mind map on the board rom the ideas created

generated from the students group discussion ,afterwards the teacher could take a

photograph, as a reference point for future lessons.

However diversity in learning and literacy levels is limitedly throughout the lesson plan .in

order to improve this lesson plan a differentiated learning theory needs to be implemented

.The model of the class is entirely teacher directed. This lack of attention to various learning

needs occurs in the first half of the class when students are required to summarise material.

Some students may not be able to follow this lecture. As it fits one size fits all approach

expecting students having the same ability to listen and summarise the this

providing additional supporting in the form of a scaffold materials Clarke (2015 , 251)

suggest helps break down content for without lowering the overall content concept trying
to be taught student. While Morgan (2014, 36) suggest another way for providing

differential learning is through assisting students ITC resources in order to make the

information more approachable. Furthermore the final part of class does not provide a

proper differentiated learning experience in relation to group work .The final part of the

lesson plan calls for the class to break into two sides for against the topic of federation

(Curriculum support).Large groups could have a significant impact upon the conduct of

certain disadvantaged students who would be less likely to engage with this process. Mills

(2014 ,p344) suggests that smaller groups and more selective groups may better in proving

a better way to imitate differentiated learning experience for students with special learning

needs . In this manner the teacher creates an environment that further benefits students

with learning and literacy needs.

In conclusion the lesson plan to a limited extent creating an effective learning environment

for students. While the syllabus and to some extent professional learning standards were

seen to be consulted. However could better used in terms of adding to better incorporate

numeracy and aboriginals .While There were limits existed in terms of student engagement

in terms of collection of assessment data. This could by creating a mind map with the groups

when they presented their arguments. Finally the lesson could have improved its interaction

with students with learning and literacy needs. This could have been improved by

implementing differentiated learning practices such as scaffolds and smaller groups

exercises to better engage with students, thereby allowing for more effective teaching.
Reference List
programs/austo1914.pdf, retrieved, (22/03/2016).
retrieved ( 23/03/2016) .
Retrived (21/03/2016).

Morgan,H (2014) Maximizing Student Success with Differentiated Learning, The Clearing
House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 87:1, 34-38,
DOI:10.1080/00098655.2013.832130 To link to this article:

Clarke, M., & Pittaway, S. (2014). Marsh's becoming a teacher (6th ed.). Frenchs Forest,
Australia: Pearson.

Mills,M Monk,S , Keddie,A,.,Renshaw, P, Christie,P.m ,.Geelan ,.D & Gowlett,C (2014)

Differentiated learning: from policy to classroom, Oxford Review of Education, 40:3,
331-348, DOI: 10.1080/03054985.2014.91172

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