SAP Brings You The Internet of Things For Business: Connect, Transform, and Reimagine Business in A Hyperconnected Future

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SAP Thought Leadership Paper

Internet of Things

SAP Brings You the Internet of Things

for Business
Connect, Transform, and Reimagine Business
in a Hyperconnected Future
2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents

4 The Networked Economy

5 The Internet of Things for Business

7 An IoT Reference Point

8 SAP Solutions for the IoT: Connect, Transform, and Reimagine Business

8 Industry 4.0 and Responsive Manufacturing

9 Predictive Maintenance and Service

10 Connected Logistics

12 Technical Foundation for the Internet of Things

12 Delivering IoT Solutions: An Overview

13 Three Domains of Interest

15 Bringing the Parts Together

19 The SAP HANA Platform: Ready for IoT Transformation

20 The IoT Ecosystem

21 Conclusion

21 Learn More

2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Solutions for the Internet of Things Built for Your Business

The Internet of Things (IoT) will forever

change our personal and professional
lives. Embedded intelligence in a
growing network of connected devices
will increasingly connect people and
businesses to everything else and
become the very fabric of a networked
economy. This paper shares insights
into IoT trends, opportunities, and
technologies and discusses how SAP
solutions for the IoT provide whats
needed to generate intelligence from
connected things, people, and devices
to optimize processes and operations.

2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Solutions for the Internet of Things Built for Your Business

The Networked Economy

Metcalfes law teaches us that the value of a Jump ahead 10-plus years, and we are beginning
communications network increases with every to see enterprises take advantage of this same
new node that joins the network. With only two principle. They are creating value by leveraging
phones on a telecommunications network, hundreds of millions of potential connections
the value of having a phone is rather low. When on the Internet. For example, online professional
billions of phones exist on the network, having a networks have streamlined the act of recruiting
phone is a gateway to more conversations than the best talent. Business networks have prospered,
anyone could have in their lifetime. with millions of companies connecting their
supplier, customer, and payment systems to
Over the past decade, weve seen Metcalfes seamlessly engage in online, collaborative
law demonstrate its power in the realm of the commerce. And more recently, were starting to
Internet. The growth of social networks is one see massive volumes of connected sensors and
example of this phenomenon at work. Facebook, smart devices leveraged to transform business
once a tool for college students to connect with models and simplify complex tasks. This is the
each other online, has become one of the corner- Internet of Things (IoT), and it will increasingly
stones of the Internet, providing social context connect people and businesses to everything
to many of our everyday online interactions. else to become, in essence, the very fabric
Facebooks existence as a university fad seems that supports a new networked economy.
a distant memory. When these changes are coupled with improve-
ments in network infrastructure, Big Data
analytics, and smart applications all connected
in the cloud businesses will enter the era of
true hyperconnectivity.

Business transformation in the IoT ecosystem

depends on software optimized for edge
computing, machine-data storage, real-time
analysis, and connectivity.

2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Solutions for the Internet of Things Built for Your Business

The Internet of Things for Business

The number of Internet users worldwide has For supporting evidence, look no further than the
grown enormously over the last 15 years and is impact on enterprises. Numerous analysts and
now estimated to be close to 3 billion. But even other experts have weighed in on the potential
more striking is the vast array of intelligent devices impact of the Internet of Things, citing trillions
that are now connecting to the vast information of dollars in financial impact, with 50% of the
network around them. Estimates vary, but many worlds industries being affected.
analysts speculate that the number of connected
devices could be more than 50 billion by 2020 SAP is taking an active role in this evolving new
extending the reach of software-enabled insight market. As the creator of the software used by
by an order of magnitude. companies to run their core business operations,
SAP expects to be at the center of the changes
Along with the growth in connected devices in business processes made possible as billions
comes a wide array of opportunity. For the first of connected devices come online. Whether
time in modern history, insight can be offered to companies use the Internet of Things to transform
businesses and consumers wherever products their logistics, customer engagement processes,
exist. Devices ranging from connected toasters or internal ticketing systems, the applications
to connected turbines can analyze their own built to take advantage of the new machine data
contextual information and advise customers must be able to interact with SAP solutions.
about optimal ways they can be put to use. While
weve long envisioned these types of intelligent SAPs goal is to enable the Internet of Things
devices, they are now a reality thanks to recent for our customers to help run their businesses
gains in the realms of connectivity, sensor tech- better. To accomplish this task, we are working
nology, and real-time data processing for a wide to make it even simpler to connect the new
array of products. Its never been cheaper, easier, generation of Internet-enabled devices in the
or faster to embed software in a product and cloud. We are delivering new products that
deliver insight. support our customers as they transform their
existing business processes by harnessing the
The act of adding intelligence to an ever-expanding machine data generated by their connected
network of connected devices is poised to create devices. And were delivering the platform
tangible value for enterprises around the globe. technology needed to reimagine customer
Whether there will be 30, 40, 50, or 60 billion experiences from the ground up. When your
connected devices by 2020, the implication is the childs car seat can tell you if your child is at
same: the way everyone does business will change. risk of catching a cold, the value of the car seat
changes dramatically.

2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Solutions for the Internet of Things Built for Your Business

Helping our customers put the IoT to work for We look forward to reader feedback. Our
their businesses requires SAP to work with a customers and developers that leverage SAP
host of new partners. Never before have so technologies and applications can best predict
many different types of vendors been required whether our proposed approach is compelling.
to support new ways of doing business. While We believe this is the path forward. We believe our
SAP technologies and applications will play a approach to technology, ecosystem development,
critical role in this environment, we have a deep and value creation with our customers will help
appreciation for members of our community all of us capitalize on the Internet of Things
that will help us create this new value for our together. But, at the same time, we also welcome
customers. everyones feedback and are primed to listen.

In the remainder of this document, well walk

through the details of our point of view on this
emerging area of the technology world. Well
share our thoughts on:
What technologies will be required to deliver
robust and compelling solutions
What types of alliances need to be forged to
deliver business value to enterprises
What solutions can be expected in this new
world of connected devices
How SAP expects to invest in its ecosystem,
developer community, and platform to maximize
the value our customers and software partners
can deliver to the market

Solutions based on new layers of connectedness can

transform operational processes, unlocking enormous
value through greater efficiency.

Engage with us and share your thoughts on the Internet of Things community, accessible at

2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Solutions for the Internet of Things Built for Your Business

AN IoT REFERENCE POINT Any core IoT system will also require data storage
As we move through our perspective on this capabilities that enable not only a nearly infinite
increasingly significant technology market, we store of low-value data but also high-performance
have identified the capabilities solution providers storage for the data that is critical to real-time
need to have in this evolving market, as shown business performance.
in the following table.
In addition, IoT solutions require access to that
Any solution deployed to take advantage of new machine data as well as an ever-expanding
smart, connected devices starts with the device. array of other business information sources
At the edge of the network, there needs to be some to provide true business value and meet users
digitally enabled piece of hardware collecting expectations.
information, sending that information home for
central processing, or processing it at the edge. In the following sections, we explain how SAP is
That device then needs to be connected in some delivering solutions that can execute against
way for example, through the cloud. Only by these broad requirements, where we intend to
interpreting the hardwares unique signals and partner, and how we are already working with
transmitting them over wired or wireless pathways customers to deliver value.
back to a central environment can that data
be made sense of and acted upon centrally.

Technology Capability
Applications and analytics Use-case-specific business applications
(inherently connected) Device-data visualizations and analytics
Application platform Application-enablement services
Access to device-data libraries and core application integration
Data platform Intelligent data storage enabling efficient capture and use of
device data
Connectivity Middleware and protocols to interpret data from connected devices
Connectivity for data transmission
Edge devices Devices with sense and response capabilities
(edge software and hardware) Embedded software to manage edge processing and data

2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Solutions for the Internet of Things Built for Your Business

SAP Solutions for the IoT:

Connect, Transform, and Reimagine Business

To help our customers join the IoT revolution for seamless integration of connected machines
without disrupting their existing business pro- with SAP solutions. The SAP Manufacturing
cesses, SAP will continue to offer line-of-business Execution and SAP Manufacturing Integration
and industry-specific solutions that build on our and Intelligence applications enable responsive
existing footprint in core transactional business manufacturing and a high degree of integration
solutions, assets, and capabilities. Presently, between the shop floor and the top floor.
the prioritized IoT solutions support Industry 4.0
for manufacturing, predictive maintenance, and The Industry 4.0 vision is not limited to automation
connected logistics. These core IoT applications of a single production facility. It incorporates
will be integrated with SAP Business Suite appli- integration across core functions, from production,
cations that customers are running today both materials sourcing, supply chain, and warehousing
on premise and in the cloud. all the way to sale of the final product. This high
level of integration and visibility across business
INDUSTRY 4.0 AND RESPONSIVE processes will enable greater operational efficiency,
MANUFACTURING responsive manufacturing, and improved product
The Internet of Things is being called the fourth design.
industrial revolution, as it allows the physical
and digital worlds to converge through all layers More than 1,400 SAP customers are using manu-
of production to completely transform the way facturing solutions from SAP to automate their
manufacturing operations are run. manufacturing operations. Visionary companies
like Harley-Davidson Inc. are at the forefront of
This is critical for a number of reasons. First, Industry 4.0 innovation with its use of end-to-end
industrial production requirements are changing. digital engineering. In Harley-Davidsons new
As customers grow savvier, they are demanding manufacturing facility, every machine is a con-
products that more precisely meet their expecta- nected device, and every variable is continuously
tions. And second, companies face increasing measured and analyzed. Equipment provides
pressure to manufacture at more competitive performance data that the manufacturing system
prices. To adapt to these changing conditions, uses to anticipate maintenance issues before
the fields of systems engineering, production IT, machines break, which minimizes workflow
and business systems must fuse together more interruptions. Harley can tell to the nearest tenth
closely than ever to achieve higher levels of of a second how long it takes to install every
efficiency. component on a motorcycle, and the system
alerts floor managers about issues at the individual
To address these challenges, SAP has a compre- component level. Harley even measures the
hensive set of manufacturing solutions that form temperature, humidity, and the RPMs of the
the foundation of our Industry 4.0 solutions. SAP ventilation fans in the buildings. All this data is
is focusing on the automation of business pro- analyzed continuously to identify factors that
cesses in manufacturing processes orchestrated will improve efficiency and throughput.
by transactions on the shop floor as a basis

2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Solutions for the Internet of Things Built for Your Business

In this new, state-of-the-art facility, Harley-Davidson They can then analyze this data to find patterns
can build 1,700 bike variations on one production and root causes for failures insights that help
line and ship a customized bike approximately them predict when an asset or equipment will
every 90 seconds. Harley-Davidson now manu- fail and proactively apply preventive measures to
factures 25% percent more motorcycles with prevent the failure from occurring.
30% fewer people, and the locked schedule
to build a motorcycle has been slashed from SAP Predictive Maintenance and Service allows
21 days to 6 six hours. asset owners and operators to monitor asset
performance, reduce unplanned downtime,
PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE and manage asset-related risks while aligning
Owners, operators, or manufacturers of machines priorities between operations and maintenance.
and equipment often have to manage their assets Equipment manufacturers can analyze warranty
at remote sites, limiting their visibility into perfor- claims, proactively manage spare-part stocks,
mance and usage. If a problem occurs for assign the right technicians, and optimize
instance, on a construction crane or wind turbine product design and manufacturing. Dealers and
it is often costly to identify and even more costly aftermarket service providers can offer add-on
to address in a timely way. And if maintenance services for asset operators and optimize services
crews fail to resolve an issue, it can result in delivery, maximize machine uptime, and raise
system failure, equipment downtime, or hazard- service efficiency all while reducing costs.
ous conditions for workers.
For SAP customers in manufacturing-based and
The SAP Predictive Maintenance and Service asset-intensive industries, a predictive mainte-
solution, based on SAP HANA Cloud Platform, nance and service solution is a natural extension
allows equipment manufacturers and operators of processes already supported by SAP Business
of machinery and assets to monitor machine Suite software, such as enterprise asset manage-
health remotely, predict failures, and proactively ment and customer service management. For
maintain assets. Specifically, owners, operators, example, SAP Predictive Maintenance and Service
or manufacturers of machines and equipment helps customers experience more reliable asset
can collect sensor and telemetry data from availability, greater customer retention, better
remote assets and merge it with business data, customer service levels, and higher service-
such as past maintenance records and contextual contract renewal rates.
data (such as weather and traffic data).

Learn more about SAP customers innovating with the Internet of Things.

2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Solutions for the Internet of Things Built for Your Business

Kaeser Compressors Inc., one of the worlds CONNECTED LOGISTICS

largest suppliers of compressed air systems, Population analysts predict that more than half
is delivering a high level of customer service by the worlds population will live in cities by 2020.
using a predictive maintenance solution powered City infrastructures are already struggling to
by the SAP HANA platform. This solution enables meet current population levels and resulting
real-time monitoring of parameters such as traffic. Existing infrastructures, such as roads,
power consumption, operational availability railways, waterways, and airspace, have limited
and safety, and compressed air quality from a capacity and must be optimized to meet the
customers air station against minimum and rapidly growing demand.
maximum allowed values. Service engineers can
analyze this real-time data from a portal without The IoT can help address this societal and
having to visit the customer site. This accelerates economic challenge by bringing major transfor-
the resolution of any problem, keeping customer mation to traffic and transportation operations,
operations reliable and efficient. resulting in greater efficiencies from existing
physical infrastructures and eventually, more
This predictive maintenance solution has enabled scalable and sustainable cities. SAP Connected
Kaeser to respond proactively to customers Logistics software is an innovation in SAP offerings
maintenance needs and provide higher levels of for transportation and supply chain management
service with increased equipment uptime, faster that provides new levels of collaboration and
time to resolution, reduced operational risks, and transparency across business entities in a logistics
accelerated innovation cycles. Most importantly, hub. With this software, SAP solutions can support
Kaeser has been able to align its products and the ability to monitor the movement and location
services more closely with the needs of its of physical assets and provide transparency
customers. across the ecosystem of business partners
involved in these movements, which is a key
enabler for location-based services and tracking
applications used for fleet management and
remote tracking.

To participate in the world of IoT and create business

value, an enterprise must address IoT solutions
within business operations and IT architecture.

Learn more about SAP HANA at Kaeser Compressors.

2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Solutions for the Internet of Things Built for Your Business

SAP Connected Logistics allows companies, Along with HPA, SAP is working with partner
institutions, and individuals dealing with ever- T-Systems International GmbH to build a
increasing time pressure and growth constraints logistics business network solution leveraging
to gain greater and even real-time visibility T-Systems TelematicOne platform. This platform
into their complete business network, regardless unifies telematics data to one interface and
of whether they have a direct business relation reports geo-fence alarms to the connected
to one another or not. Connected logistics will logistics application from SAP. This application
merge real-time location data from the various also enables truck drivers to receive up-to-date
parties of a logistics hub in one place and allow information about incidents and the current
them to communicate more efficiently and gain parking situation using mobile tablets.
significant cost efficiencies. For example, by
enabling better orchestration, SAP Connected Using this joint solution, HPA now has real-time
Logistics can help shorten wait times for pickup visibility across more than 400 entities in its
and delivery and support better utilization of logistics business network. The port has visibility
existing physical infrastructures, resulting in into current street conditions and communicates
fewer delays within responsive supply chains that information to trucks. This is added to up-
seeking to meet real-time demand. to-date parking space information from parking
space providers. If the ship is delayed and the
Consider the benefits being realized by the container gate is not open, the driver is informed
Hamburg Port Authority (HPA), the largest to wait at a parking area. As the ship arrives, the
port in Germany, which handles approximately container gate notifies the driver, who is then
10,000 ships and 9 million containers every given the optimal route to pick up the shipment.
year. Sascha Westermann, head of intermodal This high level of connectivity throughout
operational traffic management at HPA, antici- the network results in lower wait times, faster
pates that the port will be handling 25 million turnarounds, more efficient route planning, and
containers by 2025. The main challenge is lack lower fuel costs.
of expansion space. We cant increase the
ports surface area, so we need to look at ways to
become more efficient in the space that we have,
explains Westermann.

Learn more about Hamburg Port Authoritys solution.

2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Solutions for the Internet of Things Built for Your Business

Technical Foundation for the Internet

of Things

The Internet of Things goes beyond operational But more broadly, SAP technology enables
monitoring and control. Rich operational context partners and developers to build new horizontal
from connected devices, representing the collec- and vertical applications based on SAP HANA
tive wisdom of several systems, can be used to Cloud Platform. A software development kit
optimize existing business processes and enable (SDK) enables these new applications to reuse
new innovations and business models. For example, core SAP software or components as services.
cars can recommend next stops based on driver Partners can also use the SAP HANA Cloud
preferences. A network of vending machines can Platform for developing Java-based applications.
propose real-time offers based on customers
purchase history. Insurance companies can offer The following sections explain our perspective on
tailored insurance plans based on actual driver the necessary technology and capabilities of an
performance. Manufacturers can make a custom IoT platform.
product called manufacturing to a lot of 1 at
scale. And companies can track, trace, and monitor DELIVERING IoT SOLUTIONS: AN OVERVIEW
their extended supply chain operations. The The starting point of any IoT solution is the physical
opportunities are enormous, but the questions entity of interest: silicon. Were starting to see
most often asked include: advances in technology in the areas of miniature
What technologies are required to take sensors, communications, and compute infra-
advantage of these types of solutions today? structures that make it easy for manufacturers
How do we piece together a system of to embed an ever-increasing set of smart sensors
connected things that can help us transform in increasingly sophisticated devices. We are also
our business model? seeing the ubiquity of mobile networks that allow
What are the types of solutions that could help assets to connect while moving across large
us drive down cost, increase revenue, or gain geographical spaces. And with the advent of
valuable customer insight? energy-efficient devices, broadband communica-
tion channels, and protocols specially designed
The functional components of the core IoT for information transport from and to endpoints,
applications available from SAP, as described were seeing a flood of data coming from the
above, can be used separately as foundational edge of networks (a concept we will explore later
services for building other applications. For in more detail) to the processing centers.
example, functionality from SAP Predictive Main-
tenance and Service can be used across remote
machine monitoring, geo-location-based tracking
and tracing, and consumables management.

2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Solutions for the Internet of Things Built for Your Business

Data transfer from the edge of the network to Information that is already summarized and
processing centers must take into account the made relevant to operational and enterprise
variability inherent in device communication, decision making can be saved in a real-time
which can range from high-frequency pulses to data store for immediate access.
batch uploads. These methods for data transfer
work whether there are consistent and stable When business-relevant data is stored and acces-
communication channels or channels with inter- sible, advanced analytics (including predictive
mittent disruptions. These variations are well analytics) and machine learning techniques can
known and have led to highly customized and be applied to it. These tools allow processing of
use-case-specific implementations. But Internet- new information that was previously unknown
based communication over public networks or ignored to detect patterns and risks. In fact,
offers new solution models that, along with a applying predictive techniques on top of the
promise of standardization, could lead to pack- monitoring and automation support is what
aged solutions going forward. makes the Internet of Things game changing.

Despite these challenges of device integration, Three Domains of Interest

if data is collected from an ever-expanding To simplify the IoT solution space, lets explore
network of endpoints, it must be brought into the three important parts of an IoT solution, as
a central space for processing. So its critical shown in the figure.
that IoT solutions have the ability to store large
volumes of historical and diverse data and The three main parts of an IoT solution are the
respond in real-time to incoming data streams. edge, the network, and the core.

Figure: The Three Components of an Internet of Things Solution

Edge Network Core

Cloud Workflows | Predictions

Thing or cyber-physical entity

Big Data or data science

SIM based
Networked solutions
Business processes

Fog Operate and Administrate |

Visualize | Analyze
Equipment Internet protocols
Device integration |
Device Application enablement

Wired or wireless
Sensor Store | Locate | Correlate

2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Solutions for the Internet of Things Built for Your Business

The Edge Personal area networks encompass a variety

Cyber-physical integration occurs at the edge of of technologies geared toward wearables and
a network. There is a natural hierarchy of aggre- short-range interactions. When it comes to
gation, starting from sensors and components consumer IoT, or interactions between people
all the way up to device clouds. In this hierarchy and smart things, personal area networks are
of information aggregation, organization, and attractive solutions because they offer low-
contextualization, enterprises must make choices energy consumption and meet the need for
depending on what information can be delegated wireless digital connectivity.
to the compute infrastructures at the edge and
what information must be propagated to the The evolution of packaged IoT solutions will be
central processing space. slow until we see simple, scalable, semantically
rich, and developer-friendly standards emerge in
The Network the space of IoT connectivity. We are starting to
Internet connectivity is ubiquitous and enabled see standards bodies and consortiums address
by several channels of communication. As we this issue and work toward a uniform and scalable
consider the network required to enable the IoT, mechanism for network connectivity.
new and emerging themes from mobile networks
and personal area networks need to be evaluated The Core
in terms of economics and scalability for specific Most traditional enterprises have kept the opera-
scenarios: tional technology (OT) world separate from the
Mobile networks are integral because every information technology (IT) world. This indepen-
smartphone is increasingly seen as an endpoint dence translates not only into different systems
of the IoT as well as a consumption endpoint that but also into different procedures and decision
informs mobile users about their interactions on models.
the network. We are also starting to see increas-
ing use of ruggedized, SIM-enabled devices that The IoT is breaking down these silos, offering
can be used in more challenging environments. end-to-end visibility into all the data that can
As a result of this mobile proliferation, mobile be used to operate efficiently and, as a result,
network operators are starting to offer services deliver better value to customers.
for the provisioning and management of con-
nected devices.

IoT solutions can be experienced in the cloud,

enabling enterprises to enjoy an optimized
technology infrastructure for all business operations.

2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Solutions for the Internet of Things Built for Your Business

Bringing the Parts Together Building an IoT solution involves three main
To participate fully in the digitized world of IoT steps, or phases:
and innovate in ways that create business value 1. Data integration: This is the first and
each enterprise must determine how to address primary step. It brings a variety of data
these three elements of IoT solutions within their into a coherent, complete set from the
business operations and information architecture. edge to the core to offer the deepest
Given the pace of technological evolution, it is a and broadest insights possible.
challenge for any institution to do this internally 2. Data management: This step, which brings
from the ground up. Therefore, organizations together IT and OT infrastructures, requires
should consider: special attention. Data management must
Using an IoT-ready technology infrastructure address the challenge of managing large
to develop, deliver, and monetize IoT volumes of data, as well as layering on con-
applications textual information such as asset taxonomy
Establishing a rich partner and developer and time and location data.
ecosystem to complement and extend the 3. Business innovation: Once foundational
solutions that can be developed on the IoT data integration and data management are
foundation put in place, many types of business innova-
tion are possible. Enterprises can create
These two paths coexist well and deliver value meaningful insights and reimagine their
together. In the next section, we explore the key business models and customer experiences.
characteristics of an IoT-ready technology infra-
structure for business application development. As an organization progresses through these
Based on the terminology in this section, we steps, they can realize business value. Lets
focus on the core of the IoT solution with some explore these three phases in more detail.
suitable extensions for the edge. This keeps
the conversation focused on business transfor- Data Integration
mation that will help organizations realize the Data integration is the glue that connects
promise of IoT. the physical and the digital worlds. IoT-ready
infrastructures must provide many ways to
facilitate integration, as explored in the following

The IoT allows physical and digital worlds to converge

through all layers of production to completely transform
how manufacturing operations are run.

2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Solutions for the Internet of Things Built for Your Business

Device Connectors Data Center and Third-Party Integration

Every smart thing or product has its own unique Many vendors have started to offer device clouds,
dialect of digital integration. To report across a which are aggregations of data collected from
variety of devices, data needs to be normalized various endpoints. These device clouds allow
in a way that is useful for further processing. companies to augment their own data for even
Until standards in communication protocols deeper insights and to enable new business
are established, we will continue to see several models. They follow several of the standard
variants of data formats and protocols. integration models and best practices and in-
clude value-added services relevant to tracking,
By creating adapters and converters that localize tracing, monitoring, and controlling devices.
the variations, IoT device connectors serve three
purposes: Multiprotocol Connectivity
Enable protocol translation: This allows the Due to the convergence of several development
unique device dialect of each connector to be streams, todays connectivity environment is
transformed without loss of information into based on several protocols, and each is optimized
a protocol that is consistent with the service for a different scenario. While the improvements
levels of a given scenario and understood by in compute and connectivity offer flexible use
the relevant processing engines. of protocols, the plethora of connectors and
Provide a pluggable framework for edge connectivity cannot be wished away at the edge
compute: A framework allows companies to at least not yet. So its necessary to have a
push compute activities as close to a device portfolio of connectors or connection protocols
as possible for example, to enable real-time that can help onboard existing devices to an IoT
responses, data summarization, correlations solution. This is made possible with multiprotocol
across streams, or even autonomous operations connectivity.
across a community of devices. In such scenarios,
this framework allows companies to plug in Operational System Integration
other relevant services. Process- and asset-intensive industries have
Manage intermittent connectivity: While standardized on a technology infrastructure that
connectivity is typically ubiquitous, in practice includes supervisory control and data acquisition
there are instances when the quality of connec- (SCADA) systems, historians, manufacturing
tivity is not optimal for instance, when several execution systems (MES), and so on. Any trans-
geographically distributed things must commu- formative IoT solution must integrate with existing
nicate to enable product functionality. If poor operational infrastructures and provide mapping
connectivity hurts functionality, it can be into enterprise systems to achieve complete
disastrous. Companies must design for smart integration between the two behemoth infra-
persistence and efficient data transfers once structures within an enterprise.
connectivity is restored.

2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Solutions for the Internet of Things Built for Your Business

Data Management Stream Processing and Summarization

Once data integration is established, data man- Even as devices send out heartbeat signals,
agement is the next priority. Its critical for IoT there are significant opportunities for pushing
because edge devices can transmit data intermit- compute functions closer to where the data
tently, as high-frequency pulses or periodic, large is generated. Dedicated stream-processing
data dumps. The IoT infrastructure must have mechanisms can support smart summarization
not only massive storage capabilities, but also of information, correlation across various
compute and processing mechanisms that can streams, and pattern and anomaly detection,
scale as data volumes increase and vary in size. as well as scalability across several endpoints.
These capabilities should be able to scale in
environments that are hazardous and where Tiered Data Storage
connections could be interrupted. Lets explore The amount of data generated from endpoints
some key data management capabilities needed can vary anywhere from low kilobytes to high
to manage data within IoT solutions. terabytes. Unless an IoT infrastructure has a
smart data-storage solution, data sizes and
Embedded Persistence growth in volume can rapidly overwhelm the
The need for smart persistence at the edge can infrastructure. Whats needed is tiered data
be addressed by using embedded data stores. storage that supports different usage scenarios
Ideally, these data stores should be a combination with different service levels. For example, an
of a small footprint to address deployment on IoT solution may offer a variety of storage options
smaller devices, zero-administration overhead to analysts, executives, and data scientists,
on remote deployments to address the issue such as a mix of in-memory, disk-optimized, and
of potentially inaccessible deployment, and distributed and highly available data stores.
reliable data synchronization support to allow for
bidirectional communication. Embedded data Series-Data Management
stores can keep track of device configuration The time dimension of data from a connected
and persist data during intermittent connection thing is critical. Without that information, it is
failure. They can also be used to store executable difficult to generate insights from data series.
modules that can participate in the lifecycle Typically, time seriesenabled data stores are
management of the software on the device or best suited for this purpose. These data stores
compute operations at the edge. maintain large amounts of highly compressed
data and make the data accessible for use by
advanced analytical tools with little overhead.

SAPs open approach to working with IoT partners

makes it easier for our customers to find their path
toward the ideal IoT solution.

2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Solutions for the Internet of Things Built for Your Business

Device-Data Management IoT magnifies this requirement since the points

The goal of managing device data is to integrate of interest can now start to include smart devices
edge data with business processes and workflows. that onboard themselves into the system and
To do this, contextual data must be associated add to data streams. Thus, IoT infrastructures
with device data using some type of system. For must provide visibility into the entire ecosystem
example, in a tag-based system, the standard of devices both modern and classical even as
taxonomies and naming conventions used in the number of endpoints grows exponentially.
operational environments are also used to organize
data so that it can be integrated into business Workflow
processes and workflows. And in direct connection Device data can be extremely valuable for com-
systems, name-value pairs arranged in a hierar- panies seeking new operational efficiencies. But
chical format are used to integrate edge data the chasm between OT and IT often limits the
with business processes and workflows. efficiencies they can realize. To bridge this chasm,
organizations need to bring edge device data into
Business Innovation their core business processes and enable bi-
Having laid out IoT-relevant data management directional communication so that information
capabilities, lets focus on how to unlock the and actions triggered by business processes can
value of device data and use it to drive business be propagated back to the edge. This requires
innovation. standardizing on how edge and business data is
All device data which should be hierarchically Analytics
structured into logical groups like devices, assets, Once the data is available for consumption and is
or plant floor can offer unprecedented insight amenable to new types of visual representation,
into all operations across an enterprise. Classical static reports are no longer interesting. Consumers
operational infrastructures have achieved sig- of this data want the flexibility to view, chart, drill
nificant maturity when it comes to managing a into, and explore the data. Given the amount of
complex, real-time, and highly reliable operational information inherent in such a system, offering
environment. But they are not necessarily able to high performance during analytics and exploration
onboard new, data-generating devices into their is important for an engaging user experience.
infrastructures, devices that are increasingly
part of IoT solutions. Organizations need a way to
incorporate new data streams into consumption
streams and with minimal cost.

2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Solutions for the Internet of Things Built for Your Business

Advanced Analytics: Integration with Back-End Systems

Predictive and Recommendations Enterprises have realized significant efficiencies
The next step in extracting value from device in operations due to use of SAP Business Suite
data involves mining historical data for specific software that runs their critical business opera-
patterns. These patterns can then be used tions. To drive value from the Internet of Things,
to derive insights about existing and future it is important to integrate data from connected
operations. devices with core business data in back-end
systems that run on premise and in the cloud.
From an IT perspective, this requires having an This additional context provides a stronger basis
infrastructure thats capable of supporting very for data-driven decision making and for truly
large data sets and applying machine learning transforming core business processes.
algorithms to them. The resulting models can
be incorporated into operational flows so that as THE SAP HANA PLATFORM: READY FOR IoT
device data is received, the models can generate TRANSFORMATION
projections, forecasts, and recommendations Each of the capabilities discussed above typically
all examples of intelligence from the edge. requires dedicated software and hardware to
offer the varied service levels that an IoT solution
As organizations undergo digital transformations demands. Every capability and function highlighted
and integrate this intelligence into their opera- above can be realized efficiently within the
tional environment, the fundamental principles SAP HANA platform and the SAP portfolio of
of data-driven collaboration in the Web for solutions. SAP solutions for the Internet of
e-commerce are firmly established. For instance, Things, running on the SAP HANA platform, have
centralized governance and policy-driven data the ability to integrate with core on-premise
access enables businesses to participate in a SAP and non-SAP back-end systems. SAPs open
financially interconnected and secure world. approach to working with IoT partners makes it
And this will ultimately drive the emergence easier for our customers to find their path toward
of new kinds of business networks that enable the ideal IoT solution.
high-value customer services services that are
enabled by device-data integration and the digital Because of SAPs cloud-first approach, IoT
collaboration of diverse enterprises. In practical solutions can be experienced in a cloud platform
terms, this means, for example, that a customer as well, enabling enterprises to fully enjoy an
registered with one business entity in the net- optimized technology infrastructure for the
work can benefit from digital integration and entire scope of business operations.
e-commerce collaboration across all of the
enterprises in that network.

2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Solutions for the Internet of Things Built for Your Business

The IoT Ecosystem

Central to the value of any IoT solution is the To facilitate integration among vendors, SAP
network of value providers associated with it. To solutions for the IoT conform to several enterprise
illustrate this concept, consider an example such standards. SAP plans to offer our ecosystem of
as fleet tracking. For over 20 years, companies developers and partners the building blocks to:
have tracked commercial trucks using traditional Deliver IoT applications
systems and processes to find ways to save fuel Provide new connections to the SAP HANA
and reduce downtime and maintenance. With platform
an IoT fleet-tracking solution, companies can Leverage our libraries of statistical tools
use sensors and analytics to expand what can be
tracked and improved, such as driver behavior, SAP also intends to work with other software
route optimization, engine diagnostics, tire vendors to integrate their specialized capabilities
pressure, and so on. But to deliver such a solution in IoT technology with our offerings. SAP is open
requires numerous vendors in areas such as to embracing community-driven software, such
connected logistics and software applications, as the Hadoop and Spark ecosystems.
sensor and hardware manufacturers, and
connectivity vendors. For this solution to work, With our commitment to delivering a diverse
all vendors must agree upon an integration ecosystem of partners, we believe we can help
approach so they can deliver value to the solution. our customers derive the utmost value from their
SAP software landscapes. Our partners will be
As enterprises explore new business models able to quickly build the vertical applications
based on IoT solutions, they must perform due that will put the data customers create in SAP
diligence on what vendors offer and how their Business Suite applications to work in ways
offerings integrate with those provided by other weve never imagined. Only with an eye toward
vendors. In addition, they must break the cycle of delivering the entire ecosystem can SAP truly
custom development, which is rampant in the help our customers and development community
current machine-to-machine (M2M) world, and to harness the power of the Internet of Things.
move to packaged, scalable, standard solutions.
These solutions require vendor communities
to come together and deliver the experience
consumers really want.

Adding intelligence to an ever-expanding network

of connected devices is poised to create tangible
value for enterprises around the globe.

2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP Solutions for the Internet of Things Built for Your Business


The Internet of Things will be increasingly With the right platform, we can deliver differen-
significant in the business world over the coming tiated applications for our customers and
years. Enterprises will discover that solutions empower our developer ecosystem to do the
based on these new layers of connectedness can same. There is no shortage of opportunity to
transform their operational processes, unlocking tie the new data available to us from connected
enormous value through greater efficiency. These devices back to core business data to drive
enterprises will also find themselves with oppor- transformation. Our developer ecosystem will
tunities to transform their customers experiences. play a vital role in configuring our horizontal
When intelligence can be gathered from and solutions for specific industry verticals and using
applied to the edge of your network, anything SAP platform technology to deliver their own
is possible. unique applications. By integrating SAP solutions
with the Internet of Things, we can all win.
In our perspective, the underpinning of the
business transformation to come is software
architecture optimized for the unique needs of
edge computing, machine-data storage, real-time
analysis, and connectivity in the IoT ecosystem.
At SAP, were investing our resources to build
this foundation. Were reaching out to and part-
nering with the other members of the technology
ecosystem that can help our customers achieve
their grandest ambitions when it comes to
leveraging the Internet of Things to create true
business value.

To learn more about SAP and the Internet of Things, visit:

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