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Brought to you

I do not have any inclination or inspiration to make the whole of world religious. Hinduism is a
vast tree that nobody can befall the age-old tree. It has survived onslaughts from Buddhism,
Jainism, Islam and Christianity. I am not referring to physical conversion of Hindu population.
Brahmins in Vedic age stopped animal sacrifice and the founder of Buddhism, Gowtama Buddha
is regarded as an incarnation of Mahavishnu! Hindus do not hate Jains who worship the same
Gods. They attend Urs of Muslim Saints. They watch the Christian movie Karunaamayi, (story of
Jesus Christ) and shed tears. A true Hindu cannot hate any religious faith, for he finds all these
within his own religious fold, he has been exposed to the thoughts of other faiths since his birth!
Hinduism is not a tender tree that needs anybody's protection. It is for us to derive benefits from
the vast tree. Even if I want to add a new thought, it is not possible, as the same has already been
explored elsewhere! I do not believe in" spreading the Gospel to one and all".

I know several highly placed officers who make their staff write religious, astrological and
management topics for them while they are busy making black money in various ways. There is a
saying in Kannada, "Mantra helalikke, badanekaayi tinnalikke" [Mantras are for telling others and
brinjals for my eating]. One need not be religious to talk religion! I am not an IAS or IFS who use
their subordinates to release "cut and paste" books instantly. What you see here is, my hard
work. Obviously this is what I am doing here! Once I wanted to gift a small book containing
certain mantras to my close friend. It would cost perhaps Rs.20 or less. But, I searched for that in
all book stalls, temples and such places. Letters to the publisher did not produce any result. Later
on, I came to know, he had stopped publication of such books, as the market is not encouraging!
Some of my enlightened readers ask me to provide them certain mantras, not readily available in
the market. In India, we speak many languages. Many people prefer to read mantras in their
respective mother tongues. I believe, I would be of some help in their spiritual progress. Hence,
this publication. Books marks are provided for easy navigation. For offline use you can
also save the document on your local machine. Unless it is very essential, please do not
take paper prints - "Vriksho rakashati rakshitaha" [Trees protect those, who protect

Taittariya Samhita in Shikshavallisays, "Swadhyayane cha na pravaditavyam, pravachane cha

aparvaditavyam" (Do not give up self-study and teaching others). A Brahmin (learned man) who
does teach others, becomes brahmaraakshasa (a demon) after his death, it is said. No, I do not
wish to become a brahmaraakshasa! I am merely giving directions to a traveler like a policeman -
nothing more, nothing less.

The collection is based on the request of my learned readers. In case any mantras, stotra or
slokas are required to be included, do let me know at at (replace 'at' by
Sri Ganesha stotra
Sri Mahalakshmi stotra
Sri Saraswathi stotra
Nivedana stotra
Nagagraha smarane
Gowri Japa
Indraakshi stotora
Bilwa stuti
Annapurneshwari stotra
Chandra astaavimshati naama stotra
Durgaadevi stotra
Vaasavi stotra
Sriraama smarane
Srikrishna vandana
Tulasi stuti
Budha panchavimshati naama stotra
Sri Raagavendra prarthana
Ashwattha vriksha vandana
Saaligrama stotra
Guru stotra
Sri Sharadaa stotra
Sri Mahalakshmi astaka stotra
Sri Veenkatesha stotra
Navagraha stotra
Suurya dhyaana
Surrya dwaadasha naamaavali
Shiva stotra
Gaayatrii mantra
Sri astalakshmi stotra
Ashtaadasha peetha shaktideevattaa stotra
Sri Veenkateesha stotraLi
Sri Raama rakshaa stotra
Sri hanumandashttottara shatanaamavaLi
Sri Naama Raamayana
Sri Hanumat sotram
Sri Hanuman Chaalisa
Sriraama MangaLaashasanam

xn]k ix
Shri Hanumadashttottara ShatanaamaavaLi

1. + +Vx x:
2. + x:
3. + xi x:
4. + iiV x:
5. + iiYx|n x:
6. + in p|nE x:
7. + +ExESUj x:
8. + Vx x:
9. + v Cj x:
10. + IvEE x:
11. + {t { x:
12. + {xx x:
13. + {jxEj x:
14. + {j |nE x:
15. + Oxx x:
16. + xEi x:
17. + n:J x:
18. + ESh x:
19. + xV x:
20. + {Vi wl x:
21. + j {i x:
22. + ij {h x:
23. + jiE x:
24. + E{ x:
25. + E x:
26. + M x:
27. + | x:
28. + rE x:
29. + t{i|nE x:
30. + E{xxE x:
31. + SSixx x:
32. + ESh x:
33. + ixEbn{ii x:
34. + Su zrx JV x:
35. + MvtiiY x:
36. + {G x:
37. + EMCj x:
38. + JvSE x:
39. + MkE x:
40. + |Y x:
41. + ni x:
42. + |i{i x:
43. + x x:
44. + Ei x:
45. + iE xh x:
46. + +VxMi x:
47. + Euxx x:
48. + h|E x:
49. + nOEiE x:
50. + Ih|hnj x:
51. + XE x:
52. + ti x:
53. + SVx x:
54. + H x:
55. + niEPiE x:
56. + +Ij x:
57. + ESx x:
58. + {SCj x:
59. + i{ x:
60. + EhVx x:
61. + i x:
62. + E|hVx x:
63. + Mvnxl x:
64. + E{nE x:
65. + OS x:
66. + v x:
67. + x:
68. + niEiE x:
69. + Si x:
70. + iV x:
71. + Sbh|nE x:
72. + E{h x:
73. + {MI x:
74. + vxE{Vi x:
75. + EEiib bx:
76. + Vip x:
77. + Ovj x:
78. + hvx x:
79. + ]E x:
80. + Mv x:
81. + xEi{bi x:
82. + Si x:
83. + nxv x:
84. + ix x:
85. + Hi x:
86. + VxxMj x:
87. + S x:
88. + Mx x:
89. + ofi x:
90. + Ex|lx x:
91. + E]E] x:
92. + ni x:
93. + i x:
94. + |zix x:
95. + iE`n{i x:
96. + Mx x:
97. + El x:
98. + ixh{bi x:
99. + Xn] x:
100. + XxJ x:
101. + p n x:
102. + <pVi|iP jxE x:
103. + {lvVOx x:
104. + {VnE x:
105. + n x:
106. + E{V x:
107. + Vi|ivx x:
108. + ii {n vv x:
<i xn]k ix {h

+ iIh ijPx xii

Sp{h x:
1. r {i{
2. EiE {
3. i{ Jxpi
4. t |li
5. SbEh Ebx
6. ql xnx
7. E Jvx
8. j |vx
9. Pi]EPiE
10. Sn x{iE
11. EE JIE
12. nrE
13. Mix {Vi
14. xMh ii
15. xEvi n{n
16. l{Vx nE
17. nxVE
18. jE EE VE
19. i{i E
20. EiE EiE
21. Mn{xE
22. nv{E
V V ; V i
23. +Mhi MhMh i
24. +xix Ei
25. ESp xx
26. {iCi Exx
27. |Mxni {n
28.iiIi xVn{n
29. uVJxnE
30. SjE]p xEix
31. nl ii Sii
32.EE ixli
33. Si xV{iEE
34. i{i xV{nE
V V ; V i
35. nbExVx {x
36. n]vxx
37. M iIhSi
38. +MixO vi
39. Mwv{i
40. {S]ili
41. {hKi vE
42. JnhJ nE
43. i|hxM
44. SiEnM
45. x]ixE
46. Mwv{MinE
47. nk x
48. EvSUnx
V V ; V i
49. xii xV{n
50. xiO]n
51. Mi E
52. xni|E
53. iE Ih i
V V ; V i
54. E{ii i
55. inMiPxvE
56. i|hvE
57. n]nxxni
58. ]xni
59. ini EEx
60. EiSbhnx
61. E{Sxi
V V ; V i
62. hxvx|li
63. xxi
64. inli
65. hnE
66. {iixvE
67. EEhUnE
68. IP nE
69. +hSh
70. i nJ h
71. vJii
72. JliSlIi
73. inx ni
74. +Hhxi
75. {{Exh
76. uVnxh
77. i|h|E
78. Ei{h
79. Exi
80. ixi{`li
81. {]]EEi
82. {lExi
83. h{iME
84. EExOE
85. EVIE
86. iEvE
V V ; V i
87. +MixMh ii
88. iSE`n
89. iMx xi
90. xiIi Vx{n
91. {xiVi VxEV
92. Ei hv
93. Mi Eii
94. ix E xni
95. +vGi nIi
96. Eni {n
97. +vEVx Hn
98. vJ vxnE
99. iV xV{E
100. i v SE
102. H{h Hn
103. SS{E
104. E
105. E` li
106. xixn {nli
107. V V
108. V i
xi ij
Shri HanumaT StotraM

M{nEi EEiI
h ix n xiV...1
+Vxxnx VxE Exx
E{Ii n E E ...2
Ehv xixxv
Exi Ei xxi{...3
>P v: ; : Ex VxEiV:
+n ix nn E; x i |VVx...4
xV iiM; Vip ri `
iiV xl J; ni x...5
+Vxi{]xx; ESxp Ex O
{Vi ix; {xxn...6
j j Pxl Eix; ij ij EiiEV
{{{hSx; i xi IiE...7
r v; xkMi
+Vb C{]i S; xihni...8
M in Si
xx S Shri HanumaN chaalisa
M Sh V V xV x E v
x P V nE S
rx ix Vx E {x E
r t n E E

V xx Yx MhM. V E{ iE VM... 1
ni +ii v. +Vx{j {xi x ...2
G VM. Ei x i E M ...3
ESx x V . Exx Eb ESi E...4
l X + vV V. Ev V Vx V...5
E x E xnx. iV |i{ VMnx ...6
tx Mx +i Si. EV E E +i ...7
| Sj x E . Jx i x ...8
Ih VxE V xx E

I { v nJ. E] { v E V...9
{ v + . Sp E EV ...10
Vx Jx V. P ...11
P{i Ex i b. i | i ...12
nx i V M. + E {i E` M ...13
xEnE n x. xn n i +...14
E nM{ V i. E{ En E E E i...15
i ={E O Ex. V{n nx...16
Ih VxE V xx E

i j h x. E VM Vx...17
M Vx { x. i v Vx...18
| pE J . Vv P M +SV x ...19
nM EV VMi E Vi. M +xO i ii...20
n+ i J. i x +Y x {...21
J i x. i IE E E bx...22
+{x iV +{. ix E E i E{...23
i {S xE] x +. V x x...24
Ih VxE V xx E

x M {. V{i xi xi ...25
E] xx Ub. x G Sx vx V ...26
{ i{ V. ix E EV E i V...27
+ xl V E . i +i Vx {...28
S M |i{ i. |r VMi V...29
v i E i J. + xEnx n...30
+] r x xv E ni. + nx VxE i...31
x i {. n P{i E n(2)...32
Ih VxE V xx E

i Vx E . Vx Vx E n:J ...33
+i E P{i{ V. V Vx H E...34
+ ni Sk x v. xi J E...35
E] ] {b. V xi ...36
V V V xx M(2). E{ E M n E x...37
i {` E V. U] n J ...38
V {b xx S. r J M...39
in n S. EV xl n b...40
Ih VxE V xx E

{x ix E] x M i {
Jx i i n {
Sp E V {xi xx E V

Ep x Mhv
SGi ixV M ...1
nnxit Pi
{ x{ {hE M ...2
jxiM lxM{i:
Mx {{E { M ...3
{iH ii i: i
xniJE p M ...4
iH Ei SjE] h
x vn M ...5
jh S VxC S{hvh
n H x M ...6
nbEh Jhbij
MwV H Hni M ...7
n nk h
{{h ipH M ...8
xii ]nx
|lxi v M ...9
i P iPixv
ViIV hv M ...10
h Ei|i E] |nx
E h P M ...11
+t xM nH i
VvV Sp M ...12
nn x ix
VxE |hxl Pxl M ...13
Vi x E{x {
i xl Pxl M ...14
Mx {nS {M:
S {S iEii M ...15


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