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Assessment Task Three

Term 3
Modern History
Lawson High

Topic: The World at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century

Nature of the Task: Source Analysis and Presentation

Weighing: %30 Marks: 40 Due Date: Week 7

This term, students have been completing a source based unit for
their Modern History preliminary course The World at the
Beginning of the Twentieth Century. This assessment task will test
the source analysis skilled gained during this unit and the ability for
students to draw information from sources in order to developed
informed conclusions of the sources context. Assessment Task
Three will continue the use of the context of this unit to support and
inform students of the desired conclusions these sources may

Outcomes of this assessment task:

P1.2 investigate and explain the key features and issues of selected studies from
the eighteenth century to the present
P2.1 identify forces and ideas and explain their significance in contributing to
change and continuity from the eighteenth century to the present
P3.2 locate, select and organise relevant information from different types of
P3.3 comprehend and analyse sources for their usefulness and reliability
P3.5 plan and present the findings of historical investigations, analysing and
synthesising information from different types of sources
P4.2 communicate a knowledge and understanding of historical features and
issues using appropriate and well-structured oral and written forms
Description of the Task:
For this task students will be ask to analyse and evaluate two sources they have
discovered on their own time, based on the topics covered for this unit. Students
will write an analysis and evaluation of these two sources and present them as a
PowerPoint presentation (minimum Eight Slides) and a 5-7 minute long speech.

Students analysis should include:

1. Is this a primary or secondary source?
2. When and where does this source come from?
3. Who composed this this source?
4. What is the contents of this source?
5. What does this source tell us about this period?
6. How does this source link to the content we have been covering in class?
7. How is this source useful for a historian researching the content we have been

Note: Students are NOT expected to produce a comparison between their two
selected sources, their focus of analysis should only be towards the material of
the sources themselves. Additionally, it is recommended that students pick at
least one primary source for their analysis in order to strengthen the credibility
of their analysis skills.

For this assessment, marks will be divided into two areas:

30 marks will be for the 5-7 minute long speech.

10 marks will be for the PowerPoint presentation.

This task will primarily be focused on the speech that students deliver and their
critical analysis of their selected stories. PowerPoint will be marked primarily as
a form of summary for the speech, its clarity and use of historical terms and
finally the integration of the PowerPoint into the presentation.

The content for this assessment will be covered in the class you have received
this document and there will be classes that will pave the way for students to
complete this task and support students with the knowledge of the content and
expectations for the completion of the assessment task.
Required Items for Submission
Two sources for analysis
5-7 minute presentation
PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of 8 slides
A USB stick to be handed to the teacher on due date with PowerPoint
slides and palm cards.
The sources you find are ultimately up to you, however as state earlier,
students should make one of these sources a primary source minimum.
If needing further help look towards the class content that will be carried
out alongside this assessment task, the class has been specifically
designed to support you efforts in this task as well as the group ICT
Remember to answer each question that this assessment has ask for you
to answer, they will be the answers markers will use to give you marks.
Depth of analysis is key to getting into higher bands for this task, this
means you should find links between the source you have analysed and
the course content you have been completing in class. Each class has
been covering background content that students may link their sources in
order to explain the significance of this source to you understanding of
the topic..USE IT!
Be sure to make it clear all the biographical content of your source such
as when it existed and where is it based before going into you analysis of
it. The marker and your fellow class mates need to know where the
source comes from.
Your PowerPoint is essentially a summary of your speech but that does
not mean you do not include a sample of your source that you are using
and make sure to use historical concepts and terminology in you
PowerPoint and speech. The sources can be placed into the presentation
as a support for students to represent their analysis or key portions of the
source to the class in a clear fashion.
Do more than simply describe your source. Stronger responses will
quickly describe the source then go one to analyse the significance of the
source to the larger body of content.

Assessment Policies:

Students must hand in ALL material on the prescribed due date. Any student
that does not submit the task without the proper doctors certificate or
explanation will receive a 0 mark for this assessment and HSC Board of Studies
strike for non-completion of task.
Marking and Feedback Sheets
Part One: Speech
Mark Criteria for Success
26-30 Provides depth in critical analysis for the investigation and explanation of key
issues in both the speech content and source within the Eighteenth Century
Deep critical insight provided towards the sources significance to the study
of the Eighteenth century to now and the concept of change and continuity
Locates the required number of sources for the task
Strong analysis towards the reliability and significance of selected sources
Strong oral communication skills with practise and palm cards used
effectively. Historical terminology and source analysis language consistently
used with confidence and understanding in presentation
21-25 Demonstrate some critical analysis for the investigation and explanation of
key issues from the Eighteenth century study within the speech content with
strong analysis provided
Provides some critical insight into the selected sources significance in
explaining the change and continuity of the Eighteenth century to the present.
Locates the required number of sources for the task
Provides an analysis to the significance or reliability of the selected sources
Demonstrates competent oral communication skills with evidence of practice
and palm cards. Historical terminology and source analysis is regularly used
in presentation
16-20 Description provided for the investigation and explanation of key issues from
the Eighteenth century study provided in speech content within minimal
analysis provided
Demonstrates an identification of the sources significance in explaining the
change and continuity of the Eighteenth century to the present but does not
provide only a description.
Locates the required number of sources for the task
Provides some analysis to the significance or reliability of the selected
Demonstrates some oral communication skills with evidence of some practice
and has palm cards. Evidence of some historical terminology and source
analysis language in presentation.
1-15 Minimal investigation or explanation of key features or issues from the
eighteenth century to present study within speech content
None to minimal identification of the sources significance in explaining the
change and continuity of the Eighteenth century to the present.
Does not locate or select the required number of sources for this task
No analysis of the significance or reliability of the selected sources
Poor oral communication skills with no evidence of practise or palm cards
during the speech. Minimal use of accurate historical terminology or source
analysis language material.
Part Two: PowerPoint Presentation
Mark Criteria for Success
6-10 Provides a summary of speech content with supporting
documentation such as the sources clearly shown to audience
Evidence of selection and organisation of relevant information
from the different types of sources and content of speech
Displays a grasp of written forms in historical features and
terminology. Minimal spelling and Grammatical errors throughout
the presentation
1-5 Provides minimal summation of the speech content or supporting
documentation such as the source displayed for all audience
Lack of evidence towards the selection and organisation of relevant
information from different types of sources
Poor display of written forms and presentation in displaying
knowledge and understanding of historical features and
terminology. Spelling and Grammatical errors throughout the
0 Non Attempt



Marked by:_____________________________________________________
Assessment Guidelines for Assessing Teachers

Ask students for those that wish to present their speech first, following
those students proceed to complete the presentations in any order you
may desire, however, it would be recommended for the class to be
completed in alphabetical order.
Upon completion of presentation students must submit their USB stick
and palm cards to the teacher. Teacher must record this immediately and
students must also sign a sheet confirming the handing in of these
materials. Please note any missing component for the task upon signing
of student page.
Students must address the following questions within their task:
1. What is the contents of this source?
2. Is this a primary or secondary source?
3. When and where does this source come from?
4. What does this source tell us about this period?
5. How does this source link to the content we have been covering in
6. How is this source useful for a historian researching the content we
have been studying?

It would be recommended as students present that teachers mark off these

questions being addressed within the presentation. Stronger presentations
should be able to address all of these questions within the time frame with
critical analysis and links between the sources and the content.
Critical analysis needs to be applied within this presentation to reach the
higher bands. This must be clearly stated and have some depth to the
analysis in order to reach the top band. This means that students must be
able to link the source with the content of the unit and apply personal
knowledge or opinion to the usefulness and connections to the content in
Students should also apply some of the background content that has been
covered in class in order to enhance the analysis of the source and assess
the usefulness of their chosen source towards the content.
The PowerPoint slide is not expected to be the speech in its entirety, nor
should the PowerPoint be used as a read out for the students while
presenting (although they can use it to point out particular parts of their
presentation or to draw attention to particular parts of a source for the
class). Students that transcribe the entire speech onto their presentation
will not receive any higher than a 5 mark.
At the 6 minute mark, the teacher should ring a bell indicating that the
student has one minute left for the presentation. This should be explained
before the presentations begin.
Describing the contents of the source is acceptable but the primary focus
of the task is the source analysis. Students that simply describe the source
will receive marks however, stronger responses MUST include a critical
analysis and clear links to the content and the implications of the source
to the study of the content.

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