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5.1.1 Objectives
(a) Unnat Bharat Abhiyan is inspired by the vision of transformational change in rural
development processes by leveraging knowledge institutions to help build the
architecture of an Inclusive India. Their mission is conceptualised as a movement to
enable processes that connect institutes of higher education with local communities to
address the development challenges of rural India through participatory processes and
appropriate technologies for accelerating sustainable growth. It also aims to create a
virtuous cycle between the society and an inclusive university system by providing
knowledge and practices for emerging professions and to upgrade the capabilities of
both the public and the private sectors.

(b) Build institutional capacity in institutes of Higher Education in research and training
relevant to national needs, specially those of rural India, which includes inter alia the
following objectives:
Encourage Indian higher education Institutions to engage with problems of rural India
and to provide solutions for them.
Develop an academic framework for working on societal problems, their solution, delivery,
reporting and assessment.
Re-visit where necessary the curriculum in technical education in educational and research
institutions to incorporate inclusive technologies for rural India.
Promote inter-disciplinary approach in higher education guided by live contexts.
Develop over time, research areas which have developmental significance, such as drinking
water, education, health, agricultural practices, electrification, agricultural and rural
industries cooking energy, watershed analysis.
Develop collaborations of academic institutions with key government flagship programs and
develop formal course-ware for supporting the knowledge needs for the same.
Promote networking and coordination among various science and technology based
voluntary organizations and developmental agencies.
Foster collaborations between governance, knowledge institutions and local communities.
Provide rural India with professional resource support from institutes of higher education,
specially those that have acquired academic excellence in the field of science, engineering
and technology, and management.
To identify the basic developmental and productive needs of a village and find ways and
means to meet these needs.
Strengthen the technical design of interventions in key sectoral areas of natural resource
management such as water and soil, economic activities such as agriculture and related
production, or related to crafts and artisans, infrastructure such as housing, roads, energy.
Identify efficient, cost effective and sustainable development practices in the field.
Help grassroots organizations in innovating new products, and support rural entrepreneurs
to develop neighborhood solutions.
Empower communities to dialogue with knowledge institutions in order to evolve technically
sound and locally feasible development strategies that promote self-reliance.
Facilitate convergence of development schemes, resources, various planning and
implementation initiatives, and coordination of agencies for successful interventions and
measurable outcomes.
5.1.2 Eligibility
(a) The Apex Institution should be an AICTE approved Institute/AICTE approved University
(b) The Apex Institution should be Government or Government Aided institute.
(c) Only one proposal per institute should be forwarded for funding for this scheme.
(d) The applicant Apex Institute should have identified a program to achieve a specific set of goals as
per the guidelines of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan of Government of India.

5.1.3 Duration of the Project

(a) Duration of project shall be of 2 years.
5.1.4 Limit of Funding
(a) Rs. 5 lakh
5.1.5 Disbursement of the Funds
(a) 90% of the grant at the start of the project and 10% will be released on receipt of Utilization
certificate, Statement of Expenditure, Completion/Progress report and attested photocopies of
supporting vouchers.
5.1.6 Processing Methodology:
The proposal shall be assessed by an Experts Committee constituted as follows:
(a) Three member expert committee not below the rank of Associate Professor.
5.1.7 Terms and Conditions
(a) The applicant Apex Institute should have identified a program to achieve specific goals as
per the guidelines of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan of Government of India.
(b) The Chief Coordinator shall be a full time faculty member of the Apex institute.
(c) The Chief Coordinator shall be primarily responsible for the implementation of the
The Apex Institution shall dedicated itself to rural technologies, several other
programs/projects of the institute also engage with rural issues. This can provide the
academic institutional resource base for implementing Unnat Bharat .
(d) The Apex Institution shall conduct programs to achieve the following:
To build an understanding of the development agenda within institutes of Higher
Education and an institutional capacity and training relevant to national needs,
especially those of rural India.
To re-emphasize the need for field work, stake-holder interactions and design for
societal objectives as the basis of higher education. To stress on rigorous reporting
and useful outputs as central to developing new professions.
Provide rural India and regional agencies with access to the professional resources of the
institutes of higher education, especially those that have acquired academic excellence in
the field of science, engineering and technology, and management.
To improve development outcomes as a consequence of this research. To develop new
professions and new processes to sustain and absorb the outcomes of research.
To foster a new dialogue within the larger community on science, society and the
environment and to develop a sense of dignity and collective destiny.

(e) The Chief Coordinator is expected to give a comprehensive list of participating institutions
and their brief profile.
5.2 Unnat Bharat Abhiyan
Proforma Cum Evaluation Sheet
Application Id < Value to be generated by E-GOV>

5.2.1 Institute Details

(a) Institute Permanent ID No. : <Data base of E-Gov>
(b) Name of the Institute <Data base of E-Gov>
(c) Contact details <Data base of E-Gov>
(d) Email <Data base of E-Gov>
(e) FAX <Data base of E-Gov>
(f) Telephone <Data base of E-Gov>
(g) Reference of Extension of Approval letter for the current Letter No: Date:
year <Data base of E- <Data base of E-Gov>

5.2.2 Details of the Chief Coordinator

(a) Faculty ID <Data base of E-Gov>
(b) Name of the Chief Coordinator <Data base of E-Gov>
(c) Department <Input by Institute>
(d) Appointment Type Regular Temporary Adhoc
<Data base of E-Gov> <Data base of E- <Data base of E-Gov>
(e) Contact details Cell no Email
<Input by Institute> <Input by Institute>

(g) As per 5.2.2 (d), If appointment is regular proceed to next level Else display the message
Sorry only full time regular faculty can be a Chief Coordinator

5.2.3 Academic credentials of Chief Coordinator

Parameter/ Criteria Input by Input by Institute Max. Marks Awarded by the Marks
Institute Marks System Awarded
<Value to be generated by the
by E-GOV> Experts
(a) Ph. D Select Yes/No <Input by Institute 4 Yes = 4 mark
Provide space for area No=0 mark
of specialization>
(b) Total experience Enter 4 Less than 5 years = 1
including teaching, Years <Provide space for 5- 10 years= 2 marks
industrial and details of Research More than 10 years = 4
research. and Industrial marks
(c ) Number of Enter <Input by Institute> 6 1 to 5 publications= 2
Publications in last 3 Number <Provide space for list marks
years (National / of publications details More than 5 to 10
International > publications= 4 marks
journals) More than 10
publications= 6 marks
(d) Patents Registered Select Yes/No <Input by Institute> 3 Yes = 3mark
<Provide space for list No=0 mark
(e) Number of Ph D Enter <Input by Institute> 3 1 Ph. D. guided = 1
students guided Number <Provide space for list mark
> 2 Ph. D. guided = 2
More than 2 Ph. D.
guided = 3 marks
Sub Total 20 <Automated Total>
5.2.4 Credential of Institution / Department

Parameter/ Criteria Input by Input by Max. Marks Awarded by the Marks

Institute Institute Marks System Awarded
<Value to be generated by the
by E-GOV> Experts
(a) Type of Institute: Check on <Input by TEQIP I or II = 5
(Whether selected under TEQIP I Institute> 10 Both TEQIP I & II = 10
(b) Research projects completed Enter <Input by 1 to 5 = 2 marks
in last 3 years. Number Institute> More than 5 to 10 = 5
<Provide space 10 marks
for the list > More than 10 = 10
(c ) Consultancy projects Enter <Input by 1 to 2 = 3 marks
completed in last 3 years Number Institute> More than 2 to 5 = 5
<Provide space 10 marks
for the list > More than 5 = 10
(d) Number of courses Accredited Enter <Input by 1 to 2 = 4 marks
in the Institute. Number Institute> More than 2 to 5 = 6
More than 5 = 10 marks
Sub Total 40 <Automated Total>

5.2.5 Credentials of programme

Parameter / Criteria Input by Institute Max. Marks Awarded

Marks by Experts

(a) Objectives, relevance and <Input by Institute maximum 500 words>

(b) Identified rural area and <Input by Institute maximum 500 words>
related problems
(c) Projected area of work <Input by Institute maximum 300 words> 10
(d) Expected Outcomes <Input by Institute maximum 300 words> 10
Expected outcome Sub Total 40
Grand Total 100

5.2.6 Budget Estimates Non Recurring

(a) S.No. Proposed Specifications Number Estimated Experts
equipment/s of units Cost in Rs. Recommendation
(If proposal is recommended)
Yes/No Number Amount
of units in Rs.
1. <Input by <Input by <Input by <Input by
Institute> Institute> Institute> Institute>
2. <Input by <Input by <Input by <Input by
Institute> Institute> Institute> Institute>
3. <Input by <Input by <Input by <Input by
Institute> Institute> Institute> Institute>
Total(NON RECURRING) Budget Estimate <Automated Total amount Rs. ABC
Total> recommended by

5.2.7 Budget Estimates Recurring

(a) S.No. Proposed Activity details Estimated Cost in Rs. Experts
(If proposal is recommended)
Yes/No Number Amount in
of units Rs.
1. Manpower <Input by <Input by Institute>
2. <Input by <Input by <Input by Institute>
Institute> Institute>
3. <Input by <Input by <Input by Institute>
Institute> Institute>
Total(RECURRING) Budget Estimate <Automated Total> Total amount Rs. DEF
recommended by

Note: If Recurring amount is not fully spent, the same may be used for Non-Recurring
5.2.8 Total Recommended Amount = <Rs. ABC+ Rs. DEF > = <Less than or equal to Rs. 5 Lakh. >
The un-utilised recurring amount may be utilised for non-recurring.

I/We solemnly confirm and verify that the information uploaded on the portal in respect of this proposal for seeking grant
from AICTE under AQIS is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief. In case, at any point of time it is found
that information provided in this proposal is false or incorrect, AICTE will be at liberty to withdraw the grant given to us and
we shall be liable to refund the entire amount of the grant with interest thereon and also liable for any other action that
AICTE may deem fit. We also understand that AICTE may not consider our future proposal in this circumstance.

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