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University of Cambridge International Examinations

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with tea ions
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for Cambridge IGCSE
Complete Biology, Chemistry and Physics are
now comprehensive science courses complete
with teaching support and revision materials.

What do you get with the new

Complete Science?
A challenging IGCSE programme that will
stretch your students and develop their
critical thinking skills, while still supporting
your lower-ability pupils
Brand new teaching support in print and
digital that you can easily customise to
make sure you teach exactly what you want
Flexible learning options with a free
student CD-ROM designed to strengthen
exam preparedness
Up-to-date and internationally-focused content
endorsed for the newest Cambridge IGCSE syllabus
Support for your EAL students with
page-by-page vocabulary support

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the new Complete Science
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Weve developed Complete Science for international science teachers
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Thorough and comprehensive material that will fully prepare students for exams worksheets in the Teachers book and adapt
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Clear, uncomplicated language with support for EAL students
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sure youre covering everything in the most
recent Cambridge syllabus

Step 1 Use the Student Books Distribute the mock IGCSE questions,
so students get used to answering real
questions taken from past exams
Clear, uncomplicated language
Complete Chemistry for Cambridge IGCSE Teachers Resource Kit CD-ROM
support your EAL biomass and the pyramid would be inverted. To
4.3 Feeding relationships: pyramids of
students overcome this difculty a pyramid of energy
can be constructed. This measures the amount
numbers, biomass and energy
of energy owing through an ecosystem over a

To be able to describe pyramids of numbers,
Food chains and food webs provide qualitative
period of time. The time period is usually a year,
since this takes into account the changing rates of
growth and reproduction in different seasons. It
Step 3 Help students revise
information about an ecosystem they show which S Pyramid of energy: energy values are expressed as units IGCSE Revision guide: Physics
biomass and energy is even possible to add an extra base layer to the
organism feeds on which other organism. How do of energy per unit area per unit time (e.g. kJ per m2 per year)
To understand how data can be gathered to make pyramid of energy representing the solar energy
we show quantitative information, for example
ecological pyramids entering that particular ecosystem.
how many predators can be supported by a certain
number of plants at the start of the chain? We Metals also have free electrons in their structure which gain kinetic energy at the hot end
GATHERING DATA FOR ECOLOGICAL PYRAMIDS of the bar. These free electrons pass on their kinetic energy through collisions with other
can use a pyramid of numbers or a pyramid of
Pyramids of numbers electrons and metal atoms as they randomly diffuse through the metal. In this way, energy

Look at the food chain on page 248. Two things

biomass, as shown in the diagram below. To construct a pyramid of numbers or of biomass, Wing nut 2.3 Transfer of thermal energy (heat) is conducted from the hot end of the bar to the cold end.
organisms must be captured, counted and (perhaps)
should be clear: Pyramids of energy weighed. This is done on a sample (a small number) of Refresh students An experiment to show that water is a poor conductor of heat
The organisms tend to get bigger moving along A pyramid of biomass describes how much the organisms in an ecosystem. Counting every
the food chain. Predators, such as the cat, need biomass is present in a habitat at the time the individual organism in a habitat would be extremely memories and focus KEY IDEAS boiling tube boiling water

to be large enough to overcome their prey, such sample is taken. This can be misleading, because time-consuming and could considerably damage the
their attention with
Heat is transferred in solids by the vibrations of the molecules. This is conduction
Use the diagrams

environment. Wire Heat is transferred in liquids and gases by the movement of the molecules. This is
as the mouse. different feeding levels may contain organisms that
Energy is lost as heat on moving from one reproduce, and so replace themselves, at different The sample should give an accurate estimate of the total the clearly outlined
All objects emit and absorb heat through infrared radiation
metal gauze
and visual aids to
trophic level to the next, so an animal to the right
of a food chain needs to eat several organisms
rates. For example, grass in a eld would replace
itself more quickly than cattle feeding on the grass,
population size. To do this:
The sampling must be random to avoid any bias. For 20 cm 20 cm Metal or learning objectives
Black surfaces are the best emitters and the best absorbers of infrared radiation
Silver surfaces are the worst emitters and the worst absorbers of infrared radiation make sure that everyone
below it in order to obtain enough energy. For so when the pyramid of biomass is constructed example, it is tempting to collect a large number of
organisms, by looking for the areas where they are
understands, supporting
example, a rabbit eats many blades of grass. there would be more cattle biomass than grass
most common. To avoid this, the possible sampling 1m
Conduction all types of learners
sites can each be given a number and then chosen bunsen
Pyramid of numbers a diagrammatic representation Top carnivore An experiment to show that copper is a good conductor of heat burner
of the number of different organisms at each trophic level using random number generators on a computer.  A quadrat is a square frame made of wood or metal. It is simply
Small carnivore laid on the ground and the number of organisms inside it is counted.
in an ecosystem at any one time The sample must be the right size so that any
copper bar
Herbivore rogue results can be eliminated. For example, a A quadrat is used most commonly for estimating the size of plant
1 The number of organisms at any trophic level is Producers single sample might be taken from a bare patch of populations, but may also be valuable for the study of populations
blob of wax ice
represented by the length (or the area) of a rectangle. of sessile or slow-moving animals (e.g. limpets).
earth, whereas all other sites are covered with drawing pin Bunsen ame
2 Moving up the pyramid, the number of organisms But
vegetation. The single sample from the bare patch
generally decreases, but the size of each individual wait!
increases. should not be ignored, but its effects on the results
will be lessened if another nine samples are taken.
Ice is trapped at the bottom of the boiling tube with a piece of metal gauze. When the
A mean value can then be used. water at the top of the boiling tube is heated strongly, it boils. The ice at the bottom of the
Problems Bird lice
tube does not melt. This shows that water is a poor conductor of heat. However, if the ice
Sampling plants and sessile animals
a The range of numbers may be enormous 500 000
grass plants may only support a single top carnivore
Tawny owl
Once the organisms in a sample have been identied
Help pupils more is allowed to oat normally, it melts quickly when the water is heated at the bottom of the
so that drawing the pyramid to scale may be very Blue tits test tube. This is because the water molecules can move, so the water heats by convection.
difficult. Insect larvae
and counted, the population size can be estimated. For
example, if 10 quadrats gave a mean of 8 plants per
effectively absorb
b Pyramids may be inverted, particularly if the If a copper bar is heated at one end with a Bunsen ame, the drawing pins fall off one Water, like other liquids and non-metal solids, is a poor conductor of heat energy because
producer is very large (e.g. an oak tree) or parasites
feed on the consumers (e.g. bird lice on an owl).
Oak tree quadrat, and each quadrat is one-hundredth of the area
of the total site, then the total plant population in that
information via the by one, beginning with the pin closest to the Bunsen ame. This is because as the metal
conducts the heat from the hot end of the bar to the cold end, each of the blobs of wax
its molecules do not have free electrons to easily pass on their kinetic energy to their
neighbours, so the heat can only be transmitted through the vibration of the particles.
So area is 8  100  800. concise and focused melts in turn. Gases are very poor conductors of heat energy because their molecules are very far
apart so kinetic energy cannot be transmitted from one molecule to another.

Bird lice
Biomass expressed as
explanations Materials that are poor conductors are called insulators. For example, air is an insulator.
Pyramid of biomass which represents the biomass
units of mass per unit cold end hot end
(number of individuals mass of each individual) at Tawny owl area (e.g. kg per m2)
each trophic level at any one time. This should solve
the scale and inversion problems of the pyramid of Blue tits
electrons with the lowest
numbers. Insect larvae
Remember to support pupils
vibrational energy electrons with the
Oak tree metal ions most vibrational energy

S Ecological pyramids represent numerical relationships between successive trophic levels.

Case studies aid Metal atoms that have lost their free electrons are called ions. Sometimes metals are with the highlighted vocabulary
The pyramid of biomass is useful because the biomass gives a good idea of how much described as a lattice of metal ions in a sea of free electrons. Other solids are not usually
energy is passed on to the next trophic level. comprehension and are 253
good conductors of heat because they do not have free electrons to transfer heat energy words which could challenge
252 Flip to the section from one molecule to another.
your EAL students
linked to practicals in the questions to further consolidate
At the hot end of the metal bar, the ions gain energy and vibrate faster. The ions in a metal
are close together and so these ions pass on their vibrations to neighbouring ions, which in
913876_IGCSE_BIO_CH04.indd 252 09/10/2010 14:51:39 Teachers Kits - helping
913876_IGCSE_BIO_CH04.indd 253

learning and help students measure

09/10/2010 14:51:41 turn start to vibrate faster. In this way, heat is transferred from the hot end to the cold end
of the solid bar.
Complete Biology students put theories into their progress these questions are
for Cambridge IGCSE Flip to this back practice also on the Student CD-ROM

of this
leaflet to see a
linked 67
915436_ch02_050-079.indd 68 9/10/09 08:20:51

practical activity Cambridge Physics

from the IGCSE Revision Guide
Teachers Resour 915436_ch02_050-079.indd 67 9/10/09 08:20:51

ce Kit

Worried about covering the entire syllabus? Use the grids on the
Want to help students gauge their learning? Use the summative Teachers CD-ROMs to map each area of the syllabus to specific
tests for each unit on the Student CD-ROM for an instant progress-check. pages in the Student Book, to ensure nothing is missed.

Practicals and PRACTICAL Name:

worksheets to Handling experimental observations and data:

estimating the size of a population

support your
You need:
plain paper pen or pencil bag or small box

You are provided with a bag with some pieces of paper in it The
pieces of paper represent animals in a population, and the bag is Instructions
the environment in which they live The investigation looks at a take a step-by-
capture-recapture technique for estimating their population size
step approach,
1 Remove between 15 and 20 animals from the habitat (the exact
minimising the
The Teachers Resource Kits are number does not matter) and record this number in the table
2 Mark all the pieces of paper with a small number 1 and put potential for
loaded with useful practicals and them back in the bag Shake for 1 minute to mix up the
animals confusion

worksheets in print and digital

3 Remove 1520 animals from the bag and write down this
number in the table
4 Count how many of this second sample have got a number 1
form that are linked to lessons in written on them (remember to look on both sides)
5 Estimate the size of the population using this formula:

the Student Books. Plus all the No in first sample 3 no in second sample
No in second sample marked with a 1
worksheets are fully customisable so 6 Repeat steps 15 a further 4 times but mark the captured
animals in the second step with a 2 the second time, a 3 the

you can tweak them however you third time, a 4 the fourth time and a 5 the fifth time Ignore any
other numbers from the earlier samples

please, to ensure effective teaching. 7 Display all the readings in the form of a table Work out a mean
value for the estimate of the population using your five sets of
results Record the mean value
8 Tip out all of the animals and count the actual population size
Record this value
9 Present your results in a bar chart that shows all five of the
estimates of the population and the actual value clearly
10 Calculate the percentage error in your estimates compared with
Practicals help the actual value

students apply their

learning and connect
it to real-world
OUP: this may be reproduced for class use solely for the purchasers institute 49

913879 COMPLETE BIOL IGCSE TG.indd 49 10/29/10 1:38:17 PM

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