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H Wahab Hasbullah
By Rara Putri Ayuning Tyas
1D/ Industrial Engineering

Birth of Date
K. H. Wahab Hasbullah was born on 31 March 1888 exactly at Desa
Tambakberas, Jombang, Jawa Timur. From his childhood he is known as a lead in
every games. His father names K.H. Hasbullah Said and his mother named Nyai
Latifah . His father teach him how to be a santri. His father always ask him to pray
together and sometimes he wakes Abdul Wahab up to pray tahajjud. Then K.H lead
him to remember Juz Ammah dan read Al Quran tartile and eloquently.
His ambitious to get a lot of knowledge was seen since his diligent and smart
childhood, he get to know a lot of knowledge that he has been learn. Until he was
13th, after he considered enough knowledge, that was Abdul Wahan go wander to get
He doesnt feel satisfied with only study on pesantren. That is why when he
was 27th (1915) he went to Makkah. He train with Syekh Mahfudh At Turmasi and
Syekh Yamany.
Education Background.
K.H. Abdul Wahab Hasbullahs Educational period since he was a little
kid until he grow up in pesantren. For about 20 years, he was intensifely, exploring
the religious knowledge of some pesantren.
On 1914 he getting married with Kiai Musa named Maimunah. Since then
he was live with his mother and father in laws on Kampong Kertopaten. On 1916 he
got a new baby boy named Wahib and was known as Kiai Wahab Wahib. But that
marriage doesnt last long. His wife was died on 1921 while they was doing haji.
Then he married again with a girl named Alawiyah, the daughter of Kiai
Alwi, but his wife dead after they got a baby boy. And K H married again with the
third wife but i doesnt last long because his wife was died again, no body know why
was that happen to K H Wahab Hasbullah.
He married again with a girl named Asnah, a daugther form Kiai Said a
seller from Surabaya dan already has 4 children, Kiai Nadjib (Alm) is one of them.
And again, the marriage doenst last long again, and then K H Wahab Hasbullah
married for the 5th times with a widow named Fatimah, a daughter from Haji Burhan.
From this marriage he doesnt got a baby. But fatimah got a step son named K H A
syaichu. From those marriage he was known as Kiai Tukang Kawin.
He doesnt take any care with thoses issues, he still got his 6th marriage
with Ahikkah,and it doesnt last long again because his wife was died while they doing
haji, from this marriage he got four son.
The last marriage, he was married with Ashikkah sisters named Sadiyah.
This marriage last long until his last breath.
The Struggle
K.. H. Adbul Wahab Hasbullahs struggles relate to every organisation, or we
know as Islamic Politics. The first struggles is through education. He build a
madrasah named Nahdlatul Wathan, which has mean the raise of nation that was
the pure ideals of K.H. Abdul Wahab to liberating the nation from the Dutch colonial
When Kiai Hasyim Asyari was arrested Jepang around April-Mei 1942, he
and K.H. Wahid Hasyim with all of Kiai do negotiation with Saikoo (commander of
the japanese army) to release Kiai Hasyim Asyari.
He is the type of human who is good at getting along and easy to adjust to his
environment. However, he is also the most formidable ulama to defend and defend his
position. He is known as a scholar of pesantren (ulama bermadzhab) from the attacks
of anti-modernist modernists.
Whatever the name of the madrasah in some branches must be behind the
name "Wathan" which means the motherland. This means that the ultimate goal is to
build a spirit of love for the motherland. Unless struggling with Nahdlatul Watan he
also actively acts as an advisor in Masyumi which consists of NU and
Muhammadiyah. Previously he also co-founded MIAI (Majelis Islam Ala Indonesia)
with K.H. Achmad Dahlan (Muhammadiyah) and K.H. Mas Mansur (non-party) as
driven by awareness needs to create an atmosphere of good relations between the
party and the Islamic organizations at that time. MIAI was founded in Surabaya on
September 12, 1937, but in October 1943 disbanded Japan because it was considered
to endanger the position of Japan.
Sarekat Islam (SI) is a movement that he was founded with his colleagues
while still studying in Mecca. This movement is not just a collection of intellectuals
from Islamic lands, but this movement also wants to promote low-economic and low-
minded Muslims.
He also cant allow the attacks of the modernists who waged to the scholars
bermadzhab. After all, the attacks could not be faced alone. Therefore, in 1924, Kiai
Wahab opened a "Masail Diniyyah" course (specifically religious matters) to increase
knowledge for young scholars who maintained the pesantren school. Thus, Kiai
Wahab has also built a powerful defense against modernist attacks.
Furthermore, when the Islamic leaders received an invitation from King Hijaz,
he then formed the Khilafat Committee named "Hijaz Committee" with permission
from K.H. Hasyim Ash'ari. He established the "Hijaz Committee" as a response to the
Arab "wahabisasi" process that influenced the issue of freedom of worship in
accordance with his beliefs. The committee then sent its own delegation to Makkah-
Madinah. And this Hijaz Committee later gave birth Jam'iyah Nahdlatul Ulama, so
the presence of NU can not be separated from the struggle K.H. Abdul Wahab
K.H Wahab Hasbullah death
K.H. Abdul Wahab Hasbullahakar Rais Aam Organization Nahdlatul Ulama till the
end of his life. NU's 25th Congress in Surabaya was the last congress that he attended.
Khutbah al-iftitah muktamar commonly done by Rais Aam then submitted to K.H.
Bisri Syansuri who used to help him in carrying out his duties as Rais Aam to read it.
K.H. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah kept the congress in an acute illness. Nearly five years
he suffered from eye pain which caused his health to decline.
Finally, exactly four days after the muktamar or search Wednesday, 12 Dzulqa'idah
1391 H or 29 December 1971, Kiai Wahab Hasbullah died at his residence, Bahrul
Ulum Pondok Pesantren, Rice Pond, Jombang

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