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Process Equipment Design III (CL 403)

Department of Chemical Engineering

Dated: 14.09.2017 (due date) Tutorial no.: 06 Total marks= 35

Q1. Figure 1 shows a heat exchanger network designed with the minimum number of units and to satisfy the energy
target at Tmin=20C. On the basis of the following utilities and cost data, it has a total annual cost of 14.83510 6 ($year-
Cost of saturated steam (200C) = 70 $kW-1year-1
Cost of cooling water (10C to 40C) = 7.5 $ kW-1year-1
Heat exchanger installed cost ($) = 15000+700A, where A = heat exchanger area (m2)

Assume plant lifetime is 5 years and that all streams (process and utilities) have a heat transfer coefficient of 0.05 kWm-
K-1. Rather than accepting this network design, a designer proposes to examine the energycapital trade-off for the
stream data by evaluating the targets in Table 1.

Cold utility (kW) = hot utility (kW) 2395 (kW)

i. From the targets and cost data given, construct a table to show the targets for energy cost, annualized capital cost
and total annual cost for each of the values of T min in Table 1. Plot the total annual cost target against Tmin.
What value of Tmin can be suggested for a network design featuring optimum total cost?
ii. Using the optimum value of Tmin, design a network with the minimum number of units and minimum energy.
Ignore Tmin violations in utility exchangers, if any.
iii. Calculate the total annual cost of your network design. Compare the cost calculation based on your design as well
as for the network in Figure 1 with the cost target (capital+ utilities) from Part i.
iv. Why is the structure of your network design necessarily different from that in Figure 1? Could this have been
known before the design? What can you conclude about T min initialization for obtaining optimum cost networks?


Figure 1. A heat exchanger network.

Table 1. Utility and area targets.
Tmin, C Hot utility, kW Area, m2 Units
10 7150 86730 9
20 9150 75920 8
30 14945 62721 9
40 21345 56486 9
45 24545 54796 9
50 27745 53703 9

Q2. Consider the pharmaceutical processing facility illustrated below. The feed mixture (C1, CPC1=19 kW/C) is first
heated to 550 K and then fed to an adiabatic reactor where an endothermic reaction takes place. The off-gases leaving the
reactor (H1, CPH1=10 kW/C) at 520 K are cooled to 330 K prior to being forwarded to the recovery unit. The mixture
leaving the bottom of the reactor is separated into a vapor fraction and a slurry fraction. The vapor fraction (H2, CPH2=5
kW/C) exits the separation unit at 380 K and is to be cooled to 300 prior to storage. The slurry fraction is washed with a
hot immiscible liquid at 380 K. The wash liquid is purified and recycled to the washing unit. During purification, the
temperature drops to 320 K. Therefore, the recycled liquid (C2, CPC2=2 kW/C) is heated to 380 K. Two utilities are
available for service, HU 1 (560 to 520 K) and CU1 (290 to 300 K). The cost of the heating and cooling utilities ($/106 kJ)
are 3 and 5, respectively.

Use the Tmin=10 K. Determine the cost target of heating and cooling utilities for the process and, design the HEN using
pinch method. [7+8=15]



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