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Andrew John Cocks

Unleash YOUR
Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Copyright, Limits of
Liability/Disclaimer of
MMXI Andrew John Cocks, All rights
reserved worldwide.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means,
mechanical or electronic, including photocopying
and recording, or by any information storage or
retrieval system, without permission in writing
from the author or publisher.

ISBN: 978-1-4303-1516-2

This publication is designed to provide competent

and reliable information regarding the subject
matters covered. However, it is published with the
understanding that the publisher and author are
not engaged in rendering legal, financial or
accounting professional services. The publisher
and author specifically disclaim any liability that is
incurred from the use or application of the
contents of this book.

The authors and publisher of this book and the

accompanying materials have used their best
efforts in preparing this program. The authors and
publisher make no representation or warranties
with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness,
or completeness of the contents of this program.
They disclaim any warranties (expressed or
implied), merchantability, or fitness for a particular
purpose. The authors and publisher shall in NO

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
event be held liable for any loss or other damages,
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This manual/text contains material protected under

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Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
This book is dedicated to all of my friends,
family, associates and mentors with
gratitude for the insights, coaching, advice
and support youve given me all these years
that has helped me reach my goals.
This book is also dedicated to every single
person who has a burning desire to be, do
or have more in their life.

Andrew John Cocks

Author, Your Million Dollar Lifestyle
Certified Life Success Consultant
Sales Representative, Bowes & Cocks
Limited, Brokerage

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
There really is a formula for
abundance. You simply need to
understand, acquire, embrace, and
apply consistently the now readily
available secrets to acquire Your
Million Dollar Lifestyle.
From Henry Ford, Charles Schwab,
Alexander Graham Bell, John D. Rockefeller,
Thomas Edison, to Stephen Jobs, Bill Gates,
Ray Kroc, Sam Walton, Jeff Bezos, Oprah
Winfrey, Donald Trump A roll call of super-
achievers yesterday and today What do
they all have in common? Success. But that
has a few requirements, too, like Self-
discipline. Highly effective personal habits.
Vision. Thought processes that virtually
guarantee the achievement of far-reaching

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
goals. They each had or have a personal
understanding of how the universe works,
how to set, tackle, and accomplish goals,
and how to surround themselves with high-
quality people to serve as mentors,
sounding boards, and advisors.
In a world where people live lives
seemingly ruled by the clatter of lack and
futility, increasing crowds are awakening to
the reality theyve been duped. The old
rules of work hard, retire, and die are
being cast away. People want more. They
want more liberty, more from their
relationships, more from their moments on
Earth. They want to have more so that they
can do more, give more, and be more.
But how?
Truth is, its very possible to be, do, and
have more. It is not a hap-hazard world we
live in, but one which follows the strict
regimen of cause and effect. Anytime
anyone raises themselves up, that better

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
world was earned by them doing something
different in their lives. No matter who you
are or what your present situation may be,
the interdependent pieces of the formula to
riches can be learned, adopted, and
practiced to reliably and predictably rise to
achievement and abundance.
It all begins with your attitude. Take a
close look, because the way you show up
anywhere is the way you show up
The great news is that you have the
power to change. Even though a lot of your
programming happened before you were
even old enough to go to school, its not
written in stone. Your decisions, habits,
thoughts, feelings, and actions are all a
matter of choice. But you must understand
the elements of the formula before you can
implement them.
In Your Million Dollar Lifestyle Andrew
John Cocks has done an exceptional job

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
presenting concisely the different elements
and attitudes that go into creating Your
Million Dollar Lifestyle, a world of plenty.
Your Million Dollar Lifestyle serves as a
primer for those who dare to reach for
more. In easy-to-understand language you
find out how you really can have all that you
desire. You learn how to make the simple
adjustments that will make a world of
difference in your results. Maybe a
Quantum leap
Literally, this book could be all thats
standing between you and Your Million
Dollar Lifestyle. So dont just dash off a read
and shelve it. Put it to use. Thats one
genius of this book. Its made to lead you to
a more abundant, fulfilling life. Andrew is a
world class life and business success coach.
Hes skilled at his craft. He brings his
practical outlook into this book.
Any coach would ask you to do
something. So you have to do the book to

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
really get it. Take some quiet moments to
do the Vision on Demand exercises. Listen
to what you say to yourself. Always
evaluate whether what youre doing now is
helping or harming you as you go for your
Engage with the book to discover that
the only thing holding you back from
achieving your goals and dreams,
previously, was you. And, from this point
forward, youll know you can literally create
your life to order.
This is your opportunity to unleash YOUR
Million Dollar Lifestyle.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Time for an Attitude Check

Chapter 2
This is No Time to be Undecided

Vision on Demand................................................................44
Chapter 3
Whats On Your Mind?

The Seven Laws of the Universe.........................................68
Chapter 4
Who on Earth are YOU?

Chapter 5
Better than New Years Resolutions

List Your Goals..................................................................109
Give Yourself a Deadline..................................................112
Whats in your way?.........................................................114
Whats the next step?........................................................115
Focus, focus, focus.............................................................116

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Rinse, wash, repeat............................................................120
Chapter 6
Become the Master of Your Habits

Chapter 7
Multiple Sources of Income

Be prepared!.......................................................................155
Professionals You Need to Know.....................................172
MasterMind Groups..........................................................176
The Success Buddy............................................................184
Your future is in your hands............................................187

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Welcome to Your Million Dollar Lifestyle,
and congratulations on taking the first step
toward achieving your fondest dream, your
hearts desire, and the fulfillment of your
potential. You were created according to a
wonderful plan, created to make great
contributions to your world, to put to use all
that you are and all that you have in the
pursuit of excellence. You were created to
dream, to live an abundant life, to fulfill a
great purpose, and to have powerful, loving
relationships along the way.
This book was written to help you create
the life you dream of, to help you live your
best life. As a Certified Life Success
Consultant, Ive compiled the most
important concepts, practices, and tools
that I use with my coaching and consulting
clients into this one book.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
My hope is that youll read it, of course,
but that you wont stop there. I want you to
take responsibility for your own life, to press
onward toward living your best life. You get
one shot at living your life; make sure you
live it on purpose. Dont settle for a life
thats good enough or about as good as
youd expect. Be proactive! Take charge!
Become all you need to be so that you can
live the way you want to live.
Your coach to the core, Im here with you
during the whole journey. I know you can do

Andrew John Cocks

Author, Your Million Dollar Lifestyle
Certified Life Success Consultant

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Sales Representative, Bowes & Cocks
Limited Brokerage

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Chapter 1
Time for an Attitude Check
Got an attitude? Is it helping you, or
could it use some work?
Bills sitting in traffic his attitude
stinks, so he feels angry at the other
drivers for being in the way. He wishes
theyd disappear theyre not even
human to him anymore, and he doesnt
remember that theyve got lives,
destinations, concerns, joys, and dreams.
He just wants them gone. He knows he
did this to himself, by leaving too late to
account for traffic. He hates being late,
but hes finding himself late more and
more often. But, right before he left, he
grouched at his family, couldnt find his
socks, and then decided he had to take a
quick peek at email. So he left no room
to spare in his drive time. And now hes
looking at a sea of brake lights, waiting

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
through several turns of the traffic light.
Fuming. He can feel his pulse on his
forehead, a ticking bomb. Finally, he
sees the hold-up an accident. He feels
awful because of his selfish impatience
for a moment.
Tracys sitting in the same traffic jam,
even though she left early. But shes
listening to an audio book, reading when
shes at a standstill, or taking the time to
breathe deeply and meditate. Shes
counting her blessings, taking time to be
grateful for all that she is, has, and hopes
for. She wonders about the other drivers
around her, and notices some really
grouchy guy in the car to the right. Looks
like he might explode is that his pulse
beating on his forehead? She says a
prayer for him and all the other drivers,
too. She knows that when she finally gets
where shes got to go, shell be able to

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
cope with any effects of being late from
the traffic.
There is a world of difference between
these two commutes. And its all because of
attitude. No big surprise, your attitude
affects every area of your life.

The quality of your relationships

The health of your finances
The state of your physical health
Your appearance
How long youll live
How effective youll be in helping
How successful youll be in your job or
An attitude is made of our thoughts,
feeling, and ultimately, our actions. Its
formed in that order too.


Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Notice that thoughts come first. It might
seem strange, because it certainly seems
like our feelings hijack our thoughts and
propel us into actions not the other way
around. But youll see, as we look at how
your mind works, that your thoughts are the
real powerhouse the boss, the launch pad
that sets everything else in motion. Each
thought is powerful for your good or your
Feelings can be overwhelming,
seemingly uncontrollable, driving you
toward inevitable actions. But youre going
to learn how you can control your feelings
and actions before anythings set in motion.
Either way, for good or for bad results, our
thinking and feeling determine how things
work out in our lives. Our results are just
that the effects of whats going on inside
us. What a relief not to live at the mercy of
emotion! As well see in Chapter 3, learning

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
exactly how your mind works and the seven
universal laws will give you the keys to
creating and living a meaningful, abundant
Before you can really get going in the
direction of change, youve got to do an
attitude check first. You can read until your
eyeballs fall out and your fingers get
calloused from turning pages, but without
the right attitude in place, youre wasting
your time. With a poor attitude, theres no
information on Earth that can help you
change your life. Take a look at your
attitude about yourself, your life, the people
in your life, your finances, your health, and
your place in the universe. How does it

You are the only problem you will ever

have and you are the only solution.
Change is inevitable, personal growth is
always a personal decision. - Bob Proctor

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
There are lots of things in life you really
dont have much of a choice about, but your
attitude is not one of them. Your attitude is
completely up to you. I can tell you right
away, that a positive, grateful attitude is
the best way to go. Gratitude - for what
youve already got, for where you live, who
you know, all that you are, and all that
youre not is the place to start. How can
you ever expect to receive more in life, to
be more in life, without first appreciating
how much you already have and are?
Your attitude is a choice. Success is all
about making great choices, and this is the
first one you need to tackle. It might take
practice. It might take reminding yourself. It
might even take a fake it til you make it
stance, but youve got to do it.
So, whats your attitude like right now?
You can probably see others attitudes,
but its a little harder when youre looking

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
at your own. Lets take a look, to start off
right, seeing just where we are. Grab a
quiet corner and eavesdrop on your own
thoughts. What do you hear? Jot these
thoughts onto some paper, and then read
them out loud. How do they sound?
Negative? Positive? Friendly? Critical?
Your thoughts are very powerful. They
shape your mood, your attitude, and even
affect your appearance. Your attitude has a
big impact on the people around you as
well. With your attitude, you can bless
people with a sense of being recharged,
revived just from being around you. It
works the other way too, if your attitude
stinks, its going to either drag those around
you down or send them scurrying for cover.
Your negative attitude drains the joy out of
the room.
Why is your attitude so powerful? Can
you harness that power and use it for good?

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Sure, you can! Its simple, even if its not
always easy.

Our attitude toward life determines

lifes attitude towards us. - Earl

What do you think about? How do you

look at life? Are you like Woody Allen? Given
the old question about whether a cup is
half-full or half-empty, he said he didnt
even think he had a cup!
You get to choose your focus every
moment of the day. If you choose to look on
the dark side, you cultivate a negative
attitude. Guess what follows?
More negativity, and then negative
results. Its making the proverbial mountain
out of a molehill. You make yourself
miserable, and infect everyone else around
you at the same time. You pretty much ask
for trouble in life, attracting the very things
you despise because youre so focused on

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
them. Your problems seem insurmountable
because you feel like you just cant handle
them. You become small. You get a free
license to complain although theres no
guarantee that anyone will stay around to
The opposite is true, too. Aside from a
great attitude being conducive to living a
healthy life and attracting friends, it also
makes life more enjoyable and less
stressful. You have a sense of being larger
than any problem that comes your way, and
know youve got a great support system to
help if you need it. You feel good about the
future, and are energized enough to work
toward making things happen. You can
picture, with great detail, the life you want
to live. You can confidently design the life
you want, the life youll have.

Everyones heard the computer tech

phrase garbage in, garbage out. But how

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
do you prevent the garbage from getting in
in the first place? Take a look around you
the worlds got some problems! Youve got
to be vigilant, aware, and willing to make
some changes.
Your attitude is formed by your thoughts.
But where do your thoughts come from?
You get to choose! What input will you allow
into your mind? Here are a few areas to

Who do you spend time with?

What do you read?
What do you watch on TV?
What do you do in the car?
How organized are you?
What do you do when youre frustrated?
How do you spend your day?
What do you do before you go to sleep?

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Everyones read the statistics about how
much time people spend watching TV. Its
contributed to a whole host of troubles,
from obesity to bankruptcy. Laziness,
overeating, over-spending, shorter attention
spans, ADHD, divorce, promiscuity,
cancer its all been blamed on TV at some
One things for sure, though. Theres a
lot of junk on TV. Theres a lot of really bad
news, a lot of negativity, a lot of people
treating one another badly. Is it burying
your head in the sand if you choose not to
watch this stuff? No, not at all. There are
many other ways you can stay informed of
whats going on in the world without sitting
through long stretches of news broadcasts,
and commercials. Most of the news focuses
on people doing things that range from
foolish to downright evil. Its not a call to
action its really more like an opportunity

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
to peek. Why would you allow this into your
Did you know that many of the worlds
most successful entrepreneurs launched
their businesses in their spare time? Their
money-making machines were built on their
own time, not at their jobs. How much time
do you waste watching TV that you could
spend doing something productive
something life-changing? Just like any other
habit, TV-watching can be tough to limit or
eliminate at first. But once youve freed
yourself, youll be amazed by the results.
Youll find yourself having more energy, a
more positive outlook, a great attitude.
Youll find time to start a business, learn
something new, get organized, and create
Your Million Dollar Lifestyle.

Your mental attitude is something you

can control outright and you must use self-
discipline until you create a positive
mental attitude - your mental attitude

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
attracts to you everything that makes you
what you are. - Napoleon Hill

Be careful about the people you choose

to spend time with. Birds of a feather
right? We dont get to choose everyone
whos in our lives, but there are quite a few
where we do have that privilege. If youve
got negative people in your life, theyre
going to be really puzzled when you start to
change. Some may decide to change, too
and wont that be great! But most are just
going to stay the course. If you explain to
them how youre trying to grow and
improve, theyre not going to get it. Some
of them will try to shoot you down; others
will just move on to find another grump to
hang around.
What about your family? A bit tougher,
right? You dont just get to dump them! But
you also dont get to all of a sudden change
the rules one day announcing, Were

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
going to take this whole family thing in
another direction. There will be no more
negativity allowed! However, you do get to
be an agent of change. What you do, how
you live and think and speak will make a
gradual difference in your home. The best
approach is to demonstrate it rather than to
talk about it. Your family might think youre
nuts if you start quoting motivational
speakers, using strange terms and phrases,
and asking them to read this passage or
that. But, if you start living with a great
attitude in a humble and quiet way, theyll
see the difference and want to be like you.
It can take time, of course, because youve
got some negative patterns to overturn.
They might even secretly notice that youre
different, but want to wait for the other
shoe to hit the floor to see whether the
new you sticks. Theyll come around
eventually, and you will have done a great

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
If youre a big reader, words have a
strong impact on your thoughts. You
immerse yourself in the pages, so
enthralled that you dont notice the time
passing. If you read fiction, you find that
you feel you know the characters, feel for
them, miss them when youre finished
reading. It can be a great imaginary escape.
Its got its place, for sure. But, you should
also be diligent in reading books that will
add to your development. There are shelves
and shelves full of great books about
achievement, success, business,
entrepreneurship, self-improvement,
memory-improvement, marketing,
investing, wealth creation, and leadership.
Just as you meet your nutritional needs by
eating a balanced diet, its important to
feed your brain a good variety of books.
Audio books are an excellent way to kill
two birds with one stone. The time you
spend in your car can be transformed from

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
brain-dead robot time to an oasis of self-
improvement and growth. Lots of successful
entrepreneurs refer to their cars as rolling
universities because theyve found a way
to redeem what would otherwise be wasted
time. If you spend your driving time
listening to a good speaker, or quietly
envisioning your goals, youll find that the
time goes by more quickly and pleasantly.
Youll arrive smarter, more pleasant, and
A big challenge to maintaining a good
attitude is stress. One common source of
stress is being disorganized. Disorganization
leads to aggravation, making you late as
you rush around looking for those lost keys,
your belt, your wallet. Its a habit, so its
going to take some concerted effort to
change, but you can become much more
organized if you apply yourself. The best
way to get organized is to develop systems
in your life. A system is a set of actions you

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
do, in the same order, in the same way
every time you have a certain situation. You
do it consistently until you can pretty much
do it in your sleep. Its the way you brush
your teeth you probably have a certain
pattern, a certain timing. Its become so
automatic that youre barely aware youve
done it at times. If you can develop a single
system at a time say, first for a routine
youll follow every time you come home. Put
the briefcase here, the keys there, check
the voicemail, etc. Be conscious to do it the
same way every day, and youll be amazed
at how easy it is after a while. Youll be able
to find your keys every morning (unless
gremlins really do come out at night and
hide your keys!).
How do you handle yourself when you
get frustrated or disappointed? This is a
biggie. Youve had times when something
didnt go right, and your attitude was off for
days. Stuff happens, and youve got a much

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
better chance at making it through with a
good attitude intact if you plan ahead. You
can create a system for how you handle
difficulties. Doing so will help you by giving
you a sense of which end is up, keeping you
from reacting rashly, and guard your
attitude from taking a nosedive.
The first key is to stop and think before
you react. Take a deep breath. Focus on
thinking rationally. You can handle this.
Youve got all the resources you need, right
at your fingertips to get through this
difficulty. Take a moment to reflect on that
fact and to be grateful for the help youll
receive. Remind yourself that if youve got
such great help, youre actually much larger
than your problem. Its just a matter of time
before you find a great solution. Be thankful
for all the positive aspects of the situation.
If you have a fender-bender, you can be
thankful that you have a car, that youve
got insurance, that nobody was hurt, that

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
youve got an opportunity to demonstrate
grace and mercy. Approaching any situation
from this calm, grateful mindset ensures
that your attitude will help rather than
How you spend your day greatly affects
your thoughts, which form your attitude. If
youve ever had a day when you were really
busy, in a good way, productive, and
purposeful, you know how good it felt. Your
attitude was great, you treated people well,
you were grateful for every blessing that
came your way, and you slept well at night.
On the other hand, if you spend a day doing
nothing and not nothing like on vacation!
you probably grew a little cross as the day
went by. You were more tempted to
overeat, to watch junk TV, to be crabby. You
went to bed unsatisfied, grumpy, glad the
day was finally over. Its important to plan a
good, meaty day everyday. You need to be
engaged in purposeful activities, balancing

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
time alone and time with people. You need
time each day to do something creative.
You need a little challenge every day.
Orchestrating one productive day after
another leads to great results, and leaves
you with a great attitude, which brings even
more results.
Finally, the last 15 20 minutes of each
day are really valuable. Dont waste them.
This is a great time to spend a few minutes
expressing gratitude for the day, for the
people you saw, the things you did, the help
you received. Spend some time reading
words that continue to change your heart
and mind, nurturing your spirit by drawing
you closer to your creator. Use the time to
enjoy picturing your goals, fleshing out
every detail before you fall asleep. Your
brain keeps working while you sleep, so
right before bedtime is an excellent time to
give it something great to work on all night.
Youll sleep better when you go to bed with

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
a good attitude, and youll wake up inspired
and ready to jump into another great day.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Chapter 2
This is No Time to be
Say you want to make a change in your
life. What do you do?
Will simply deciding to change your life
someday make it happen? Probably not.
Will putting that decision in writing make
it happen? Maybe, but probably not.
To make a significant change in your life,
youve got to go about it the right way, or
else it will fall by the wayside like a wish to
start your own business, stop smoking, or
learn a new language. Theres a world of
difference between a wish and a decision.
The word decision actually means to cut
off all other options. Thats pretty decisive.
For many different reasons, some people
have a really hard time making a decision.
Maybe theyre afraid theyll get themselves
into a bad situation with no way out. Maybe

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
they fear theyll fail, so they dont even go
for it. Maybe theyre worried about what
other people will say. Even though many
people would certainly say they wish they
could make more money, be happier, get
along better with others, get in shape, or
live in a healthier way, for most people, its
always just a wish. Moving from wish to
decision is crucial for anyone who wants to
make a big change.
We make decisions all the time, whether
were aware of it or not. Some decisions are
made on auto-pilot, and that works well in
some cases, but not in others. When you
engage in a bad habit, youre making a
decision to continue self defeating behavior.
When you engage in positive behavior, you
decide to do that, too. We make decisions
based on our thoughts and emotions. Then
our decisions bring about our actions, and
our actions bring about results.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
So how do you do what you need to do?
You start with a committed decision. What
do you want? How do you plan to get it?
Whats involved, whats required of you in
order to move forward toward your goal?
One decision you make stays the same
during the whole journey toward your
dream that decision is your goal, what
youre aiming for, what you want.
On the way there, youve got a host of
decisions to make, too. Each day, you
decide what attitude youll have, what youll
do with your time and energy, how youll
talk and think about your goal, what tactics
youll engage to move forward. Each
decision you make automatically cuts off
lots of other options.
Pam decided to start a Network
Marketing business last year. She
decided that within a year, shed be at
the level where shed get paid to drive a
white Mercedes-Benz. She decided that

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
shed build her business by building a
team of other motivated consultants. She
decided that shed do whatever it took to
get to her goal, even if it felt
uncomfortable. Shed do it even if it felt
hopeless. Shed do it even if she didnt
feel like it. Each day, as she got ready to
work her business, she knew what to do.
This is because her decision determined
her to do list. Shed cut off her other
options it wasnt an option for her to
spend the day watching reality TV. It
wasnt an option to quit after ten people
in a row said, No thank you. Now, a
year later, shes right on the edge of
qualifying for that car! If shed been
wishy-washy all along, shed probably
have quit.

A truly committed decision is the force

that changes your life. - Anthony Robbins

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Heres the rub most of us struggle to
make decisions because were not used to
fully committing ourselves. We waste a lot
of time using limiting language, language
that leaves us an escape route. We say:

Ill try
I wish I could
I might

Making firm, committed decisions takes

practice. Youve got to watch what comes
out of your mouth, making sure to use
language that communicates your certainty,
commitment and unlimited potential. It gets
easier the more often you do it. It also helps
to have someone else who can call your
attention to any limiting language you use.
Of course, this brings up a big question.
What do you want? Its pretty hard to

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decide which route to take if you dont know
where you want to go! If you wanted to take
a driving vacation from Maine to California,
would you just hop in your car, head west,
and hope for the best? No, of course not!
Youd make a series of decisions before you
took action. Youd answer questions like:

Where in California do I want to go?

How long do I want this trip to take?
What would I like to see on the way?
Where will I stay overnight during the
Can my car get me there?
What preparations do I need to make
before I leave?
What should I pack?
Who will come with me?
How much will this trip cost?
Youd get a good map and plan your
route. Youd schedule any sights you want

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
to see on the way. Youd probably get an
audio book or two to listen to on the way.
Youd pack a suitcase full of everything you
need to bring. Youd pack your cell phone in
case you ran into trouble. Theres a lot of
preparation and its only a vacation!
When it comes to your life, should you
plan less? If you dont actively make
decisions about your life, youre essentially
deciding that its not important enough.
Youll find yourself tossed here and there,
never knowing whether youre succeeding
or failing, relying on old habits and
behaviors, just wishing for something
The first decision youve got to make is
what you want. Knowing that we live in a
world full of possibilities, as people full of
potential, your options are unlimited. But
youve got to choose a destination, or you
wont know where youre going or how to
get there. Without a clear map, youll be

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
blown off track by every passing difficulty
and have no way to right yourself and
proceed onward.
How do you decide what you want? Start
somewhere anywhere. Pick a topic:
Your house
Your business
Your health
Your relationships
Your spirituality
Your hobbies
How you help others

Thinking about that one area of your life,

begin to ask yourself detailed questions
about all the particulars. Write them or draw
them, so that youve got as much detail as
possible on paper. The way you translate
your decision into action, then into results,
begins with your mind. Youve got a
wonderful, powerful resource at your

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
command your mind, and a great
technology to put it to use called Vision on
Demand. But, youve first got to have your
decision firm in your mind. What, exactly,
do you want? Until this is absolutely spelled
out, you give yourself an out youll
never be fully committed to a decision
thats vague. Only when your decision is
detailed enough to become a solemn vow,
can you proceed toward success. Get the
details firmly planted in your mind, and on
paper. Then, its time to roll the film!

Vision on Demand
Just like you may have Video on Demand
as part of your cable or satellite TV service,
your brains got something called Vision on
What happens when you go to the
movies? You enter the theatre and take a
seat. Its dark so youll look at the screen
rather than your surroundings. Youve got

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
to turn off your cell phone so you dont ruin
the sense of suspended reality for the other
moviegoers. You sit, watching. If its a
compelling movie, you feel completely
drawn in. You jump when its startling, you
laugh and cry when the story calls for it
youre pretty much at the mercy of the
people who made this movie. Your emotions
follow suit. You are so into it that it almost
feels jarring when you return back to
reality. A great film impacts you so that you
still feel it after its over, and your mind is
drawn back again and again. You roll the
plot subtleties over in your mind, wonder
what the characters were thinking, replay
the soundtrack until its tattooed on your
brain, and feel like you could easily run the
dialogue lines with your friends.
Vision on Demand works the same way.
You can use this Vision on Demand
technology to harness the engine of your
imagination to gain a clearer picture of your

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
success. By visualizing your peak
performance, your achievement, you
imprint the details on your mind. Create an
image in your mind of your goal. Be as
detailed as you can be, including all your
sensory factors, until its as real to you as if
you were actually living it.
Kates goal is to one day live on
Sanibel Island in Florida. Shes visited
there many, many times, and knows the
place like she knows her hometown.
When she utilizes her Vision on Demand
technology, she closes her eyes and
imagines herself driving across the
causeway in her convertible. She crosses
the bridge, enjoying the view of Ft. Myers
to the left, and little islands to the right.
Brown pelicans glide by, as if racing with
her car. She comes to the stop sign at
the end of the bridge and turns right.
Making another quick right, she coasts
down a street lined with live oak trees.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Theres a wonderful canopy overhead,
and dappled sunshine on the road. She
turns left just before the waterfront, and
sees her home at the end of the road. It
backs onto the Gulf of Mexico, which is
pale green in the sunlight today. There
are date palms and Washington palms
lining the driveway. A white wrought-iron
gate swings open, and her car rolls into
the driveway. She hears a solid thump
when she closes her car door. She can
feel the cool metal of her key as she
unlocks her door, the rush of cool air-
conditioned air as she steps into the
foyer. She sees a large pedestal table.
On it is a gigantic, exotic fresh flower
arrangement, and a note from her
husband. Be back for dinner Ill bring
fresh grouper and a bottle of wine. She
changes into her bathing suit and slips
into the refreshingly cool plunge pool on
her lanai. Ahhhhh she relaxes while

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
watching some dolphins swim up the
Sounds pretty fabulous, doesnt it?
Are you thinking that the fantasy sounds
good, but the idea of anything productive
coming from spending time imagining is just
plain silly?
Think about this. What happens when
you worry? You focus on a problem youve
got. Your mind plays out all bad outcomes
Youll be humiliated. Youll be shown to
be a fraud, incompetent. Youll suffer bad
consequences. Others will look down on
you. On and on it goes. Right when your
stomach starts to knot and churn, you push
the eject button.
Essentially, theres not much difference
in the process between the Florida fantasy
and the headache-inducing dread. Its a
process like rehearsing. Youve conjured up
a synthetic experience it hasnt actually

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
happened, but you can feel it all the same.
You can imagine it happening. Youre even
motivated to take action based on what
youve imagined. In the worry model,
youve played out every detail the
feelings, what youll see and hear, how
youll act, what everyone will say its all
unpleasant. In the fantasy model, youve
played out the same details, but its
desirable enough that you want to make it
As you go about deciding what you want
for your life, spend time using the Vision on
Demand technology for every area. The
more you practice using it, the easier and
more automatic it becomes. You begin to fill
in more details each time, and see it more
clearly. In doing this exercise, you imprint
your wishes on your sub-conscious, which
has no choice but to make it so.
Using your Vision on Demand technology
will also help you when you run into

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
obstacles on the way to achieving your
dream. Whether or not obstacles stop you
dead in your tracks depends on how
committed you are to start with.
If youve only got some vague idea about
someday maybe living a better life, making
more money, or getting into good shape,
youll be easily distracted. Our attention
span is brief when were not fully vested in
our goal.
Joel wants to lose weight. Hes tired of
feeling sluggish, looking round, and having
to let his belt out on a regular basis. He
decides to do something about it. Hell walk
every day, watch what he eats, and cut
back on the beer. Its a good plan, he
thinks, and he wakes up Monday morning
feeling full of purpose.
And then comes Monday Night Football.
His buddies arrive at the door, bearing
pepperoni pizza. Another guy puts a case of
beer into the fridge, chucking the bag of

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
carrots and the bottled water out onto the
counter in disgust. Within minutes, Joel has
eaten everything he could get his hands on,
completely forgetting his earlier decision.
Later, he thinks, If only I could get
motivated enough, I could do this. He
throws in the towel until the next time his
waistband feels too tight.
What went wrong? Joels goal was pretty
vague to start with, he had no real plan,
nothing to tie his motivation to action, and
no preparation to deal with the inevitable
challenges hed face. A more richly detailed
image of his goal would have provided him
with a glimpse of success so real he could
feel it. He could have rehearsed what hed
do when met with bumps in the road.
Having a detailed image in place is really
helpful because it keeps us focused on and
actively creating the result we decided to
create. It completely revolutionizes our
concept of failure. It makes us brave

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
enough to try something we or others
havent done before, or something weve
tried before without success.
Winners in life are not people whove
never failed. They are people whove
probably failed more than other people
have ever even tried new things. What
separates winners from the rest is that
theyve learned how to move past failure,
keeping their goals in sight all along the
way. It takes courage. It takes commitment.
It takes a clear and detailed dream and a
If you regularly spend time utilizing the
Vision on Demand technology, you are
consistently imprinting your goal onto your
subconscious mind. When you choose to
spend time thinking about what you want,
in great detail, you stay motivated.
Imagining your success as if it had already
happened starts a process by which your
mind works to make it happen. Then, if you

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have setbacks along the way, theyre
perceived as small annoyances rather than
insurmountable obstacles. In fact, your
mind doesnt even recognize them as
setbacks at all anymore. Theyre merely
signals to adjust your course so that youre
aimed more directly at success.
Its a lot like flying in a jet plane. Most of
the time, in spite of the pilots expertise,
the navigators excellent skills, and a well-
designed flight plan, your plane is
technically off course. Yet you end up at
your destination without ever knowing that
you were, technically, lost! The planes
systems are programmed to get you from
point A to point B. But lots of little factors
impact the flight so that slight modifications
must always be made to keep the plane on
course. When you create your vision, its
like filing a flight plan. You know where
youre going, your mind is following your
orders, and you set about getting to your

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
destination. As you go forward, you run into
obstacles, challenges, and you find yourself
with a choice. You could just throw in the
towel, abort your trip, come up with a bunch
of excuses, and say, Oh well. I tried, but it
just didnt work. Or, you can course correct
and keep going.
The decisions just the first part. You
commit yourself to following through, to the
path youve chosen no matter what. You
contemplate the obstacles youre likely to
encounter and commit yourself to moving
past them rather than quitting. You cant
curse in the darkness what you decided in
the light. You reflect on your decision often,
reminding yourself of your goal and all the
particulars of your commitment.

The way to develop decisiveness is to

start right where you are, with the very
next question you face. - Napoleon Hill

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
And then you act! Any true decision is
followed by action. Taking consistent
actions that youve decided to take in
pursuit of your goal has an almost magical
effect. Action brings results. Results
reinforce your resolve and help you build
momentum. The more momentum youve
got, the easier it is to push past the barriers
that seem to be in your way.
It all starts with your decision. A firm,
well thought-out decision, complete with a
plan and a vision brings you to the point of
making a solemn vow to yourself, a
covenant. Youre not going to back out of
this youre in it for the long haul. Youve
cut off every other option. Youve thought
about this so much that you can roll the film
on demand. You can see, hear, taste, touch
and smell it because youve fleshed out
every detail in with your Vision on Demand
technology. Spend time everyday with your
vision. Make it so detailed you can almost

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
see it on a screen. Use it to guide and
motivate you, to keep you going when
things get tough.

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Chapter 3
Whats On Your Mind?
Its all in your mind.
Remember, its mind over matter
Change your mind.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Pretty universal slogans by now. But
what exactly are we talking about? What is
the mind? Obviously its got to do with
thought, so its kind of related to the brain.
And the brains pretty important the boss
of your body, sending signals to breathe,
pump the heart, move the muscles, and
function. But the brain and the mind arent
quite the same thing. Animals of all kinds
have some form of brain, but we dont think
of them as having a mind like ours.
Its in the mind that we have creativity,
imagination, goals, hopes, dreams,
empathy for others. Its not all lovely in
there we also have anxiety, confusion,

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
conflict, and some pretty mean voices. So
what does this mind-thing look like? Its not
the mass of slimy, squiggly tissue that we
picture when we think brain. Its a concept.
Having a deep and thorough
understanding of your mind, and how it
operates will give you the power to create
every circumstance or result you desire.
Youll learn how to get what you want by
following the laws that govern your mind
and the universe, rather than wishing for
some good luck to come your way.
One trait common to people whove
created great wealth is that their minds are
orderly. You need this quality, too. Your
mind should be characterized by its
orderliness. This order includes your picture
of yourself, of what you want, and of what
you do.
Dr. Thurman Fleet, father of Concept
Therapy, came up with a great illustration in
the 1930s. Its pretty simple, really. He

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
devised a figure called The Stickperson. The
Stickperson divides the mind into three
parts: the Conscious, the Subconscious, and
the Body. Weve got to have some sort of
image to look at to understand how the
mind works. While this graphic is simple, it
unlocks concepts that can be hard to grasp
A close examination of The Stickperson
will bring you a solid understanding of
where your thoughts and feelings come
from, how they lead to action, and then to
results. Youll also realize that The
Stickperson is a universal concept every
humans mind works the same way. Each
person is governed by the same universal
laws. This understanding will benefit you in
every circumstance when you deal with
people in business, at home, and among
friends. Youll begin to see them in a
different way, one in which you understand
why they do and say what they do.

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Heres how each part works together

The Conscious Mind

This is the part that thinks. Your
conscious mind makes decisions, reasons,
holds preferences, makes plans, sets goals,
and chooses what to think about all day.
This is the part of your mind that enjoys
free will. You also process what you
experience in your conscious mind. You use
it to imagine and create. You make

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
decisions about what you will and wont do,
will and wont believe, will and wont
concentrate on. You focus on a project or
goal. You reason, weigh options, and find
solutions. You choose the thoughts you
create, or settle for thoughts someone else
gives you. Youve got the power to accept
or reject any idea that comes to your mind.
Nobody and nothing can force you to think
about something you dont want to think
about. Whichever way you go, you imprint
your conscious thoughts onto your
subconscious mind. Its as if your conscious
mind is the king. The king makes his wishes
known, and everyone else jumps into action
to comply.
The Subconscious Mind
Your subconscious is fascinating wild,
vast, and mysterious. High achievers have
worked to gain a solid understanding of how
the subconscious mind works. They
understand the impact of the subconscious

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
mind how it affects their results in a very
powerful way. The subconscious mind isnt
confined to your brain it lives and works in
every cell of your body. This is the part of
your mind that swings into action at night
when you dream no rules, no logic, no
limits, no impossibilities. When you awaken,
your subconscious mind snaps to attention,
ready to ask how high when your
conscious mind tells it to jump. It is
completely without reason, without the
power to differentiate truth from lies; it
accepts every thought the conscious mind
gives it without question.
Your conscious mind impresses thought
after thought on your subconscious mind,
which in turn demonstrates and expresses
these thoughts through your feelings and
actions. Thoughts that are frequent and
repeated burn themselves deeply into the
subconscious mind, becoming a fixture in
your personality. These fixed ideas take on

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
lives of their own, becoming habits and
paradigms. Living these ideas becomes
effortless because of the repetition.
Changing these ideas requires purposeful
The subconscious mind is the faithful
servant to the king the conscious mind. It
exercises every resource to obey when the
conscious mind makes a statement or
request. It doesnt discriminate between
what seems possible, likely, healthy, good,
or bad.
A huge part of your subconscious minds
job is to make it so. It commands your
body and your senses to do its bidding. You
think, Id like to find a great home-based
business opportunity. Your subconscious
says, Right on it! and commissions you to
look for home-based business opportunities.
Similarly, if you think, Im never going to
fall asleep. Im going to be exhausted
tomorrow, your subconscious mind still

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
says, Right on it! and marshals every
thought, anxiety, and obscure song lyric
youve ever heard in order to keep you up
all night and leave you feeling exhausted
the next day.
The subconscious mind is a tireless and
efficient worker. It does whatever it is told,
without question. It accepts every thought
your conscious mind plants there and does
everything possible to obey completely and

The Body
Successful people pay close attention to
their bodies, too. They recognize that the
body is just the outward manifestation of
the inside elements conscious and
subconscious mind. Our bodies, full of
vibration, perform and look the way they do
because of the internal workings that
impact it. In learning to interpret our bodies
signals, we become more attuned to our

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
feelings and others as well as other non-
verbal communications between people.
Your body houses your conscious and
sub-conscious mind. It is the tool your mind
uses to enact your thoughts. Your body
brings about the actions and results your
mind directs. Your body is like the fruit on a
tree. It shows what you think about; it does
what you command it to do; it obeys your
subconscious mind in its commission to
fulfill the orders your conscious mind gives.
Rather like a field thats ready to harvest,
your body is a visual demonstration of the
thoughts youve planted and tended. Your
body doesnt think at all it simply serves
as a canvas for your mind it shows on the
outside whatever is going on the inside. It is
a result, not a cause.
When youre going about making
changes in your life, it would be foolish to
start on the outside and work your way
inward. The quality of the inside determines

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
the appearance and performance of the
outside. So, it only makes sense to focus on
your thoughts first, and watch what
happens through your body.

What we are today comes from our

thoughts of yesterday, and our present
thoughts build our life of tomorrow. Our
life is the creation of our mind. - Buddha

Dieting is the perfect example of how

this system works. Most dieters hope to lose
weight by focusing on the outside on the
physical components of weight loss. They
decrease their nutritional intake; they deny
themselves; they increase their activity
levels, exercising regularly in hopes of
melting their extra weight. However, most
of them fail because they neglect the inside
arena. The results theyve got now extra
weight came from an interior source
what theyve thought and focused on, how
they acted upon those thoughts. While

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
following a strict eating and exercise plan
may remove some excess weight for a time,
it doesnt address the source.
The conscious mind must have different
input for the system as a whole to change.
Since we have the privilege of choosing our
thoughts, we must choose thoughts that are
empowering, that are purposeful, that lead
to the results we want. The conscious mind
is able to choose and think these thoughts
at will. The subconscious mind puts it all
into action, summoning every necessary
resource to get the results the conscious
mind has requested. Finally, the body
demonstrates, in living color, what the mind
has done.
Understanding how the mind works is
one crucial component for engineering
change and success. Understanding how
the universe works is the other necessary
component. Without a solid understanding
of how the world and our minds work, we

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
are without any understanding of how to
succeed. It would be like trying to play a
game without any comprehension of the
rules or the way to win a pointless,
frustrating experience.

The Seven Laws of the Universe

Just as there are physical laws that
govern how the physical world works
gravity, for example, there are also laws
that govern how the universe works.
Understanding these laws is critical to
achieving success learn them and work
with them, not against them.

1. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation

Basically, this law states that what starts
as energy changes into what is physical.
Everything around you everything you
see, hear, smell, touch, or taste began as
energy. The vibration of that energy

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
forms what is physical. Everything is in
constant motion, and that motion is
always changing. Energy can not be
created or destroyed, just moved and
changed. Our thoughts make themselves
manifest in the physical world. In other
words, what we think about, we bring
2. The Law of Relativity
The way we perceive any object, thing,
person, or idea is always relative to how
we see another object, thing, person, or
idea. Its the way we gauge what we see
bigger, smaller, good, bad, better,
worse. The whole universe is designed to
work together, with all the laws
corresponding rather than conflicting. All
the laws apply equally to everything in
the universe regardless of their size,
strength, or awareness of the laws.
Everything in the universe has its own
rate of vibration high, low, and in-

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
between we can only evaluate the rate
of vibration based on a comparison with
the rates of other things. In your life, you
see this law played out as you compare
yourself to other people. You are
reasonably attractive, right? Now, say
someone enters the room who has
entirely unfortunate looks you feel
simply gorgeous in comparison. But what
if a supermodel enters the room next?
How good-looking are you then? Its all
relative. The core of this law is that
everything in life just is our
perception shapes how we experience it.

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3. The Law of Vibration
This law says that nothing is at rest in
the universe its all constantly
vibrating. Our awareness of that
vibration is what we call feeling. Our
feelings are determined by vibration, and
we determine our rate of vibration by our
thoughts and the paradigms we use to
look at life. Youve experienced this if
youve ever walked into an office or
house where people were just quarreling.
The tension in the air is thick enough to
cut with a knife, and you instantly know
youve interrupted something
Our thoughts consist of vibrations we
send out to the universe. When we focus
or concentrate on our thoughts, the
vibrations grow stronger. Thoughts are
the strongest vibration to move through
the universe. The Creator created the
whole universe all that there is, seen

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
and invisible from nothing, using
thoughts and words. Humans are the
only creation who share the power of
thought with the Creator, and that makes
us special. This power to think, this gift of
spirit, is what it means to be created in
the image of the Creator. Our thoughts
and prayers are very powerful, affecting
the physical world we live in.
Our awareness of vibration is what we
call our feelings. We see what its like to
be in a negative vibration when we say,
I feel bad today. A positive vibration
shows when we say, I feel great today!
Since vibration originates with our
thoughts, we can control whether we live
in a positive or negative vibration
pattern. You use your brain to choose
which thoughts youll entertain it
doesnt choose a vibration itself. Youre
the master of your thoughts, of your
vibration. Your thoughts steer your

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
central nervous system into the vibration
you choose.
Your mind is a storehouse of images
positive and negative, whatever you
allow to take up room there. If you
choose to dredge up, examine, and
review the negative, you will move into a
negative vibration negative feelings will
immediately follow. The reverse is true
positive thoughts lead to positive
vibration and a positive mood.

You become what you think about. -

Earl Nightingale
4. The Law of Polarity
Everything has an equal opposite
up/down, good/bad, empty/full. There is
no such thing as a one-sided coin. No
object has only a left side without a right
side. Because everything not only has an
opposite, but the opposite is also equal,
weve got an immutable law that we can

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
understand. If you measure the room
and find it is eighteen feet from the wall
to the door, youll find its also eighteen
feet from the door to the wall. Seems
pretty obvious, but the understanding of
this law will really change how you look
at life.
Say something you think is really bad
happens to you according to the Law of
Polarity, there must be something
equally good about it, too.
Mathematically, if something happens to
you that you see as only being a little bit
bad, the flipside is that theres also a
little bit of good in that, too.
Because of the Law of Polarity, you also
get to choose your thoughts on every
occurrence in life is this a good thing or
a bad thing? In reality, it just is. But you
have the privilege of interpretation you
can choose to view it as a positive or a
negative. From that choice, you set

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
vibration in motion, determine your
feelings, and ultimately your actions and

5. The Law of Rhythm

The whole universe moves in a repetitive
rhythm. The tides, the seasons, day and
night we can count on these regular
patterns to stay constant. If anything
moves forward, something else must
move backward; if anything grows
greater, something else shrinks. Every
action causes a reaction, and results in a
rhythmic swinging of vibration.
You see this law at work every day in the
peak and decline of your energy, the ups
and downs that you experience, the way
that our days are sometimes full and
busy and sometimes slow and lazy. Its
helpful to realize that our moods have a
natural rhythm of ups and downs, and

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
that even in the midst of a relatively
down mood, weve still got control of our
thoughts. Choosing good thoughts, even
when we feel down, propels us into a
positive vibration, evening out our
emotions and keeping us moving toward
our goals.

6. The Law of Cause and Effect

This law states that for every action,
there is an equal and opposite reaction.
What you send out into the universe
comes back. Luck, chance, and accidents
are non-existent. Everything in the
universe is subject to universal laws, and
everything that happens does so
because it was caused. We see the result
of this law in the physical world in our
health, our bank accounts, and how
people treat us. The way we get results
we want is by working on the cause

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
behind them. A changed cause must
produce a changed effect.
One way to change your cause is to
focus on it, using positive affirmations to
point you in the direction you wish to go.
In each area of your life, develop positive
statements you can repeat in your mind
regularly. These affirmations should be in
the present tense, carefully crafted to
focus you on what you really want.

7. The Law of Gender

This law describes how every seed has a
gestation period. We see it in nature all
the time you plant carrot seeds, and
can expect to wait about seventy days
before the carrot is ready to eat. If you
conceive a child, it takes about forty
weeks for the baby to be born. The same
is true for ideas. They are spiritual seeds,
and take time to become manifest. You
must be patient when you plant a

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
spiritual seed, an idea. It will show itself
in physical form when the time is right.
Every idea that is given energy moves
into the physical world.
Everything in the universe has a
masculine and feminine side. We see it in
every person and animal, and even in
the plant world. The principle of both
male and female in all things makes
potential, regeneration, and motion
possible. Both male and female are
required for life to exist. This law
demonstrates how everything comes
about, how things change from what
they were into what they become.
You may be familiar with some of these
concepts the structure and function of
your mind, and the universal laws of the
universe. Some may be completely new to
you. Understanding them is so important in
the process of achieving your dreams, of
living the purpose-filled life you were

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designed to live, of living in a way that is
fulfilling and proactive.
If youre serious about making changes,
about winning in life, about living up to your
potential and helping everyone around you
to do the same, youll commit yourself to
learning these concepts. Reflect on them,
discuss them, and do all you can to
comprehend them teach them to others,
too. The more aware you are about how it
all works together, the more you can put
these ideas and laws to work for you so that
youll experience more success and less

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Chapter 4
Who on Earth are YOU?
Youve got lots of different ways to
introduce yourself to people:
Im a parent.
Im married.
Im a banker.
Im into boating.
All depends on who youre talking to, right?
But how do you describe yourself to
YOU? What comments do you make about
yourself as you go through the day? What
do you expect from yourself? Its always
easier to see what our image of other
people is. Were pretty clear about how
much we like or dislike someone else.
Everyones had a less-than-wonderful co-
worker before you know, the one whos
always late, talks with food in her mouth,
wont stop showing pictures of her dogs
around the office. When shes got a big

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
project to work on, everyone expects the
same pattern. First shell
boast about how she was the only one the
boss trusted to handle this project. Then
shell pester everyone else for advice on
how to do it, without ever taking their
recommendations. Next, shell huff and puff
around the office, complaining about
working overtime to complete the project.
Finally, shell squeak through at the last
minute with something the client is
miraculously pleased with after all.
Everyone complains about her, wishing
shed move on; nobody wants to be
cornered by her.
But what does she think of herself? A
mystery, right? Because if it were you,
youd see how much of a jerk you were
being. Youd try to change. So its hard to
imagine she even gives a thought to her
character and behavior.

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Its much harder to see what you think of
yourself. Its not as black and white as
observing someone else and forming an
opinion. When its you, its more complex.
Thats because you see everything you do
from the viewpoint of how you intended it to
go. You see motivations, nuances, history,
and feelings.
Science and psychology have isolated
the one prime cause for success or failure
in life. It is the hidden self-image you have
of yourself. - Bob Proctor

What you think of yourself, or self-image,

is a verdict made up of many different
pieces of evidence. You have, buzzing
around in your mind, input from a huge
number of witnesses:

Your parents
Your childhood friends
Your teachers
Your classmates

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Your spouse
Your co-workers
Your colleagues
Your business partners
Your manager
Your self

Very few people like everything about

himself or herself. We lug around an
invisible sack of feelings about ourselves
secretly fearing that others will see who we
are at our worst. Well be rejected, cast
away. It matters to us how others see us,
and we hope to put our best foot forward,
earning enough good will before any of our
faults leak out.
The weird thing is that while we can see
what we want others to think of us, it can
be hard to really nail down what we think of
ourselves. Are you the type who stomps all
over yourself for every perceived failure and

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
fault? Or, are you the kind of person whos
convinced that youre always right? Or, do
you see yourself as someone with great
potential, great intentions, who often steps
in it, doing and saying things that bother
other people?
So, who are you, anyway? Take a few
minutes and write about yourself make
two lists of words that describe your
character, who you really are positive and
negative. Dont linger too long on each
word, and dont add commentary.
Remember that your attitude inside shows
on the outside both in how you live and in
the results you see.
Now take a look at your list. If youre like
most people, your list probably has more
positives than negatives. Lets deal with the
negatives first so we can move on. Read
them over, then say, You know what? Ive
got room for improvement. Im working on
these faults, and getting better every day.

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Then put them away. Your negatives are
funny things some of them are probably
qualities others wish they had. Just like
everything else, theres a positive side to
those qualities thatll become more obvious
as you grow. Some are built into your being,
and you just need more personal growth to
be able to express them in a positive way.
Others may be habits or learned behaviors
thatll improve as you grow.
Were going to run with the positives,
because those are qualities that are
naturally good in you. Focus on these
positive attributes, and think kindly about
yourself. You need a strong, healthy self-
image to succeed. You need to think about
yourself positively in order to also think
positively about others, and to treat them
well. When your self-image has to
constantly duck and cover from the darts
you throw your way, its always in defense
mode. Its nearly impossible to treat others

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with generosity when youre in survival
Relentless, repetitive self-talk is what
changes our self-image. - Denis Waitley
So how do you go about building a
healthy, positive self-image? Lets talk
about timing first. Some parts of this
reconstruction will move along quickly.
There are habits and practices you can do
(or not do!) thatll help tremendously. Other
parts, though, are pretty deep-seated.
Theyre the result of opinions you made of
yourself long ago from what others told
you, things that disappointed you, things
people said that you accepted without
question. As with everything else you do to
grow and improve, it takes action and
patience to see results.
Here are 4 practical things you can start
doing today to improve your self-image:

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
1. Watch what you say to yourself. Its
amazing how well allow ourselves to say
things to ourselves that we would never
tolerate coming from someone else. If
the mean words that come out of your
own mind about yourself came out of the
mouth of a stranger, you might be hurt,
but youd certainly think, This guys
nuts, talking to me like that. If the same
mean words were addressed to your
child or your best friend, youd run to
their defense with a big How dare you?
on your tongue. Well talk soon about
how your mind works, but lets just say
for now that its not discriminating in
what it believes, if it comes from your
own thoughts.

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2. Watch who you hang out with. Negativity
is contagious, and gossip is a hard habit
to shake. Obviously, if you spend time
with people who are critical, who tear
others down, youll catch it too in two
ways. Youre more likely to think and talk
that way about others and yourself, and,
those same people probably talk about
you when youre not around, too.
Surround yourself with positive people,
people who are seeking to grow and
improve. We really do become like the
people we surround ourselves with, so be

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
3. Watch for the positive. Because negative
thinking about ourselves and everything
around us is so habit-forming, it can
really sneak up on us. Make a point of
searching for what is positive, lovely,
perfect, wonderful, timely, gracious, and
good. Do this about the people you
interact with and about yourself. It forms
a new habit building, rather than
4. Watch your tongue. Be very careful
about what you say. If you catch yourself
berating yourself, or another person,
stop. Take a moment, turn around in
your tracks, and go the other way. Guard
your heart and your lips negativity.
People have enough catch-up work to do
on their self-image from all they heard
about themselves long ago without you
adding to it and that goes for yourself,

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Your self-image has profound consequences
on your outlook. What doors do you see
open to your success? What do you think
youre capable of? What kind of life is open
to you? How differently do you think
someone who lives with a poor self-image
lives from someone with a healthy, positive
One area of your self-image deals with
your ideas about wealth. What were you
taught to expect in life, financially? Far
more powerful than the numbers in your
parents bank account, what you were told
about money has been ground into your
self-image. What do you think you should
be? What do you think you should have?
What were you told about college, about
business, about risk, about rich people?
Your self-image regarding wealth plays a
huge part in where you are now. Knowing
this, working to become more aware, and
trading unhealthy views for healthy ones,

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
will make a huge change in where you go
from here. Starting from here, youve also
got the opportunity to contribute positively
to your own childrens self-image and
thoughts about wealth, opportunity, and
how the universe works.

As a person thinketh in their hearts, so

are they.
- James Allen

Face the facts - your odds are better for

getting struck by lightening then getting
Who do you think you are?
What makes you think youll succeed?
Heard these before? Said these before?
Theyre all based on lack, limitation, and
pessimism. Beyond that, theyre all based
on current circumstances. Looking around
where you are now, it might seem like
significant improvement is just a fantasy.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
An abundant life might seem way out of
reach for you.
Does this say more about your
circumstances or your potential? On the
surface, it seems like youre just being
realistic, looking at the facts as they are.
Imagining a better life is the ultimate
fantasy, right?
Not at all. In fact, anyone whos ever
done anything amazing started in the same
place youre in right now. They started in
circumstances where this amazing dream
seemed way out of place a laughable
They had to be careful about sharing
their fantasy with others, knowing that most
people would be so unnerved, so offended,
so threatened that theyd try to dissuade
them from going for it. Some people feel
compelled to pop bubbles. They somehow
escaped or ignored enough barbs to get
moving. They walked steadily toward their

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
dreams until they saw them happen. Then,
all of a sudden, those same nay-sayers
changed their tune.
Success against the odds!
Ahead of your time.
Much easier for them to say after youve
So, what sets achievers apart from those
who never even take the first step towards
making their dreams materialize? How do
winners stand firm in the face of iffy odds?
Of critics all around or within? What do
they look at? Wheres their focus?
Winners have a different focus. They
develop a healthy form of tunnel vision.
They look at two things: their goals and
their potential. Their present circumstances
serve to motivate, or else are ignored.
Well talk about goals later, but for now,
lets take a look at potential. What is your
potential? What could you do? Can you win?

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Your answers about your potential point
directly toward your self-image. Your self-
image is simply your picture of yourself,
your evaluation of your potential, of your
abilities, of your worthiness to succeed, of
your limits. Some people seem to come by
a healthy self-image naturally; most of us
need to work on improving how we see
The great thing is that theres nothing in
the world that can keep you from improving
your self-image. You cant do much about
what youve believed about yourself in the
past, but you have complete control over
what youll believe now.
What does it take to improve your self-
image? The first step is deciding to
consciously work on it, deciding to adopt a
winners image.
For some, this seems like a selfish
indulgence. They struggle to imagine that
wanting to win, wanting to succeed,

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
wanting to live an abundant life could be
anything other than a foolish, ridiculous
pipe dream. Nothing could be further from
the truth you were created to grow, to
improve, to fulfill a glorious purpose, to do
mighty things. The desire to get better is
perfectly natural and healthy, because it
aligns with reality. You were created to
enjoy an abundant life. Your success in life
can never exceed your self-image, your
beliefs about what you can achieve. Its
time to forget the past and start NOW to
shape a new, winning self-image.
How do you see yourself succeeding in:
Physical health?
What do you tell yourself about your
potential in these areas? How successful
can you stand to be in all these areas? What
would your big dream look like for each

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
area? Have you trapped yourself in a box
because of how these areas look today?

Take a minute and imagine your closest
relationship. Forget what it looks like right
now. Just imagine what it would look like at
its finest. How would you speak to one
another? What would you do together? How
would you feel about that person? What
would people say and think about you two
when they saw you? How would you spend
your time together? Remember, dream big
here youre imagining a relationship so
great that people would take notes, that
youd be an example others would follow.
On a scale of 1 10, this would be an
absolute 10 of a relationship.
Now take a few minutes to write about
what you saw. Dont listen to the little voice
that says, Yeah, but right now, that
relationship looks like Youre designing

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
the ultimate relationship right now. Were
talking potential. Include details. Whats it
feel like? What do you sound like to each
other? What do people say about the way
the two of you relate? Whats it like to be
together? Whats it like when youve been
apart and see each other again? Luxuriate
in your fantasy, wear it like a silky robe.
Lets do the same thing with your
finances. Imagine financial abundance
youre completely free from financial
concerns, theres always enough money to
do what you want to do. How much money
would that be for you? What would you do
with it? How would it feel to look at your
bank account, seeing that amount in the
account? Who would you like to help
financially? What would it feel like writing a
check that could change peoples lives?
Where would you live? The beach? The
mountains? The city? What would your

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
house look like? How would you furnish and
decorate? How would you landscape? Would
you have people over? What would you
serve them? What would you drive? How
would it feel when you have a car repair?
What would you wear? How would it feel to
shop for clothes? Where would you shop?
Write it down now. Live the fantasy on
paper. Its a biggie, so it might take many
dreaming and writing sessions to get all the
details down.

Physical Health
Do it again with your physical health.
What does your body look like? What does it
feel like to be completely fit and healthy?
What can you do? How does it feel to run
and not grow weary? How is it to wake up
with energy and vitality? Whats your skin
looking like? Glowing? How old do people
think you look? Whats it like to eat the
foods that cause your body to thrive?

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Write it down with all the specifics. This

is your dream body healthy and full of
vitality. Youre the picture of health. Whats
it like?

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What other areas would you like to
improve? Your business? Your spiritual life?
Your self-discipline? Your memory? Your
Do this exercise for each one. Dont
worry if it all seems unrealistic, impossible,
too wild to ever come true. Youre aiming
for big dreams here. Your descriptions will
grow more vivid and detailed each time you
spend time doing this. The best way may be
to do it in a Word document so you can add
details each time. Spend time reviewing
these dreams often every day, for best
results. Silence any voices in your head that
say you cant do it. Write as if each dream
were reality now. Write with a grateful
heart, as if youve already received your
hearts desire.
Who are you if youre able to achieve
these dreams? List some adjectives that
describe you. How does it feel to describe
yourself as:

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
A winner
Fully-equipped to succeed

How do you think your self-image will

change if you consistently dwell in your
dreams? If you can realize that you have
everything you need to go after your
fantasy life, what can hold you back? If you
work on your self-image regularly,
reminding yourself of what you want, of
your ability to make it so, youll grow
stronger each time. Youll develop a self-
image that is rock-hard undaunted by
people who dont get it, people who dont

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
know how to dream. Youll become
unstoppable, triumphant, and a role model
for others to emulate.

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Chapter 5
Better than New Years
The whole point of setting a goal is to
help you bridge the gap between where you
are and where you want to be. If you set
goals and work toward them diligently, you
can have all the things you want. People
who set and achieve their goals are people
whove decided what they want, committed
themselves to going after it, and havent let
anything stand in their way short of
violating the rights of others.
A proper goal gives you all the incentive
you need to grow in your awareness of
being a perfect expression of an Infinite
power, designed for excellence and
abundance. As you become more
welcoming and aware of your relationship
with God, and of all the potential thats
been built into you, youll function more

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
effectively in harmony with the laws of the
universe. Living in synch with all of this will
yield results youve never dreamed
They say that awareness is curative. It
gives deep meaning to life because it spells
the end of your robotic existence no more
walking in the deep ruts formed by your
harmful programming and
counterproductive thought life. These old
ways of thinking arent ways youve chosen
they were planted in your heart when you
were young by your parents, teachers, and
religious leaders. While some of these
programs serve you well, many of them are
harmful and ready to be replaced. The old
way of living has kept you from a truly
abundant life.
But, in order to truly change, your old
habits have to be replaced with new,
healthy practices. Having a solid goal in
place serves as a constant help as you do

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
this. In fact, without a specific goal, youre
unlikely to ever make a significant change
in your life. While youre on your way
toward achieving your goals, you learn to
choose which thoughts youll allow into your
mind. Youll see the connection between
these thoughts, the feelings and attitudes
they produce, and ultimately the results
they yield. Its not something someone else
can do for you.
Ever notice how your life never really
stays the same? Youre either improving it
or damaging it your actions arent neutral.
As a spiritual being, your spirit constantly
seeks expansion and greater expression.
When this deep desire is thwarted, you
experience a feeling of dissatisfaction. That
feeling is unpleasant enough to serve as a
good motivator. We hate feeling unfulfilled,
and work diligently to escape such an
unpleasant feeling. Well do pretty much
anything to satisfy this need.

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This need for fulfillment goes way
beyond just things and money although
they are important. They give you comfort
and opportunity. It goes beyond happy
feelings or a sense of peace although
theyre important, too. Our drive for
complete fulfillment includes these things,
but goes so much further its a deep
desire for a big purpose, something that
catapults you into creativity, into
meaningful and effective service.
Great you were created to pursue
worthy goals. How do you set them? How do
you go after them? What can you do to
make sure you achieve these grand goals?
Half the battle with goal-setting is
determining exactly what it is that you
want. Sounds easy enough you answer
that question just fine at a restaurant, on
your birthday, when you get your hair cut.
But when it comes to the big what do you
want question, minds go blank. We dont

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
know whats okay to ask for. Whats too
much? Am I overreaching? How am I going
to feel if I ask for something thats beyond
Wow, such bad programming we pick up!
Ask any little kid what they want to be when
they grow up and youll hear answers like:
the President, an astronaut, a gazillionaire,
a cat, a rock star. Nothing seems
impossible; nothing seems like itll come
back to haunt you if it doesnt work out.
Deciding what you want is risky. Telling
someone else can feel uncomfortable. You
might feel like youve got to preface it with
something like, Please dont tell anyone
Can you keep a secret I know it sounds
crazy, but But you know what? People
who set and achieve awesome goals are
risk takers theyve learned to be. They
know that theyve got the privilege and
duty to design their own lives, make their
own decisions. They dare to dream, and

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
dream big. The power is in going after what
you want, not in going after what you need.
Think you dont have what it takes to
meet your goals? Then heres some great
news youve already got everything that
could ever be necessary to produce
amazing results in your life. Youve got
access to all you need whether you see it
right now or not. So, dont worry about that
as you choose goals. Assume you have
every resource you need, right at your
fingertips because you do.

List Your Goals

Creating great goals starts with
brainstorming. Heres a great way to draw
your goals right out of your heart. Make a
list of thirty goals. Doesnt sound like much,
probably, but you might be surprised how
challenging this can be. It all depends on
what youve told yourself about your
potential, about what can happen, about

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
what can be yours. Imagine youre at
deaths door for a minute what are the
things you think youd wish youd done?
What legacy would you like to leave
behind? What chances do you wish youd
The answers to these questions help you
form a catalog of your hearts desires.
These are the things youd do and have,
places youd go, people youd help if you
had unlimited time and money. Its what
youd do if you had access to unlimited
ability and creativity, incredible support
from your family and friends. Write goals
that excite and inspire you. They may feel
completely unrealistic, but it doesnt matter
put them on the list. Think about why you
want what you want. What are you really
after? How will it feel when youve achieved
it? How do your goals express your values?

The only thing that can grow, is the

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
thing you give energy to. - Ralph Waldo

The very first step toward achieving any

dream is becoming aware of it. Your list will
grow and change as you do. Include on your
Goals about your work
Your money goals
Your social goals
Your physical goals
Goals for your minds development
Goals for your family life
Spiritual goals

Its a great idea to keep a three-ring

binder full of your goals. This way you can
add and rearrange. Sort your goals by
Go back and prioritize your list. Then pick
your #1 goal. This is the granddaddy of
them all. Make it specific and clear. Write it

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
down on an index card so you can carry it
with you. Also write it, in great detail, on a
sheet of paper for your goal binder. Spend
some time with this goal, picturing it in all
its glory in living color, using your Vision
on Demand technology. What ripple effect
does achievement of this goal have in your
life? Picture it as if its already happened.
How do you feel? How do you talk about
having achieved that goal? How do you
think about yourself as someone whos
achieved that glorious goal?

Give Yourself a Deadline

Next, you set a deadline for achieving
your goal. Sounds scary, because what if I
dont reach my goal on time? Lets take a
look at that.
Monica decides she not only wants to
shed pounds, she wants to run in a
marathon. She can practically feel the
elation of crossing that finish line, her

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
feet aching with the effort, but energized
by her success. She gives herself nine
months to prepare for the big New Years
Day marathon, planning out a detailed
training schedule. She registers for the
race and gets to work. Month after
month she trains, getting her middle-
aged, post-childbirth body into shape.
December quickly approaches, and shes
not quite ready. She knows she can
make it three-quarters of the race, but is
just not ready for the whole thing. Shes
tempted to give up because, after all,
she didnt make her deadline. But she
knows theres another marathon
scheduled three weeks later she
registers for that race, continues her
training and by marathon day she is
ready to go!
So, did she fail? She didnt make her
deadline. But what purpose did her deadline
serve? By having it in place, she could plan

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
and schedule what needed to happen
between now and then. She could gauge
whether she was on track for achieving her
goal. She made huge strides from where
she started, and although she missed the
deadline, she soon afterward achieved her
A goal is a dream with a deadline. -
Napoleon Hill

Whats in your way?

For most goals you set, you can see off
into the distance and identify obstacles that
are very likely to arise. Usually, its no
surprise when we run into barriers. Your
likelihood of moving past these blocks is
greatly improved when youve planned for
them. Youve got the answer, a great
strategy, right in your pocket and ready to
use. In your plan, determine what skills or
tricks youll need to keep going. Who might

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
be able to help you? What resources will
benefit you and keep you going?

Whats the next step?

Youve got to have a plan. What do
people do when they dont know what to
do? Nothing. You cant expect to achieve
your goals without some good planning. Its
your plan that helps you turn your good
intentions into action. Work with your
calendar. What steps do you need to take?
When will you do them? What will you do
today, this week, this month, this year? How
will you commit yourself to these actions?
How will you evaluate whether youve done
what you set out to do? This is one great
aspect to having a success coach. They
dont set the goal you do. They dont work
toward the goal you do. But they do know
just the questions to ask you to keep you on
track. They can hold you accountable for

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
the commitment you make to yourself, help
you break down this big dream into bite-
sized action steps, and keep the whole thing
in perspective when you might tend to get
bogged down in the doing of it.

Focus, focus, focus

Theres a thing called auto-suggestion,
and by regularly reviewing the details of
your goals, youre doing it. Youre firmly
planting an image of achieving this goal into
your mind, into your sub-conscious. Youve
made a massive deposit into the vault, and
now its going to start vibrating, attracting
results thatll bring it to fruition.
Make this process work more efficiently
by rewriting this goal in great detail every
day for a month. Use your Vision on
Demand technology to imagine it, and turn
it over and over in your mind, adding in all
of the sensory details. What are the sounds,
sights, smells, tastes, feelings of achieving

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
this goal? Spend time with your goal daily,
because doing this is like fertilizing the seed
youve planted. Keep the weeds away by
rejecting thoughts that contradict your goal.
Protect it. You dont want to parade your
dream in front of people who dont get it,
and dont support your efforts. Theyll spray
their toxic beliefs all over you, and youll
have a harder time if you allow yourself to
be exposed to that.
By getting your goal crystal clear in your
mind, down to the smallest detail, and by
picturing yourself as already having
achieved it, you put yourself into a great
vibration. Understand that by doing this,
you have your success already in your
mind and your emotions. All that separates
you from having it physically is time. How
much time? Just the right amount and
probably less than youd imagine. How will
it happen? The how will appear if you stay
focused on the what of your goal.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
How is none of your business. - Les

There will be days when your goal seems

impossible. If your goal is big enough, youll
run into obstacles. Most obstacles are big
enough to stop most people in their tracks.
Youve got to want your goal badly enough
that you wont let go. The emotional ups
and downs of going after something big are
just part of the journey you learn to
course-correct, to find more effective ways
to go for it.
Your job is to take massive, meaningful
action in the direction of your goal. Carry
your goal with you literally by writing it
on an index card. Just knowing its with you,
just touching that card in your pocket is
enough to remind and recharge you. Focus
on your vibration and your actions rather
than results, focus on your vision. Keep

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
walking, running toward your goal day after

If a person advances confidently in the

direction of their dream, and endeavors to
live the life they have imagined, they will
meet with success unexpected in common
hours. - Thoreau

As you move forward toward achieving
your goals, youll hit milestones along the
way. They are worthy of celebrating! Just
like when you take a long walk on the
beach, it can feel like you havent made any
progress when youre walking. Stop now
and then to look forward and backward, and
youll see how far youve come. When you
celebrate your success, you signal to your
mind that youve accomplished the goal,
that its finished business, and that youre
ready to move on to the next goal. Plan
your rewards before you even get started,

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
and include them in your Vision on Demand
as you focus on your goal. The feeling of
success reinforces your ability to succeed!

Rinse, wash, repeat

As you achieve your goals, its important
to spend time reflecting on the process.
Who did you become? How did you change
and grow? How did it feel when it was a
work in progress? How does it feel to have
completed it? What new skills and
techniques did you develop?
Now that you have successfully achieved
your goal its time to set another goal. In
your quest to be, do and have more, you
enter into a continual process of setting and
fulfilling goals. Youve learned a system of
achievement that you can put to work for
you with any goal you choose.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Chapter 6
Become the Master of Your
Everyones got habits. Some are
annoying cracking gum, talking while
chewing, leaving the toilet seat up. Others
are harmful smoking, drinking too much,
gossiping. But, some habits are helpful,
good, and excellent exercising daily,
getting enough sleep, flossing your teeth,
leaving early for appointments. You werent
born with any habits at all, but acquired
them as you grew. This is great news,
because it means that no matter how tough
any particular habit seems to break, you
learned it and you can un-learn it, too!
Successful people have good habits.
They tend to have a high level of self-
control. People who live frustrating,
defeated lives have habits that have taken
over and gotten ugly. These habits seem

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
like giants, in full control of our every
waking moment.
If you have a good understanding about
how habits are formed, and a systematic
plan for changing your habits into ones that
are beneficial for you, youve got a great
start on achieving your goals. People who
are bent on success arent the type who
follow the path of least resistance. They
know that some things in life take hard
work and self-discipline. They understand
the concept of delayed gratification.
Delayed gratification means attacking a
situation with the full knowledge that its a
front-loaded prospect. The hardest, worst
part of the task comes first. The reward
comes last, but its well worth all the effort
that came before it. Most habits are formed
when we short-circuit the process and are
unwilling to put off receiving the reward. In
failing to delay gratification, we accept a far

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
inferior consolation prize instead of the
shining glory we could have had.
Johns dreamt for years of driving a
BMW. Hes got a keychain with the BMW
emblem on it. Hes got a gorgeous black
BMW on his computers screensaver. He
even opened a special bank account into
which hes made some payments toward
buying his dream car someday. He
vowed to buy one as soon as he could
pay cash for it. He makes a good living,
and knows he can do it soon.
The problem is Johns spending habits.
Even when he was little, his parents used
to joke about how if he had a dime, it
would burn a hole in his pocket. He feels
compelled to spend it if hes got it. Each
weekend, John goes out and spends
lavishly dinner and drinks with friends,
clothing and gadgets whatever strikes
his fancy.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
One day, John starts wondering why
hes not moving faster toward owning his
dream car. He knows its because hes
overspending in other areas. He decides
to add up all that hes spent in the past
year. After doing a little math, he sees
that if he had saved what he spent just
on these weekly extras, hed have had
enough to buy that car months ago.
John traded the pleasures of the moment for
the dream of his heart. Its the same thing
for people trying to lose weight, stop
smoking, start exercising, or tackle any
other unhelpful habit.
If you want to make changes in your
habits, you have to realize that its a matter
of timing do you want a little reward now,
or a big reward after youve done the work?
Most people can easily make a list of
dozens of habits theyd like to either have
or get rid of. They know what they need to
do; they know its time to clean house.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Doing it, though, is another question. Mixed
all together, this wish list seems impossible.
Its too much all at once. But one by one, a
persistent person can gnaw away at this
mountain of change.
Making changes in our habits takes self-
discipline. Discipline means training that
develops self-control and orderly conduct.
Sometimes it seems like it would be easier
to control a wild gorilla than to control
yourself. The easiest thing in the world is for
us to take the quickest path to satisfaction.
This is why advertising works so well
promise us anything thats pleasurable,
anything fast and easy, anything that
makes us feel better, and were there! Like
an out-of-control toddler, we demand our
immediate satisfaction and the part of us
that might be inclined to say wait or no
gets run over. The more often we give in to
our childish demands, the harder it gets to
deny ourselves. The toddler in us gets used

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
to having it our way, right away. The sane
part of us eventually gives up. Whats the
use? Our cravings, our habits feel like an
unstoppable force.

We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence, then, is not an act, but a
habit. - Aristotle

Part of becoming someone who is wise,

mature, and successful is learning to master
the power of self-discipline. It involves
applying all we know, all the best tools and
techniques, every resource available to us
to free ourselves from habits that entangle
us. It involves finding the motivation to rid
ourselves of habits that endanger our
quality of life, our freedom, and our ability
to succeed. It involves becoming willing to
be aware of whats really going on, of facing
our needs directly and finding appropriate
ways to have them met.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Research shows that new habits can be
formed in twenty-one days. It works the
same no matter whether its a bad habit or
a good one, whether its a habit youre
trying to add or to get rid of twenty-one
days is the magic number. Its like burning a
new route through your brain cells, building
a better road. Once the habit is there, its
the most efficient way to go like a rut in
the road, its hard to jump over the edge
and go a different way. Use this information
to outsmart your bad habits. The twenty-
one day timeframe is the foundation for a
life in which you are the master of your
Can you list seventeen habits youd like
to add or stop in your life? You can probably
add many more than that, but well start
with just seventeen. In one year, all of those
seventeen can be firmly established in your
life. How would that feel? Every twenty-one
days, youll add a new habit. You use the

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
same process, no matter what the habit is,
and stick with it for twenty-one days. How
would it feel to have seventeen habits
under your complete control in a year?
Youll feel like a super-hero!
Heres what you do. First, make a list of
the seventeen habits you want to tackle
first. Be detailed on your list. What kinds of
things would improve your quality of life?
Your health? Your bank account? Your
relationships? Your spiritual life? You dont
have to prioritize these habits yet, just get
them on paper first. Dont exclude habits
youve unsuccessfully tried to change in the
past. Write everything that will improve
your life.
Second, youll need to prioritize your list
of habits. Since you will only work on one
habit at a time, you get to choose which
ones go first. Using the twenty-one day
plan, you focus on changing just that one
habit during that time more than one at a

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
time would be counterproductive. Over the
next year, youll constantly be working on
changing one habit.
Third, take a look at your calendar.
Counting off increments of twenty-one days,
assign dates to your new habits. Mark every
twenty-one days on your calendar with a
star, sticker, or big dot to remind yourself
that its time to tackle a different habit.
Now lets start with your first habit. Write
out, in detail, what youd like to see.
Describe something you do now that youd
like to stop, or something you dont do now
that youd like to start. What do you want to
accomplish? Remember to describe only
one habit at a time.
Think about people you know who have
this habit licked theyve quit smoking,
they exercise regularly, they are great with
money, they always make time for their
family and friends. Whatever it is, someone
you know has got this habit right. The point

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
in doing this is to make you realize others
have gone before you. There are people out
there you can model your behavior after
people who are doing just what you want to
be doing.
Make a list of every way gaining this new
habit, or getting rid of an old habit, will
benefit you. Dont just focus on the facts,
include how youll feel. They say its the
sizzle that sells the steak this is your time
to write sizzling, compelling reasons why
you shouldnt wait another day before
having this habit down cold. Whats in it for
you? Pretend youre selling yourself on this
habit. Write descriptions that any
advertising agency would be proud to print.
You may even want to include some
statements about the reverse, too. What
are you missing out on by not having this
habit under your control? Wheres the pain?
Whats it costing you?

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Next, you want a peek at your
opponents hand what can you expect to
come your way that may threaten to undo
you? When youre making a run for
something that involves delayed
gratification, you are guaranteed
opportunities to blow it! Where might you
trip? What do your danger zones look like?
How do you plan to handle the temptations
that arise? Without a plan, youre pretty
much sunk. With a plan, you can press on,
ignoring what lies in wait for you.
Put your finely honed decision-making
skills to use. In the heat of the moment,
youre not likely to make the best decisions.
But, if youve decided in advance (cut off all
other options), you will be the master
instead of the servant of your habits. If you
dont have a solemn commitment ahead of
time, youll be at the mercy of the situations
that come your way. This way, youll see

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
temptation coming a mile away, and stay
faithful to your decision.
Temptation believe this, it will come
your way. No sooner than you commit to
changing a habit, and youll find yourself
smack dab in front of the opportunity to
quit. Temptation comes your way through
other people, TV, what you read or listen to,
your own bodys cravings, and your brains
resistance to change. The voice of
temptation whispers to you, and if that
doesnt work it screams. Here are a few
things that voice will say you can plan on

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
This is silly. You shouldnt worry about
that habit. Its not hurting anyone
look how many people live with this
habit just fine. Youre going to upset
the whole balance of your family, your
office, your (fill in the blank). This is a
whole lot of trouble for nothing. What
were you thinking?
Why on earth did you think you could
change this habit? Youve tried this
before and its never worked. What
makes you think this time will be any
different? You should just face reality
and learn to accept your faults.
Nobodys perfect, and you should just
get over it.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Youve gone about this all wrong.
Youre being way too extreme. You
really should have approached this
aiming for moderation instead of
making such a big change. Nobody
could stick to this plan youve created.
Why would you do this to yourself?
You can have just one (or do this just
once). Youve pretty much got it beat,
and you can definitely handle it. Once
is definitely not going to kill you. Its
not going to make a difference at all.
Youve been doing so well that just this
once isnt going to have any effect at

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Wow, you really blew that solemn vow
you made! Look at you youre
completely out of control. Youve
destroyed all that you worked so hard
for over the past few days. Whats the
use? You knew this was a bad idea to
start with, and this just proves it. Give
it up enjoy yourself. If you want to try
again sometime, thats fine, but this
go-round is already a disaster.
You are such a loser. You should have
known better than to try something
like that. Youve never been able to
lick this thing, and you never will.
Youre hopeless. Dont even think
about trying something like this again
its always going to end in failure and
disaster. What an idiot you are.

At any point along this line of temptation,

you can grab the reins and stop this wagon.
You dont have to wait until the whole thing

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
crumbles in your hands even if thats
whats always happened in the past. In fact,
you should almost be glad when you start to
hear these lies whispered in your ears,
because it means youre going after
something important. Youre growing in
ways youve never grown before, and
youre getting stronger.

People are anxious to improve their

circumstances but unwilling to improve
themselves, they therefore remain
- James Allen

What makes this time different from all

the others? You. Youre changing. Youre
growing. Youre getting better, wiser, more
aware. Youve made a committed decision.
Youve got a system in place you know the
steps to take, and you know about the
pitfalls youll see. Youre building a support
system thats stronger than you. You may

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
even have a coach the ultimate
accountability partner. Youre on a mission,
fully equipped and ready to triumph over
this thing thats dogged you for so long.
More than anything, youre growing in your
relationship with your Creator, drawing
strength from how youve been created,
using your mind, minding your thoughts.
Youre connected, youve got power youve
never had before. Youre walking straight
ahead toward your goal, and are too
committed to your success to be distracted.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Chapter 7
Multiple Sources of Income
Have you ever heard the advice, Build it
once; sell it a thousand times? Celebrities
have this tactic down cold. Based on their
brand (themselves!), they land magazine
covers, roles in movies, they write a best-
selling book, design a line of clothing or
home furnishings, put their names on
fragrances, and even form a band and
produce cds. It can get a little out of hand,
but it serves as a great example of
cultivating multiple sources of income. They
built their image once, then used it many
times to generate different sources of
Even if you dont have magazine-cover
looks, this is a great plan for you! With
some creativity, and a mind thats always
looking for and recognizing opportunities,

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
you can gradually generate many different
baskets to put your eggs in.
Once you understand how the process
works, the basics are the same for any new
venture you want to start. You can turn
some of these cash machines into turnkey
operations eventually. At that point, youve
got some very exciting choices to make.
Your income stream, after its become
systematized like that, makes for a pretty
appealing business opportunity to sell one
great option. You may also decide to keep it
for yourself, since in many cases the only
work involved at that point is to open your
mailbox to collect your checks. Either way,
youve got a treasure in your hands one
you created and built because you
recognized an opportunity and took action.
If youve currently got a job, understand
that your second stream of income is
separate from your job. It may be in the
same field, but it wont flow through your

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
cubicle at work. For instance, if youre a
teacher, you may want to start a tutoring
business in your spare time. (Remember
that you now have all kinds of spare time,
since you cut your TV watching down to a
minimum!) Youre using the same skill set,
but youre doing it on your own time, for
your own profit.
You set up your tutoring business,
designing it from the ground up, learn how
to market and sell, how to price your
services, how to handle customer service,
how to get paid, and start bringing in extra
money. Gradually, youll want to expand, so
you learn how to hire other teachers to do
some tutoring for your company. You learn
how to hire someone to do the marketing
and sales. You hire a bookkeeper. You do all
this while you learn to lead your business.
You dont have the same pressure as
youd experience if you left your teaching
job to start a business, because this is all on

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
the side. Your salary is still taking care of
your ongoing living expenses. The money
you collect from this second stream is the
money that can start setting you free. That
is, if you dont spend it! Use it wisely to
invest in other potential sources of income
instead. Start building enough of these
sources, and youve got a rushing river on
your hands. Before you know it, you wont
even need your salaried job. Thats the key
to financial freedom you dont have to quit
it if you enjoy it, but at least youve got the
freedom of choice.
This is a secret weapon used by nearly
everyone whos really wealthy. The wealth
they have comes from many different
sources even if it started with just one
source. Theyre into stocks and bonds, real
estate investments, joint ventures, building
projects, tax liens, you name it! Theyre
always on the lookout for new opportunities.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
More opportunities come my way in a
single day than I could do in a lifetime. -
Mark Victor Hansen

So, how do you get started creating

multiple sources of income? Look first at
your own skill set, your own interests.
Create a list of potential money-making
activities and businesses.
Sandys a registered nurse. She
realized she could provide private duty
nursing, she could become a midwife,
she could provide doula services, or she
could write an ebook and sell it globally
on the internet all within her current
skill set!
Dougs a pastor. He decided to write a
book and self-publish it. He marketed
himself as a speaker and was hired to
speak at colleges and universities all
expenses paid. He joint ventured with
some local businesses to provide
services for weddings. He also hooked up

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
with a funeral home to be their pastor-
on-call for families without a church
affiliation. In all of these, he served more
and more people, using his talents and
gifts while growing his income.
Beckys a stay-at-home mom. She
opened a daycare center, but she also
could have created a meal cooking and
delivery business, started a personal
shopping or concierge service, become a
professional organizer, or gone into
network marketing.
Nearly anyone can get into a network
marketing business, so its an ideal way to
add on multiple sources of income. In
network marketing, also called multi-level
marketing (MLM) and direct marketing, you
can start your own business for a minimal
cost. You have access to training, marketing
materials, and often a turnkey website.
Where buying a fast food franchise would
cost anywhere from several hundred

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
thousand and up to a million dollars,
starting an MLM business costs only a few
hundred dollars.
The beauty of network marketing is that
you have the advantage of applying
leverage. This means you get paid on your
efforts, plus the efforts of everyone under
you. You sell your product AND your
business opportunity. Leverage is key to
creating multiple sources of income. The
wealthy use leverage to have their money
work for them. If you start with no money,
you can still create leverage by leveraging
your time and effort.
Another low-risk entry into the world of
multiple sources of income is through
internet marketing. You can start an online
business from scratch, or, build an online
business to market a product or service you
are already selling offline. Say you sell a
unique product in a little shop downtown.
With a good website, some savvy internet

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
marketing, and a dash of affiliate marketing
thrown in for good measure, you can take
your business online.
Affiliate marketing is a great thing for
the affiliates themselves and the
businesses, products and services they
promote. Affiliate marketing is a web-based
marketing practice in which a business
rewards its affiliates for each visitor or
customer brought to them by their affiliates
marketing efforts.

Look at what you currently do. What

topics and opportunities are you naturally
drawn to? What are you good at? If you
dont know, start by creating a list of all the
things you enjoy doing, all the things you
know you do well. Have a couple of friends
compile lists about what you do well, too.
See which things intersect, what comes up

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
on all of the lists? Thats a great place to
Once youve got some possibilities nailed
down, you need to evaluate them so you
can pick one to run with. Youre looking for
the most viable venture, the quickest path
to cash, a great starter stream that you can
use to learn how to do this over and over.
Questions you need to address include:
How much risk is involved? You want
to start with a stream thats pretty
much foolproof. You want success
early on, because it will keep you
motivated to learn, juiced to create
more sources. You dont want to bet
the farm on your very first time out of
the gate because youre still learning.
You should pick a stream thats less
risky to start. As you get more and
more savvy, you can take on projects
with a higher risk-reward ratio.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
How much time is involved?
Remember, youre not quitting your
day job yet. So you dont want to start
something thats going to leave you
with no time to sleep. As your stream
builds, youll be able to hire other
people to work it full-time, and it will
eventually get big enough that you can
work it yourself full-time.
But to start, youve got to choose
something thats not going to take
every moment of your free time to get
up and running. Take your family into
consideration, too, because if you
neglect them, its not good for anyone.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
How complicated is it? Since youve
got your bread-and-butter job to
consider, remember that your new
income stream needs to be simple
enough that you can manage it
yourself at first. If theres a huge
learning curve, this is not the stream
you should start with.
How much creative thinking does it
require? This is something you want in
your stream. You want to be able to
express your creative mind through
this stream of income, coming up with
great ideas for the concept, the
marketing, the customer-appreciation,
the employee relations. Youll always
do well when youre paid for your
ideas, so you should make sure to pick
a venture that gives you room to think.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
How much profit potential is there?
You need to do some figuring on this
before you even get going. Learn how
to revenue model, and get it on paper.
The last thing you want is to go all out
on a venture that never had a chance
to make you money.
How can you serve the most people
possible? If you offer the best possible
service to your customers, youll stand
out above the masses. Its true that
broadening your scope, learning to
serve millions and thousands instead
of tens or a handful of people is most
profitable. Take care of meeting your
customers needs wonderfully, and the
money will flow faster than you can

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
What can you learn from this income
stream? From personal growth, to
practical expertise, your new income
stream should stretch you. You will
learn all the ins and outs of starting
and running a business firsthand.
Someday down the road, youll be able
to teach someone else how to do it,
too. The principles are the same no
matter what ventures you start, so you
want to be aware of what youre
learning along the way.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Is this something you can duplicate?
Your venture should be simple enough
that you can easily expand, or
duplicate your business. For instance,
if you decide on a window-washing
service, you want to be able to market
and sell, building a strong customer
base in one neighborhood. You provide
the absolute best service anyones
ever had. You then hire someone to do
the window washing, after training
them in all the finer points so that its
just like youve cloned yourself. Then
youre open for expansion. You can
move onto the next neighborhood and
do it again, and the next, and the next.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Is someone else doing this? Initially,
this might seem like a drawback, but it
can be a plus. If someone else has
been doing this business profitably,
you know it can be done. Youve got a
potential mentor even if theyre not
willing to mentor you, you can see
what theyve done and copy it as you
wish. But, you also need to establish
whats unique about your service or
product. When you can sum that up in
a sentence, youve got yourself a
unique selling proposition what sets
you apart. This makes your business
more appealing to potential investors,
to affiliate marketers, and to potential

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
How fast can you get it going? The
longer and more-winding the path to
your first dollar is, the more likely you
are to abandon the whole idea. If
youre able to get this thing up and
running, generating some income
quickly, youll feed off of the energy
that comes from success.
If you choose a business that requires
a building, some construction, a bunch
of inspections and permits, it can be a
long road ahead. If you choose
something you can do right away,
youll get this first multiple stream
under your belt in no time.

After youve chosen a venture to go with,

its time to move forward.
The first task that lies before you is fun.
Cast a vision for what you want your
business to become. Once again, you get to
use the powers of your creative mind to

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
design your life. Spend time picturing every
detail you can imagine about this new
venture. Whats it like going to the bank
with a big check? Who is your ideal client?
What do your happy customers say about
how youve helped them? How energized do
you feel while youre working on this
business? Picture it all just the way you
want it to be. Knowing how your sub-
conscious works to bring into reality what
youve designed in your mind, put that
force to work for you.
Bring your new venture to the table at
your Mastermind group (see Chapter 8). The
people in your group will likely have some
great ideas they can share with you, and
some have probably got some experience
related to your venture. Your coach may be
an invaluable resource in leading you
through this process. Since all businesses
are basically built using the same methods,
you should avail yourself of everyone who

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
can help you build yours. Youll get some
great ideas on concerns you didnt even
know you had yet!

Be prepared!
Once you get going, and are looking at
all you need to do, it can be overwhelming.
This is especially true with the first venture
you create. Your coach can help you pace
yourself. Youve got to break up big tasks
into manageable steps, then take those
The work is always front-loaded in a new
venture. Its hardest when youre just
starting out, and gets easier as you grow.
Youll get smarter, more savvy, and more
effective as your business grows. If you give
up quickly, youll reinforce a habit of
quitting. Thatll lead you nowhere. You need
to be prepared to really work at it in the
beginning. Dont let that scare you away

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
from your dreams. Be brave and get ready
to work.
Not only will you need to work at it, youll
also need to spend some energy guarding
your heart. The people around you may be
telling you all the reasons why your idea
stinks. Great ideas seem to attract put-
downs like flames attract moths. Be careful
who you share your dream with, and watch
what you say to yourself about this new
opportunity, too. It might seem impossible
when youre down in the trenches, but you
have to remember that its a matter of
perception. Dont listen to those who say
you cant do it their statement says a lot
more about them than it does about you
and your idea. Theyre looking at the past
and the present while youre moving
forward toward the future.
Youre going to come face-to-face with
some needs. Youll find yourself in need of
an employee, in need of some equipment,

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
in need of some funding. Dont let that
scare you and make you back down from
your dream. Picture yourself as already
having that thing that you need. Imagine
yourself being grateful for having it; see
how its helping your business. Put your
request out there into the universe, pray for
God to provide, and then watch what
Mind your mind, and become
unstoppable. Far greater than any physical
effort youve got to put into your business is
the amount of mental power it requires.
Hold your dream in your mind, roll it over,
replay the tape of you succeeding
marvelously, and you will eventually see
this happen in the physical world, too.
Once youve got your first multiple
stream up and running, take what youve
learned and do it all again. Teach others
how to do it when you find willing learners
of course, you learn best what you teach to

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
someone else. Just a friendly warning this
can become addictive! The more frequently
you do it, the better you get and the easier
the whole process gets.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Chapter 8
Dont Even Think About Going
It Alone
Say you want to learn to knit or box,
for that matter. What do you do? You go out
and buy everything you think you need
yarn, needles, a pattern; or, boxing gloves,
sweats, and something to cover your head.
Then what? Plunge right in? Jump in and
hope for the best? Hope itll just come to
you as you go? Dont be ridiculous thats
a sure-fire way to end up frustrated,
tangled, and even injured. The first thing
you do is go out and get a teacher, an
advisor, a coach, and hook up with some
other people who share your interest.
So what makes you think you should go
it alone as you dive into a whole new way of
living? Do you think your very life is less
important than learning the difference
between a knit and a purl or a jab and a

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
hook? Of course not! Youve got to move
past the thinking that says anything worth
doing is worth doing alone! The best move
you can make is asking for help from the
right people. It doesnt point to some lack in
yourself, as if you were less than enough
in the brains, or skills departments. In fact,
knowing who to call, and when to do it,
demonstrates extra smarts. The top
achievers in the world all have one thing in
common a great team behind them.
Coaching is, by far, one of the most
effective and efficient ways to move ahead
to success. Winners choose to hire a coach
because theyre ready ready to succeed,
ready to make their dreams a reality. They
know that professional coaches can help
them see their goals become reality more
quickly, with a lot less stress and strife, and
with results that are even better than they
ever imagined.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
What do you really want, anyway? Seems
like a simple, innocent question, right? Yet
lots of coaching clients start with this as
their biggest puzzle. How can you work
toward a goal you dont really have? Your
coach has seen this a million times, and will
work with you to discover what you really
want, if you dont already know. Chances
are that you want more than one thing.
Your coach can help you prioritize your
goals and create an action plan before you
get moving. Coaches also help you see
what potential obstacles lie in your path,
and help you formulate a strategy to move
past them as they arise.
Nothing gets past your coach, and this
works in your favor, too. Your coach will
hold you accountable to doing what you say
youre going to do. This is really important
because of how much easier it is to talk the
talk than to walk the walk. Talk is cheap,
and your coach is there to keep you

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
accountable for taking every action you
decide to take.
Why doesnt everyone have a coach?
Well, most people who dont have a coach
dont get it and dont understand the
value of personal coaching. Some think they
cant afford to hire a coach. They look at the
price tag and compare it to their bank
account; they do the math and say, Nope.
Thats their biggest mistake basing their
decision on where they are right now.
Coaching is a profession thats experienced
huge growth over the past few years.
Coaches dont stay in business long without
having measurable success with their
clients. If a coach has been around a while
and can show how theyve helped others,
you can bet they know their stuff.
In fact, if you do some research, youll
find testimonials from clients whove
experienced a return on their coaching
investment of more than 100%. Thats the

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
report across the board. Youll hear clients
say, It was the best money I ever spent. I
wish I did it sooner. Its a way of putting
your money where your mouth is a way of
anchoring yourself to your success plan.
Chris held off on hiring a coach because
she thought the timing wasnt right yet.
Shes waiting for the stars to align, and her
life to be in perfect order first. Chances are,
her life will never be less busy, have less
pressure and obligation, have less laundry
and fewer meals to cook. Are you going to
let your life get in the way of your dreams?
Your coach doesnt have the power to stop
the clock, but can definitely help you find
more time. Youll learn how to wring the
most out of every moment both in your
business pursuits and personal life. Youll
find yourself more effective, more present,
and more efficient.
You might wonder whether hiring a
coach is the best possible use of your

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
money. I mean, isnt it the same, just
reading a good self-improvement book? You
can put that info to use on your own, right?
Yes and no. Books are great they help you
open your mind to new, more helpful ideas.
They give good information. But, they fall
short in one area. No book can magically
bring about the results you want. Having
information is necessary, but not sufficient
to achievement. Only consistent, massive
action moves you along the path to success.
Dave fell into another mental trap that
made him think he should hold off on hiring
a coach. Hes stuck playing the blame game
if only this circumstance or this person
would then I could move ahead with my
plan, hire a coach, and really go after my
dreams. A belief system like this leaves you
waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Since
youre not in control of the universe, theres
always going to be some sort of loose end
that seems like an impossible hurdle to

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
clear before you move ahead. What can you
control? Your thoughts, your actions, your
attitude, your decisions. Its amazing how
your circumstances seem to magically
change after you commit yourself to your
plan. Things have a way of falling into place
after you take action.
John shares a common mistaken belief
that if he just works harder, hell succeed
with or without a coach. Good luck with
that! You may succeed, of course, but at
what cost? You can trade your every
working moment for money, work like a
dog, and never take a break, but youll be
left with calloused hands, a drained brain,
and a family and friends that dont even
recognize you. Your coach specializes in
helping you work smarter rather than
harder. Youll learn how to eliminate
activities that arent helping you, how to
make space in your life for what really
matters, and to align your priorities with

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
your calendar. Companies spend millions to
hire efficiency experts youll get the same
benefit for pennies on the dollar.
Lisas putting off hiring a coach because
shes settled. She settled for good enough
rather than pushing on toward excellence. It
comes from her desire to play it safe, to
stay in her comfort zone. It leads to dreams
that stay unfulfilled, that gradually fade
away into vague memories. Most coaching
clients start off as people whove
experienced success. They hope to harness
the potential available from being coached
so that they can stretch even further, to
reach higher, to live beyond what theyve
ever dreamt possible.
A coach can help you as you cast a vision
for your life and business. Know how things
often look easier on paper than in real life?
The coach has that benefit. Because really,
the complications that muddy the waters
are really nothing more than obstacles

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
some real and some imagined. Your coach
isnt in that boat with you, paddling through
muck. Your coach can help you see the path
you say you want to travel, without the
distractions that entangle you.
Coaches are experts at asking good
questions. They help you find the answers
you need for yourself, to solve problems out
loud as you reach forward toward achieving
your goal. So often, when were doing
something weve never done, we kind of hit
a wall. It looks insurmountable how on
earth can you get past this barrier? Its so
productive to be able to hash it out with
someone whos not emotionally involved,
someone whos seen it before, someone
who knows just what suggestions to make.
A great coach can help you design your
life. They help you:

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Figure out what you really want.
Whats important to you? How can you
meet that need?
Communicate better with your family
and people in your work so that
everyones on the same page,
everyones getting what they need.
Master the art of goal setting AND goal
achieving. Not just what you wish to
accomplish, but also how you can do it.
Where are you now? Where do you
want to be in six months? A year? Five
years? Whats your plan to get there?
How will you know when youve done
Being accountable. Did you do what
you said youd do by now? If not, why
not? What do you need before you can
do what you said?

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Stay motivated. Coaches are trained to
learn what motivates different people.
They know when to be your
cheerleader and when to be your drill
Stay real. Your coach will tell you
things about yourself that nobody else
will. Your husband or wife, kids, and
dog wont tell you that the reason
youre having trouble is that you act
like a jerk, but your coach can. Your
coach works closely enough with you
to provide valuable feedback,
feedback you can use to grow and
Grow as a person and as a
professional. What do you need to
read? What do you need to listen to?
What habits do you need to develop?
Its a collaborative process you work
together on you.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Be more productive. How do you work
with your calendar? How do you get
more done in less time? How do you
focus and stay on-task? How do you
bring about powerful results?
Find your way. When youve had a
huge paradigm shift, and youre going
out into opportunities youve never
even considered before, its good to
have a guide. It can be pretty daunting
when you try to navigate such an
about-face on your own. Your coach is
a great sounding board, a great
question-asker who helps you to see
what youre looking at.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Find balance. You are not just your
work, or your family, or your body, or
your spirit. Youre all these things, and
sometimes it takes someone elses
steady hand to help you balance the
load. You need to learn to set
appropriate boundaries, to be fully
there at home and at work.
Working with a coach is a collaborative
process. You are team members working
together with a singular focus Your
Success! Your job is to be open, to always
give your best and to be committed to
taking action. Your coachs job is to ask you
powerful questions and hold you
accountable so that you discover what you
truly want, get crystal clear on what needs
doing, and create and execute a step by
step plan that moves you toward achieving
your goals. Your coach is a team member
youll find to be vital to your success.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
There are other types of people you need
in your journey toward success. You can
probably, eventually, succeed without them
if youre that determined to be an island
unto yourself. Itll just take you much, much
longer. And itll be a harder road, because
you wont have the benefit of being directed
by someone whos already gone that way.
Oh yes, and it might be kind of lonely, since
so many of the people you currently hang
around dont get what youre after. If you
really dont want to turn your goals into
tests of patience and endurance, if youd
prefer to start seeing results sooner than
later, find these people.

Professionals You Need to Know

How did you like Trigonometry? Calculus?
Unless youre a complete math whiz, these
arent just the names of some classes you
had to take in high school; just the terms
are enough to evoke awful memories. The

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
pain of sitting, staring helplessly at a
formula, knowing youre supposed to
understand. Pretty tempting to just pay
someone to do it for you, right?
In high school, thatd be called cheating.
In business, and in your wealth creation
plan, its called outsourcing. You could
probably learn how to do all your own
copywriting, accounting, finance stuff, and
even minor legal filings. But if thats not
your strength or your passion, its foolish to
spend your precious time hanging out on
that steep learning curve.
Instead of eeking out a marginal
improvement in the area of your
weaknesses, why not hire them out? Its a
smart practice that frees your time and
energy so you can go after exponential
growth in the area of your strengths. This
principle holds true for lots of things you
CAN do, too. There comes a time when your
creative time is worth much more than what

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
youd have to pay to have certain jobs
done. Tasks like housecleaning and yard
work are perfect examples how much
more could you achieve during the hours
you normally spend doing these jobs?

A mentor is someone more experienced
than you, someone whos been where you
are, learned what youre trying to learn,
someone whos doing what you hope to do.
The relationship is a bit like with a coach, in
that a mentor will help you formulate a
plan, will be there for your questions, and
serve as a great resource. But, its different,
too your mentor is someone who does just
what you want to do, same field or
occupation. Its a narrower field of
connection, and you generally dont share
all of you as much with your mentor as
you might with a coach.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Its great to find a good mentor in most
of the big areas of your life your career,
your personal life, your hobbies, your
spiritual life. Your connection with a good
mentor speeds up your learning process.
Youve got someone to emulate, someone
whos done exactly what youre doing.
Youve got potential mentors all around
you, and most would be flattered if you ask
for their advice and counsel. For a cup of
coffee, you can hear all about their journey
to success. You can also find mentors online
through forums, groups, and newsletters.
Its less personal, but very convenient. You
can even find a mentor in a book. When
someone writes a book about something
youre trying to learn, you get pretty much
everything theyve thought about that
topic. You get their best answers, laid out
logically and repeated as often as you need.
Plus, mentors you meet through books dont

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
mind if you call on them in the middle of the

The accumulation of great fortunes

calls for power, and power is acquired
through highly organized and intelligently
directed, specialized knowledge, but that
knowledge does not necessarily have to
be in the possession of the person who
accumulates the fortune. - Napoleon Hill

MasterMind Groups
This next group most likely will not
appreciate a call in the middle of the night
a weekly breakfast, lunch, or cup of coffee
is more the norm. Its a mastermind group
(no, you dont sit around playing that game
with the tiny little pegs). What it is, is a
group of people who meet together to help
each other with a boost of brain power. Its
got the good elements of a committee,
without any of the red tape, conflict, or
hurdles. You all put your minds together for
brainstorming on each others goals and

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
challenges. Its a cooperative effort,
everyone there to help, to give, and to
grow. The people in your mastermind group
may come up with ideas to help you
succeed in your plans.
Here are some tips to help you get the
most from your masterminding experience:

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Choose a good group. It should go
without saying that the most helpful
people will be determined to achieve the
same essential goals that you hold dear.
Someone who embraces a philosophy
thats really different from yours isnt a
good match. Youre growing in your
awareness of the abundant nature of the
universe, of the power of the mind, of the
unlimited opportunity that stands before
you theyre still shackled to a scarcity
mindset, pessimistic about life, and
disinterested in personal growth. Not a
good match. You want people you
respect, who treat others well, who live
in integrity. You also want people who
will commit themselves to the group. It
wont work if people are sporadic in their
attendance. It requires some level of
commitment, and the members need to
know that in advance and agree together
to hold the group as a high priority. Start

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
forming a list, then start talking to these
people to gauge their interest.
Set and hold your first meeting. While
some in the group may be familiar with
the mastermind concept, others will not
be. Explain what you see as the groups
goal, how you envision the group
functioning, the commitment the group
will require.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
BNI (Business Networking International)
is famous for its saying, Givers gain.
Your mastermind group works the same
way. Its not for everyone; and its not for
people who are out there only for
themselves. You will spend lots of
valuable time and energy helping the
other members of the group, and youll
also be the beneficiary of the other
members creative thinking. It simply
wont work with people who keep tabs,
who want an immediate return on the
time theyve invested. This group will
function more like a team than a swap
meet, and each member needs to be
able to consider the others to be

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Set some sort of attendance policy.
Obviously, things come up vacations,
sick kids, business trips but without an
attendance policy in place, the smallest
things will prevent members from
attending. Agree on how many meetings
members may miss. If someones unable
to keep their attendance commitment,
then the group is just not a fit for them at
this time.
Organize some form of structure for the
meetings. Without structure, the
meetings have a tendency to be hijacked
by more talkative members. Everyone
will soon lose interest if only a few
members have a chance to speak.
Devise a meeting format and follow it
each week. Have a definite ending time,
too. These are movers and shakers, busy
people value their time. A lack of
organization is the surest way to see
your group dissolve.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Be action-oriented. Yes, the mastermind
group is supportive of each member. But
youre not there just to talk. Youre there
to strategize, to develop tactics and
plans. Youre there to take the plans
youve brainstormed and put them into
action. Just like its easier to pilot a boat
thats moving through the water than to
turn one around thats anchored, youll
see that getting into massive action
beats the heck out of just talking about
it. Also, think of it this way when you
take the time to share advice or counsel
with someone and they dont do
anything about it, how likely are you to
want to do it again?

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
Network for your group. Youll find
yourself in a position to help each other
with business contacts. Youll know these
people really well in a short time, and will
be a great advertisement for them. Be
generous with your match-making open
your contact list to the group whenever
you can.
Keep your lips zipped. This should be
obvious, but as part of a mastermind
group, youve been given a position of
trust and should honor it completely.
Loose lips are a horrible way to destroy
your credibility and reputation.
Many of the great achievers in history
used mastermind groups. Innovators in
business, sports, literature, spirituality all
have a history of proving that the sum is
greater than its parts. Mastermind groups
are worth every minute you invest.

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
The Success Buddy
A success buddy is someone you know
well. Its someone whos headed in the
same direction as you. Its someone whos
at roughly the same level of growth as you.
This is someone whos feeling the growing
pains, joys, and occasional abject terror that
you feel because youre doing something
new, together.
Your success buddy is the one you tell
about the great new personal growth book
you just read, the wealth guru whos
offering a seminar next week, how you
worked to defeat some unwanted habit. You
sweat out the details of how to balance your
business and life. You share the tips your
coach gave you.
This is someone you trust, someone who
gets you. Youre kind of laying it all out
there, so youve got to be careful who you

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
pick. If you choose someone whos not
interested in the growth youre after, youll
find yourself defending yourself and
dragging them along behind you. You want
someone whos supportive, whos willing
and able to be available and really present.
The best success buddy you could ever
ask for would be your spouse, partner, or a
good friend. The need for a good
conversation is impossible to schedule, and
being together often gives you the luxury of
unhurried talk sessions.
A great way to help each other is to ask
each other powerful questions. Powerful
questions are questions that help you solve
problems. They are questions that help get
you unstuck. Rather than whining and
complaining about circumstances, these
powerful questions move you along to find
Powerful questions run along the lines of:

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
What can you do differently next time?
What are some solutions you can think
Who do you think could help you with
What do you need to ask for?
What are you learning?
How can you make this work?
Whats good about this situation?

Its a great idea for each of you to come

up with some accountability questions for
yourselves, too. Exchange them, so that
youre being asked the questions youve
You may want to consider working
through a great book together, discussing
key points a chapter at a time. Sometimes,
the a-ha that knocks your socks off is
something your success buddy has taken
for granted. Its a relationship builder to

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
learn more about how youre each wired,
what was programmed into your mind as a
child. It certainly clears up some mysteries
as you see what makes one another tick!
Also, you and your success buddy should
plan something big to celebrate your
success. If youre both reaching for a
certain income goal, plan a celebration trip
to coincide with your achievement. Success
tastes sweet, and its all the better when
you share it with a loved one whos been
with you all the way.

Your future is in your hands

Now that youve read the entire book, its
time for you to get to work with your most
important success partner. You.
Since you can read and read and read,
and never see a change until you take
action make a decision, right now, that you
will develop a plan and put what youve

Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!
learned here into practice so you can be, do
and have everything you desire.
Congratulations! Your journey has begun.
Where it ends is entirely up to you.

Andrew John Cocks

Author, Your Million Dollar Lifestyle
Certified Life Success Consultant
Sales Representative, Bowes & Cocks
Limited, Brokerage

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Unleash YOUR Million Dollar Lifestyle Today!

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