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Section 1.

8 Properties of Integer Exponents and Scientific Notation 81

Properties of Integer Exponents and Section 1.8

Scientific Notation

1. Properties of Exponents Concepts

In Section 1.2, we learned that exponents are used to represent repeated 1. Properties of Exponents
multiplication. The following properties of exponents are often used to simplify 2. Simplifying Expressions with
algebraic expressions. Exponents
3. Scientific Notation

Properties of Exponents*
Description Property Example Details/Notes
Multiplication of bm ? bn 5 bm1n b2 ? b4 5 b214 b2 ? b4 5 1b ? b2 1b ? b ? b ? b2
like bases 5 b6 5 b6
bm b5 b5 b?b?b?b?b
Division of 5 bm2n 5 b522 5
bn b2 b2 b?b
like bases 5 b3 5 b3
Power rule 1bm 2 n 5 bm?n 1b4 2 2 5 b4?2 1b4 2 2 5 1b ? b ? b ? b2 1b ? b ? b ? b2
5 b8 5 b8
Power of a 1ab2 m 5 ambm 1ab2 3 5 a3b3 1ab2 3 5 1ab2 1ab2 1ab2
product 5 1a ? a ? a2 1b ? b ? b2 5 a3b3
a m am a 3 a3 a 3
a b 5 m a b 5 3 a b 5a ba ba b
a a a
Power of a
b b b b b b b b
a?a?a a3
5 5 3
b?b?b b
*Assume that a and b are real numbers 1b 02 and that m and n represent positive integers.

In addition to the properties of exponents, two definitions are used to simplify

algebraic expressions.

b0 and b2n
Let n be an integer, and let b be a real number such that b 0.
1. b0 5 1
1 n
2. b2n 5 a b 5 n
b b

The definition of b0 is consistent with the properties of exponents. For example,

if b is a nonzero real number and n is an integer, then
The expression b0 5 1

5 bn2n 5 b0
82 Chapter 1 Review of Basic Algebraic Concepts

The definition of b2n is also consistent with the properties of exponents. If b is

a nonzero real number, then
b3 b?b?b 1
5 5 2
b5 b?b?b?b?b b
The expression b22 5
5 b325 5 b22

Example 1 Using the Properties of Exponents

Simplify the expressions
a. 1222 4 b. 224 c. 2224 d. 127x2 0 e. 27x0

a. 1222 4 5 1222122212221222
5 16
b. 22 5 212 ? 2 ? 2 ? 22
5 216
c. 2224 5
212 ? 2 ? 2 ? 22
d. 127x2 0 5 1 because b0 5 1
e. 27x0 5 27 ? x0
5 27 ? 1
5 27

Skill Practice Simplify the expressions.

1. 1232 2
2. 232 3. 2322 4. 128y2 0 5. 26 0

2. Simplifying Expressions with Exponents

Example 2 Simplifying Expressions with Exponents
Simplify the following expressions. Write the final answer with positive
exponents only.

a. 1x7x23 2 2 b. a b 2 122 22 1 30
1 23
Skill Practice Answers
1. 9 2. 29 3. 2
y3w10 2a7b24 23
c. a b d. a b 126a21b0 2 22
4. 1 5. 21
y5w4 8a9b22
Section 1.8 Properties of Integer Exponents and Scientific Notation 83

a. 1x7x23 2 2
5 1x71 1232 2 2 Multiply like bases by adding
5 1x4 2 2 Apply the power rule.
5 x8 Multiply exponents.

b. a b 2 122 22 1 30
1 2
5 53 2 a b 1 30 Simplify negative exponents.
5 125 2 11 Evaluate the exponents.
500 1 4
5 2 1 Write the expressions with a
4 4 4
common denominator.
5 Simplify.
c. a b
Work within the parentheses first.
5 1y325w1024 2 21 Divide like bases by subtracting
5 1y22w6 2 21 Simplify within parentheses.
5 1y22 2 21 1w6 2 21 Apply the power rule.
2 26
5yw Multiply exponents.
5 y2 a b or 6
Simplify negative exponents.
w w
2a7b24 23
d. a b 126a21b0 2 22 Subtract exponents within first
8a9b22 parentheses. Simplify 28 to 14.
a729b242 1222 23
5a b 126a21 ? 12 22 In the second parentheses, replace b0
by 1.
5a b 126a21 2 22
a22b22 23
Simplify inside parentheses.
1a22 2 23 1b22 2 23
5 c d 1262 22 1a21 2 22 Apply the power rule.
5a b 1262 22a2 Multiply exponents.
5 43a6b6 c d
1262 2
Simplify negative exponents.

5 Multiply factors in the numerator
36 and denominator.
5 Simplify.
84 Chapter 1 Review of Basic Algebraic Concepts

Skill Practice Simplify the expressions. Write the final answers with positive
exponents only.
1 0
6. 1a5b 23 2 4 7. a b 1 4 21 2 a b
2 21
3 4
2b 23c 23 3
8. a b 9. 1x 3y 24 2 2 1x 22y2 24
4b 22c

3. Scientific Notation
Scientists in a variety of fields often work with very large or very small numbers.
For instance, the distance between the Earth and the Sun is approximately
93,000,000 mi. The national debt in the United States in 2004 was approximately
$7,380,000,000,000. The mass of an electron is 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
000 000 911 kg.
Scientific notation was devised as a shortcut method of expressing very large
and very small numbers. The principle behind scientific notation is to use a
power of 10 to express the magnitude of the number. Consider the following
powers of 10:
100 5 1
1 1
101 5 10 1021 5 1
5 5 0.1
10 10
1 1
102 5 100 1022 5 2
5 5 0.01
10 100
1 1
103 5 1000 1023 5 3
5 5 0.001
10 1000
1 1
104 5 10,000 1024 5 4
5 5 0.0001
10 10,000
Each power of 10 represents a place value in the base-10 numbering system. A
number such as 50,000 may therefore be written as 5 3 10,000 or equivalently
as 5.0 3 104. Similarly, the number 0.0035 is equal to 3.5 3 1000 or, equivalently,
3.5 3 1023.

Definition of a Number Written in Scientific Notation

A number expressed in the form a 3 10n, where 1 # 0a 0 6 10 and n is an
integer, is said to be written in scientific notation.

Consider the following numbers in scientific notation:

The distance between the Sun and the Earth: 93,000,000 mi 5 9.3 3 107 mi
7 places
The national debt of the United States in 2004: $7,380,000,000,000 5 $7.38 3 1012
Skill Practice Answers 12 places
a 20 3
6. 7. The mass of an electron: 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 911 kg
b 12 4
1 x 14
8. 9. 12 5 9.11 3 10231 kg 31 places
8b 3c12 y
Section 1.8 Properties of Integer Exponents and Scientific Notation 85

In each case, the power of 10 corresponds to the number of place positions that the
decimal point is moved. The power of 10 is sometimes called the order of magnitude
(or simply the magnitude) of the number. The order of magnitude of the national
debt is 1012 dollars (trillions). The order of magnitude of the distance between the
Earth and Sun is 107 mi (tens of millions). The mass of an electron has an order of
magnitude of 10231 kg.

Example 3 Writing Numbers in Scientific Notation

Fill in the table by writing the numbers in scientific notation or standard
notation as indicated.

Quantity Standard Notation Scientific Notation

Number of NASCAR fans 75,000,000 people
Width of an influenza virus 0.000000001 m
Cost of hurricane Andrew $2.65 3 1010
Probability of winning the 4.35587878 3 1028
Florida state lottery
Approximate width of a 0.000007 m
human red blood cell
Profit of Citigroup $1.53 3 1010
Bank, 2003


Quantity Standard Notation Scientific Notation

Number of NASCAR fans 75,000,000 people 7.5 3 107 people
Width of an influenza virus 0.000000001 m 1.0 3 1029 m
Cost of hurricane Andrew $26,500,000,000 $2.65 3 1010
Probability of winning the 0.0000000435587878 4.35587878 3 1028
Florida state lottery
Approximate width of a 0.000007 m 7.0 3 1026 m
human red blood cell
Profit of Citigroup Bank, 2003 $15,300,000,000 $1.53 3 1010

Skill Practice Write the numbers in scientific notation.

10. 2,600,000 11. 0.00088
Write the numbers in standard notation.
12. 25.7 3 1028 13. 1.9 3 10 5

Calculator Connections
Calculators use scientific notation to display very
large or very small numbers. To enter scientific
notation in a calculator, try using the EE key or the Skill Practice Answers
EXP key to express the power of 10. 10. 2.6 3 106
11. 8.8 3 1024
12. 20.000000057
13. 190,000
86 Chapter 1 Review of Basic Algebraic Concepts

Example 4 Applying Scientific Notation

a. The U.S. national debt in 2005 was approximately $7,830,000,000,000.
Assuming there were approximately 290,000,000 people in the United States
at that time, determine how much each individual would have to pay to pay
off the debt.
b. The mean distance between the Earth and the Andromeda Galaxy is
approximately 1.8 3 106 light-years. Assuming 1 light-year is 6.0 3 1012 mi,
what is the distance in miles to the Andromeda Galaxy?

a. Divide the total U.S. national debt by the number of people:
7.83 3 1012
2.9 3 108
5a b3a 8b
Divide 7.83 by 2.9 and subtract the powers of 10.
2.9 10
5 2.7 3 104
In standard notation, this amounts to approximately $27,000 per person.

b. Multiply the number of light-years by the number of miles per light-year.

11.8 3 106 216.0 3 1012 2
5 11.8216.02 3 1106 2 11012 2
5 10.8 3 1018 Multiply 1.8 and 6.0 and add the powers of 10.
The number 10.8 3 1018 is not in proper
scientific notation because 10.8 is not
between 1 and 10.
5 11.08 3 101 2 3 1018 Rewrite 10.8 as 1.08 3 101.
5 1.08 3 1101 3 1018 2 Apply the associative property of
Calculator Connections
5 1.08 3 1019
Use a calculator to
check the solutions to The distance between the Earth and the Andromeda Galaxy is 1.08 3 1019 mi.
Example 4.
Skill Practice
14. The thickness of a penny is 6.1 3 1022 in. The height of the Empire State
Building is 1250 ft (1.5 3 104 in.). How many pennies would have to be
stacked on top of each other to equal the height of the Empire State
Building? Round to the nearest whole unit.
15. The distance from Earth to the nearby star, Barnards Star, is 7.6 light
years (where 1 light year 5 6.0 3 1012 mi). How many miles away is
Barnards Star?

Skill Practice Answers

14. Approximately 245,902 pennies
15. 4.56 3 1013 mi
Section 1.8 Properties of Integer Exponents and Scientific Notation 87

Section 1.8 Practice Exercises

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Study Skills Exercises

1. Write down the page number(s) for the Chapter Summary for this chapter.
Describe one way in which you can use the Summary found at the end of each chapter.

2. Define the key term scientific notation.

Review Exercises
For Exercises 36, solve the equation or inequality. Write the solutions to the inequalities in interval notation.
a22 3a 1 2 1 2y 1 6 2y 1 2
3. 2 52 4. 135
3 4 2 5 2

5. 6x 2 21x 1 32 # 71x 1 12 2 4 6. 25c 1 31c 1 22 7 6c 1 8

For Exercises 78, solve the equation for the indicated variable.
7. 5x 2 9y 5 11 for x 8. 22x 1 3y 5 28 for y

Concept 1: Properties of Exponents

9. Explain the difference between b4 ? b3 and 1b4 2 3. 10. Explain the difference between ab3 and (ab)3.
(Hint: Expand both expressions and compare.)

For Exercises 1116, write two examples of each property. Include examples with and without variables.
(Answers may vary.)
11. bn ? bm 5 bn1m 12. 1ab2 n 5 anbn 13. 1bn 2 m 5 bnm

bn a n an
14. 5 bn2m 1b 02 15. a b 5 n 1b 02 0
16. b 5 1 1b 02
bm b b

17. Simplify: a b
2 22

18. Simplify: a b
1 22

For Exercises 1934, simplify.

19. 522 20. 822 21. 2522 22. 2822

23. 1252 22 24. 1282 22 25. a b 26. a b

1 23 3 21
4 8

27. a2 b 28. a2 b 29. 2a b 30. 2a b

3 24 1 22 2 23 1 25
2 9 5 2

31. 110ab2 0 32. 113x2 0 33. 10ab0 34. 13x0

88 Chapter 1 Review of Basic Algebraic Concepts

Concept 2: Simplifying Expressions with Exponents

For Exercises 3584, simplify and write the answer with positive exponents only.
138 57
35. y3 ? y5 36. x4 ? x8 37. 38.
136 53

39. 1y2 2 4 40. 1z3 2 4 41. 13x2 2 4 42. 12y5 2 3

43. p23 44. q25 45. 710 ? 7213 46. 1129 ? 117

w3 t4
47. 48. 49. a22a25 50. b21b28
w5 t8

r s21 z26 w28

51. 52. 53. 54.
r21 s z22 w23

a3 c4
55. 56. 57. 16xyz2 2 0 58. 127ab3 2 0
b22 d21

59. 24 1 222 60. 32 1 321 61. 122 1 522 62. 422 1 222

1 2 1 0 3 2 2 0
63. a b 2 a b 1 a b 64. a b 1 a b 2 a b
2 22 4 21
3 2 3 5 2 7

p2q m21n3 248ab10 25x2y12

65. 66. 67. 68.
p5q21 m4n22 32a4b3 10x5y7

69. 123x24y5z2 2 24 70. 126a22b3c2 22 71. 14m22n212m6n23 2 72. 126pq23 2 12p4q2

x2 3 2 a 2 2 3
73. 1p22q2 3 12pq4 2 2 74. 1mn3 2 2 15m22n2 2 75. a b 15x y2 76. a b 13a b 2
y b2

128a2b2 2 4 123x2y3 2 2 22x6y25 26a2b23 22

79. a b 80. a b

116a3b7 2 2 122xy4 2 3
77. 78.
3x22y4 5a21b

2x23y0 a3b2c0 22
81. a b 82. a b
2x4y 3x21y5
83. 3xy5 a b 84. 7x23y24 a b
22 23

6 25 21 22 23
4x y a b c 6x5y3
9x3y 22

Concept 3: Scientific Notation

85. Write the numbers in scientific notation. 86. Write the numbers in scientific notation.
a. Paper is 0.0042 in. thick. a. The estimated population of the United
States in 2007 is approximately 292,600,000.
b. One mole is 602,200,000,000,000,000,000,000
particles. b. As of 2004, the net worth of Bill Gates was
c. The dissociation constant for nitrous acid is
0.00046. c. A trillion is defined as 1,000,000,000,000.
Section 1.8 Properties of Integer Exponents and Scientific Notation 89

87. Write the numbers in standard notation. 88. Write the numbers in standard notation.
a. The number of $20 bills in circulation in 2004 a. The proposed budget for the 2006 federal
was 5.2822 3 109. government allocated $5.6 3 1010 for the
Department of Education.
b. The dissociation constant for acetic acid is
1.8 3 1025. b. The mass of a neutron is 1.67 3 10224 g.
c. In 2004, the population of the world was c. The number of $2 bills in circulation in 2004
approximately 6.378 3 109. was 6.8 3 108.
For Exercises 8994, determine which numbers are in proper scientific notation. If the number is not in proper
scientific notation, correct it.
89. 35 3 104 90. 0.469 3 1027 91. 7.0 3 100

92. 8.12 3 101 93. 9 3 101 94. 6.9 3 100

For Exercises 95102, perform the indicated operations and write the answer in scientific notation.
95. 16.5 3 103 215.2 3 1028 2 96. 13.26 3 1026 218.2 3 109 2 97. (0.0000024)(6,700,000,000)

98. (3,400,000,000)(70,000,000,000,000) 99. 18.5 3 1022 2 4 12.5 3 10215 2 100. 13 3 109 2 4 11.5 3 1013 2

101. 1900,000,0002 4 1360,0002 102. 10.00000000022 4 18,000,0002

103. If one H2O molecule contains 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom, and 10 H2O molecules contain
20 hydrogen atoms and 10 oxygen atoms, how many hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms are contained in
6.02 3 1023 H2O molecules?

104. The star named Alpha Centauri is 4.3 light-years from the Earth. If there is approximately 6 3 109 mi in
1 light-year, how many miles away is Alpha Centauri?

105. The county of Queens, New York, has a population of approximately 2,200,000. If the area is 110 mi2, how
many people are there per square mile?

106. The county of Catawba, North Carolina, has a population of approximately 150,000. If the area is 400 mi2,
how many people are there per square mile?

Expanding Your Skills

For Exercises 107112, simplify the expression. Assume that a and b represent positive integers and x and y are
nonzero real numbers.
107. xa11xa15 108. ya25ya17 109.

x3a23 x3b22yb11 x2a22ya23

110. 111. 2b11 2b12
xa11 x y xa14ya13

113. At one count per second, how many days would it take to count to 1 million? (Round to 1 decimal place.)

114. Do you know anyone who is more than 1.0 3 109 sec old? If so, who?

115. Do you know anyone who is more than 4.5 3 105 hr old? If so, who?

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