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Core 14 Understanding Culture, are charismatic.

Charismatic people are popular and

beloved: they are full of charm and magnetism. Being
Society and Politics charismatic is the opposite of being boring or dull.
Often, the term is applied to people in politics, or to
FINAL REVIEWER religious leaders, but there are charismatic people
COMPADRAZGO (literally co-fatherhood) is the
Spanish form of ritual kinship established through the TRADE UNION an organization whose membership
rites of the Catholic Church (especially at baptism, consists of workers and union leaders, united to
confirmation and marriage) between a person, his or protect and promote their common interests.
her biological parents, and his or her godparents.
GOVERNMENT a group of people that governs a
NUCLEAR FAMILY is the traditional type of family community or unit. It sets and administers public
structure. This family type consists of two parents and policy and exercises executive, political and sovereign
children. The nuclear family was long held in esteem power through customs, institutions, and laws within a
by society as being the ideal in which to raise children. state.

EXTENDED FAMILY structure consists of two or BANK is a financial institution that accepts deposits
more adults who are related, either by blood or from the public and creates credit.[1] Lending activities
marriage, living in the same home. This family can be performed either directly or indirectly through
includes many relatives living together and working capital markets. Due to their importance in the
toward common goals, such as raising the children financial stability of a country, banks are highly
and keeping up with the household duties. Many regulated in most countries.
extended families include cousins, aunts or uncles
and grandparents living together. NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION (NGO) is
any non-profit, voluntary citizens' group which is
NEPOTISM is a common accusation in politics when organized on a local, national or international level.
the relative of a powerful figure ascends to similar Task-oriented and driven by people with a common
power seemingly without appropriate qualifications. interest, NGOs perform a variety of service and
humanitarian functions, bring citizen concerns to
BAND is the most traditional and smallest type of Governments, advocate and monitor policies and
political organization. Familial ties connect a band. encourage political participation through provision of
Politically independent, a band usually does not information.
recognize the formal government. There are no written
codes or laws. There is no organized group of leaders. TRADITIONAL MEDICINE (also known as indigenous
This is the result of their tendency and nature of or folk medicine) comprises medical aspects of
moving from one place to another in search of food or traditional knowledge that developed over generations
shelter. within various societies before the era of modern
medicine. The World Health Organization (WHO)
TRIBES are traditional societies comprised of people defines traditional medicine as "the sum total of the
or group of people connected by social, religious, knowledge, skills, and practices based on the
ancestral, or cultural ties. Bigger than a band, tribes theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to
are usually settled in one place and do not rely on different cultures, whether explicable or not, used in
hunting and gathering but on agriculture for the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention,
subsistence. Just like bands, tribes do not observe diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and
formal governments. mental illness"

CHIEFDOM, unlike tribal societies, is a permanent TRANS-NATIONAL ADVOCACY NETWORKS are

and formal government. Chiefdoms are formal political fluid and open relationships among knowledgeable,
organizations in a traditional society based on kinship committed actors (individuals and organizations).
or the leadership of selected families. These relationships span nation-state boundaries.
They differ from other types of networks in that they
STATE is a formal political organization in a modern exist to promote principled causes, ideas and values.
or industrial society regarded as an organized They exist to change international policy as well as
community under a government. Characteristics of a make these changes real in the day-to-day lives of
state include owning a certain territory, having a ordinary people.
particular group of people to lead it, a group of people
to take administrative roles, and freedom from SOCIAL STRATIFICATION is a kind of social
external or foreign control. differentiation whereby a society groups people into
socioeconomic strata, based upon their occupation
ANARCHISM is the political philosophy which rejects and income, wealth and social status, or derived
(and supports the elimination of) compulsory power (social and political). As such, stratification is
government or compulsory rule, and holds that society the relative social position of persons within a social
can (and should) be organized without a coercive group, category, geographic region, or social unit.
state. This may, or may not, involve the rejection of
any authority at all. Anarchists believe that OPEN SYSTEMS AND CLOSED SYSTEMS. The
government is both harmful and unnecessary. open systems are systems that allow interactions
between their internal elements and the environment.
CHARISMATIC, People who have powerful An open system is defined as a system in exchange
personalities that attract and fascinate other people of matter with its environment, presenting import and
export, building-up and breaking-down of its material CONFLICT THEORY is a theory propounded by Karl
components. Closed systems, on the other hand, are Marx that claims society is in a state of perpetual
held to be isolated from their environment. Equilibrium conflict due to competition for limited resources. It
thermodynamics, for example, is a field of study that holds that social order is maintained by domination
applies to closed systems. and power, rather than consensus and conformity.
According to conflict theory, those with wealth and
SUDRA, Sanskrit dra, the fourth and lowest of the power try to hold on to it by any means possible,
traditional varnas, or social classes, of India, chiefly by suppressing the poor and powerless.
traditionally artisans and labourers.
FUNCTIONALISM interprets each part of society in
CULTURAL ASSIMILATION the process whereby a terms of how it contributes to the stability of the whole
minority group gradually adapts to the customs and society. Society is more than the sum of its parts;
attitudes of the prevailing culture and customs rather, each part of society is functional for the stability
of the whole. Durkheim actually envisioned society as
GLOBAL WARMING is the observed century-scale an organism, and just like within an organism, each
rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate component plays a necessary part, but none can
system and its related effects. Multiple lines of function alone, and one experiences a crisis or fails,
scientific evidence show that the climate system is other parts must adapt to fill the void in some way.
warming. Many of the observed changes since the
1950s are unprecedented in the instrumental EDUCATION
temperature record which extends back to the mid- Education is not a privilege. It is a human right.
19th century, and in paleoclimate proxy records Education as a human right means:
covering thousands of years. the right to education is guaranteed legally for
all without any discrimination
CULTURAL DIFFUSION is the spread of cultural states have the obligation to protect, respect
beliefs and social activities from one group to another. and fulfil the right to education
The mixing of world cultures through different there are ways to hold states accountable for
ethnicities, religions and nationalities has increased violations or deprivations of the right to
with advanced communication, transportation and education
MONOGAMY it is a form of marriage in which one
SOCIAL OSTRACISM (REJECTION) occurs when an man marries one woman .It is the most common and
individual is deliberately excluded from a social acceptable form of marriage.
relationship or social interaction. The topic includes
interpersonal rejection (or peer rejection), romantic POLYGAMY is a type of marriage in which there is
rejection and familial estrangement. A person can be plurality of partners. It allows a man to marry more
rejected by individuals or an entire group of people. than one woman or a woman to marry more than one
Furthermore, rejection can be either active, by man at a time. Polygamy is of three types such as
bullying, teasing, or ridiculing, or passive, by ignoring polygamy, polyandry and endogamy or group
a person, or giving the "silent treatment" marriage.

ABRAHAM MASLOW'S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS is POLYGYNY it is a form of marriage in which one man
a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five marries more than one woman at a given time. It is of
tier model of human needs, often depicted as two types - Sororal polygyny and non sororal polygyny
hierarchical levels within a pyramid.
POLYANDRY it is the marriage of one woman with
Maslow (1943, 1954) stated that people are motivated more than one man. It is less common than polygyny.
to achieve certain needs and that some needs take It is of two types - Fraternal Polyandry and non
precedence over others. Our most basic need is for fraternal polyandry.
physical survival, and this will be the first thing that
motivates our behavior. Once that level is fulfilled the
next level up is what motivates us, and so on. Reference:

De Guzman, JM., Pena, RG. and Aquino, E. (2016).

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

DepEd (2016). Understanding Culture, Society and

Politics Reader

Microsoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008 Microsoft


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SHS Teacher

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