4 Principles Related To Taxation System: Prinsəpəl

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Basic concepts by which a government is meant to be guided in designing and implementing an

equitable taxation regime. These include: (1) Adequacy: taxes should be just-enough to generate
revenue required for provision of essential public services. (2) Broad Basing: taxes should be spread
over as wide as possible section of the population, or sectors of economy, to minimize the individual
tax burden. (3) Compatibility: taxes should be coordinated to ensure tax neutrality and overall
objectives of good governance. (4) Convenience: taxes should be enforced in a manner that
facilitates voluntary compliance to the maximum extent possible. (5) Earmarking: tax revenue from a
specific source should be dedicated to a specific purpose only when there is a direct cost-and-benefit
link between the tax source and the expenditure, such as use of motor fuel tax for road
maintenance. (6) Efficiency: tax collection efforts should not cost an inordinately high percentage of
tax revenues. (7) Equity: taxes should equally burden all individuals or entities in similar economic
circumstances. (8) Neutrality: taxes should not favor any one group or sector over another, and
should not be designed to interfere-with or influence individual decisions-making. (9) Predictability:
collection of taxes should reinforce their inevitability and regularity. (10) Restricted exemptions: tax
exemptions must only be for specific purposes (such as to encourage investment) and for a limited
period. (11) Simplicity: tax assessment and determination should be easy to understand by an
average taxpayer.

Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/taxation-principles.html

Document analysis is a form of qualitative research in which documents are interpreted by

the researcher to give voice and meaning around an assessment topic (Bowen, 2009)

Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding

of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides insights into the problem or
helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential quantitative research


1. 1.
a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief
or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.
"the basic principles of Christianity"
synonyms truth, proposition, concept, idea, theory, assumption, fundamental, essential, groun
: d rule
"elementary principles"

4 Principles related to taxation system

Read on to know about the 4 principles related to taxation system.
1. Efficiency This principle of taxation system discusses about the
entire cost of collecting the taxes that should be very much of creating
taxation system. The costs that have been discussed are divided into
administrative and compliance costs. The administrative costs are intended
at guarantying that the government plays its important role like cost of
printing forms, employment of tax officials and much more. The compliance
costs will be acquired by the taxpayer in a proposal to be sure that the tax
has already been paid.

2.Equity Another important principle of taxation is equity. This principle

specifies that the taxation system should be in a way that the wealth is
reallocated to the poor people from the rich so that the people may be able
to pay as per their capacity. This principle has brought progressive taxation
system in various countries.

3.Flexibility The third principle is flexibility. The tax system should not
be firm, however it should be flexible so that in case there is any kind of
change in the economy that demand changes in tax laws, it should be quite
easy to make the necessary changes. A tax system in which it is extremely
difficult for making the changes to legislation on tax can be very difficult to

4.Certainty The last principle of taxation is certainty. In spite the fact

that the taxation system should be flexible for allowing the necessary
changes, it need not be liquefied. A good taxation system is the one that is
firm which will enable to forecast easily how the situation is going to be in
the coming years. This is very important since it makes a sense of stability ,
particularly for the investors.

Thus, these are the four taxation principles that are very much needed for
any country if the country is eagerly looking ahead to grow in the future. If
you are residing in the beautiful place balled Malta, then you need to know
about taxation in Malta properly so that you may pay your taxes on time.

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